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Unit 1

1. Reasons people change their plans

R/ People often change their plans, for important reasons or inconveniences that arise

2. Plans that you had to change

R/ last weekend I was planning to make a trip to Santa Marta and I had to change it, because I had to work on
those days

Unit 2

1. Traditional holidays in Colombia

R/ The most traditional festivals of Colombia are: The carnival of Barranquilla, the flower fair in Medellin,
the sea festivals in Santa Marta, among others

2. Customs in Colombia to celebrate birthdays, christmas, new year

R/ In Colombia on each birthday friends and families are usually invited to celebrate one more year of life
together, At Christmas you eat custard, fritters, spend it with your family and open the gifts under the tree. On
the other hand, in the New Year, loved ones are received with fireworks and hugs.

Unit 3

1. Differences between inventions and discoveries

R/ The difference between invention and discovery is that discovery is finding something that already
existed, but we did not know of its success. On the other hand, invention is to create something, relying on
existing discoveries.

2. Impact of inventions and discoveries in our lives

R/ The appearance that many technological inventions and discoveries have had over the years, have
changed the course of history allowing society to advance towards progress and make life a little easier for

3. Technological Products

R/ Over the years they have made countless discoveries and that as a result of these already existing, new
invections have been created such as: Telephone, televisions, computers, among others

4. Big desicions you’ve made in the past

R/ One of the big decisions I made in the past, was to start the gym, since I was going through health
problems. On the other hand, changing my diet was another good decision, as it helped improve my

Unit 4

1. Type of goverment in your country

R/ The types of government that exist in my country are: Republic, Unitary State, Presidentialism and
Constitutional Republic.

2. Your interest in politics

R/ Personally, I have no interest in politics, since it seems to me that it is an issue that generates too much
controversy and choice of sides.

3. Politics as a good topic of discussion

R/ I believe that in some cases, politics can be a good topic for discussion, as long as the topic is of great
interest and importance to people.

4. Your political point of view

R/ My political point of view has always been based on the fulfillment of the proposals offered by the
candidates for the country's agreement and that everything is of total transparency towards the people.

5. Your opinion on some controversial issues

R/ The death penalty has been a controversial issue that has transcended throughout history, and has been
implemented in some countries around the world. My opinion about this court ruling is considered as a
ruthless fit against humanity and above all an easy way out for people who commit heinous crimes, in my
opinion I consider that it is preferable that criminals be sentenced to an extremely high penalty so that they
assume the consequence of their actions.

Unit 5

1. Location of places

R/ Australia is a country of Oceania located in the southern hemisphere of the Earth that is surrounded by
the Indian, Antarctic Glacial and Pacific Oceans.

2. Describing risks at places

R/ This country is very risky, because most wild animals live interperie

3. Describinga a natural place

R/ The Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical forest in the world and is a place that has one of the greatest
biodiversity on the planet.

4. Dangerous animals

R/ The most dangerous animals in my country are: snakes, African bees and poisonous frogs

5. Recomending a places to visit

R/ The blue lagoon is too nice a place, which is located in the southeast of Iceland

The Northern Lights found along the strip linking central Alaska and Canada is too beautiful a place to go
with friends.

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