Tanjay City

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Sharon D.


St. Paul University Dumaguete

Make a one-page essay about what is interesting and unique in your place or hometown of its
people and culture.

One of the most interesting and unique culture in Tanjay City is the celebration of Pit
Senyor through hanging packs of food every January to honor the Sto. Niño. You can feel the
spirit of giving especially to the kids. Celebrating Pit Senyor needs a lot of work, from tying the
chips, hanging it, preparing the snacks and all the important details in between, but everything
feels for worth it and satisfying when you see the smile from the kids around you and the
moment you sing and dance with the Sto. Niño. In our family, it is part of our tradition to make a
handmade costume for Sto. Niño and bring him to church on the 3rd Sunday to have his blessing.
Pit Senyor is celebrated in different houses in Tanjay City but before the month ends, the City
Mayor will also celebrate it as one where they will hang packs of food from the Church to the
Osmeña Park in Tanjay City and to give our contributions to the celebration, students are invited
to help in tying up the foods. The celebration is open to all even from people outside the City.

Bodbod sa Tanjay is the most popular pasalubong one can think of when he/she visits the
place. We honor our food delicacy by celebrating a festival named after it. The celebration would
prepare a street parade together with the festival King and Queen and end it with the festival
dance. A bodbod is simple delicacy in which you can pair with different food to make it extra
special, but eating it alone would still taste great. Different sticky rice delicacy is made but I
would still personally choose Bodbod over anything else.

People in Tanjay City are known for its loud and strong voice whenever they casually
talk. Sometimes people think that we are fighting when in fact we are just having a normal
conversation. People label us “Bisdak” as it means Bisayang dako. It is very easy to spot or
identify a Tanjayanon to the way it talks and deliver a message with full conviction, for some
people have an intonation when they speak, some may have a shy voice but Tanjayanon will
always sound like shouting at someone unconsciously.

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