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What I know What I Wonder What I Learned

What I know in the last session What I wonder about the What I learned last session is by
is that I know from this moment research that it is not easy making an SOP and survey
to how to create a statement of because you will be stresses out questionnaire is you need to
the problem and make a survey finding some RRL to your study search and find in the internet
questionnaire that is so related but as a student I will pursue your RRL to get some idea to
to our study, we need to this subject to pass. make an SOP and Survey
research some of the topics in questionnaire.
the internet that is related to
our study so we can create an
SOP and Survey Questionnaire.

Topic: Review of Related Literature in the making of Statement of the Problem and
Survey Questionnaire
Name: Howard V. Cullug

2. discuss how important is the review of related studies in the making of SOP and
Survey Questionnaire.
-A review of related literature (RRL) is essential for gaining an overview of the
topic's current knowledge. In addition, an RRL directs the researcher to make a
contribution to the field without repeating previous research. To answer our question, it
is difficult to say exactly how an RRL might improve the correctness and validity of our
research without understanding the topic of our research topic.

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