Evaluating Software Engineering Methods and Tool Part 7: Planning Feature Analysis Evaluation 2

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ACM S I G S O F T Software Engineering Notes vol 22 no 4 July 1997 Page 21

Evaluating Software Engineering Methods 1. the starting point of the evaluation: either the list of
candidate tools for evaluation, or how the candidate list
and Tool should be established (this is discussed in the next arti-
Part 7: Planning Feature Analysis cle);
Evaluation 2 2. the specific software engineering functions t h a t require
Barbara Ann Kitehenham 3. expected scope of usage of the selected tool; (which type
of projects, which type of staff);
Department of Computer Science
4. how the results of the evaluation will be used and by
University of Keele
Staffs ST5 5BG whom.
Phone: +44 (0)1782 583079 B A S I S OF E V A L U A T I O N
Fax: +44 (0)1782 713082 The depth of investigation required for the candidates will be
barbara.kit chenham@cs .keele .ac .uk linked to the level of confidence required in the evaluations.
and It may vary as follows:
Lindsay J o n e s
Private Consultant • survey of publicity literature;
10 Clifford Road • attendance at organised demonstrations or trade fairs;
Macclesfield • study of published evaluations in the technical literature;
Cheshire SKll 8QF • study of technical documentation;
Phone: +44 (0)1625 425845 • interviews of current users;
• detailed evaluation of technical documentation plus "hands-
on" usage of demonstration or evaluation versions of soft-
When planning a feature analysis based evaluation of a ware (if appropriate);
method or tool the following areas should be addressed and • practical experience of using the candidate method or tool
included in the evaluation project plan: in a wide range of situations.

1. scope of the evaluation, ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES

2. basis of the evaluation,
3. roles and responsibilities, There are likely to be four m a j o r roles in an evaluation exer-
4. procedures, cise (although some may be performed by the same person).
5. assumptions and constraints made, and They are:
6. timescale and effort involved.
1. The sponsor.
These are discussed in the following sections. 2. The evaluator (or evaluation team).
SCOPE 3. The technology user(s).
4. The m e t h o d / t o o l assessors.
The scope of the evaluation should be defined and should state
the purpose of the evaluation. There are two main reasons The sponsor
why evaluations are undertaken: This is the person who wants to know what purchasing de-
cision to make given a requirement for investment in some
1. To select a tool to carry out a specific function in the
technology. He/she is responsible for:
organisation, that is, where there is a specific require-
ment. A special case of this is selecting a tool to support
an already selected method. • setting the context for the evaluation;
2. To undertake a market survey to establish product ca- • identifying any constraints (i.e., the timescales within which
pability and availability where there is no specific re- the results are required);
quireinent. • providing the resources for performing the evaluation;
• receiving and acting on the evaluation report.
This article concentrates on assisting evaluations to carry out
the former, although the underlying process is the same in The evaluator
both cases. The m a j o r difference is that it is more difficult This is the person or t e a m responsible for running the evalu-
to address the notion of conformance of specific features of a ation exercise. He/she is responsible for:
product when there are no specific requirements.
In addition, you need identify: • preparing the evaluation plan;
• identifying candidate method/tools;
2@ Barbara Kitchen_ham 1996
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes vol 22 no 4 July 1997 Page 22

• identify each distinct group in the potential user popula- 3. Formal Experiment;
tion; 4. Survey.
• eliciting the requirements of each user population group;
• identifying the features to be assessed and the method by Screening m o d e Approach
which they are scored; This is the cheapest but least reliable form of Feature Anal-
• organising the assessment whereby each of the ysis. The evaluation is performed by a single person based
method(s)/tool(s) is scored; on documentation only. It is the best approach for screening
• collation and analyse of the scores; a large number of methods/tools and is often used as a first
• preparation of the evaluation report. stage in a more complex evaluation exercise involving reduc-
ing a large number of possible methods/tool to a short-list of
The technology users one or two candidate method/tools that can be evaluated in
These are the people who will use the m e t h o d / t o o l chosen as more detail.
a result of the evaluation exercise. The user population for In this case the evaluator is responsible for:
method/tools can be a mixed population (i.e., be composed
of groups that have different requirements). The evaluator • identifying the candidate methods/tools;
needs to identify each group in a mixed user population and • devising the assessment criteria (i.e., the features to be as-
extract the requirements of each group. sessed and the judgement scales) with or without specific
Representatives of each group will need to: help from potential tools users;
• compiling information about the method/tools;
• discuss their technology requirements with the evaluator; • scoring each feature for each method/tool;
• review the features identified by the evaluator for complete- • analysing the scores;
ness with respect to their requirements • presenting a report on the evaluation.
• assess the importance and support required for each of the
different features PTo8
This is the fasted and least costly form of feature analysis.
The m e t h o d / t o o l assessors The number of different roles is minimised.
These are the people who will score each feature for the candi- Cons
date methods/tools. They are responsible for reviewing/using The entire evaluation is based on the subjective evaluation of
specific methods or tools in accordance with the defined eval- a single person (or team), so it may be biased.
uation procedure. Depending on the type of evaluation un- The evaluator may not be representative of potential users of
dertaken, the m e t h o d / t o o l assessor(s) can be: the method/tool.
The Case S t u d y Approach
• the evaluator (or evaluation team);
This is likely to be fairly inexpensive but provides only lim-
• representatives of the technology users;
ited confidence in the reliability of the evaluation. D E S M E T
• current users of the methods/tools. defines a case study evaluation exercise to be one where a
method or tool tried out on a real project. In the context of
EVALUATION PROCEDURES Feature Analysis, this requires a separation of roles between
You should also define how the evaluations are to be carried evaluation staff and software development staff who will act
out. This includes: as assessors:

• how candidate method/tools will be identified; • the evaluator (or evaluation teams) selects the meth-
• how the feature-sets and criteria of rejection or acceptabil- ods/tools to be evaluated;
ity will be derived; • the evaluator devises the assessment criteria and produce an
• how the results will be arrived at and presented; evaluation form working in conjunction with the potential
• how the evaluations are to be organised. users;
• the evaluator selects one or more pilot projects that will try-
It is necessary to decide the level of confidence required in out the methods/tools usually one m e t h o d / t o o l per pilot
the results of the evaluation and how that confidence is to project. The pilot projects should be selected to be typical
be attained. This is often linked to budgetary considerations, of the projects undertaken by the organisation
and to the criticality of the success of the selection. • a software developer (or a development team) in each pilot
project then tries out one of the methods/tools;
There is are four ways of organising evaluations:
• the software developer(s) who tried out the m e t h o d / t o o l
score each feature of the method/tool;
1. Screening mode;
• the evaluato~ analyses the scores and prepares and evalua-
2. Case Study; tion report.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes vol 22 no 4 July 1997 Page 23

Pros The Survey Approach

The methods/tools ate assessed on a real project, so their This is similar to the formal experiment approach in the sense
scalability can be factored into the evaluation. that it solicits an assessment from a number of different peo-
The assessment is made by members of the user population. ple. However, in this case the assessors are not the potential
users but people who have some experience of the candidate
methods/tools. These may be people external to your com-
Different developers will evaluate different methods/tools on
pany or people from other parts of your company.
different projects. Thus some of the different scores could be
due to: In this case the evaluator (or evaluation team) is responsible
for the following activities:
• the different projects stressing different feature in different
ways; • identifying the candidate methods/tools;
• the assessors having different abilities and different learning • devising the assessment criteria and judgement scales in

curves and so assessing the methods/tools from different conjunction with the potential m e t h o d / t o o l users;
perspectives; • designing and running the survey. This includes:
• different assessors interpreting the evaluation scales differ-
ently - deciding on the type of survey (e.g., a postal survey v.
personal interview)
T h e Formal Experiment Approach -creating the survey documentation (e.g., question-
This is likely to give the most trustworthy results, but is also naire, instructions etc.)
often the most expensive approach to carry out. It involves - identifying who will be asked to participate in the sur-
a separation between evaluation staff and experimental sub- vey;
- running the survey according to the survey design;
• analysing the replies from the individuals surveyed and
• the evaluator (or evaluation teams) selects the meth- preparing an evaluation report. In the case of a postal sur-
ods/tools to be evaluated; vey, this needs to include an assessment of the response rate
• the evaluator needs to devise the assessment criteria and and an evaluation of the representativeness of the respon-
produce an evaluation form working in conjunction with dents as well as collating the completed evaluation forms.
the potential users;
• the evaluator then needs to plan and run the evaluation Pro8
experiment. The procedures for running the experiment are You can obtain information about the methods/tools on real-
the same as those discussed by Shari Lawrence Pfleeger in lifeprojects.
her series of articles about experimental design in SIGSOFT A survey can provide results in shorter timescales than a case
Notes [1]. They include among other things: study.
A well-designed survey where you understand the population,
- identifying an appropriate experimental design; sample that population at random and obtain replies from all
- identifying subjects (preferably by a random selection
the sampled individuals has all the rigour and validity of a
of potential users from each class of user). Note the
formal experiment.
experimental subjects should not include users who
A survey is less human intensive than a formal experiment.
participated in the development of the feature list;
- identifying the tasks to be performed by the experi- Cons
mental subjects using the method/tool; This approach is only viable if you can identify individuals
- organising any training for experimental subjects; with experience of the methods/tools you want to evaluate.
- running the required experimental trials according to You cannot control the experience, background and capability
the experimental plan of the assessors in the same way that you can in a formal
- the experimental subjects will need to try out the can- experiment.
didate method(s)/tool(s) according to the experimen- With a postal survey results can be biased because:
tal instructions and score each feature;
• the evaluator analyses the forms and prepares and evalua- • the respondents are not typical software developers or
tion report. managers. For example people who have time to reply
to a survey may be better organised than most man-
Pros agers/developers.
A well-designed experiment minimises the effect of individual • the respondents may have an axe to grind. For example,
assessor differences. they may have had a m e t h o d / t o o l imposed on them and
Cons want an opportunity to gripe about it.
It is difficult to ensure that the tasks performed in an exper- • you may get patchy responses (i.e., lots of information
imental situation properly reflect "real-life" tasks, so there is about some of the methods/tool of interest but none about
often a question as to whether results will scale-up. others).
A C M SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes vol 22 no 4 July 1997 Page 24


Any assumptions and constraints understood to apply should
be explicitly stated. These might address issues such as:

• the maximum effort and funding that will be available for

evaluation activities;
• the maximum duration of the activities;
• the installation and training support that will be available;
• the availability of the environment that is required for tool
Cost Factor Staff Days
TIMESCALES AND EFFORT Produce the project plan The time required to pre-
pare the plan will depend
The plan needs to identify all the tasks required to complete
on the depth of evalua-
the evaluation and identify timescales and staff effort.
tion required of the tool
Ezample and indeed the nature
Table 1 shows an example breakdown of the tasks and effort of the tool under evalu-
required to carry out a "hands on" evaluation of a fairly com- ation.
plex analysis and design tool i.e., an Analysis and Design tool Negotiate the loan by the 2.0 per tool
to support SSADM. This was a mixture of the screening mode supplier of the tool
and case study approach where a single person performed the Set up the evaluation en- 2.5 per tool
evaluation. Although the evaluator tried out the tools on ex- vironment
ample tasks, the tools were not trialled on a real project. The Initial meeting with the 0.5 per supplier
feature list comprised 20 feature sets which totalled over 120 supplier after receiving
individual features. A paper-based evaluation had already the tool
been carried out in order to reduce the number of candidates Initial pre-reading on 0.5 per tool
so that a "hands on" evaluation would be cost effective tool i

SUMMARY Evaluation of the 5 to 15 per tool. The

tool (including familiari- number of criteria to be
This article has described how to organise a feature-based
sation period). This does checked is one of the
evaluation. Most of the issues covered are based on standard
not include performance main determinants of ef-
good management practice for example identifying the roles
and stress testing fort
and responsibility of all persons involved in a project. How-
ever, some issues such as the way in which the feature-based Write 5.0 (based on two tools)
evaluation will be organised (screening mode, case study, for- report(including the out-
mal experiment or survey) are specific to the problem of run- come from the post eval-
ning an evaluation exercise. uation meeting, below)
Post evaluation meeting 0.5 per tool
In the next article we discuss the final stage in an evaluation
with supplier
exercise: how to analyse the results of a feature analysis in
order to identify the most appropriate method/tool from your QA report, includ- 2.5 (based on two tools)
list of candidates. ing consistency checks,
re-work, etc.
Printing, copying, bind- 1.0
[1] Pfleeger, S.L. Ezperimental Design and Analysis in Soft- ing, dispatching report
ware Engineering. Parts 1 to 5. SIGSOFT Notes, 1994 and Total

15 - 25 days per tool

Table 1: Example of tasks and effort for a Feature Anal rsis

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