Cdo Refcard

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CDO Reference Card

Climate Data Operators Version 1.4.6 September 2010 Uwe Schulzweida Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology

pardes griddes zaxisdes vct Syntax

Parameter description Grid description Z-axis description Vertical coordinate table < operator > ifile

cdo [Options] Operator1 [ Operator2 [ OperatorN ] ]

File operations
copy cat Generate an absolute time axis Set the number of bits for the output precision (I8/I16/I32/F32/F64 for nc,nc2,nc4; F32/F64 for srv,ext,ieg; 1-32 for grb) Add L or B for Little or Big endian byteorder Output le format (grb,nc,nc2,nc4,srv,ext,ieg) Grid or le name Grid names: r<NX>x<NY>, n<N>, gme<NI> Help information for the operators Indicate that the I/O streams have missing values Set the default missing value (default: -9e+33) Convert GRIB data from reduced to regular grid Generate a relative time axis Silent mode Set the parameter table name or le Predened tables: echam4 echam5 mpiom1 Print the version number Print extra details for some operators Compress GRIB records with szip Syntax replace Syntax merge mergetime Syntax splitcode splitname splitlevel splitgrid splitzaxis splittabnum Syntax splithour splitday splitmon splitseas splityear Syntax splitsel Syntax Dataset information listed by code number Dataset information listed by variable name Dataset information and simple map < operator > ifiles Short dataset information listed by code number Short dataset information listed by variable name < operator > ifiles Compare two datasets listed by code number Compare two datasets listed by variable name < operator > ifile1 ifile2 Number of parameters Number of levels Number of years Number of months Number of dates Number of time steps < operator > ifile Copy datasets Concatenate datasets < operator > ifiles ofile Replace variables replace ifile1 ifile2 ofile Merge datasets with dierent elds Merge datasets sorted by date and time < operator > ifiles ofile Split code numbers Split variable names Split levels Split grids Split z-axes Split parameter table numbers < operator > ifile oprefix Split hours Split days Split months Split seasons Split years < operator > ifile oprefix Split time selection splitsel,nsets[,noset[,nskip]] ifile oprefix

-a -b < nbits >

seltimestep Syntax seltime Syntax selhour Syntax selday Syntax selmon Syntax selyear Syntax selseas Syntax seldate Syntax selsmon Syntax sellonlatbox Syntax selindexbox Syntax

Select time steps seltimestep,timesteps ifile ofile Select times seltime,times ifile ofile Select hours selhour,hours ifile ofile Select days selday,days ifile ofile Select months selmon,months ifile ofile Select years selyear,years ifile ofile Select seasons selseas,seasons ifile ofile Select dates seldate,date1[,date2] ifile ofile Select single month selsmon,month[,nts1[,nts2]] ifile ofile Select a longitude/latitude box sellonlatbox,lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2 ifile ofile Select an index box selindexbox,idx1,idx2,idy1,idy2 ifile ofile

setdate Syntax settime Syntax setday Syntax setmon Syntax setyear Syntax settunits Syntax settaxis Syntax setreftime Syntax setcalendar Syntax shifttime Syntax chcode Syntax chname Syntax chlevel Syntax chlevelc Syntax chlevelv Syntax setgrid Syntax setgridtype Syntax setzaxis Syntax setgatt Syntax setgatts Syntax

Set date setdate,date ifile ofile Set time of the day settime,time ifile ofile Set day setday,day ifile ofile Set month setmon,month ifile ofile Set year setyear,year ifile ofile Set time units settunits,units ifile ofile Set time axis settaxis,date,time[,inc] ifile ofile Set reference time setreftime,date,time[,units] ifile ofile Set calendar setcalendar,calendar ifile ofile Shift time steps shifttime,sval ifile ofile Change code number chcode,oldcode,newcode[,...] ifile ofile Change variable name chname,oldname,newname,... ifile ofile Change level chlevel,oldlev,newlev,... ifile ofile Change level of one code chlevelc,code,oldlev,newlev ifile ofile Change level of one variable chlevelv,name,oldlev,newlev ifile ofile Set grid setgrid,grid ifile ofile Set grid type setgridtype,gridtype ifile ofile Set z-axis setzaxis,zaxis ifile ofile Set global attribute setgatt,attname,attstring ifile ofile Set global attributes setgatts,attle ifile ofile Invert latitudes invertlat ifile ofile Invert levels invertlev ifile ofile Mask regions maskregion,regions ifile ofile Mask a longitude/latitude box masklonlatbox,lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2 ifile ofile Mask an index box maskindexbox,idx1,idx2,idy1,idy2 ifile ofile Set a longitude/latitude box to constant setclonlatbox,c,lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2 ifile ofile Set an index box to constant setcindexbox,c,idx1,idx2,idy1,idy2 ifile ofile Enlarge elds enlarge,grid ifile ofile Set a new missing value setmissval,newmiss ifile ofile Set constant to missing value Set missing value to constant < operator >,c ifile ofile Set range to missing value Set valid range < operator >,rmin,rmax ifile ofile

-f < f ormat > -g < grid > -h -M -m < missval > -R -r -s -t < table > -V -v -z szip

Conditional selection
ifthen ifnotthen Syntax ifthenelse Syntax ifthenc ifnotthenc Syntax If then If not then < operator > ifile1 ifile2 ofile If then else ifthenelse ifile1 ifile2 ifile3 ofile If then constant If not then constant < operator >,c ifile ofile

info infov map Syntax sinfo sinfov Syntax di div Syntax npar nlevel nyear nmon ndate ntime Syntax

eq ne le lt ge gt Syntax Equal Not equal Less equal Less than Greater equal Greater than < operator > ifile1 ifile2 ofile Equal constant Not equal constant Less equal constant Less than constant Greater equal constant Greater than constant < operator >,c ifile ofile

invertlat Syntax invertlev Syntax maskregion Syntax masklonlatbox Syntax maskindexbox Syntax setclonlatbox Syntax setcindexbox Syntax enlarge Syntax

selcode delcode Syntax selname delname Syntax selstdname Syntax sellevel Syntax sellevidx Syntax selgrid Syntax selzaxis Syntax selltype Syntax seltabnum Syntax Select variables by code number Delete variables by code number < operator >,codes ifile ofile Select variables by name Delete variables by name < operator >,varnames ifile ofile Select variables by standard name selstdname,stdnames ifile ofile Select levels sellevel,levels ifile ofile Select levels by index sellevidx,levidx ifile ofile Select grids selgrid,grids ifile ofile Select z-axes selzaxis,zaxes ifile ofile Select GRIB level types selltype,ltypes ifile ofile Select parameter table numbers seltabnum,tabnums ifile ofile

eqc nec lec ltc gec gtc Syntax

showformat Show le format showcode Show code numbers showname Show variable names showstdname Show standard names showlevel Show levels showltype Show GRIB level types showyear Show years showmon Show months showdate Show date information showtime Show time information showtimestamp Show timestamp Syntax < operator > ifile

setpartab Syntax setcode Syntax setname Syntax setlevel Syntax setltype Syntax Set parameter table setpartab,table ifile ofile Set code number setcode,code ifile ofile Set variable name setname,name ifile ofile Set level setlevel,level ifile ofile Set GRIB level type setltype,ltype ifile ofile

setmissval Syntax setctomiss setmisstoc Syntax setrtomiss setvrange Syntax

expr Syntax exprf Syntax abs int nint pow sqr sqrt exp ln log10 sin cos tan asin acos reci Syntax addc subc mulc divc Syntax add sub mul div min max atan2 Syntax monadd monsub monmul mondiv Syntax ymonadd ymonsub ymonmul ymondiv Syntax muldpm divdpm muldpy divdpy Syntax Evaluate expressions expr,instr ifile ofile Evaluate expressions from script le exprf,lename ifile ofile Absolute value Integer value Nearest integer value Power Square Square root Exponential Natural logarithm Base 10 logarithm Sine Cosine Tangent Arc sine Arc cosine Reciprocal value < operator > ifile ofile Add a constant Subtract a constant Multiply with a constant Divide by a constant < operator >,c ifile ofile Add two elds Subtract two elds Multiply two elds Divide two elds Minimum of two elds Maximum of two elds Arc tangent of two elds < operator > ifile1 ifile2 ofile Add monthly time series Subtract monthly time series Multiply monthly time series Divide monthly time series < operator > ifile1 ifile2 ofile Add multi-year monthly time series Subtract multi-year monthly time series Multiply multi-year monthly time series Divide multi-year monthly time series < operator > ifile1 ifile2 ofile Multiply with days per month Divide by days per month Multiply with days per year Divide by days per year < operator > ifile ofile

d< ST AT > Syntax dpctl Syntax zon< ST AT > Syntax zonpctl Syntax mer< ST AT > Syntax merpctl Syntax

Statistical values over a eld < operator > ifile ofile Field percentiles dpctl,p ifile ofile Zonal statistical values < operator > ifile ofile Zonal percentiles zonpctl,p ifile ofile Meridional statistical values < operator > ifile ofile Meridional percentiles merpctl,p ifile ofile

yseaspctl Syntax

Multi-year seasonal percentiles yseaspctl,p ifile1 ifile2 ifile3 ofile

intyear Syntax

Interpolation between two years intyear,years ifile1 ifile2 oprefix

ydrun< ST AT > Multi-year daily running statistical values Syntax < operator >,nts ifile ofile ydrunpctl Syntax Multi-year daily running percentiles ydrunpctl,p,nts ifile1 ifile2 ifile3 ofile

sp2gp sp2gpl gp2sp gp2spl Syntax sp2sp Syntax dv2uv dv2uvl uv2dv uv2dvl Syntax Spectral to gridpoint Spectral to gridpoint (linear) Gridpoint to spectral Gridpoint to spectral (linear) < operator > ifile ofile Spectral to spectral sp2sp,trunc ifile ofile Divergence and vorticity to U and V wind Divergence and vorticity to U and V wind (linear) U and V wind to divergence and vorticity U and V wind to divergence and vorticity (linear) < operator > ifile ofile

dcor Syntax timcor Syntax Correlation in grid space dcor ifile1 ifile2 ofile Correlation over time timcor ifile1 ifile2 ofile

gridbox< ST AT > Statistical values over grid boxes Syntax < operator >,nx,,ny ifile ofile vert< ST AT > Syntax Vertical statistical values < operator > ifile ofile

regres Syntax Regression regres ifile ofile Detrend detrend ifile ofile Trend trend ifile ofile1 ofile2 Subtract trend subtrend ifile1 ifile2 ifile3 ofile

timsel< ST AT > Time range statistical values Syntax < operator >,nsets[,noset[,nskip]] ifile ofile timselpctl Syntax run< ST AT > Syntax runpctl Syntax tim< ST AT > Syntax timpctl Syntax hour< ST AT > Syntax hourpctl Syntax day< ST AT > Syntax daypctl Syntax mon< ST AT > Syntax monpctl Syntax year< ST AT > Syntax yearpctl Syntax seas< ST AT > Syntax seaspctl Syntax < ST AT > min max sum mean avg var std

Time range percentiles detrend timselpctl,p,nsets[,noset[,nskip]] ifile1 ifile2 ifile3 Syntax Running statistical values < operator >,nts ifile ofile Running percentiles runpctl,p,nts ifile1 ofile Statistical values over all time steps < operator > ifile ofile Time percentiles timpctl,p ifile1 ifile2 ifile3 ofile Hourly statistical values < operator > ifile ofile Hourly percentiles hourpctl,p ifile1 ifile2 ifile3 ofile Daily statistical values < operator > ifile ofile Daily percentiles daypctl,p ifile1 ifile2 ifile3 ofile Monthly statistical values < operator > ifile ofile Monthly percentiles monpctl,p ifile1 ifile2 ifile3 ofile Yearly statistical values < operator > ifile ofile Yearly percentiles yearpctl,p ifile1 ifile2 ifile3 ofile Seasonal statistical values < operator > ifile ofile Seasonal percentiles seaspctl,p ifile1 ifile2 ifile3 ofile trend Syntax subtrend Syntax

import binary Import binary data sets Syntax import binary ifile ofile import cmsaf Syntax import amsr Syntax input Syntax inputsrv inputext Syntax output Syntax outputf Syntax outputint outputsrv outputext Syntax Import CM-SAF HDF5 les import cmsaf ifile ofile Import AMSR binary les import amsr ifile ofile ASCII input input,grid ofile SERVICE ASCII input EXTRA ASCII input < operator > ofile ASCII output output ifiles Formatted output outputf,format,nelem ifiles Integer output SERVICE ASCII output EXTRA ASCII output < operator > ifiles

eof eoftime eofspatial Syntax eofcoe Syntax Calculate EOFs in spatial or time space Calculate EOFs in time space Calculate EOFs in spatial space < operator >,neof ifile ofile1 ofile2 Calculate principal coecients of EOFs eofcoe ifile1 ifile2 obase

remapbil remapbic remapdis remapnn remapcon remapcon2 remaplaf Syntax genbil genbic gendis gennn gencon gencon2 genlaf Syntax remap Syntax remapeta Syntax ml2pl Syntax ml2hl Syntax intlevel Syntax inttime Syntax intntime Syntax Bilinear interpolation Bicubic interpolation Distance-weighted average remapping Nearest neighbor remapping First order conservative remapping Second order conservative remapping Largest area fraction remapping < operator >,grid ifile ofile Generate bilinear interpolation weights Generate bicubic interpolation weights Generate distance-weighted average remap weights Generate nearest neighbor remap weights Generate 1st order conservative remap weights Generate 2nd order conservative remap weights Generate largest area fraction remap weights < operator >,grid ifile ofile SCRIP grid remapping remap,grid,weights ifile ofile Remap vertical hybrid level remapeta,vct[,oro] ifile ofile Model to pressure level interpolation ml2pl,plevels ifile ofile Model to height level interpolation ml2hl,hlevels ifile ofile Linear level interpolation intlevel,levels ifile ofile Interpolation between time steps inttime,date,time[,inc] ifile ofile Interpolation between time steps intntime,n ifile ofile

gradsdes1 gradsdes2 Syntax bandpass Syntax lowpass Syntax highpass Syntax gridarea gridweights Syntax smooth9 Syntax setvals Syntax setrtoc Syntax setrtoc2 Syntax timsort Syntax const Syntax random Syntax GrADS data descriptor le (version 1 GRIB map) GrADS data descriptor le (version 2 GRIB map) < operator > ifile Bandpass ltering bandpass,fmin,fmax ifile ofile Lowpass ltering lowpass,fmax ifile ofile Highpass ltering highpass,fmin ifile ofile Grid cell area Grid cell weights < operator > ifile ofile 9 point smoothing smooth9 ifile ofile Set list of old values to new values setvals,oldval,newval[,...] ifile ofile Set range to constant setrtoc,rmin,rmax,c ifile ofile Set range to constant others to constant2 setrtoc2,rmin,rmax,c,c2 ifile ofile Sort over the time timsort ifile ofile Create a constant eld const,const,grid ofile Create a eld with random numbers random,grid[,seed] ofile

Statistical values
Available statistical functions minimum maximum sum mean average variance standard deviation consects Syntax ens< ST AT > Syntax enspctl Syntax Consecutive Timesteps < operator > ifile ofile Statistical values over an ensemble < operator > ifiles ofile Ensemble percentiles enspctl,p ifiles ofile

yhour< ST AT > Multi-year hourly statistical values Syntax < operator > ifile ofile yday< ST AT > Multi-year daily statistical values Syntax < operator > ifile ofile ydaypctl Syntax Multi-year daily percentiles ydaypctl,p ifile1 ifile2 ifile3 ofile

ymon< ST AT > Multi-year monthly statistical values Syntax < operator > ifile ofile ymonpctl Syntax Multi-year monthly percentiles ymonpctl,p ifile1 ifile2 ifile3 ofile

yseas< ST AT > Multi-year seasonal statistical values Syntax < operator > ifile ofile

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