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;ffiT§§ M§XG§ §§TTH;AS

Tatk in groups. Find out:
1 what each person in your group does'
2 how theY spend their spare time' ¡ei

3 some things theY're good at'

people successfut' Circte the correct 'opti-o¡s'
Read the artjcte on p7 about what makes
reat reason peopLe give up doing things is thal they
3 th.
tatent for them.
4 Sór;i;.oror,., prefer players born eartier in the year because they're
_ lelented/jfiffil
(¡ Read again. Find out:
'detiberate practice"
.jl" the three things that make up
) iii"^Éri.rron:, research suggests students should do' and why'
..3 ' why January-born players are chosen for teams'
from being chosen.
, four ways in which thá January-born p[ayers benefit
Routes to --=-
set feedback 7 have Your interests

get^ -"- specific goa[s

o -a-
fotLowz-\ the witt to succeed

concentrate onaesults
o receive *-tra in in I
possess.=-taleni 10 have ..-- hi gh self -esteem


I Specific goats? .]
" lE;;*;;Gl 5 Test each other. Take turns to say the endings in
1*10 and remember the verbs'

& TaLk together. Use expressisns from 4 and your own ideas'
1 What does it take to do these things, in your opinion?
. play a sport to a high be an excellent musician
su..uua inbusiness manage people effectivety
soeak a foreiqn ftuently
tanguage be a good teacher

A Star Is Made lu¡ r:J
UEI -.1=l

=, S=p:en i. f,ubner ond Sfeven D. Leviti
: .'-c: eranirecl üe bi-r'th cerüficates simply repeating a task. Rather, it ilvolves
W,@: ffi %,,
:i n:1' soccer pla1.s¡ in a. ll,brld Cup seftingFpegüc_goals, getring imme4jgte
a) ::'.--.amen!. i¡u *'ould find an ,nusual feedback and conceot uEns-eoum on
a) :¡:je¡cr': eüte soccer players are more taffi
a .-i:l; ro have been bom earlie¡ in the EriÑo.
"n expert perfonners in
;:¿.- üan iaier. If you then examined began studying
áHogu., rherefore

::-e Eu-opean naüonal 1'outJr teanrs
supp\ manl'
lVorld Cup players, this
nide range of pr ritr, irom soccer and
sur8ery to piano ptal,ing and softwar.e
:"-:dencl'rr'ould [:e even more noticeable. design. the¡/vq come to a raüet startliug
The i¡sights of the researchers can
cxplain the riddle of ivhy so **,
soicer players ale bo¡n early in the 1,s¿¡1
h recent English teams, for insta:rce, half conclusion: practice really does make
a) --le elite teenage soccer players uere perfect. ltrhat
':o¡¡r in
w.c call 'talent' is highly
Since vouth sports are organised by age
Br'oup, teams have a cut-ofi birü date. In
a) ianuary February oL lvlalch. In iove-natq{-ase:.pertperformersarenearly
Ga-:n:an1', ñfq..-ttryo n e¡e bom i¡ the tirst áh,r,a),s made, not born_ The researcl: also
the Eruopean )¡outh soccer leagues, the

a) üree monüs, ,'ith just tbur plalers bor,, /suggests that lvhen it comes to choosing
i-.. üe ]ast t-hree. 1'1hat mighr account a lilt path, yorr should do what you love.
coach is assessingtü'o pla),ers i¡r the sanrc
r|) t:¡ üis'r people often give up trl,ing to áo ttrings
agc group, one bour in January and the
other Ln Decembe¡, the

rD s"''edish-bom turrler-s Ericsson,

g*cholcg professor at Florida state
a they do¡r't like, telling themselvcs the.v
.simply <lon't possess the talenl, But r,yhar
rD Uiiveisi¡)', is leader of a goup of schoiars they realll, lack is üe r,r,ill to succeecl and
m"ytg*¡rt ¡¡qgEehüftyr;;;íiñb; I
a rri,rg to answe.r arl imponant quesiion: toputinthedelibcratepracücethatrvould
utren someone is very good at something make them better: Ericsson's conclusions,
once chosen, those lanuzuy-bom plal,ers : ;j
a r":a: ;-:t:auv makes Lhen good? Early il accuratg suggest that students sliould
rrr:¡i::'i: br- llcsson suggcsted that- follolv their interests eadie¡ in üreir dre ones l*,ho, !,ggte!§ar,Mglle
the n'ui¡i,e, rl,e. du]jlgrlu prqftiSu,l$Ey'

a :.:,':r- :r_,.=s;.,-=¡q pEEEEÑEischooling to build up expericnce and .&erl@,& - anSl_hagclhe accornpanyins -¡.,!
rt -:'
.s ::-L:--z:: Frac;-t¡:.ihis is more lhan receivemeaningfutfeeclback.
!11[gl': I
elite ! ,
geiLesteero - that rvill rum üemlnto elite

Ét :r : Listen to Derek and Jennifer's conversation.
1 Which sport has Derek started ptaying recently? Does he enjoy it?
2 lVho's read the artícte? Who hasn't?
3 who seems to find the ideas in the article convincing? who's not so sure?
;r f'; Listen again. what's Derek's attitude to these ideas from the articte?
1 Practice is importani if you vrrant to be good at something.
2 'Detiberate' practice ís the best
way to learn.
3 Peopte are good at things they enjoy because they get more practice.
ir; Compare your answers, then read the script on R-13 to check.

:1 F Look at the sentences from the eonversation. Which can you use when an idea isr

t te::t;ng
probably true? b
not interesting or
probabty not
original.? e
true? c too simpte?

a i That's nat s*ying anything n*w.

not clear?
a 2 That's not the who[e pictule. 5
I'm not realty convínced.
f don't gei the bít about 'deLiberate'
e 3 it ntakes a tot of sense. pr actice.

D l¡ Now maie h these sentences wiih a-e.

) ó I don'i find it very íl€rsuárivs. 9 lt's a bit ohvious.

7 lt seems quite sirnptistie. 10 ihe part about 'del.iberate' practice is
) B It sounds togicat. harut tr fe¡[tow.
) ttYhat doyou think about the ideas in the articte?

FI Look at the summaries fro¡n a scienee news website on R-1. Tal,k together and
compare your reactio ns.

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