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Unit 1
Lessons 1–10



Lesson Title Key Passages

1 God’s Word Is Our Foundation Psalm 19:7–11, 86:11, 119:105; Proverbs 30:5

Exodus 20:2–6, 34:4–8; 1 Samuel 2:2; Psalm 36:5, 86:5; 90:1–6, 96:13, 115:3;
2 Attributes of God
Romans 5:8; 1 John 4:7–21

Genesis 1:1–2; Exodus 3:13–15; John 18:1–6; Romans 1:18–23;

3 We Can Know God Exists
1 Corinthians 1:18–31

Genesis 1:1–3; Psalm 33:6, 104:30; Isaiah 44:23–24; Matthew 3:13–17; John
4 The Trinity
1:1–5, 1:14; Colossians 1:15–17; Hebrews 11:3

5 God’s Word Guides Us 2 Timothy 1:1–2, 2:9, 3:16–17; Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:13–18; 2 Peter 1:19–21

6 God Preserves His Word Jeremiah 36; Luke 24:13–32

Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32; Proverbs 30:6; John 14:25–26, 21:24–25; Titus 1:2;
7 God’s Word Is Complete
Hebrews 6:18; Revelation 22:18–19

8 Don’t Change God’s Word Deuteronomy 18:17–22; Acts 17:10–11; Galatians 1:6–9; Revelation 22:18–19

Genesis 1:31–2:4, 3:6–7, 3:21–23, 6:5–8, 8:1, 8:15–17, 11:1–9; John 1:14–17, 3:16;
9 The Gospel Is Good News Romans 3:19–26, 5:8–19; 1 Corinthians 15:1–5; 2 Corinthians 5:21;
Revelation 21:1–8

10 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

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Unit 2
Lessons 11–20

Lesson Title Key Passages

Genesis 1:1, 1:31, 2:17, 3:6–7; 7:11–12, 7:18–23, 11:1–9; Matthew 1:21–23;
11 The Seven C’s of History
Colossians 1:19–22; Revelation 21:1–4

12 God Creates the Universe Genesis 1:1; Psalm 69:34; Jeremiah 23:24, 33:25–26

13 Creation: Days and Kinds Genesis 1:1–19; Exodus 20:11

14 Creation: Animals and Man Genesis 1:20–31; Leviticus 11:13–19

15 Creation: Adam and Eve Genesis 2; Mark 10:1–9; 1 Corinthians 11:7–9, 15:47–49; 1 Timothy 2:13

16 Dinosaurs and Dragons Job 40–41

17 The Age of the Earth Genesis 5, 11; 1 Chronicles 1:17–27; Luke 3:34–38

Genesis 1:26–31, 2:15–20, 8:20–9:3;

18 Stewards of God’s Creation
Romans 1:22–23

Corruption: Sin Enters the

19 Genesis 3; Hebrews 9:22; 1 Peter 3:18; Revelation 12:9

20 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

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Unit 3
Lessons 21–30

Lesson Title Key Passages

Genesis 1:29–31, 2–3, 9:1–3; Deuteronomy 32:4; Isaiah 11:6–7, 65:25;

21 Effects of the Fall
Romans 8:19–22; Revelation 21:1–5

22 Cain and Abel Genesis 3:20, 4:1–17, 5:4; Hebrews 11:4; 1 John 3:10–12

Genesis 3:6, 6:5, 8:21; Psalm 51:5; Jeremiah 17:9; John 3:16–21; Romans
23 The Hearts of Man
3:10–11, 3:23, 5:12–21; 1 Corinthians 15:21–22; 2 Corinthians 5:17–21

24 Catastrophe: The Flood Genesis 6:5–7:1; Hebrews 11:7; 2 Peter 2:4–5

25 God Saves Noah Genesis 6:1–9:19; Hebrews 11:7; 1 Peter 3:20

26 The Worldwide Flood Genesis 6–9; Luke 17:26–30; 2 Peter 2:5

27 Noah’s Ark Genesis 6:13–22

28 The Ice Age Genesis 8:20–22

29 Confusion: Dispersion at Babel Genesis 10:24–25, 11:1–9

30 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

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Unit 4
Lessons 31–40

Lesson Title Key Passages

31 One Race: The Human Race Genesis 3:20, 10:1–32, 11:8–9; 1 Samuel 16:7; Acts 17:24–28; Revelation 5:9

32 Job’s Suffering Job 1–2, 31:5, 38:1–7, 40:3–5, 42:1–6

33 God Calls Abram Genesis 11:27–12:9; Hebrews 11:8–16

34 Abram and Lot Genesis 13–14; 2 Samuel 18:18; Hebrew 7:1–4

35 Sodom and Gomorrah Genesis 18–19

36 God’s Covenant with Abram Genesis 15–16

37 Isaac: Child of Promise Genesis 17, 21; Galatians 3:16

38 Abraham’s Test Genesis 22:1–19; Hebrews 11:17–19

39 A Bride for Isaac Genesis 24:1–14, 24:50–67

40 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

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Unit 5
Lessons 41–50

Lesson Title Key Passages

41 Esau Sells His Birthright Genesis 25:7–34; Hebrews 12:15–17

42 Jacob Steals the Blessing Genesis 26:1–5, 26:34–35, 27:1–46; Romans 3:8, 6:1–2

43 Jacob’s Family Grows Genesis 27:46–29:35, 35:18; John 1:49–51

44 Jacob Returns to Canaan Genesis 32–33; Hosea 12:3–4

45 Joseph Becomes a Slave Genesis 37

46 God Blesses Joseph Genesis 39–40; Romans 8:28–30

47 Joseph Rises to Power Genesis 41; Daniel 4:8–9, 5:10–12

48 Joseph Forgives His Brothers Genesis 42–44, 45:1–15, 46:26–34, 50:15–21

Genesis 15:13–16, 49:1–24, 50:22–26; Exodus 1:1–14; Numbers 34:13–35:3;

49 Israel’s Blessing
1 Samuel 17:12; Revelation 5:5–8

50 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

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Unit 6
Lessons 51–60

Lesson Title Key Passages

51 God Protects Moses Genesis 15:12–16; Exodus 1:8–22, 2:1–25; Acts 7:17–22; Hebrews 11:23

52 God Calls Moses Exodus 3–4

53 God Displays His Power Exodus 4:29–5:5, 6:28–11:9

54 God Sends the Final Plague Exodus 11:1–12:34; John 1:29; 1 Corinthians 5:7

55 God Parts the Red Sea Genesis 15:12–16; Exodus 3:19–22, 12–14

Exodus 15:22–27, 16–17; John 6:32–40; 1 Corinthians 10:1–13;

56 God Provides in the Wilderness
Philippians 2:14

God Gives the Ten Exodus 19:1–6, 19:16–20, 20:1–21, 24:3–8, 31:18; Matthew 22:34–40;
Commandments Galatians 3:21–29; 1 Peter 2:9–11

Exodus 20:1–7; 24:12–18, 32:1–35; Romans 9:1–3; 1 Corinthians 10:14–22;

58 God Punishes Idolatry
2 Corinthians 6:14–7:1

59 God Dwells Among His People Exodus 25–31 (select passages); Leviticus 16:1–22

60 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

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Unit 7
Lessons 61–70

Lesson Title Key Passages

61 Moses Sends the Spies Exodus 3:8; Numbers 13–14

62 God Judges Rebellion Numbers 16, 21:4–9; John 3:14–15

63 God Prepares the Way Numbers 21:21–35, 22–23

64 Rahab Helps the Spies Joshua 1–2, 6:25; Matthew 1:5; Hebrews 11:31

65 Israel Crosses the Jordan Joshua 3–4; Luke 22:19–20

66 Israel Conquers Jericho Exodus 23:20–23; Joshua 5:13–6:27

67 God Gives the Victory Deuteronomy 20:16–18; Joshua 6:17–19, 7:1–26, 10:6–28; Hebrews 4:8–16

68 Israel Receives a Land Joshua 11:1–23, 14:6–15, 18:8–10, 21:43–45

69 Israel Turns to Idols Joshua 21:43–45; Judges 2:1–3:15; Luke 18:18–23

70 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

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Unit 8
Lessons 71–80

Lesson Title Key Passages

71 God Uses Gideon Judges 6–7; 1 Corinthians 15:9–10

72 Samson Receives Strength Numbers 6:2–8; Judges 13–16; Hebrews 11:32–38

73 God Blesses Ruth Deuteronomy 25:5–6; Ruth 1–4

74 God Calls Samuel 1 Samuel 2–4

75 Israel’s First King Genesis 1; 1 Samuel 8, 10, 13, 15; John 14:15

76 God Chooses David 1 Samuel 16; 1 Corinthians 1:26–31

77 David Defeats Goliath 1 Samuel 17

78 Jonathan Warns David 1 Samuel 18–20

79 Saul Hunts David 1 Samuel 24, 26; Romans 12:14–21

80 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

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Unit 9
Lessons 81–90

Lesson Title Key Passages

81 David Becomes King 1 Samuel 31; 2 Samuel 1–2, 5

82 God’s Promise to David 1 Samuel 6:12–13, 2 Samuel 6:1–15, 7:1–29; Isaiah 9:6–7; Luke 1:30–33

83 David Disobeys God 2 Samuel 11–12; Psalm 51

84 Absalom Rebels 2 Samuel 14:21–33, 15:1–17, 18, 24

85 Praises to God Psalm 3:1–8, 43:1–5, 136:1–3, 150:1–6

86 Solomon Asks for Wisdom 1 Kings 1–4 (select verses)

87 Solomon Builds God’s Temple 2 Samuel 7:12–13; 1 Kings 6:1–14, 8; 1 Chronicles 28:9–19

88 Wisdom from God Proverbs 1:1–7, 2:1–9, 12:25, 19:1–29; Colossians 2:1–3

89 Israel Is Divided Deuteronomy 17:15–17; 1 Kings 11–12

90 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

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Unit 10
Lessons 91–100

Lesson Title Key Passages

91 Kings of Israel and Judah 1 & 2 Kings; 2 Chronicles (select passages)

92 Elijah Stands for God 1 Kings 17–18

93 God Protects Elijah 1 Kings 19, 21, 22

94 God Calls Elisha 2 Kings 2, 5

95 Elisha and the Syrians 2 Kings 5–6

96 God Warns Israel Amos (select passages)

97 God Sends Jonah Jonah 1–4

98 God Loves Israel Hosea (select passages)

99 God Judges Israel 2 Kings 17

100 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

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Unit 11
Lessons 101–110

Lesson Title Key Passages

101 God Protects Joash 2 Kings 11–12; 2 Chronicles 22–24

102 God Answers Hezekiah Isaiah 36–37

103 God Promises the Messiah Isaiah 7; Micah 5, 7; Matthew 1:18–25

104 Josiah Follows God 2 Kings 23; 2 Chronicles 24–35

105 God Warns Judah Jeremiah 2–5

106 God Judges Judah 2 Chronicles 36; Jeremiah 25, 29

107 God Blesses Daniel Daniel 1–2

108 God Defends His Glory Daniel 3–4

109 Daniel Serves Faithfully Daniel 5–6

110 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

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Unit 12
Lessons 111–120

Lesson Title Key Passages

111 Experiencing God’s Glory Isaiah 6; Ezekiel 1, 8; Revelation 4

112 God’s New Covenant Jeremiah 31; Hebrews 8

113 Zerubbabel Returns to Israel Ezra 1–3, 6

114 Esther Trusts God Esther (select passages)

115 Ezra Teaches the Law Ezra 7–10

116 Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls Nehemiah 1–2, 4

117 Nehemiah Governs Jerusalem Nehemiah 8–10

118 Malachi Prophesies of Jesus Malachi 1, 3, 4

119 400 Years of Waiting Daniel 8, 11

120 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

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Unit 13
Lessons 121–130



Lesson Title Key Passages

121 The Messiah Has Come Genesis 3:15; Luke 2:25–32; Hebrews 1

We Can Trust the New

122 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:12–21; Revelation 22:18–21

123 The Gospel Truth Matthew 14:24–33; Luke 1:1–4; John 6:16–22

124 Angelic Announcements Luke 1:1–38

125 Jesus’ Parents Matthew 1:18–25; Luke 1:39–55

126 Christ Is Born Luke 2:1–20; John 1:1–14

127 Seeking the King Matthew 2:1–23; Luke 2:22–38

128 Jesus Obeys Luke 2:39–52

129 John Prepares the Way Matthew 3:13–17; Luke 3; John 1:20–22

130 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

TO ORDER Call 1-800-778-3390


Unit 14
Lessons 131–140

Lesson Title Key Passages

131 Jesus Overcomes Temptation Matthew 4:1–17

132 Jesus Calls Followers Matthew 4:12–22, 9:9–13; John 1:29–51

133 Jesus’ First Signs Matthew 21; John 2

134 Jesus Teaches Nicodemus John 3, 6:38–40, 17:1–5

135 Jesus Offers Living Water John 3–4

136 Jesus Is Rejected in Nazareth Luke 4:14–37; John 4:46–54

137 Jesus Cares for the Sick Mark 1–2

138 Jesus Calls Matthew Matthew 9:9–17; Luke 5:1–11

139 Jesus Heals on the Sabbath Matthew 12; John 5

140 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

TO ORDER Call 1-800-778-3390


Unit 15
Lessons 141–150

Lesson Title Key Passages

141 Jesus Teaches His Disciples Matthew 5

142 Jesus Teaches About Trust Matthew 6; Luke 12:13–21

143 Jesus Warns Against Judging Matthew 7:1–5, 7:13–29

144 Jesus’ Authority Over Death Luke 7:1–17, 8:40–56

145 Jesus Defends His Authority Matthew 12

146 The Sower and the Seed Matthew 13; Mark 4:26–29; 1 Corinthians 2:1–16

147 Jesus’ Authority Over Creation Mark 4:35–41, 5; John 1:1–4; Colossians 1:15–20; Hebrews 1:2–3

148 Jesus Sends the Twelve Matthew 9:35–38, 10:1–15; Mark 6:12–29

149 Jesus Feeds the 5,000 Matthew 14:22–33; John 6

150 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

TO ORDER Call 1-800-778-3390


Unit 16
Lessons 151–160

Lesson Title Key Passages

151 Jesus Is the Christ Matthew 16:13–28

152 Jesus Is Transfigured Matthew 17:1–13; Acts 2:29–36; 1 Peter 1:3–21; 1 John 3:2–3

153 Jesus Is the Great I AM Exodus 3:14; John 8:12–59; 18:1–9

154 Jesus Heals a Blind Man John 9; 2 Corinthians 3:1–18, 4:1–6

155 Jesus Teaches in Parables Matthew 13; Luke 10

156 God Seeks Followers Matthew 8:18–22, 10:16–39, 16:24–27; 22:36–40; Luke 14

157 Jesus Raises Lazarus John 11

158 Jesus Teaches on Prayer Matthew 6:5–8; Luke 11:5–13, 18

159 Jesus Saves Zacchaeus Luke 18–19

160 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

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Unit 17
Lessons 161–170

Lesson Title Key Passages

161 The Triumphal Entry Matthew 21:1–16; Mark 11–16

162 Jesus Rebukes the Pharisees Matthew 21:23–27, 22–23; Mark 12:18–27

163 Jesus Shares the Last Supper Matthew 26; Luke 22:24–27; John 13; 1 Corinthians 11:23–26

164 Jesus Prays for His Followers Matthew 26:36–46; John 12:27–28, 17:1–26

165 Jesus Is Arrested Matthew 26:14–16; Mark 14; John 13:21–30, 18:1–11

166 Jesus Is Crucified Matthew 26:57–68; John 18:28–19:37

167 The Resurrection of Jesus Matthew 28:1–10; 1 Peter 1:3–9

168 Jesus Appears to His Disciples Luke 24; John 20–21

169 The Ascension of Jesus Matthew 28:18–20; Acts 1:1–11; Romans 10:9–17

170 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

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Unit 18
Lessons 171–180

Lesson Title Key Passages

171 The Holy Spirit Comes John 16:5–15; Acts 2

172 Christians Are Persecuted Acts 4, 6, 7:51–60

173 The Gospel Spreads Acts 8; Romans 8:28–30

174 Saul Is Converted Acts 9, 26; 2 Corinthians 11:23–28

175 Peter Goes to the Gentiles Acts 10

176 James Teaches on Faith Ephesians 2:1–10; James 2:14–26

177 Paul’s Early Ministry Acts 14:1–20

178 The Jerusalem Council Acts 14:24–28; 15; Galatians 2, 5

179 Overview of the Epistles Ephesians 1:1–14; 4:17–24; Titus 1:1–2:10

180 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

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Unit 19
Lessons 181–190

Lesson Title Key Passages

181 Paul’s Second Journey Acts 15–16

182 Revealing the Unknown God Acts 17; 1 Corinthians 1:18–2:5, 3:5–9

183 Paul Describes Faithful Living Acts 17–18; 1 Thessalonians 1, 4–5; 2 Thessalonians 1–3 (select passages)

184 Paul’s Third Journey Acts 19–20

185 Community of Believers 1 Corinthians 1, 3, 12

186 Children of God Romans 8:1–17; Ephesians 1:3–14; 1 Peter 1:1–9

187 Paul Is Arrested Acts 21, 23:11, 26

188 Paul’s Journey to Rome Acts 27–28

189 Paul Writes from Prison Romans 6:4–14; Ephesians 4:17–24; Colossians 2–3

190 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

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Unit 20
Lessons 191–200

Lesson Title Key Passages

Paul Encourages the
191 Philippians 1–3 (select passages)

192 Peter Describes Holiness Matthew 22:34–40; Ephesians 6:10–20; 1 Peter 1:13–16

Peter Warns Against False

193 2 Peter 1–3 (select passages); 2 John 7–11; Jude 17–25

194 Paul Exhorts Timothy 1 Timothy 1:18–19, 4, 6; 2 Timothy 2–3; Titus 2:11–14

195 Jesus Is Our High Priest Hebrews (select passages)

196 John Teaches Christian Love 1 John (select passages); 3 John 5–11; Philemon 4–22

197 Prayer of Believers Philippians 4:4–7; 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18

Matthew 24:15–31; 1 Thessalonians 4:15–18; Titus 2:11–14;

198 Jesus Will Return
Revelation 20:1–10

199 Awaiting the Consummation 2 Thessalonians 1:9; 2 Peter 3:1–13; Revelation 21

200 Unit Review

This scope and sequence is an overview based on the ABC adult lesson titles and Bible passages. Selections of scripture vary by age level.
For each age level’s scope and sequence, see the syllabus in the teacher guide introduction or on the back of the teacher guide cover.

TO ORDER Call 1-800-778-3390

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