Healthier Life Challenge - FINALREPORT

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Healthier Life Challenge


1. Write the healthy habits you’ve chosen:

- Physical Activity:

Fitness Routine:

- Nutrition:

- Sleep:



2. Add a screenshot of the app you’ve used to keep track of your habits, showing your
statistics for the whole week. If you haven’t used an app, add the handwritten habit-
tracker design you’ve done. 

3. Write a re ection about how you felt before, during and after the challenge. Answer
questions like:

- Were you optimistic about being able to complete this challenge before starting it?

- Which challenges have been easier to complete? Why?

- Which ones were more di cult? Why?

- After the challenge, will you continue doing some of the new habits you’ve tried this
week? Why, or why not?

- How do you feel after one week practicing these habits? Do you notice any di erence
or improvement in your overall wellbeing?

- Did you use any tools, resources or strategies to help you stay motivated to achieve
your goals? Like an app, a YouTube channel, a book, a blog, involving a friend or family
member, etc…

4. Based on your habit tracker statistics, give yourself a mark from 1-10 depending on the
level of completion of the challenge. Explain why you give yourself that mark and give
your personal opinion about the activity.

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