ARW1 - Midterm Exam - Virtual 202301 Avanzado 10 08 - 45-10 - 15 Mio

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16/1/23, 9:26 ARW1 - Midterm Exam: Virtual 202301 Avanzado 10 08:45-10:15

ARW1 - Midterm Exam

Due No due date Points 100 Questions 4
Available until Jan 16 at 10:15am Time Limit 50 Minutes

Dear student,

Next, you will be assessed on the contents of the course.

This written exam focuses on Reading Comprehension and Writing.

You will only have one opportunity to take the test.

You will have 50 minutes to complete the test.

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Attempt History
Attempt Time Score

LATEST Attempt 1 16 minutes 38 out of 100 *

* Some questions not yet graded

 Correct answers are hidden.

Submitted Jan 16 at 9:23am

Section I: Reading Comprehension

To read for main ideas, details, and inference 1/7
16/1/23, 9:26 ARW1 - Midterm Exam: Virtual 202301 Avanzado 10 08:45-10:15

Question 1 20 / 20 pts

Read the following text and use the information to answer the
questions below.

Savant Syndrome: Early Studies

The word “savant” is derived from the French word “savoir” which means “to know”
and it is not without reason that these rare and extraordinary talented people
 sometimes go under the name “an island of genius”. Among the first to describe the
savant syndrome was Benjamin Rush who in 1789 presented the case of Thomas
Fuller, nicknamed as “a lightning calculator”. Rush describes how Thomas Fuller
performed extraordinary calculations. When Fuller was asked how many seconds a
man had lived if he was 70 years, 17 days and 12 hours old, it took him 90 seconds
to give the correct answer of 2,210,500,800 seconds. Moreover, Fuller had even
corrected for the 17 leap years.

The first scientific description of a savant case was published in the German
psychology journal Gnothi Sauton in 1783. In the journal, the case of Jedediah
Buxton, who was a lightning calculator with an extraordinary memory, was
presented. Still, it took several more decades before the phenomenon of savant
syndrome was more clearly described and investigated.

In 1887, Dr. J. Langdon Down investigated the syndrome which at that time referred
to explaining “idiot savants”. Idiot savant was an accepted medical description of
someone suffering from savant characteristics. The term was used to describe a
person who had an IQ below 25 but still seemed to be a “knowledgeable person”.
Later, Dr. Down described several savant cases, and he found that the syndrome
was characterized by “verbal adhesion”, by which he meant that some savants
seemed to have memory without reckoning. Dr. Down also keenly pointed out the
fact that the savant’s talent is linked to ‘extraordinary memory’; as an example of
this, one of his patients had memorized very long pieces from the book Rise and Fall
of the Roman Empire.

Dr. Down also found the link between the savant syndrome and autistic
characteristics, although he did not recognize this connection as such. After all,
autism was not a known diagnosis at that time. The people Dr. Down met who were
described as savant idiots, were at that time categorized under the name
‘Developmental disorder’. The characteristics among most of these people were
typical autistic features according to today’s norms, so even if Dr. Down did not know
it back then, he had found a relation between savant syndrome and autistic
condition. Dr. Down himself described these patients: “Their language is one of 2/7
16/1/23, 9:26 ARW1 - Midterm Exam: Virtual 202301 Avanzado 10 08:45-10:15

gesture only; living in a world of their own, they are regardless of the ordinary
circumstances around them and yield only to the counter-fascination of music.”

Today, there is substantial knowledge about savant syndrome, and over the last
century about a hundred cases have been described in the scientific literature.


1. What is another good title for this article? “First researches on Savants”

2. Who was one of the first scientists to describe the savant syndrome? Benjamin

3. What is the best heading for paragraphs 3 and 4? Dr. J. Langdon Down’s Studies

4. The first published scientific description of a savant case ... was presented back in

5. What is the meaning of the word “substantial” in Paragraph 5? considerable

Answer 1:

“First researches on Savants”

Answer 2:

Benjamin Rush

Answer 3:

Dr. J. Langdon Down’s Studies

Answer 4:

was presented back in 1783.

Answer 5:


Section II:  Grammar

To identify different functions 3/7
16/1/23, 9:26 ARW1 - Midterm Exam: Virtual 202301 Avanzado 10 08:45-10:15

Partial Question 2 4 / 16 pts

Identify if the following grammar structures express Speculation,

Likelihood, Advice, or Conclusion.

1. You can’t have seen Lucia. She is on

vacation in Cancun.

2. The teacher said he uploaded all the

grades yesterday.      You should be able to [ Select ]

see them in the system.

3. I can’t find my key in my bag. I might

[ Select ]
have left it at home.

4. Juan just ended his relationship with

[ Select ]
Nina. He must be heartbroken.

Answer 1:


Answer 2:


Answer 3:


Answer 4:


Section III: Organizing Information

To identify parts of a paragraph 4/7
16/1/23, 9:26 ARW1 - Midterm Exam: Virtual 202301 Avanzado 10 08:45-10:15

Question 3 14 / 14 pts

Look at the sample paragraph and identify its parts.

An autistic savant [ Select ]

...different areas [ Select ]

Some autistic savants have special skills in

[ Select ]

Other savants have excellent memory. [ Select ]

They can easily remember a whole phone

[ Select ]
book or recite passages of different books.

The only problem is that autistic savants

sometimes may have problems with social [ Select ]


As you can see autistic savants have

[ Select ]
amazing skills.

Answer 1: 5/7
16/1/23, 9:26 ARW1 - Midterm Exam: Virtual 202301 Avanzado 10 08:45-10:15


Answer 2:

Controlling idea

Answer 3:

First supporting idea

Answer 4:

Second supporting idea

Answer 5:


Answer 6:

Idea that does not belong in the text

Answer 7:

Concluding sentence

Section IV: Written Expression

To write an organized summary paragraph

Question 4 Not yet graded / 50 pts

Now, write a summary paragraph about the article in Section I. 6/7
16/1/23, 9:26 ARW1 - Midterm Exam: Virtual 202301 Avanzado 10 08:45-10:15

Your Answer:

In " Savan Syndrome: Early Studies" the author describe the first
researches on the savants. First, the author points out Benjamin Rush
who was the first scientist to introduce Thomas Fuller, the first person
considerate savant because he can calculate quickly. Second, the
author writes about the first scientific description where mentioned
Jedediah Buxton who was a lightning calculator with an extraordinary
memory. In the next part, the author explains about Dr. J. Langdon
Down that considered some people " savants idiots" because their IQ
was very short but these people had a excellent memory. Also, the
writter mentions that Dr, Down found a link between the autistic and the
savants. In conclusion,savants have existed for many years and it is
always considereda contoversial issue. 7/7

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