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European Journal of Psychotraumatology

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Evidence-based treatment for adult women with

child abuse-related Complex PTSD: a quantitative

Ethy Dorrepaal, Kathleen Thomaes, Adriaan W. Hoogendoorn, Dick J.

Veltman, Nel Draijer & Anton J. L. M. van Balkom

To cite this article: Ethy Dorrepaal, Kathleen Thomaes, Adriaan W. Hoogendoorn, Dick J.
Veltman, Nel Draijer & Anton J. L. M. van Balkom (2014) Evidence-based treatment for adult
women with child abuse-related Complex PTSD: a quantitative review, European Journal of
Psychotraumatology, 5:1, 23613, DOI: 10.3402/ejpt.v5.23613

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Evidence-based treatment for adult women with child

abuse-related Complex PTSD: a quantitative review
Ethy Dorrepaal1,2,3,4+$, Kathleen Thomaes1,2*$, Adriaan W. Hoogendoorn1,
Dick J. Veltman1,2, Nel Draijer1,2,3% and Anton J. L. M. van Balkom1,2,3%
GGZ inGeest, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Department of Psychiatry, VU University Medical
Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3EMGO Institute, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands; 4PsyQ, Parnassia Groep, The Hague, The Netherlands

Introduction: Effective first-line treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are well established, but
their generalizability to child abuse (CA)-related Complex PTSD is largely unknown.
Method: A quantitative review of the literature was performed, identifying seven studies, with treatments
specifically targeting CA-related PTSD or Complex PTSD, which were meta-analyzed, including variables
such as effect size, drop-out, recovery, and improvement rates.
Results: Only six studies with one or more cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) treatment conditions and one
with a present centered therapy condition could be meta-analyzed. Results indicate that CA-related PTSD
patients profit with large effect sizes and modest recovery and improvement rates. Treatments which include
exposure showed greater effect sizes especially in completers’ analyses, although no differential results were
found in recovery and improvement rates. However, results in the subgroup of CA-related Complex PTSD
studies were least favorable. Within the Complex PTSD subgroup, no superior effect size was found for
exposure, and affect management resulted in more favorable recovery and improvement rates and less drop-
out, as compared to exposure, especially in intention-to-treat analyses.
Conclusion: Limited evidence suggests that predominantly CBT treatments are effective, but do not suffice to
achieve satisfactory end states, especially in Complex PTSD populations. Moreover, we propose that future
research should focus on direct comparisons between types of treatment for Complex PTSD patients, thereby
increasing generalizability of results.
Keywords: Review; meta-analysis; PTSD; psychotherapy; cognitive behavioral therapy; cognitive behavioral treatment; child
abuse; childhood abuse; adult survivors of child abuse
Responsible Editor: Ruth Lanius, Western University of Canada, Canada.

*Correspondence to: Kathleen Thomaes, GGZinGeest/VUmc, A.J. Ernststraat 1187, 1081 HL, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, Email:; Ethy Dorrepaal, PsyQ, Parnassia Groep, The Netherlands,

For the abstract or full text in other languages, please see Supplementary files under Article Tools online

Received: 23 December 2013; Revised: 14 July 2014; Accepted: 19 August 2014; Published: 14 October 2014

ffective treatments for posttraumatic stress dis- opment, CA may result in PTSD complicated by problems

E order (PTSD) are well established: first-line treat-

ments include several types of cognitive behavior
therapy (CBT), such as prolonged exposure (PE), cognitive
in affect regulation, memory and attention, self-perception,
interpersonal relations, somatization, and systems of
meaning (Herman, 1992). This syndrome is referred to
(processing) therapy (C(P)T) with and without expo- as ‘‘PTSD with associated features’’ in DSM-IV-TR (APA,
sure, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reproces- 2000) or ‘‘Complex PTSD,’’ and is characterized by high
sing (EMDR) (Bradley, Greene, Russ, Dutra, & Westen, comorbidity on both DSM-IV Axis I and II. Empirical
2005; Cloitre, 2009). However, to date there is only sparse studies as well as neurobiological findings support the
evidence for effective treatments in child abuse (CA)- distinction between Complex PTSD and DSM-defined
related Complex PTSD. By interfering with normal devel- PTSD (Ford, 1999; Lanius et al., 2010; Thomaes et al.,
The two first authors contributed equally to the manuscript: shared first authorship.
The two last authors contributed equally to the manuscript: shared last authorship.

European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014. # 2014 Ethy Dorrepaal et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons 1
Attribution 4.0 Unported (CC-BY 4.0) License (, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or
format, and to remix, transform, and build upon the material, for any purpose, even commercially, under the condition that appropriate credit is given, that a link to the license
is provided, and that you indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
Citation: European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014, 5: 23613 -
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Ethy Dorrepaal et al.

2010, 2013; Van Der Kolk, Roth, Pelcovitz, Sunday, & analysis) (Peleikis & Dahl, 2005; Price, Hilsenroth,
Spinazzola, 2005; Zlotnick et al., 1996). A prevalence of Petretic-Jackson, & Bonge, 2001). Moreover, it is doubtful
1% of Complex PTSD has been observed in a student whether the results of these reviews can be generalized to
population (Ford, Stockton, Kaltman, & Green, 2006). the CA-related Complex PTSD population, since only
Reviews on CA (with a diversity of symptoms, not a few studies on both CA and PTSD were included, and
specifically PTSD) (Callahan, Price, & Hilsenroth, 2004; little attention was paid to indicators of complexity such as
Kessler, White, & Nelson, 2003; Martsolf & Draucker, Axis II comorbidity. Also, exclusion criteria such as
2005; Peleikis, Mykletun, & Dahl, 2005; Taylor & Harvey, suicidality and self-injurious behavior may have resulted
2010) showed that a variety of treatments can be beneficial. in the exclusion of Complex PTSD patients. Thus, drawing
Earlier reviews mainly included group treatments, while conclusions based on the currently available empirical
more recently individual treatments showed favorable evidence for effective treatments in CA-related Complex
effect sizes. Structured treatment characteristics such as PTSD is problematic. Consequently, it is still unclear for
availability of a manual, an instructional format and pro- clinicians whether Complex PTSD patients are generally
viding homework increased treatment effect in terms of able to tolerate, and benefit from, commonly available
PTSD symptoms, while externalizing problems were un- first-line treatments equally well as DSM-defined PTSD
affected (Taylor & Harvey, 2010). However, these reviews patients, and opinions are divided on this issue. Complex
included a limited number of randomized controlled trials PTSD as well as PTSD with Borderline Personality
(RCTs) with adequately diagnosed PTSD, and these PTSD Disorder (BPD) has been associated with poor treatment
studies were not analyzed separately to investigate dif- outcome (Cloitre & Koenen, 2001; Ford & Kidd, 1998)
ferential treatment effects. Therefore, generalizing these and a higher drop-out rate following exposure (Cloitre
results to the CA-related Complex PTSD population is et al., 2010; McDonagh et al., 2005). Moreover, first-line
problematic. PTSD treatments may not target all relevant pathology in
Reviews on PTSD (resulting from various trauma the CA population, such as poor affect regulation and
types, not specifically CA) concluded that active treat- interpersonal problems.
ments for PTSD are highly effective and superior to Summarizing, after early severe CA, DSM-defined
waiting list (WL) controls (Benish, Imel, & Wampold, PTSD may be complicated by additional features referred
2008; Bisson et al., 2007; Bradley et al., 2005; Cloitre, to as Complex PTSD. Reviews on CA as well as reviews on
2009; Powers, Halpern, Ferenschak, Gillihan, & Foa, DSM-defined PTSD conclude that effective treatments are
2010; Schottenbauer, Glass, Arnkoff, Tendick, & Gray, available for CA or PTSD, but research on the overlap
2008; Seidler & Wagner, 2006). The largest body of between these populations is scarce, and generalizability
evidence has been accumulated for CBT, either exposure, of results to the CA-related Complex PTSD population is
cognitive therapy, or both, and EMDR. These reviews questionable. Moreover, treatment effects and compliance
included only a small number of primary RCTs concern- of different types of treatments with varying duration,
ing CA populations, again limiting generalizability to the structure and content in CA-related Complex PTSD are
CA-related Complex PTSD population. Powers et al. insufficiently known. Therefore, we aimed to investigate
(2010) found no significant difference in effect sizes which evidence is available to effectively treat the subgroup
between studies with and without a child sexual abuse of CA-related Complex PTSD. We define Complex PTSD
population, based on two (partly) CA studies. However, as PTSD according to DSM-IV criteria plus Disorder of
this non-finding could be explained by the fact that they Extreme Stress (as measured by the SIDES; Van der Kolk
reported neither on exposure to other complex trauma, et al., 2005), which is based on the WHO field trials on
nor on the presence or absence of Complex PTSD. In Complex PTSD in which it has been shown that 9496% of
women with a history of CA and chronic interpersonal Complex PTSD patients fulfill criteria of DSM-IV defined
violence, Cloitre (2009) found a range of CBT treatments PTSD (Van der Kolk et al., 2005). This has led to the
effective to achieve PTSD symptom reduction. In addi- current proposal to categorize PTSD and Complex PTSD
tion, a few treatments were reported that focused on as sibling disorders in ICD-11, sharing the DSM-defined
other symptom domains, such as affect management PTSD symptoms with the added symptom domains of (1)
(AM) and interpersonal skills training, with beneficial affect dysregulation, (2) negative self-concept, and (3)
results in these domains as well. interpersonal disturbances in Complex PTSD (Cloitre,
To our knowledge, reviews which focus exclusively on Garvert, Brewin, Bryant, & Maercker, 2013).
the efficacy of treatments of CA-related Complex PTSD
or CA-related PTSD are sparse. Furthermore, these Method
reviews show considerable differences in study selection
(target population, study design), outcome measures and Literature search
data analysis methods (effect size, recovery and/or im- Our literature search covered the period January 1965 to
provement rates, intention-to-treat analysis or completers’ May 2012. We searched MEDLINE using the following

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Citation: European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014, 5: 23613 -
Evidence-based treatment for Complex PTSD

terms: CA OR childhood abuse OR child sexual abuse anger), without classifying this as ‘‘Complex.’’ Studies
OR childhood physical abuse OR maltreatment OR assigned to category C focused on PTSD patients,
PTSD OR posttraumatic OR DESNOS AND treatment of which the majority suffered from a CA history, but
OR therapy AND controlled trial OR clinical trial OR CA was not the index trauma in the majority of the
randomized OR review OR meta-analysis. These terms patients. In category D, the patients had a CA history
were searched as key words, title, abstract and Mesh and CA was the index trauma; however, only parts of
terms. Findings were cross-referenced with references these patients were diagnosed with PTSD and this sub-
from reviews. We included published randomized original group was not analyzed separately. Category E pertained
studies comparing interventions with other interventions to studies with not all but mainly patients suffering from
or control conditions in study populations combining CA as well as a mainly suffering from PTSD.
CA and PTSD (not only Complex PTSD) for comparison Figure 1 is a diagram showing all RCTs grouped
with other reviews on this issue. Inclusion criteria were according to these criteria, in order to visualize their
(1) 50% of participants who met DSM-III-R, DSM-IV, relevance in terms of our research question on evidence-
or DSM-IV-TR criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder based treatments for CA-related PTSD or Complex
or PTSD as a main treatment target; (2) 50% of parti- PTSD and in terms of index trauma (CA or other trauma)
cipants with CA or CA analyzed separately; (3) random and outcome measures. Since we were specifically inter-
assignment; (4) study participants at least 18 years of ested in treatments focusing on CA-related Complex
age; (5) the study had to test a specific psychothera- PTSD, we selected the studies of category A and B,
peutic treatment against a control condition and/or an because these studies all included outcome measures
alternative treatment; (6) the study had to be reported in covering Complex PTSD symptoms. We performed a
English. separate analysis for category A with diagnosed Complex
PTSD or other Complex PTSD indicators ( 50% per-
sonality disorder).
Study selection
In these seven studies, numbered 17 in tables and
A total of 24 RCTs were identified that satisfied in-
text (see also references: marked with *), four treatment
clusion criteria, including both 50% patients with
conditions were distinguished: CBT, present centered
PTSD symptoms, as well as 50% patients with a history
therapy (PCT), treatment as usual during waiting list
of CA.
(TAU) and waiting list only. CBT was further subdivided
These 24 studies were heterogeneous with regard to the
into ‘‘including (prolonged) exposure’’ (PE) (imaginary
number of patients meeting criteria for PTSD diagnosis
or in vivo) and ‘‘including affect management’’ (AM)
or other PTSD indicators (e.g., level of PTSD symptoms),
(skills training to improve affect regulation). Control
and the number of patients meeting criteria for Complex
conditions included TAU and WL.
PTSD (as measured by the SIDES) or other Complex
PTSD indicators (e.g., percentage comorbid personality
disorders), and the number of patients with a CA history. Calculation of study outcome measures
Moreover, they differed in index trauma (CA or other The following measures from the original studies were
trauma) and outcome measures. On the basis on these drawn upon for estimating PTSD effect sizes: (1) Clinician-
factors we established five categories: Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS; Blake et al., 1995); (2)
PTSD Symptom Scale*Self-Report (PTSD-SR; Foa,
A. CA-related Complex PTSD (4 RCTs), Cashman, Jaycox, & Perry, 1997); (3) Modified Posttrau-
B. CA-related PTSD (3 RCTs), matic Stress Disorder Symptom Scale*Self-Report
C. All PTSDmainly CA (9 RCTs), (MPSS-SR) (Falsetti, Resnick, Resick, & Kilpatrick,
D. All CAmainly with PTSD (5 RCTs), 1993); and (4) Davidson Trauma Scale (Davidson et al.,
E. Mainly PTSDmainly CA (3 RCTs). 1997). Two calculations were performed for each original
study: (1) an assessment of effect sizes defined as the
Category A consists of studies on Complex PTSD as standardized prepost score difference of the groups
measured by the SIDES,1,7 and when SIDES ratings studied, and (2) a standardized score between conditions
were not available we used studies in which patients met per study. For both calculations Cohen’s d ([mean 1 
criteria for PTSD plus comorbid personality disorders, mean 2]/sd prepooled) (Cohen, 1988) was used as the
as a proxy for Complex PTSD.5,6 In this category, all measure of the effect size using the following formula for
patients were diagnosed with PTSD, all suffered from the pooled standard deviation of the pretreatment scores:
ðn1 1Þs21 þðn2 1Þs22
CA as the index trauma and the treatment target was s¼ n1 þn2
, resulting in an effect size also known
Complex PTSD. In category B, all study participants as Glass’s delta. We considered prepost effect sizes (1)
were diagnosed with CA-related PTSD with some indi- 0.2 small, 0.5 medium, and 0.8 large. For a direct
cators covering Complex PTSD symptoms (e.g., disso- comparison of two forms of treatment (2), we calculated
ciation, interpersonal problems, affect modulation, and the post/post effect sizes (dpost/post), and corrected these

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Ethy Dorrepaal et al.

Zlotnick 1997
C McDonnagh 2005
Cloitre 2010
Echebura 1997
Dorrepaal 2012
Resick 2002 D
Kubany 2003 CHILD ABUSE
Kubany 2004 Edmond 1999
E vanderKolk 2007 Bradley 2003
Resick 2008 Sikkema 2007
Scheck 1998 Krupnick 2008 Paivio 2010
Krakow 2001 Zlotnick 2009
Johnson 2011 Mueser 2009 ALL CHILD ABUSE
ALL PTSD Classen 2001
Chard 2005



Fig. 1. RCTs on child abuse (CA) and or PTSD.

Category A: CA-related Complex PTSD (4 RCTs): All study participants diagnosed with Complex PTSD or 50% with
personality disorder; PTSD as target symptoms. All CA. All CA as index trauma.
Category B: CA-related PTSD (3 RCTs): All study participants diagnosed with PTSD as target symptoms. Outcome measures
also covering some Complex PTSD symptoms All CA. All CA as index trauma.
Category C: All PTSD  mainly CA (9 RCTs): All study participants diagnosed with PTSD as target symptoms. 50% CA or
B50% but CA population analyzed separately. Index trauma sometimes CA, mainly rape or domestic violence.
Category D: All CA  mainly PTSD (5 RCTs): Study participants 50% PTSD or substantial PTSD symptomatology (PTSD
patients not analyzed separately); PTSD as target symptoms. All CA. All CA as index trauma.
Category E: Mainly PTSD  mainly CA (3 RCTs): Study participants 50% PTSD (as target symptoms) and 50% CA.

effect sizes for group differences at the beginning of the intention-to-treat results were published, we estimated
study (dpre/pre) because such baseline differences may bias non-reported CPL results using drop-out rates and
comparisons. Corrected effect sizes dcorr were obtained assuming LOCF.
by computing dcorr dpost/post dpre/pre (Becker, 1988; Next, we computed a cumulative effect size of global
Morris, 2007; Seidler & Wagner, 2006). Between-condition PTSD symptoms across studies. First, a joint effect
size was calculated for the three original studies using
effect sizes (2) are considered medium between 0.35
more than one PTSD measure. This joint effect size is
and 0.75.
equivalent to the arithmetical average of the global
Additionally, we present (1) percentage inclusion,
scale scores. Subsequently, the average global effect size
conservatively defined as number of patients screened by
was calculated from these primary-study effects, using
researchers, even if prescreened during telephone inter-
fixed effect weights with Metan software (Borenstein,
views or by clinicians, (2) recovery rate, defined as per- Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein, 2009). Subsequently, we
centage of patients who no longer met diagnostic criteria computed confidence intervals for both continuous
for PTSD, and (3) improvement rates using definitions for (prepost) as well as binary data (drop-out, recovery,
improvement as used by the authors for both completers’ and improvement rates). For confidence intervals the
and intention-to-treat analyses, with the aim to provide proportions of overlap were computed to establish if
a comprehensive overview (Bradley et al., 2005). In case the pooled data of two groups of studies differed sig-
only completers’ (CPL) results were published, we as- nificantly (Cumming & Finch, 2005). Non-overlapping
sumed last observation carried forward (LOCF) impu- intervals have a corresponding pB0.01, and intervals
tation and used published drop-out rates to estimate overlapping no more than 0.5 have a corresponding
non-reported intention-to-treat results. Similarly, if only pB0.05.

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Evidence-based treatment for Complex PTSD

Results severe types of CA, mainly by fathers/relatives, as well

as a high adult abuse prevalence. Medication use was
Population characteristics of CA-related PTSD or only reported once,7 showing that 70% of patients used
Complex PTSD studies psychiatric medication, including 20% antipsychotic
Table 1 lists population characteristics of the seven in- medication.
cluded studies. The mean age of study populations ranged
between 34 and 40 years, most populations, except two,3,6 Treatment characteristics
were predominantly Caucasian, most patients were well The seven RCTs included a total of 17 conditions: 11
educated and employed. Three studies24 reported adver- treatment conditions and six control conditions (four WL
tisements as their method of recruitment and two studies only, two TAU during WL [Table 2]). Two studies2,5
included two active treatments, and one6 compared three
only included referred patients.1,7
active treatment conditions.
Common exclusion criteria were the presence of organic
The total number of patients was 482, with 307
brain disorder, psychotic disorder, and substance abuse
receiving active treatment, 119 WL only, and 56 TAU
or dependence (Table 1). Suicidality was an exclusion
during WL. Six of seven studies1,37 provided data to
criterion in five of seven studies.26 One6 excluded
calculate effect sizes, five completers’ 1,3,4,5,7 and three57
suicidality only if it required referral to a hospital. The
intention-to-treat data. These studies included at least
two studies1,7 with populations diagnosed with Com-
one CBT condition, with eight CBT conditions in total
plex PTSD did not exclude suicidality. Dissociative
(Table 2), and one included a PCT condition based on
(identity) disorder1,3,5,7 was excluded in four of seven
traumagenetic dynamics. These nine treatment condi-
studies. Other comorbid conditions like eating disorders,3
tions were manualized, all reporting psycho-education
bipolar disorders,3,5,6 and severe depression,5 borderline3
and homework as components of the treatment (Table 2).
or antisocial PD7 were sometimes excluded. Two studies4,5
All CBT conditions included cognitive therapy and/or
excluded patients with ongoing abuse. Two2,5 studies used
restructuring. Five treatment conditions1,3,6 (2x),7 expli-
criteria involving clear memories of abuse under the age
citly aimed at improvement of affect regulation and
of 16 years by someone at least 5 years older.
dedicated a substantial part of the treatment to AM
Inclusion rates after screening were provided in six
skills training. Five conditions2,3,5,6 (2x) included exposure
of seven studies27 and ranged between 30 and 81%, with
elements. Four conditions3,6 (2x),7 addressed interpersonal
a mean of 56% (Table 1). Two studies5,6 categorized
functioning in explicit interpersonal skills training.
as Complex PTSD populations showed low inclusion
Two conditions2 consisted of group treatment only, in
rates. In view of the low inclusion rate and exclusion
three conditions group treatment was combined with
criteria of two (A) studies,5,6 some caution regarding
individual care, once manualized,4 two times with un-
their generalizability to the Complex PTSD population is
structured TAU.1,7 Six conditions consisted of individual
thus warranted.
treatment only.3,5,6 Length of treatment ranged from
Six studies diagnosed PTSD with the CAPS,1,37 and
12 to 24 weeks or 14 to 27 sessions with a duration of
three studies reported blinded measurements.3,6,7 With
60120 min each.
regard to comorbidity, three studies3,4,7 reported on
comorbid major depressive disorder (MDD) (4055%) Drop-out
and two6,7 reported a mean of two or more other Axis I The mean overall drop-out rate was 22%, in active
diagnoses. Four studies3,4,5,6 reported on depression se- treatments 25% and in control conditions 16% (Table 3
verity using the Beck Depression Interview, with mean per study and Table 4 aggregated data). CBT had higher
scores ranging from 18 to 25 (cutoff for moderate drop-out rates as compared to PCT. Active CBT
depression 16; severe 24). Dissociation was measured conditions46 including some form of exposure without
four times with the DES, with scores ranging from 15 preceding AM showed a mean drop-out rate of 32%,
to 251,4,5,7 (the cutoff being 1520). The four Complex while the three conditions1,6,7 without exposure showed
PTSD (A) studies provided some information about a mean drop-out rate of 24%. In the two studies with
personality pathology: 100% Complex PTSD as measured direct comparisons between active treatment condi-
with the SIDES (including personality pathology) in two tions,5,6 exposure conditions had a mean drop-out rate
studies1,7 and two studies with at least 50% personality of 40% as compared to a mean drop-out of 18% in the
disorders5,6 (in study five this was estimated based on 15 no-exposure active treatments conditions. Three stu-
of 29 patients meeting criteria for Borderline or Avoidant dies1,4,5 reported characteristics of drop-out patients,
PD in the CBT condition). BPD comorbidity ranged from including higher PTSD1,4 and dissociation levels,1 more
11 to 53%.5,6,7 severe trauma,5 anxiety,5 and depression. One study5
Only three studies reported on previous treatments.1,3,7 also reported 100% drop-out in the exposure condi-
Participants’ trauma history was extensive throughout tion for BPD as compared to 0% in the PCT, while
studies: many incidents were reported of multiple and another7 found lower drop-out rates for BPD in the AM

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Table 1. Study characteristics of randomized controlled trials with CA-related (Complex) PTSD (AB): N, population, recruitment, inclusion and exclusion criteria,

assessment and severity of trauma and symptoms and previous treatments

Assessment Severity

Inclusion Inclusion Previous

Ethy Dorrepaal et al.

Author, year N Population Recruitment criterion Exclusion criteria ratea Trauma Axis I Axis II Trauma Symptom Comorbidity treatments

Zlotnick et al., 48 All women Referred CSA- Psychosis, substance NR CTQ CAPS NR PTSD based on sexual DTS 70 100% 50% previous

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1997 (A) Mean age 39 yrs related abuse, SIDES abuse before age 17, DES 22 Complex hospitalization
99% White Complex DID above threshold CTQ PTSD
33% College PTSD 77% CSA by relative
degree (DSM-IV) 35% parent
29% Low 37% rape
income Mean age of onset 6.9
yrs; Mean 3.7 abusers
Classen, 55 All women Advertisement CSA- Schizophrenia, 58% SES TSC-40 NR At least two explicit Only NR NR
Koopman, Mean age ca. newspapers, related dementia, delirium, memories of sexual difference
Nevillmanning, 38 yrs flyers, radio, PTSD amnesic/cognitive abuse that involved scores
& Spiegel, 64% White community (DSM-IV) disorders, ritual abuse, genital contact; at least reported
2001 (B) 44% College agencies current psychotherapy, two sexual abuse events
degree alcohol/drug between 315 yrs of
80% Employed dependence, current age; perpetrator at least
suicidality (last month) 5 yrs older.
Cloitre et al., 58 All women Self-referred CA-related BPD, Organic or 56% CMIS CAPS SCID-II At least 1 clear memory CAPS 70 45% MDD 29% need
2002 (B) Mean age 34 yrs advertisements PTSD psychotic mental SAAIVS Blind for - CSA: at least 1 time MPSS-SR 79% anxiety of ER past
46% White (DSM-IV) disorder, substance condition sexual contact before 70 disorder year
52% College dependence, eating SCID-I age 18 perpetrator at BDI 24 25% past
degree disorder, dissociative least 5 yrs older substance
75% Employed disorder, bipolar - CPA: parent/other abuse
or student disorder-I, suicide adult in charge 16% past
attempt or purposely hurt leaving eating
hospitalization during e.g., bruises disorder
last 3 months 48% CSACPA
39% CSA ‘‘only’’
13% CPA ‘‘only’’
Chard, 2005 (B) 71 All women Advertising, CSA- Suicidal intent, 81% STI CAPS NR At least 1 sexual CAPS 67 40% MDD NR
Mean age ca. letters, related substance dependence, SAEQ SCID-I incident as defined BDI 24
33 yrs presentations PTSD current trauma, medical by state law, at least DES 19
Mean education to local health (DSM-IV) disorders, unstable 1 memory
14 yrs professionals. medication during last 3 Mean age of onset
81% White months, substance 6.4 yrs
abuse during last 3 57% 100 times,
months 63% 1 abuser,
84% by a relative
McDonagh et al., 74 All women NR CSA- NO personality disorder 30% ELS CAPS SCID-II Sex contact with anyone CAPS 70 100% NR
2005 (A) Mean age ca. 40 related was an exclusion criteria. SCID-I at least 5 yrs older when BDI 18 personality
yrs Complex Medical disorders, (hypo) under 16. PTSD DES 15 disorder

Citation: European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014, 5: 23613 -

Table 1 (Continued )
Assessment Severity

Inclusion Inclusion Previous

Author, year N Population Recruitment criterion Exclusion criteria ratea Trauma Axis I Axis II Trauma Symptom Comorbidity treatments

95% White NR PTSD mania, schizophrenia, 30% ELS CAPS SCID-II intrusion (partly) related. DES 15 (10.8% BPD) NR
80% High school (DSM-IV) schizoaffective disorders, SCID-I At least 1 clear detailed
or higher psychosis, DID, organic memory
83% Employed psychosis, severe, Much CSACPA and
bipolar or psychotic much adult abuse,
depressive disorder, majority involved
current alcohol/drug penetration by a relative
abuse last 3 months,
active suicidality, history
of 2 suicide attempts,
abusive partner
Cloitre et al., 2010 104 All women NR CA-related Substance dependence, 34% NR CAPS SCID-II Primary diagnosis of CAPS 64 90% Axis I Mean 2
(A) Mean age ca. 36 Complex psychotic symptoms, Blind for CA-related PTSD by BDI 21 diagnosis previous
yrs PTSD cognitive impairment, condition care taker/someone in 50% psychological
35% white 88% (DSM-IV) bipolar disorder, active authority before age 18 personality treatments
high school suicidality requiring ER, 90% CSA disorder (24%
33% current PTSD focused 80% CPA BPD)
unemployed psychotherapy Much additional adult
Mean 6.5 traumatic
Dorrepaal et al., 71 All women Referred CA-related Long-lasting psychosis, 79% STI CAPS 96% Axis I CA before age 16 as DTS 85 96% Axis I Mean 2
2012 (A) Mean age 40 yrs patients PTSD and DID, severe substance SIDES (55% MDD) defined by STI DES 25 (55% MDD) previous
Mean education Complex abuse interfering with blind 75% Axis II 93% CSA 75% Axis II psychological
9.9 yrs PTSD compliance, antisocial (52% BPD) 50% CSACPA (52% BPD) treatments
17% employed (DSM-IV) personality disorder 70% used 50% additional adult 70% used
psychotropic abuse psychotropic

Citation: European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014, 5: 23613 -

medication medication
(47% SSRI/ (47% SSRI/
SNRI, 25% SNRI, 25%
sedatives, sedatives, over
50% 50%
antipsychotics) antipsychotics)

BDI Beck Depression Interview; BPD borderline personality disorder; CAPSClinician-Administered PTSD Scale; CBTcognitive behavioral therapy; CMIS Childhood Maltreatment
Interview Schedule; CA child abuse; CPAchild physical abuse; CSA child sexual abuse; CTQ Childhood Trauma Questionnaire; DES Dissociative Experiences Scale;
DID dissociative identity disorder; ELS evaluation of lifetime stressors; ER emergency room; MDDmajor depressive disorder; MPSS-SR Modified Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Symptom Scale*Self-Report; NR not reported; SAAIVS  Sexual Assault and Additional Interpersonal Violence Schedule; SAEQ Sexual Abuse Exposure Questionnaire; SCID-I/SCID-
II Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV*for Axis I/Axis II; SES Sexual Experiences Survey; SIDES Structured Interview for Disorders of Extreme Stress; SIDP-IV Structured
Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorders; STI Structured Trauma Interview; TSC-40 Trauma Symptom Checklist-40.
Included patients/recruited patients 100%.

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Evidence-based treatment for Complex PTSD
Table 2. Treatment characteristics of randomized controlled trials with CA-related (Complex) PTSD (AB)

Active Index Target Psycho- Affect Exposure Home
1st Author, year treatment Format trauma symptoms education CT/CR management techniques Social skills work

Zlotnick et al., AM 15 weekly 90 min CSA PTSD and affect dysregulation  92 sessions    
Ethy Dorrepaal et al.

1997 (A) group sessions

added to TAU

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Classen et al., TFTPFT 24 weekly 90 min CSA TFT: Work through, integrate.  PFTsome PFT: 9? TFT: ? Interpersonal ?
2001 (B) group sessions PFT: Modify maladaptive patterns basic learning?
Cloitre et al., STAIRPE 8 weekly 60 min & CA PTSD and affect regulation STAIR:   STAIR:  PE:  STAIR:  
2002 (B) 8 twice-a-week
individual 90 min
Chard, 2005 (B) CPT-SA 17 weekly 90 min CSA PTSD, fear and attachment,  CPT-SA:  _ WA:   
group sessions
combined with 10
weekly 60 min
individual sessions
McDonagh et al., CBT 7 weekly 120 min CSA CBT: Fear extinction and  CBT:  CBT:  CBT:(PE) CBT:  
2005 (A) PCT sessions followed cognitive restructuring PCT:  PCT: Problem PCT:  PCT:
by 7 individual 90 PCT: Change in traumagenic solving Problem
min sessions dynamics solving skills
Cloitre et al., STAIR/PE 16 weekly individual CSA PTSD and affect dysregulation PE:  PE:  PE:  PE:  PE:  PE: 
2010 (A) STAIR/Sup sessions and interpersonal difficulties STAIR:  STAIR:  STAIR:  STAIR:  STAIR:  STAIR: 
Dorrepaal et al., CBT group 20 weekly 120 min CA PTSD and Complex PTSD (Affect      
2012 (A) group sessions dysregulation, Dissociation, Self-
added to TAU esteem, Interpersonal difficulties,
Somatization and Future

AM affect management; C(S)A child (sexual) abuse; CBT cognitive behavioral therapy; CPT-SAcognitive processing therapy for sexual abuse survivors; CRcognitive restructuring;
CT cognitive therapy; PE prolonged exposure; PFT present focused therapy; STAIR Skills Training in Affect and Interpersonal Regulation; Sup supportive treatment; TFTtrauma
focused therapy; WAwritten accounts.

Citation: European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014, 5: 23613 -

Table 3. Drop-out rates, pretreatment and posttreatment scores (mean, SD), and effect sizes of pretreatment versus posttreatment and treatment versus waiting list or other
treatment, recovery and improvement rates on PTSD symptom severity (completers and intention-to-treat) per included study

Posttreatment score Effect size Post

MEASURE/ pre vs post treatment vs. control

Prescore Completer ITT (Cohen’s d) (Cohen’s d corrected) Recovery rate Improvement rate
Treatment N (N Drop-
or WL completer) out M SD M SD M SD Completer ITT Completer ITT Completer ITT Completer ITT

Zlotnick et al., DTS

1997 (A) AM 24 (16) 33% 66.9 22.00 45.76 34.12 52.2a 0.91 0.63a 0.84 0.58a 87% 61%a  
TAUWL 24 (17) 29% 74.7 25.83 73.06 29.86 73.5 0.07 0.05 41% 30%
Classen et al., TSC-40g
2001 (B) TFTPFT 147 NR       8.1 17.0      
WL only 34       3.8 14.1      
Cloitre et al., MPSS-SR
2002 (B) STAIRPE 31 (22) 29% 69 16.6 29 27.6 40.6a 2.31 1.64a 1.45 0.87a 77% 55%a 46% 33%a
WL only 27 (24) 11% 73 18.6 58 28.6 59.7 0.87 0.77 1.29 25% 22% 4% 4%
STAIRPE 69 16.3 31 25.2 42.0 2.36 1.68 1.93
WL only 69 16.6 62 22.7 62.7 0.43 0.39
Chard, 2005 (B) CAPS
CPT-SA 36 (30) 17% 65.5 26.4 9.00 11.0 18.4a 2.29 1.91a 2.07 1.73a 93% 78%a 79% 66%a
WL (MA) 35 (28) 20% 68.3 23.7 63.0 30.7 64.0 0.22 0.17 2.15 1.79 26% 21% 4% 3%
CPT-SA 57.6 22.9 7.54 9.51 15.9 2.14 1.78
WL (MA) 57.5 24.7 57.7 27.5 57.7 0.01 0.01

Citation: European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014, 5: 23613 -

McDonagh et al., CAPS
2005 (A) CBT 29 (17) 41% 67.1 18.4 38.5 27.7 53.1 28.8 1.75 1.03 1.29 0.63 47% 28%  
PCT 22 (20) 9% 67.5 15.1 44.9 22.1 47.2 22.4 1.39 1.26 0.93 0.86 35% 32%
WL only 23 (20) 13% 70.0 16.9 62.5 17.0 65.5 18.6 0.44 0.40 0.37c 0.23c 20% 17%
Cloitre et al., CAPS
2010 (A) STAIR/PE 33 (28) 15% 63.1 18.3 27.3b 32.7 19.4 1.94b 1.65 0.28d 0.30d 72%b 61% 32%b 27%
e e
STAIR/Sup 38 (28) 26% 64.3 21.2 20.9 32.3 23.0 2.35 1.73 0.14 0.39 64% 47% 33% 24%
Sup/PE 33 (20) 39% 64.5 15.9 23.6 39.7 18.3 2.22 1.34 0.41f 0.09f 55% 33% 10% 6%
STAIR/PE 36.7 12.9 9.95 14.0 11.5 2.21 1.87 0.64d 0.22d
STAIR/Sup 39.9 12.7 5.43 14.5 12.8 2.85 2.10 0.23 0.51e
Sup/PE 38.2 11.1 6.52 19.0 9.83 2.84 1.59 0.41 0.29f

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Evidence-based treatment for Complex PTSD
Ethy Dorrepaal et al.

Mean ITT is estimated from mean completers, N ITT and N completers, assuming non-completers did not change; bmean completers is estimated from mean ITT, N completers and N ITT,
DTS Davidson Trauma Scale; ITTintention-to-treat; Mmean; MA minimal attention; MPSS-SR Modified Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Scale*Self-Report; NR not
reported; PTSD-SR PTSD Self-Report; PEprolonged exposure; PFT present focused therapy; SDstandard deviation; STAIR  Skills Training in Affect and Interpersonal Regulation;

assuming non-completers did not change; cCBT vs. PCT; dSTAIR/PE vs. Sup/PE; eSTAIR/Sup vs. Sup/PE; fSTAIR/PE vs. STAIR/Sup; gchange scores as reported in article, unknown if
AM affect management; CAPS Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale; CBTcognitive behavioral therapy; CPT-SA cognitive processing therapy for sexual abuse survivors;
Improvement rate

condition. Within the Complex PTSD studies (A) the
comparison between different types of CBT showed lower

drop-out in AM only and AM combined with exposure

as compared to exposure only (Table 5).
In sum, PCT showed lowest drop-out rates. Within CBT

ITT treatments, drop-out rates for exposure were high com-

pared to AM, significantly so in Complex PTSD studies.
Recovery rate


 Effect sizes
Tables 3 and 4 indicate that active treatments resulted
in substantial improvement from pretreatment to post-
treatment in this patient population, with effect sizes
(Cohen’s d corrected)
treatment vs. control


ranging from 0.6 to 2.8 (Table 3) with a mean of 1.7 for

completers and 1.3 for intention-to-treat (Table 4). The
effect sizes of control conditions ranged from no effect

to medium effect sizes with a small mean effect size of

Effect size

0.4 in completers, and 0.3 in intention-to-treat (in WL

only36 as well as TAU during WL1,7 conditions). The
effect sizes of active treatments versus control (WL only
pre vs post
(Cohen’s d)

plus TAU during WL) comparisons ranged from 0.4 to

TAU treatment as usual; TSC-40 Trauma Symptom Checklist-40; TFT trauma focused therapy; WLwaiting list.

2.2 (Table 3), with large mean effects of 1.2 in completers


and 0.9 in intention-to-treat (Table 4).


In Table 4 we also aggregated data for CA-related

PTSD (A and B) for each active condition, showing large
effect sizes pre post for all types of active treatment. The

95% confidence interval for treatments including expo-

Posttreatment score


sure only (EXP no AM) in contrast with AM only


treatments (AM no EXP) indicated more favorable results

for exposure in completers, in line with treatment versus

control effect sizes. Additionally, we observed small to

medium effect sizes (ranging from 0.09 to 0.51) in direct
comparisons between active treatments within studies5,6

(Table 3): both in prepost as well as treatment versus

other treatment effect sizes, relatively favorable results

for exposure only were found in completers’ analyses,


whereas in intention-to-treat analyses relatively unfavor-


able results for exposure only were found.


Comparing prepost effect sizes in CA-related Complex

PTSD studies1,57 (A) versus CA-related non-Complex
PTSD studies3,4 (B) revealed less treatment gain for the


complex population (Table 5) in completers’ analyses, as

confirmed in intention-to-treat analyses. We additionally

compared treatment gains per type of treatment within

38 (31)
33 (29)
N (N

the Complex PTSD studies only (category A) (Table 5)

and failed to observe evidence for differential prepost
effect sizes between active treatments. The relatively
CBT group

or WL

modest results in the more complex populations were

also evident within the (A) category. The two studies1,7
Table 3 (Continued )

that included Complex PTSD diagnosed patients showed

lower effect sizes (Table 3) compared to the studies5,6
Dorrepaal et al.,


that included a PTSD diagnosed population with a

2012 (A)

minimal 50% personality disorder comorbidity as indica-

tor of complexity, possibly also including less complex

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Citation: European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014, 5: 23613 -
Table 4. Aggregated drop-out, prescores and postscores, and effect sizes for PTSD symptom changes, and recovery and improvement rate across CA-related PTSD studies by
type of treatment

PTSD change score Post

PTSD score Pre versus post Treatment versus control

Effect size (d)

Pre* Post* Effect size (d) postpost corrected Recovery rate8 Improvement rate9
Treatment type N (%) Completer ITT Completer ITT N Completer ITT N Completer (%) ITT (%) N Completer (%) ITT (%)

All active conditions

together (AB) 9 25a 68 34 42 1.7c 1.3f 6 1.2 0.9 8 68g 50i 6 45j 34l

CBT1,3,4,5,6,7 8 26b 68 33 42 1.7 1.3 5 1.3 0.8 7 72h 52 6 45 34

4,5,6 d n o
PE no AM 3 32 64 23 36 2.1 1.4 2 1.7 1.2 3 70 48 2 52 38
AM no PE1,6,7 3 24 74 44 51 1.4d,e 1.1 2 0.6n,p 0.4o 2 73 52 2 44 34
AM & PE3,6 2 22 66 29 37 2.1e 1.7 1 1.6p 1.1 2 74 58 2 38 30

PCT5 1 9b 68 45 47 1.4 1.3 1 0.9 0.9 1 35h 32 0

conditions1,3,4,5,7 5 16a 72 64 65 0.4c 0.3f 0 4 27g 22i 3 11j 9l
3,4,5 k
WL only 3 15 68 61 62 0.4 0.3 0 3 24 20 2 4 3m
TAU during WL1,7 2 18 78 69 70 0.4 0.4 0 1 41 30 1 24k 21m

AMaffect management; CA child abuse; CBT cognitive behavioral therapy; ITT intention-to-treat; PCT present centered treatment; PE prolonged exposure; TAU treatment as
usual; WL waiting list.
*Without Cloitre et al., 2010 due to incomparability of score ranges.
Zlotnick et al., 1997; 2Classen et al., 2001; 3Cloitre et al., 2002; 4Chard, 2005; 5McDonagh et al., 2005; 6Cloitre et al., 2010; 7Dorrepaal et al., 2012; 8Percentage decrease of PTSD

Citation: European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014, 5: 23613 -

diagnoses as reported by author; 9Percentage of patients that improved as defined by author.
Prepost effect sizes, recovery and improvement rates were tested: active vs. control; CBT vs. PCT; the three subtypes of CBT amongst each other; and the two types of control conditions:
Differences between groups of studies with the same superscript are significant at pB0.05 as a result of modest overlap of confidence intervals.
Differences between groups of studies with the same superscript are significant at p B0.01 as a result of non-overlap of confidence intervals.

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Evidence-based treatment for Complex PTSD
Table 5. Aggregated drop-out, prescores and postscores, and effect sizes for PTSD symptom changes, and recovery and improvement rate across CA-related Complex PTSD

studies by type of study population

PTSD change score Post

PTSD score Pre versus post Treatment versus control

Ethy Dorrepaal et al.

Effect size (d)

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Pre* Post* Effect size (d) postpost corrected Recovery rate8 Improvement rate9
Study population N (%) Completer ITT Completer ITT N Completer ITT N Completer (%) ITT (%) N Completer (%) ITT (%)

CA-related Complex
PTSD (A)1,5 (2x),6 (3x),7 7 26 69 38 46 1.6d,e 1.2f,g 4 0.8t 0.6u 6 60h,i 44k,l 4 35o 26q
3,4 d f t u h k o
CA-related PTSD (B) 2 22 65 19 29 2.3 1.8 2 1.9 1.4 2 87 67 2 65 51q

Within CA-related
Complex PTSD (A):

CBT 6 28a 70 37 46 1.6 1.2 3 0.7 0.5 5 65j 46 4 35 26

5,6 b,c
With PE no AM 2 40 66 31 45 2.0 1.2 1 1.2 0.6 2 51 31m,n 1 10p 6r,s
1,6,7 b m p
With AM no PE 3 24 74 44 51 1.4 1.1 2 0.6 0.4 2 73 52 2 44 34r
6 c n
With AM & PE 1 15 63 27 33 1.9 1.6 0 1 71 61 1 32 27s

PCT5 1 9a 68 45 47 1.4 1.3 1 0.9 0.9 1 35j 32 0

Control conditions1,5,7 3 16 75 67 68 0.4e 0.4g 2 30i 24l 1 24 21

WL only5 1 13 70 62 65 0.4 0.4 1 20 17 0
TAU during WL1,7 2 18 78 69 70 0.4 0.4 1 41 30 1 24 21

AM affect management; CA child abuse; CBT cognitive behavioral therapy; ITT intention-to-treat; PCTpresent centered treatment; PE prolonged exposure; TAU treatment as
usual; WL waiting list.
*Without Cloitre et al., 2010 due to incomparability of score ranges.
Zlotnick et al., 1997; 2Classen et al., 2001; 3Cloitre et al., 2002; 4Chard, 2005; 5McDonagh et al., 2005; 6Cloitre et al., 2010; 7Dorrepaal et al., 2012; 8Percentage decrease of PTSD
diagnoses as reported by author; 9Percentage of patients that improved as defined by author.
Prepost effect sizes, recovery and improvement rates were tested: CA-related Complex PTSD (A) vs. CA-related PTSD (B); active vs. control; CBT vs. PCT and the three subtypes of CBT
amongst each other, and the two types of control conditions: a,b,c,d,f,j,l,m,sDifferences between groups of studies with the same superscript are significant at pB0.05 as a result of modest
overlap of confidence intervals. e,g,h,i,k,n,o,p,q,r,t,uDifference between groups of studies with the same superscript are significant at pB0.01 as a result of non-overlap of confidence intervals.

Citation: European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014, 5: 23613 -

Evidence-based treatment for Complex PTSD

Recovery rates Pretreatment and posttreatment symptom level

Five studies1,36 reported outcome in terms of recovery The mean pretreatment score on the CAPS was around
rate. In eight active conditions a mean recovery rate of 70 (range 6486), indicative for severe PTSD. Posttreat-
50% was found, comparing favorably with a recovery rate ment, the mean score for completers of active treatment
of 22% in the control conditions (Table 4) in intention-to- conditions was 34 (range 967) (Tables 3 and 4). In the
treat analysis, also found in completers’ analysis. Table 4 PTSD (B) studies, active conditions resulted in a com-
shows a higher recovery rate for CBT as compared to paratively favorable mean post score of 19, whereas the
PCT in completers, but not in intention-to-treat. No Complex PTSD (A) studies revealed a mean post score of
difference was observed in the direct comparison5 (Table 3). 38 for completers (Table 5), which is approximately the
In contrast to effect size comparisons, no evidence for cutoff score for a PTSD diagnosis, while in intention-
differential recovery rates between types of CBT was to-treat participants these scores were even higher.
These findings therefore indicate that predominantly
CBT treatments are effective in reducing PTSD in the
The Complex PTSD studies (A) showed a lower
CA-related PTSD population, but fall short in meeting
recovery rate as compared to the PTSD studies (B) in
the needs of the Complex PTSD population.
intention-to-treat analysis, which also was seen in com-
pleters’ analysis, in line with differential effect sizes (Table 5).
Complex PTSD outcome measures
Within Complex PTSD studies, we now found higher
Data on Complex PTSD domains could not be aggre-
recovery rates for AM only versus exposure only in
gated due to a limited number of measurements and their
intention-to-treat analysis (Table 5). Similar findings heterogeneity. Outcome variables that were measured in
were obtained for combined exposure and AM versus more than one study included dissociation, interpersonal
exposure only. problems, depressive symptoms, and anger. Results were
Taken together, overall modest recovery rates were however mixed, as some improved similarly to PTSD
observed, favoring CBT over PCT in completers’ analysis scores, whereas others did not, so that definitive conclu-
not in intention-to-treat. Again, in the Complex PTSD sions cannot yet be drawn.
studies recovery rates were less favorable compared to the
PTSD studies (B). Recovery rates for AM (only or in
combination with exposure) exceeded those for exposure Our research question was: What empirical evidence is
only in Complex PTSD studies. available to effectively treat the subgroup of CA-related
Complex PTSD patients and to guide our choice of
Improvement rates optimal treatment? Little guidance was found in the
Active treatments resulted in mean improvement rates of currently available literature, because to our knowledge
45% in completers and 34% in intention-to-treat (Table 4). no review on CA-related PTSD or Complex PTSD has
Although this contrasts favorably with 11 and 9%, res- been published to date, and reviews concerning CA or
pectively, in control conditions, a majority of patients PTSD do not provide clear evidence for optimal treatment
failed to reach this criterion. No differential improve- of these complex patients.
ment rates between CBT and PCT or types of CBT were We identified 24 RCTs addressing a combination of
PTSD and CA, which were however highly variable with
found. Improvement rates for TAU during WL were more
regard to study population, index trauma, treatment
favorable than for WL only.
target, and outcome measures. We sorted these RCTs
Again, Complex PTSD patients (A) showed unfavor-
into five groups of studies (AE), depending on the target
able results in terms of improvement rate: 35% versus 65%
populations: consisting of (four) combinations of PTSD
in DSM-defined PTSD patients (B) in completers, as well
or mainly PTSD with CA or mainly CA, combined with a
as in intention-to-treat analysis (Table 5). Between types
(fifth) group of Complex PTSD and CA. For the purpose
of treatment within the Complex PTSD (A) studies, of this review, we concentrated on the studies assigned to
exposure only showed lower improvement rates (Table 5) the categories A (Complex PTSD and CA) and B (PTSD
as compared to AM only in both intention-to-treat and and CA). In the category A and B studies, all patients
completers’ analysis. Lower improvement rates for expo- were diagnosed with PTSD, all suffered from CA as the
sure only were also found in direct comparisons5,6 listed in index trauma and the treatment target was PTSD or
Table 3. Complex PTSD. Category A likely included a Complex
In sum, most patients failed to reach criteria for PTSD population, which was therefore analyzed sepa-
significant improvement. In the Complex PTSD studies rately. Studies assigned to category C focused on PTSD
improvement rates were even lower, especially for expo- patients, which only partly suffered from a CA history
sure as compared to AM, in line with results for recovery and CA was not the index trauma in the majority of the
rates. patients. In category D, the patients had a CA history,

Citation: European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014, 5: 23613 - 13

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Ethy Dorrepaal et al.

and CA was the index trauma; however, only parts generalizability to the most impaired Complex PTSD
of these patients were diagnosed with PTSD and this patients and stresses the importance of developing and
subgroup was not analyzed separately. Category E studying treatment improvements for this group with
pertained to studies of patients only partly suffering high rates of comorbidity, suicidality, unemployment,
from CA and partly from PTSD. and utilizing costly intensive treatment including medica-
The patients of the category A and B studies pre- tion and hospitalization.
dominantly consisted of Caucasian patients, who were Additionally, a considerable proportion of patients
mostly well educated, employed, and severely traumatized. drop-out of treatment, without relief of their disturbing
Suicidal and dissociative (identity) disorder patients were symptoms, whereas the remaining patients generally
frequently excluded. The included patients were recruited achieve large effects in completers’ analyses. Our findings
mostly by advertisements. Information regarding previous indicate the relevance of comparing results between (sub)
treatments including hospitalizations and medication use populations, which may be illustrated by a difference in
was lacking in most studies, limiting generalizability to drop-out between exposure and AM in the Complex
‘‘real life’’ populations. PTSD population, but not in the PTSD populations.
Results of the meta-analysis showed that these patients Probably, patients who are able to tolerate exposure
improved substantially following different types of treat- are likely to complete their treatment successfully. The
ments targeting CA-related PTSD or Complex PTSD, differential drop-out rates between PCT (9%) and CBT
as indicated by large effect sizes. Patients in active treat- (26%) as well as between exposure and other treatments
ment conditions, predominantly cognitive behavioral stress the importance of additional intention-to-treat
treatments, showed superior outcomes in recovery and analyses to obtain more balanced results. These findings
improvement rates compared to control conditions. How- concur with a previous report showing higher drop-out
ever, post treatment symptom scores were still substantial: during exposure therapy in more complex patients (with
just less than half of patients no longer met criteria for comorbid personality disorder) (McDonagh et al., 2005),
a PTSD diagnosis and only a minority showed clini- whereas within a Complex PTSD population the least
cally relevant improvement. CBT and PCT were generally complex patients (without comorbid BPD) drop-out
equally effective, but differed in drop-out rate favoring more frequently during AM (Dorrepaal et al., 2012). In
PCT, and recovery rate favoring CBT in completers’ the literature it has been noted that drop-out risk may be
analysis. CBT treatments ranged from AM to exposure, highest in the first exposure sessions (McDonagh et al.,
always including psycho-education and cognitive therapy. 2005) and may decrease after improvement of negative
Between CBT types, exposure resulted in greater effect mood regulation or achieving a more robust working
sizes as compared to AM, although recovery and im- alliance (Cloitre, Koenen, Cohen, & Han, 2002).
provement rates were similar. Systematic inventories among experts recommend an
When comparing CBT treatment outcome after 1224 initial focus on ‘‘stabilization’’ in Complex PTSD patients
weeks for the most Complex PTSD populations (assigned as well as dissociative disorders with an inability to
to category A) with PTSD populations (assigned to tolerate strong affects before exposure (Baars et al., 2011;
category B), we found that the Complex PTSD popula- Brands et al., 2012; Cloitre et al., 2011). Thus, regular
tion benefitted less from treatment as compared to DSM- exposure treatments may be unsuitable for Complex
defined PTSD. Moreover, no differential treatment effect PTSD patients in the first phase of their treatment.
sizes were observed in Complex PTSD. In contrast, for More psycho-educational or stabilizing treatments tar-
Complex PTSD patients, more favorable drop-out, re- geting affect dysregulation, irrational beliefs, and/or lack
covery, and improvement rates for AM were observed of social and self-soothing skills may prepare patients to
compared with exposure treatment. subsequent treatments such as exposure (e.g., Harned,
These findings indicate that despite the large effect Jackson, Comtois, & Linehan, 2010), or directly reduce
sizes, which are in line with earlier PTSD reviews, the PTSD symptoms in other cases (e.g., Zlotnick et al.,
presence of substantial symptoms post treatment to- 1997).
gether with low to moderate improvement and recovery It is unknown if treatment outcome can be improved
rates imply a clear need for better treatments. This is even by varying treatment type and duration, since most
more the case for the Complex PTSD population in treatments studied to date are 1224 week CBT treat-
which the results are less favorable as compared to the ments. An integrated approach focusing not only on
PTSD population. Even within the four Complex PTSD PTSD outcome but also on (complex) associated features
studies effect sizes are highest in the studies5,6 with is therefore mandatory. For example, a treatment sche-
more exclusion criteria and lower inclusion rates. This dule starting with AM was shown to be both tolerable as
is in agreement with the finding in the meta-analysis well as effective (Cloitre et al., 2002, 2010), although not
of Bradley et al. (2005) showing that higher effect tested yet in a fully diagnosed Complex PTSD popula-
sizes are related to more exclusion criteria. This limits tion, or analyzed separately for the PD subgroup.

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Evidence-based treatment for Complex PTSD

Strengths and limitations Complex PTSD cannot be ruled out. Given the low
In contrast to most PTSD meta-analyses, which are only inclusion rate, the presence of exclusion criteria like
based on the results of completer analyses, we addition- suicidality and low inclusion rate in these two Complex
ally presented aggregated intention-to-treat data, and PTSD studies (Cloitre et al., 2010; McDonagh et al.,
when necessary estimated these based on drop-out rates 2005), and the fact that most patients were self-referred,
and completers’ results. This is of relevance since drop- Caucasian, well educated, and employed (except seven)
out rates differed between treatments. Additionally, we indeed warrants some caution regarding the general-
calculated multimodal outcome measures, presenting izability of the results, especially for exposure, to the most
not only effect sizes but also recovery and improvement Complex PTSD population.
rates, inclusion rates and postscores, resulting in a more
comprehensive overview. Moreover, we attempted to Future research
focus on well-circumscribed populations, thereby avoid- Given the paucity of studies in CA-related Complex
ing conclusions that would be over-generalizing and PTSD populations to date, additional trials are needed to
hence unspecific. However, even within the Complex explicitly address these patients, with careful assessments
PTSD study populations some characteristics like inclu- and minimal exclusion criteria. The main challenge is
sion rates and exclusion criteria indicated different levels whether more favorable effects and lower drop-out rates
of complexity/severity. can be achieved using established approaches for routi-
From a methodological viewpoint, in performing the nely included study populations, such as C(P)T vs.
meta-analysis, the relatively low number of studies pre- exposure vs. EMDR, comparing these to, e.g., personality
cluded rigorous testing and adjustment for homogeneity disorder treatment programs. To investigate possible
(although the random effects model gave very similar treatment population interactions, a study comparing
results compared to the presented results from the fixed treatments having the same number of sessions within a
effects model) and also impeded proper assessment of Complex PTSD diagnosed population is warranted. This
funnel plots in order to evaluate publication bias. could also add to the results of Cloitre et al. (2010) who
Due to our stringent inclusion criteria the number of compared eight sessions of AM with eight sessions of
identified studies was modest, limiting the power to exposure with 16 sessions of both of these modalities
identify differential treatment (e.g., length of treatment) successively. It remains unclear whether extending the
or population effects. Additionally, different numbers of eight session stabilizing AM condition to 16 sessions
studies could be included per outcome, for example, effect would result in similar results as compared to the 16
size or recovery rate, limiting their interpretation. More- session combined treatment or 16 sessions exposure only.
over, we did not analyze follow-up data, which might As noted earlier, to enhance generalizability of results
provide important additional information, as for instance it is important to broadly include referred populations
in the Cloitre et al. (2010) study most differential results with minimal exclusion criteria like suicidal behavior,
were not evident before follow-up. Follow-up data did dissociation or substance abuse, which are characteristic
not allow meaningful aggregation: Two studies1,7 did not for the Complex PTSD population. In addition, person-
report follow-up data; two more studies2,4 did not report ality disordered, non-Caucasian, lower educated, unem-
means and SDs needed to aggregate on follow-up; also ployed, medicated, and previously treated patients should
generally no follow-up information of the control condi- be included and these characteristics should be reported
tion3,5,6 was given. Notwithstanding these limitations, and their relevance analyzed. This important knowledge
findings indicate that gains are at least sustained and gap as identified in this review corroborates earlier
sometimes improved over follow-up, specifically concern- publications (Bradley et al., 2005; Cloitre, 2009, 2011).
ing PTSD symptoms.36 We were only able to analyze Axis II disorder assessment and separate analyses of
treatment outcome in terms of PTSD symptom severity, patients with and without Axis II diagnoses are likewise
which is likely to introduce a bias with regard to patients’ needed to address questions regarding generalization of
perceived needs and treatment effects. For example, a effects to more Complex PTSD populations. Moreover,
meta-analysis on CA studies found CBT treatments differential drop-out and analysis on both completers
superior in terms of PTSD outcome, but not on exte- as well as intention-to-treat are warranted to obtain a
rnalizing problems (Taylor & Harvey, 2010). Moreover, balanced overview. Finally, uniform measures for Com-
the interpretation of the effects of Complex PTSD versus plex PTSD symptoms are needed to allow comparisons
AM on treatment results may be confounded, since AM between studies.
was used in Complex PTSD populations only. Lastly, Concluding, the results of this review suggest that a
we defined Complex PTSD study populations arbitrarily variety of treatments may be effective for CA-related
as Complex PTSD diagnosed or PTSD with at least 50% PTSD, but they may not be sufficient enough to obtain
PD comorbidity, so the possibility that patients in a study satisfactory end states in the more Complex PTSD
population meeting the latter criteria did not all have populations. Therefore, it is important firstly to be able

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