Module2: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

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Module2: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

Module Overview ………………………………………………………......

Lesson 1: What is Climate Change? ………...................................................

Course Overview

This course pack is designed for the fundamental principle of community-based disaster risk
reduction and management (CBDRM) involves the development of bottom-up processes arising
from the communities themselves. Development is based on the community's specific needs and
its aspirations for safety, and appropriate actions to address these. The CBDRM course provides
an opportunity for practitioners to learn, upgrade and share essential skills and knowledge to
systematically address disaster risk reduction challenges at the community level and to facilitate
the processes to reduce disaster risk of vulnerable communities.

Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management is a process of disaster risk
reduction and management in which at risk communities are actively engaged in the
identification, analysis, treatment, monitoring and evaluation of disaster risks in order to their
vulnerabilities and enhance their capacities, and where the people are at the heart of decision-
making and implementation of disaster risk reduction and management activities.

NSTP 2 student trainees will acquire tools and knowledge on how to design and implement
programs for reducing disaster risks and vulnerability leading to community capacity building to
promote a culture of safety and self-reliance. The course provides an opportunity to gain hands-
on experience through scenario-based simulation exercises.
In order for learners to gain competency in this course, this course pack has been structured into
six modules as follows:

Module 1: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

Module 2: Solid Waste Management
Module 3: Exposure, Vulnerability and Capacity
Module 4: Basic Concepts Related to Disaster
Module 5: Concepts of Disaster Risk Reduction Management

At the completion of this course pack, learners should be able to:

1. Discuss climate change adaptation and mitigation concepts;
2. Design appropriate climate change adaptation and mitigation measures.
3. Explain the concept of solid waste disposal management; and
4.Formulate a sustainable solid waste disposal program for the family/school/community.
5. Recognize vulnerabilities of different elements exposed to specific hazards;
6. Differentiate among hazards, exposure, vulnerabilities, and capacities and give examples from
actual situations.
7. Explain the different concepts related to disaster;
8. Describe the effects of disaster in one’s life;
9. Determine the overall disaster situation in the Philippines.
10.Discuss the key concepts, principles and four thematic areas of DRRM;
11.Discuss different community-based practices for managing disaster risk to specific hazards;
12.Design survival kits and materials for one’s family and for public information and advocacy;
13.Give examples of the types of hazards;
14.State the natural signs of impending hazards;
15.Analyze the effects of different types of hazards;
16.Develop a family emergency preparedness plan to guide them on what to do before, during,
and after a hazard

Students are encouraged to go through each lesson in every module sequentially to maximize
their learning. They should work on all exercises as they build on the concepts of each topic
introduced in each lesson. So, to make this learning experience rewarding for you, study this
course pack with your co-learners at your own pace.

You can also ask the help and support of your peers, tutor and friends.
Good luck!
In this Module

What is Climate Change?

Effects of Climate Change
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Some Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies

At the completion of this module, you should be able to:
1.discuss climate change adaptation and mitigation concepts; appropriate climate change adaptation and mitigation measures.

Climate change means the difference in the Earth's global climate or in regional climates over
time. It is about abnormal variations to the climate, and the effects of these variations on other
parts of the Earth. It is caused by natural processes of the earth or by anthropogenic (human)
activities. Climate change encompasses not only rising average temperatures but also extreme
weather events, shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas, and a range of other
impacts. All of these changes are emerging as humans continue to add heat-trapping greenhouse
gases to the atmosphere.
– The aim of these trainings is to help develop the capacity of the different stakeholders in
preparing and responding to disasters. The trainees, coming from the LGUs, CSOs and Private
Sector, will also serve as the pool of volunteers during emergency response.

The goal of mitigation is to avoid significant human interference with the climate system, and
“stabilize greenhouse gas levels in a timeframe sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally
to climate change, ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic
development to proceed in a sustainable manner”
Process Questions:

1. Discuss some of your realizations in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies.
2. In what certain, the goal of mitigation avoids significant human interference with the climate
3. How much would it cost to reverse climate change?
Process Questions:
1. How could mitigation and adaptation deal with climate change?
2. What is the best way to mitigate climate change?
3. What are climate change adaptation measures?
4.What is adaptation and mitigation?

Some Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies

1. Energy efficiency. This involves the efforts to reduce the amount of energy required to
provide products and services. For example, insulating a home allows a building to use less
heating and cooling energy to achieve and maintain a comfortable temperature. Installing LED
lighting, fluorescent lighting, or natural skylight windows reduces the amount of energy required
to attain the same level of illumination compared to using traditional incandescent light bulbs.

2. Energy conservation is the effort made to reduce the consumption of energy by using less of
an energy service. This can be achieved either by using energy more efficiently(using less energy
for a constant service) or by reducing the amount of service used (for example, by driving less).
Energy can be conserved by reducing wastage and losses, improving efficiency through
technological upgrades and improved operation and maintenance.

3. Lifestyle change. higher consumption lifestyles have a greater environmental impact. Several
scientific studies have shown that people, especially those living in developed countries have to
reduce their carbon footprint, through a change in lifestyle and behavior. For example, they may
live a car-free life, or eat plant-based diets.

4. Reforestation and Afforestation. Reforestation is the replacement of forests denuded by

human activities. Afforestation is where there was previously no forest - such plantations are
estimated to have to be prohibitively massive to be reducing emissions by itself.

5. Carbon capture and storage (CCS). It is a method to mitigate climate change by capturing
carbon dioxide (CO2) from large point sources such as power plants and subsequently storing it
away safely instead of releasing it into the atmosphere.

Process Questions:

1. Describe your feelings to reduce vulnerability to the harmful effects of climate change

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