Class Rules and Procedures 2021

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English Language Teaching Management

Class Rules and Procedures

Setting up rules and procedures for each subject before we start is an interesting way to start your
work in each corresponding subject. In this way, in ELT Management, we hope that no time will be
lost in disentangling misunderstandings and both parties will be able to enjoy the teaching-
learning situation we are sharing.
Here is a list of class rules and procedures for you to know how to go about the new experience.
Read them carefully. Should you have any doubt, do not hesitate to contact your tutors.

1. Come to virtual lessons prepared: Read the unit before watching so that you are familiar with the
topics we are discussing and have greater possibilities of asking questions to your tutor. Even though
management is a rather unfamiliar perspective for teachers, there is a lot of common sense behind it. Thus,
reading before the virtual lessons will help you focus on what is being explained in more depth.

2. Submit your assignments on a regular basis: The main objective of ELT Management is to provide
you with a new grid with which you can read the reality around you. Then, regular work is the most
advisable procedure to follow if you are to make profit from this experience.
Deadlines will be late Sundays, so you can use your time out of school to write. Corrections will be sent,
preferably within the following week. If you fall behind, you will receive feedback later since tutors first
correct what is due at the time and then check late submissions.

3. Marks will be given to assignments: We correct assignments by giving you feedback and posing
questions for you to become conscious of your theoretical grounds. We send formative feedback. You will
receive rubrics with instructions on what you can change or re-write so as to better your writings.
Nevertheless, for organisational reasons, sometimes we will be giving you a “mark”. This mark is just an
overall appreciation of the achievement in each individual task and does not bear any necessary relation
with your midterm or final exam marks.

4. Language: It is important to make a difference between the language used in forums, where we
discuss among colleagues and a proper though more relaxed use of language is expected, from the
academic language and genres that are to be expected in your assignments.
Highly formal participation in forums is depicted as presumptuous and preposterous, while careless
language in assignments is taken as inability to apply correct genre and/or hedging.
All work submitted to your tutors must follow the genre of expository/argumentative academic writing.
Language problems spotted in your assignments will be highlighted in colour and the correction will be
provided through comment boxes.
5. Identification of assignment files. Submitted work should be identified as follows:
 First element: ELTM
 Second element: Unit number
 Third element: Activity number: (please do not write the name of the activity, just the number)
 Fourth element: your last name and first name initials


Use the example above to check your submissions are properly named. Incorrectly named assignments
will not be corrected until properly submitted. (We do not love doing this, but management is mostly
about organising and communicating clearly. Take it as a learning experience, too!)

6. Store your assignments in an electronic folder: We expect you to keep an electronic portfolio.
Save copies of your submitted work and the corrections we send. Keep them ordered per unit and store
both first and second versions if demanded. If it is a second version, add a 2 to the file name. Example:

7. Respect requirements for saving and formatting documents: Please, read the Introductory Unit.
If you are using 2007 software, please save it as doc and not docx. How do you do it? When you click on
“save as” you will find a drop down menu below the name box. Choose “doc” as extension and it will be
saved as word 2003.

8. Send assignments to the Campus: No assignments will be received via e-mail. Our online
communication will be based on Campus work. There is a specific area for you to submit your
assignments. Remember to upload them as drafts, not final versions.

9. Post queries where they are supposed to be posted: You have different options for this. If your
doubt is related to pedagogical issues pertaining to ELTM, there is a “Foro de Interacción con los
Tutores”. If your doubt is related to administrative issues, there is a “Foro de Consultas Técnicas y
Administrativas”. Furthermore, we will be opening a new forum every week for you to write your doubts
for that specific week. These forums will close on Sundays at 10 PM.

10. Participate as much as possible: Your contributions will be of immense value to build up an
academic community. Since our aim is to broaden your view of our field, we will open a forum on per
unit for all of us to continue sharing thoughts as we keep on working on the units and as you cover
material from other subjects that may suddenly make a connection with what we are discussing.

Remember that in order to get a passing mark for the term, you need to pass the term exam
(or its make-up session) and the Integrative Assignment (or its make-up session). Passing both
exams is mandatory to be allowed to sit for the final exam. If you don't get a passing mark in
one of the exams (term exam or Integrative Assignment), you will have to re-take the class/

We hope that the present rules will help you organise your work and make your ELTM
experience successful and memorable.

Mag. Melina Barbero

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