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Aznar Thunderhead is a 98 year old female hill dwarf ranger.

She has short, braided, blond hair and red eyes.
She has silky white skin.
She stands 129cm (4'2") tall and has a muscular build.
She has an oval, ordinary face.

She wears an eyepatch on left eye.

Personality Traits
She proudly worships Moradin, God of dwarves, creation, smithing, protection,
metalcraft, stonework. (Lawful Good)
She is always very calm.
She is an example of modesty. She will never take a life if given the choice. She
falls in and out of love easily.

Ability Scores
Strength - 16 [+3]
Dexterity - 14 [+2]
Constitution - 18 [+4]
Intellect - 6 [-2]
Wisdom - 14 [+2]
Charisma - 12 [+1]

Sexual Orientation - Straight
Relationship Status - In a relationship

Alignment Tendencies
Good: 4 Lawful: 4
Neutral: 2 Neutral: 1
Evil: 0 Chaotic: 2

Plot Hook
She needs help organizing a race.

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