Self-Study Valuing Difference in Education

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Individual cover page

Student number 202351622

Student surname & name Leswoga wanga

Study code 735

Name of module TEACHING PRACTICE 1

Module code ETPH51008 ; ETPI51008 & ETPF51008

Assignment Self-study activity– Valuing difference in Education


Name of lecturer

Date of submission 18 April 2023

The following defines plagiarism:
“Plagiarism” occurs when a student misrepresents, as his/her own work, the work, written or otherwise, of any other person (including
another student) or of any institution:
• The verbatim (word for word) copying of another’s work without appropriate and correctly presented acknowledgement;
• The close paraphrasing of another’s work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation, without appropriate
and correctly presented acknowledgement;
• Unacknowledged quotation of phrases from another’s work;
• The deliberate and detailed presentation of another’s concept as one’s own.” Another’s work” covers all material, including, for
example, written work, diagrams, designs, charts, musical compositions and pictures, from all sources, including, for example, the
internet, journals, textbooks and essays. The following defines collusion:
“Collusion” occurs when, unless with official approval (e.g. in the case of group projects), two or more students consciously collaborate
in the preparation and production of work which is ultimately submitted by each in an identical, or substantially similar, form and/or is
represented by each to be the product of his or her individual efforts. Collusion also occurs where there is an authuorised co-operation
between a student and another person in the preparation and production of work which is presented as the student’s own. Students
found to have committed plagiarism or to have colluded in the production of work for assessment are liable to receive a mark of zero for
the assessment concerned. Subsequent offences will attract more severe penalties, including possible termination of studies.
Student Declaration:
1. I understand what plagiarism is and am aware of the University’s policy in this regard.
2. I declare that my contribution to this Peer Assessed assignment is my own, original work.
3. I did not refer to work of current or previous students (excluding group members for this assignment), memoranda, solution manuals
or any other material containing complete or partial solutions to this assignment.
4. Where other people’s work has been used (either from a printed source, Internet, or any other source), this has been properly
acknowledged and referenced.
5. I have not allowed anyone to copy my work or those of my fellow group members.

Signature of student

Date received 18 April 2023

ETPH/ETPI/ETPF51008: Valuing difference in the Education Page 1

Lesson outcome:
At the end of this session, students should be able to observe and reflect on the relationship
between diversity and learning.

Assessment criteria:
Students will demonstrate achievement of this learning outcome by being able to:
▪ Discuss what makes a group of students diverse
▪ Reflect on which aspects of diversity are in and outside of their comfort zone
▪ Explain why being accepting of diversity is a strength for teachers
▪ List strategies for becoming more accepting of diverse people

A: Warm-up activity:
Look at the picture below:

Discuss in pairs: What makes this group of students diverse?

List some types of diversity that you cannot see by looking at a photo
1. Age diversity 4. ethnicity diversity 7. Race diversity
2. Religious diversity 5. disability diversity 8. Mental diversity
3. Cultural diversity 6. Sex diversity

B: Self-reflection Activity
1. How diverse was your high school compared to Sol Plaatje University? Underline your answer
• Much more diverse
• More diverse
• Slightly more diverse
• Slightly less diverse
• Less diverse
• Much less diverse

2. List any kinds of diversity present at SPU that were not present in your high school
a. Gender diversity c. Age diversity
b. Racial diversity d. Cultural diversity

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e. Sex diversity h.
f. Disability diversity i.
g. Sexual orientation j.

3. Are you like the students in the case who only socialise with people like them? Or do you
socialise with students who are different to you? Underline your answer
• All of my friends are like me
• Most of my friends are like me
• A few of my friends are different from me
• Most of my friends are different from me
• All of my friends are different from me

C: Activity: How comfortable would you be if…?

Rate (indicate by placing a tick mark in one box per row) the following statements on a scale of 1-4,
with 1 being not comfortable at all to 4 being completely comfortable.

Not Uneasy Fairly Completely

Comfortable Comfortable Comfortable
at all
You are the only male/female/gender fluid 1 2 3 4
student in a group that has to do a project
You are the youngest person in your friend 1 2 3 4
group and all your other friends have had a
lot more experiences before they came to

You are the oldest person in your friend 1 2 3 4

group and the only one who has ever worked
before starting at university
Your friend asks you to attend his/her 1 2 3 4
wedding, you know that you will be the only
person of your race at the event
Your friend invites you to his/her fancy five 1 2 3 4
bedroom house with swimming pool and
tennis court, or your friend invites you to
take a taxi to visit his or her home in the rural
or township area
You are discussing religion with a group of 1 2 3 4
friends and one of your friends says that he
or she is an atheist who does not believe in
An old friend from high school transfers to 1 2 3 4
the university. He or she now weighs
over 150 kilograms asks you to walk with him
or her to North cape Mall
A friend of yours announces that he or she is 1 2 3 4
converting to Islam and invites you to wear
traditional clothes and join him or her at the
mosque in town

ETPH/ETPI/ETPF51008: Valuing difference in the Education Page 3

A friend with the same marks as you admits 1 2 3 4
that they have a learning disability that
makes it difficult for them to study and asks
you for your advice
Your good friend tells you that they have HIV 1 2 3 4
and asks you to attend a support group for
people living with HIV for moral support
A friend that you did not know was gay 1 2 3 4
invites you as a friend to visit a gar bar with
him or her
Your roommate tells you that he or she was 1 2 3 4
born in the wrong body and asks you to wait
in the waiting room while they talk to a
doctor about a sex change operation
Source: University of Houston. Diversity activities resource guide.

Once you have completed the table, answer the questions below:
1. What were you most comfortable with, and why?
Listing to someone’s problems as I really enjoys giving someone advices and also motivate

2. What were you least comfortable with, and why?

When someone tells me useless things especially including drugs and alcohol .

3. Choose one thing that makes you uncomfortable and describe how you will make sure those
students with the same race, gender, sexual orientation,, which makes you feel
uncomfortable, feel valued and accepted in your classroom in future.

Making noise when lecture is lecturing I will feel comfortable when everyone is quiet when lecture is

ETPH/ETPI/ETPF51008: Valuing difference in the Education Page 4

4. What can you do to socialise more with and learn more about people who are different from
I will try my best to accommodate all of them by using English as medium language of instruction and
also I will try to learn their home languages .

D: Research Activity
Watch the following TedTalk:
318633, and discuss what you learned about talking to your learners about sensitive issues with your
learners in future:
• I learnt that it is always compulsory to talk to your learners in good way and always treat
them equal without checking their race or their sex.

Self-assessment rubric (Questions 1-4 and Research Activity)

Category Novice Apprentice Expert Total
Description Little or no Limited understanding of the Displayed complete Mark allocated
understanding of the tasks described in the understanding of the tasks. based on the
tasks described in the assignment. Partially Provided detail and given scale
assignment. Answers are complete/accurate answers accurate answer and
limited. presented. demonstrate extensive
knowledge of the tasks
Scale 0-2 3-5 6-8 Mark
Little or no understanding Some understanding how he or An in-depth understanding

of how he or she she responds of diversity. how he or she responds of

g diversity

responds of diversity. diversity.


Limited strategies for Strategies identified with Detailed strategies are



managing diversity. no/partial explanation. identified and motivated. 7 /8



Response will not cause Response could cause the Clearly motivated response

the student to talk about student to talk to learners about will help the student to talk

diversity to learners in diversity, but no clear motivation to learners about diversity

future. was given. in the future. 6 /8

20 /24
Total mark
84 %

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