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Professor : Ms. Maria del Pilar Bautista Sosa.

Week 3 – Task : Assignment

(AC-S03) Week 03 - Task: Assignment – A job interview
Through this activity, you and your team perform a job interview by using have to /
has to and can / can’t. Record yourselves in a 3-4-minute video.

• Canvas platform
• File: mp4 / Youtube link
• Time: 3 - 4 minutes

Step 1
• The roles: An interviewer and applicant(s).
• The job offer.

Step 2
Think about the skills a person needs to be successful in that job.

Be sociable, be creative, be patient, be a good leader, be good with numbers, be a good listener, be empathic,
work well with people, work under pressure, have good communicative skills, and solve problems.

For example:

Applicant: I have to be a good listener and have a good memory.

Interviewer: The person for the job has to be proactive.
Step 3
Make a list of questions that interviewers and applicants commonly make in a job interview.
For example:

•Interviewer: Can you work on weekends?

•Applicant: Do I have to travel?

In Spanish,
• Recuerden que NO es UN INTERROGATORIO, todos los integrantes del grupo deben de
formular preguntas (es criterio de la rúbrica).
• Respeten el tiempo (más de 3 minutos y hasta 4).
• Deben de presentarse diciendo sus nombres completos antes de iniciar el video.
• Presentar el trabajo con caratula (sugiero compartirlo en los primeros 5 segundos del video).
Example 1:

Example 2:
I: Welcome to our Company.
A: Thanks! I’m glad for the chance to be here.
I: Well…We are looking for a kindergarten teacher, so you have to be
patient and creative. Please, tell me more skills you have.
A: Sure. I can work under pressure and have good communicative skills. In
addition, I can play a guitar very well.
I: Good. Can you work on weekends?
A: I’m sorry. I can’t. I’m studying a course.
I: Oh…ok. If you have questions, please ask me.
A: Thanks, How many hours do I have to work? I = interviewer
A: Applicant
I: …Datos/Observaciones This is a beginning of a script. It’s an example.
Thanks for your attention!

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