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The people who dreams to be a businessman, are the people who take hands on

responsibility for making innovation. According to Pinchot (1985), the people who are

business minded are the most creative person when it comes to innovation. Even

though business is risky but if the business owner knows the strategies on how to

manage it, there is a possibility that their business will be successful.

A person who have the initiative of making profit through risk taking an innovation.

According to American Heritage Dictionary (1992), the secret weapon in business world

is the entrepreneur especially the young entrepreneur. According to Koch (2014), an

entrepreneur has the power to think outside the box has the leadership to persuade

their innovation into success.

The study aims to determine the positive impact of the ABM strand towards the

Senior High School student as a young entrepreneur. Especially the study sought to

explore the way ABM helps within institutions such as education, entrepreneurship and

to help student in advancing as the future entrepreneur. To explore the positive impact

of the ABM strand on people’s business course.

At the end of the study, the researcher aim to be able to answer the following


1. What is the positive impact of the ABM strand on people’s courses?

2. Is ABM strand is helpful with the institutions such as education, entrepreneurship to

help student advancing as the future entrepreneur?

3. Is ABM students is capable to handle a business in the future?

These subjects are design to give a student the advance skills and the

competencies that are required should they choose to go to college and technical

vocation in the Philippines. Schools for entrepreneurship, more specifically, can teach

as student what they need in order to be employed in a corporate setting or start their

own business. Most entrepreneur and small business owner usually do not have a

formal education in running a business. Often, they also lack knowledge in specific

areas of business such as finance, accounting, human resources development,

marketing, etc. As a young entrepreneur it is very important to us to study this track so

that we can have more knowledge in businesses. Study of businesses is very important

because this usually helps us to make or earn money without any difficulties.

Yes, it is capable because that’s the purpose of their strand to learn how to manage a

Literature Review
Despite of my failures, I make principles to be successful. lt is very important to be
patient, accept failures, so you can go to success. It is better to know how to analyze on
solving a problem, and how to know more about the strategies and the advantages of
being a young entrepreneur. According to Romero (2019)
To start your very own business. It helps for kids or young people to think on how
to help for kids or young people to think on how to manage and to start their
successfully own business. According to Marburg J. and Paris (2019)
Prepared business for worst. Advance crisis planning can help minimize losses. In
becoming a young entrepreneur they should be prepared and remain the business if the
business disaster will strike, Companies must plan for hurricanes, floods, blizzards and
other disasters. If you are a businessman you should know if your company is safe and
okay, and if you’re prepared if something happen. It can help for us to give an idea if we
are going to build a company and on what are the techniques. According to Gerber, J. A.,
Feldman, Elliot R., et al (2019)

Many researcher suggests that entrepreneurial education may lead to increasing

motivation and intention to be an entrepreneur. As a student it can help for us to know
the strategies of a successful young entrepreneur It can help our study to know the
opinions of our participants about it. (2019)
Entrepreneurship Education, Current Developments, Future. As a student
dreaming to be a successful businesswoman we need to use us alibies to find out our
other abilities, you must be a good person, and focus on what you want. They need to
succeed not only as entrepreneurs but as a productive citizen as well. According to
Calvin K.A.
The Best Practices that will help the young generation to pursue Entrepreneurship
that could help improve the lives of many people and career opportunities. Aim to
inspire Entrepreneurs, everywhere to Local, National, and Global activities designed to
help them explore their potential as innovators. Being a Young Entrepreneur and a first
timer in business is so hard because some of them do not have a formal education on
how to run a business but if you can familiarize and practice it you can probably go to
success. According to Duterte (2019)
Entrepreneurs disturb the Stationary circular flow of the economy. Believed that
the entrepreneurs innovate that flow of the economy. He also said that the
Entrepreneurs activities represents the economy disequilibrium. Even though how life
works just don’t lose hope and try hard to be a successful one. According to
Schumpeter, J. (2019).
Design and Methodology
This chapter represents the research design, research environment, the
participants of this study, research instrument, the data gathering procedures and
statistical techniques used.
Overall Approach and Rationale
The researchers utilized the qualitative method with the phenomenological type of
research in determining the, The Perceptions of ABM students towards the advantages
of becoming a Young Entrepreneur. This type of research aims to determine the
positive impact of the ABM strand towards the Senior High School student as a Young
Entrepreneur site or population selection, and sampling strategies.
The research was, conducted in Agusan National High School- SHS Department.
It is a type of non-probability sampling techniques that are based on the judgment of the
research where the units are investigated. This study focuses on the Senior High
School Department in ABM Strand consist of Grade 11 and 12. Ten (10) participants
have been chosen overall.
Access, Role, Reciprocity, Trust, and Rapport
The researchers have submitted a letter of consent to the principal to be able
conduct the study. Then, the researchers approached the participants by asking their
authorization to respond to the study. The researchers prepared a letter for the chosen
(10) participants to the interview to let them be ready. With their letter of consent, the
participants are assured and in return the researchers will able to gain their trust and will
be get easier to get an information. The participant’s personal information will be kept in
Ethical and Political Consideration
The researcher highlighted the accountability in interviewing the participants. The
researchers showed their professionalism and openness, and the respect to their
participants for their identity of personal information. The research should be done with
honestly & without biased.
Data Collection Method
Data was collected via a self-administrated questioner. The information and data
was collected from the pre-determined school that the researches went to, together with
a letter of access in direct meetings in commitment to their study. Then they interviewed
the students about “The Perceptions of ABM Students towards of Becoming a Young
Entrepreneur”, while they also took down notes and recorded the responses of the
participants. After, they analyzed the responses of the participants.
Data Analysis Procedures
Before the data analysis, the researchers reviewed and analyzed study or report
results and clarified all unclear data. Then, the answers of participants which as
Cebuano were also translated to English to facilitate understanding in both languages.
Then the researchers summarized the data to make it clarify. The results and data were
encoded by the researchers and submitted to the Senior Department of Agusan High
Procedures to Address Trustworthiness and Credibility
The researchers collected a sources from participants with value and reliability
and make sure that the participants answers will not reveal or share to others. The
researchers had asked permission from the principal of Agusan National High School.
Senior High School Department to conduct a survey so that the study had authorization.
The researchers had assured that the participants would be protected during and after
the study. The study done with honesty, manners, and transparency.

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