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1. Teacher Fernando: Hello Luis.

2. Luis: Hello Teacher.

3. Teacher: How are you today?

4. Luis: I´m fine and you?

5. Teacher: Fine Thanks,today Luis we are going to see,how do you make a cake.

6. Luis: Ok teacher,what is the first step?

7. Teacher: We are going to buy some ingredients.

8. Luis: I suppose teacher,I need flour,eggs,butter,vanilla and a box of milk.

9. Teacher: Yes Luis let´s start,we have to mix all the ingredients in the blender.

10. Luis: Ok teacher and then?

11. Teacher: We have to put the mix in the bowl during 44 minutes in the stove.

12. Luis: Teacher after the time I have to let it cool.

13. Teacher: Yes Luis and the cake is ready.

14. Luis: Teacher I am going to decorate the cake.

15. Teacher: It´s ok Luis.

16. Luis: Finally tacher let´s breake the cake…..

17. Teacher: Give me a slice please.

18. Luis: Here you are teacher,do you like the cake?

19. Teacher: Yes of course it´s so Delicious.

20. Luis: Thanks teacher! It´s a good idea to put a bakery.

21. Teacher: That´s great Luis!

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