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Internal Power Centers

Mastering the Energy of Body & Mind

Al Perhacs

Revised Edition 2018

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Copyright 2018 Internal Power Centers


Table of Contents

Mastering the Energy Of Body & Mind .........................................................................5

The Conscious Mind ...................................................................................................5
The Subconscious Mind .............................................................................................10
The Soul...................................................................................................................13
Chi (Energy) .............................................................................................................15
The Aura ..................................................................................................................17
Normal Energy Expenditure ........................................................................................21
The Presence of Danger ............................................................................................23
The Presence of Disease or Injury ..............................................................................24
Conscious Mind Thought ............................................................................................25
Mind Stilling Technique ..............................................................................................26
Yin Chi Infusion Technique ........................................................................................29
Seeing the Aura ........................................................................................................29
Auric Massage – for Couples ......................................................................................31
Telepathy ................................................................................................................33
How We Think .........................................................................................................36
Telepathy and the Aura.............................................................................................38
More Telepathy Basics ..............................................................................................39
Involuntary Telepathic Communication .......................................................................41
Involuntary Telepathic Communication & the Emotions ................................................45
Sensing the Loving Feelings of One Another ...............................................................46
Projecting a Negative Energy ....................................................................................47
How to Clear the Mind of Self-Sabotaging Energy .......................................................48
The Rules Concerning Subconscious Mind Psychic Conduits .........................................48
Telepathic Though Receiving ................................................................................... 48
General Thought Reception Exercise ......................................................................... 52
Targeted Thought Reception ....................................................................................53
Transmission of Telepathic Thought ..........................................................................54
Aura to Aura Contact ...............................................................................................58
Sending Thoughts to an Unsuspecting Person ...........................................................58
Appearing at 2 Places at the Same Time ...................................................................59
Clairvoyance ...........................................................................................................61
Involuntary Subconscious Mind Clairvoyance .............................................................63
Involuntary Projected Clairvoyance ...........................................................................66
Voluntary Projected Clairvoyance .............................................................................68
Voluntary Subconscious Mind Clairvoyance with Humans ...........................................69
Soul Based Clairvoyance .........................................................................................70
Voluntary Soul-Based Clairvoyance ..........................................................................72
The Black Bowl Technique ......................................................................................74
3 Levels of Pre-Cognition ........................................................................................76
Pre-Cognition Exercises ..........................................................................................79
Zenor Card Method ................................................................................................ 81
Going Back in Time .................................................................................................82
Past Life Clairvoyance .............................................................................................84
Additional Considerations ........................................................................................86

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Accessing Past Memories Technique .......................................................................... 90

Once the Subconscious Mind is Open .........................................................................91
Recognizing your Personal Past .................................................................................92
Technique for Experiencing your Past ........................................................................95
What to Look for While in the Past ............................................................................96
Verifying the Experience............................................................................................99
About Dream State Past Recognition ........................................................................103
Psychometry – Energetic Attachments ......................................................................105
Understanding Psychometry .................................................................................... 106
Proximal Psychometry ............................................................................................. 112
TelePsychometry .....................................................................................................113
An Exercise in TelePsychometry ................................................................................114
Molecular Psychokinesis ............................................................................................115
CHI INFUSION ........................................................................................................116
Pulling Chi out of Someone .......................................................................................117
Manipulating Someone’s Chi ..................................................................................... 119
You Must Have an Open Gate to Manipulate Chi .........................................................120
Emotions and Energy ................................................................................................122
Hypnotic Manipulation & Control ................................................................................ 124
How to Manipulate with Chi .......................................................................................126
Psychic Self-Defense..................................................................................................127
Energy Vampires ...................................................................................................... 128
Human Chi Vampires .................................................................................................129
Chi Vampires in Business ............................................................................................132
Defense Against Chi Vampires .................................................................................... 134
Animal Vampires ........................................................................................................136
Defense against Animal Vampires .............................................................................. 139
Plant Vampires ......................................................................................................... 140
Telephatic Attacks ................................................................................................... 142
Some Closing Thoughts ............................................................................................ 145

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The Conscious Mind

The conscious mind is the ordinary everyday mind that we are all familiar
with. It is born with the body and inevitably passes away with the body.
During our lives, it analyzes and records all of our life experiences.
Forming its myriad opinions about those experiences, it presents them to
us as fact and has us believing that both the world around us and
ourselves really are what it says we are.

The problem is that the information that the conscious mind receives
through our five sense faculties and subsequently processes is often
insubstantial and illusory, and so, based on those illusions, offers us not
only an incomplete view of the world and ourselves, but creates for each of
us our own very personal earthly heavens and hells, as well.

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Unlike the subconscious mind, which is endowed with much greater

capabilities and is operational continuously throughout all of our many
incarnations, the conscious mind is limited by having to experience life
anew each and every time we reincarnate. That is, at conception, it starts
off blank like a brand new recording tape with nothing on it from our past
to give us at least some semblance of a head start in life.

In a way, it is very much like the intellectual labors of Sisyphus where,

instead of having to roll a large, cumbersome, stone up a steep seemingly
unassailable hill, only to have it roll down again when it nears the top, we
are rolling all of our conscious mind experiences up a hill only to have them
suddenly disappear and reappear at the bottom, blank and inexperienced
once again.

Through the offices

of the conscious
mind, reality is
variously and
personally distorted,
subtly paving over
much of the common
ground that would
otherwise unite us all
in a singular
experience of reality.
Through the agency
of the conscious
mind, higher truths
become subjective truths. That is, it forms concepts of reality that have
their genesis in the arbitrary and self-serving interests of each individual
conscious mind and therefore must be considered suspect, at best.

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In analyzing the world and itself, it is here that the conscious mind
ignorantly genuflects before the altar of truth that it, itself, has designed
and constructed, and then in bewilderment, wonders why there are no
answers flowing from that altar which will satisfy its seemingly
unquenchable thirst not only for mundane answers, but for authentic
spiritual knowledge, as well when two or more people view the same
incident, and results in different interpretations of that event.

It is the individual conscious mind's arbitrary interpretations of people,

places, things, and events, that cloud the fundamental truth of their nature
and, as a result, is responsible for the creation of so many of the spiritual
and day-to-day misunderstandings and problems that we are plagued with.

For this reason, wisdom in deciphering the true nature of existence is not,
nor can it ever be, the conscious mind's forte.

All of this becomes even more understandable when we realize that the
conscious mind bases all of its interpretations about the world on data that
it receives from what are arguably inferior sense organs. When we

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compare our human experience of the world with that of the rest of the
animal kingdom, for example, we seem to fall quite short. Consider a dog's
sense of smell and hearing, for instance.

Here, we find that a dog's world is rife with odors and sounds that we are
completely oblivious to. A shark's sense of smell is so acute that it can
detect blood in water, one part in a million. To us the blood would be non-
existent. What about of sense of sight? A hawk can spot a mouse stirring a
field of wheat a mile away. At that distance, for us the mouse would not

So it is with all of our senses - sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Yet,
our conscious mind takes the inferior information it receives and arbitrarily
determines the nature of both the world and of us, as well. Still, such as it
is, the sensory information that the conscious mind receives is all that it has
to work with. Because of that, it denies those who rely on it the ability to
pierce the veil of illusion that shields the truth of existence.

In fact, many of us because of our reliance on our conscious minds do not

even recognize that the veil exists at all. Understand that when the eye first
perceives an object, it does so quite pristinely, without the least vestige of
prejudice. That is, it receives the image of the object without any
preconceived ideas concerning it. The eye is simply seeing the object based
on its particular physical ability, without labels, descriptive colorings, past
memory correlations, or personal biases.

However, once the eye

passes that image on to
the conscious mind for
interpretation, the object
becomes variously
distorted because the
conscious mind then takes

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that image and superimposes on it all manner of correlative information,

such as any past experiences it has on record concerning it or similar
objects. Now, when it comes to our psychic abilities, the fact is that the
conscious mind simply does not possess such capabilities.

This, of course, is not to say that the lower mind is not privy to such
information. It is just that it does not receive psychic information through
any innate psychic devices of its own. Instead, such information comes to
it through the auspices and psychic faculties of the subconscious mind. Still,
even through this process, the conscious mind falls short and is found
sorely wanting.

The reason for this is that the conscious mind is often too loud and
loquacious to hear, much less understand, the psychic information delivered
to by the higher mind. Even when, during those rare moments when it is
quiet enough to acknowledge the subconscious mind's psychic information,
it immediately begins a subtle process of superimposing on that information
a plethora of arbitrary distortions.

For this reason alone, it is imperative that those of us wanting to begin the
process of mastery over our inner powers should not conduct that quest
within the truth-distorting arena of the lower mind. You must learn how to
quiet your conscious mind to the point where it is so reticent and
unimposing that the higher mind with its wonderful psychic information
gathering and transmitting capabilities come forward and dominate.

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The Subconscious Mind

You can think of the subconscious mind as the unique and subtle part of us
that has existed since our very first incarnation and serves to merge within
us, both the temporal and the eternal; that of the dark, gross, limited,
physical world of the conscious mind and that of the pristine, limitless,
eternal realm of our souls. Since the subconscious mind is devoid of the
reasoning faculties inherent in the conscious mind, it does not possess the
ability to create the innumerable arbitrary distortions that reasoning
processes often promote to obscure our vision of the world.

Even so, it should not be understood to mean that the subconscious mind is
by any means perfect, it is not. The reason for this is that, like the
conscious mind, the subconscious mind has also been recording our life's
experiences, not just in our present life, but also from the very moment in
our dim and distant pasts when we had first become a living entity, a
sentient being. What is more, it has not only been recording throughout all
of our innumerous earthly incarnations but throughout all of our heaven
and hell experiences in between those periods.

While receiving psychic information, the subconscious mind sometimes

draws on its wealth of recorded experiences and finds correlative data
there, data that it subsequently uses to bring that psychically received

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information into sharper focus, one that makes it somehow more


The remainder of the time, however, the subconscious mind seems not to
be so helpful and instead of making that psychically received information
clearer, it actually produces the opposite effect, and obscures that data by
superimposing on it what it thinks to be relevant correlative experiences.

Does that make the psychic information it receives invalid?

No, it doesn't mean that at all. On those occasions it simply places us in the
position of having to peek under the veil it created in order to uncover the
truth of the communication. That, in the final analysis, is really not so bad,
is it?

Based on our research, it seems that we can consider the subconscious

mind to actually be a subtle intermediary device created by the soul in

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order to connect it to the exterior world or world of matter. In other words,

the higher mind seems to be the link between the ephemeral outside of us
and the glorious eternal inside of us. It is, therefore, the penultimate tool
for the performance of supra-sensory perception and the application of
supra-sensory principles and techniques.

We say penultimate, because the ultimate source of knowledge, wisdom,

and power, of course, has to be the soul, itself. Since the subconscious
mind seems to be such an easily accessible translator of the infinite amount
of information contained within the soul's limitless precincts, it only seems
reasonable that we who are seeking to understand the nature of our
existence should make good use of it.

In short then, we would not be wrong in thinking of the subconscious mind

as the golden key that will help us unlock the vast spiritual inner powers
lying predominantly dormant within us.

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The Soul

The soul is our true essence….

It is that part of the Eternal that has been locked inside the world of matter
since the time of the creation and is the solitary, motivating, spiritual force
that has been, not only responsible for giving rise to us and all other
sentient life forms, but it is also the great mystical power deep within us
that drives us ever onward in a deliberately linear spiritual evolution that
will, in time, eventuate in our deliverance, our long awaited piece of
personal salvation.

Our souls, being one with the Eternal, are the supreme sources of
knowledge and wisdom where nothing is hidden and nothing is lacking.
Within its pristine climes are the great mystical founts of divine potency that
compel us to endure the incessant changes of life in our efforts to rise

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above the illusions of the world and to deliberately seek after that which is
enduring and of true value, to seek the eternal.

To this end, we must understand that our souls are the definitive reality,
the ultimate pot of gold at the end of our personal spiritual rainbows. Our
souls, being the divine presence of God within us, are the ultimate mystical
gateways that will lead us out of this world of pain and suffering. Through
its portals, each of us must pass if our personal cycles of reincarnation are
to come to an end and we are to return to our spiritual home, finally shed
of the impediments that have kept us away so long.

Our souls have not only provided us with a wonderful variety of psychic
tools with which to explore and understand ourselves and the truths
concerning the matrix of existence, but, more importantly, they have given
us the means with which to fulfill our personal evolutionary and spiritual
destinies. All that we have to do is to take advantage of its infinite bounty.

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Chi (Energy)

Throughout this study, we will see the term "Chi" used frequently. Chi
comes from Sanskrit, the ancient language of India, and means "life force"
or "life energy." It is the energy that not only sustains us in life, but
sustains all of creation, as well. It is the primal, indivisible, indigo-colored,
energy of manifest existence, without which nothing could exist.

Chi has been called by other names: ki, chi, m'retz na'she... the terms
are really quite interchangeable. When we consider the role Chi plays in our
psychic abilities, it is evident that no such abilities could exist or function
without it.

The rule is: The more Chi we have available for use, the greater,
and more substantial our psychic potentials are.


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For the simple reason that during episodes of telepathy, clairvoyance,

psychometry, etc., we have come to understand that Chi functions in the
capacity of a carrier wave, similar to the carrier waves so necessary for
radio transmission.

That is, just as a carrier wave in radio broadcasting is originally pure and
un-modulated (carrying no information), similarly, a stream of projected Chi
is pure and un- modulated. It is only when information is superimposed on
a radio carrier wave that it truly becomes useful and fully functional.
Likewise, it is only when information is superimposed on a stream of Chi
that events, such as telepathic communication, clairvoyance, psychometry,
etc., can take place.

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The Aura

The aura is the subtle, yet readily viewable and palpable field of energetic
energy generated by and surrounding, without exception, all matter, from
the very simple to the very complex, both living and non-living. There are
not only individual auras, but composite auras, as well. Entire mountains,
for example, have auras composed of the collective energies of the rocks,
soil, trees, snow, and everything that makes the mountain physically what it

Even our planet, the Earth, has an aura that is composed of the collective
auras of everything that is found on and in it. Likewise, the aura of the
human body is composite in nature, created not only by means of the
energy produced through the various physiological energy-creating
processes, such as digestion, respiration, et cetera, but also by the
collective auras of its individual parts, from its simplest atoms and
molecules through its varied and very complex organs.

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Understand that every atom has an aura of its own and when atoms
combine to form molecules, the aura of the molecule is composed of the
combination of the auras of its atoms. It follows that the more complex a
molecule is the greater is the energy of its aura, right?

Well, that depends on the energy levels of the atoms involved. The rule of
thumb is: The more energy contained in the individual atoms, the more
energy the molecule formed by those atoms will contain. During chemical
reactions, there are exchanges of Chi that takes place that vary the
strength of the aura of the materials that are involved.

As you can see, the individual elements responsible for the creation of the
auras surrounding all things can be quite complex and active.

Does the aura have a function?

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Well, many people consider the aura to be an energy field surrounding a

person that, through its various colors and densities, advertises that
person's particular state of well-being or that person’s particular level of
spiritual achievement. This, of course, is not totally invalid understanding; it
is however, an incomplete one.

If we are trying to develop our psychic abilities properly, then a more

complete understanding of the nature of our auras is required, or all efforts
in the area of our psychic evolution will be, at best, very slow, and, in the
end, may prove to be "ultimately" disappointing.

If we are to truly understand the nature of the aura, we must accept as

axiomatic the fact that the aura is much more than just a barometer of the
magnitude of a person's spiritual or emotional state. The fact is that the
aura serves in human beings, as well as in all sentient life forms, as their
very first line of defense.

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“Understand that what the conscious mind is to the body, so the

subconscious mind is to the aura.”

That is, just as whatever comes into contact with our physical senses is
automatically brought to the attention of our lower mind, whatever comes
into contact with our aura is automatically brought to the attention of our
higher mind. Just as any sort of intrusive physical contact with our body will
cause our conscious mind to react in a defensive manner, any physical or
energy contact made with our aura by an outside source will cause our
subconscious mind to likewise act defensively.

This defensiveness, however, is not necessarily a universally good thing, for

it becomes one of the most enormous impediments to the establishment of
psychic liaisons between sentient beings. The reason why many mystics
and those lay people who have tried to tap into their psychic powers have
been disappointed with their efforts, is that they have not understood the
protection that auras provide.

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In a way, it is like attempting to break into your own home without first
turning off the burglar alarm system and suddenly finding yourself face-to-
face with a formidable team of security officers who prevent you from
entering it. Knowing that this subconscious mind defense mechanism is in
place, it is extremely important that you truly understand the nature of the
aura in all of its aspects if you want to succeed in mastering your
inner powers.

Normal Energy Expenditure

We, as living entities, are born

with two energy reservoirs.
One that determines the
length of our lives, and the
other that determines the
quality of our days. The first
reservoir is sealed and the
energy spent cannot be
replaced. As the energy level
of this energetic reservoir
declines over the course of our lives, our body ages and undergoes all of
the natural changes associated with aging. When, at last, the energy level
in this reservoir reaches the stage where it no longer contains enough to
sustain the body, death occurs.

The second of our reservoirs is replenishable and our daily expenditures of

energy require that we continuously replace as much of it as possible. This
is accomplished through our natural bodily processes, such as the
processing of food, respiration, sleep, association with other sentient
beings, and even through our contact with inanimate objects. It is, in large
part, the amount of energy contained in this reservoir that determines the
amount of energy present in our auras at any particular time. When this

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reservoir is fully charged, our auras are at peak strength, and we

experience a very real sense of health and well-being. Conversely, when
this reservoir is low, the strength and quality of our auras is weak. Varying
levels of energy in this "restorable" reservoir are normal in our daily lives
and are generally nothing to be concerned about. However, when the
energy level is critically low, there is a genuine cause for concern, for it may
trigger a number of negative changes in our bodies, some of which may be
tantamount to a physiological chain reaction, and may in their extreme be
life threatening. This physiological chain reaction takes place because our
higher minds respond to extremely low levels of energy by reprioritizing our
body's energy expenditures. That is, the energy distribution to the various
organs of our bodies is shunted around and a new set of priorities is
established. When energy levels are low, energy under the direction of the
subconscious mind may be diverted away from certain non-essential organs
and processes in order to maintain the minimum acceptable level of

Minimally, when this occurs we feel fatigued and are compelled to enter
into a sleep or rest mode in order to replenish the energy necessary for
acceptable bodily operation. However, when the energy level of this
reservoir is critically low, the restrictions the subconscious mind places on
the organs of the body can be extreme and it will actually begin shutting
down organs to the point where the situation may become life threatening.
It may, for example, reduce the energy that it sends to the spleen, liver,
pancreas, or kidneys. Or, it may even decrease the energy levels of the
brain to the point where we are thrust into a state of coma. The
subconscious mind does this in an effort to sustain life. We have all
experienced varying degrees of this shunting and reorganization of Chi at
different times in our lives.

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Have you even been too tired to think? If you have, then you have
experienced the higher mind shunting some Chi away from your brain in
order to deliver that energy to another organ. When you reach such a state,
it will clearly be reflected in the strength of your aura. Simply stated, when
your energetic level is high, your aura is strong and vibrant; when it is low,
your aura becomes weak and appears irregular. The weaker your aura is,
the more apt you are to suffer physically, and the less you will be able to
defend yourself against psychic intrusion by outsiders.

The Presence of Danger

During times of danger, either real or

imagined, the amount of Chi contained in
our auras is automatically increased by
the higher mind in order to strengthen
our aura's defensive capabilities. This
increase in energy not only increases the
aura's overall sensitivity but also allows
the aura to expand outwardly from the
body without losing a great deal of
density in the process. This necessary
expansion of the aura is controlled by the
subconscious mind in order to increase its
effective defensive range. The rule is: In times of safety, our aura's energy
requirements are minimal and so the amount of energy that it contains is
kept at normal levels; in times of danger (real or imagined), the aura enters
a heightened defense mode and its energetic strength is augmented.

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The Presence of Disease or Injury

When disease or injury is

present in the body, Chi is
sent by the subconscious
mind to the afflicted area to
help fight the disease and to
make reparations to areas of
damage. This process alters
the distribution of energy in
the aura.

For this reason, those well

trained in certain esoteric
fields of medicine can
determine the presence of disease or injury in a patient by observing the
various changes in quality [i.e., color, density, et cetera] present in their
patient's aura.

The rule is: When disease or injury is present in the body, the subconscious
mind will increase the Chi to the affected area, and the strength of the aura
surrounding the body will become imbalanced. That is, most of the aura
may appear normal but there will be an increased density of Chi over the
diseased or injured site. In extreme cases, the subconscious mind may even
reduce the overall strength of the aura in order to use that Chi to fight a
disease or repair an

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Conscious Mind Thought

Our conscious mind is constantly affecting the strength and quality of our
aura. The problem is that it does this in mostly negative ways. This means
that our conscious mind is not necessarily always operating in our best
interest. Our lower mind can, and often does, for example, waste enormous
amounts of our Chi during the course of the day through its ceaseless and
often useless chatter. It thinks about this and it thinks about that, worries
about this and gets angry over that, and forms countless opinions about
nearly everything that the physical senses come into contact with. This
activity expends large quantities of our energy.

In many people, the unchecked

activities of the conscious mind are one
of the greatest causes of the energetic
depletion of their auras. The reason for
this is simple to understand: thinking
requires energy. Of course, "not
thinking" is not necessarily good either.
The real problem is that the conscious
mind engages in too much non-
essential thought, and in particular,
those non-essential thoughts that are emotion producing. Unchecked
emotions sap the Chi in the energy reservoir and decrease the amount of
Chi in the aura.

In addition, whenever our five physical senses come into contact with an
external object, prompting the conscious mind to create a thought
concerning that object, the subconscious mind immediately responds by
creating a subconscious mind psychic conduit with the object. This results
in a small but spontaneous transfer of Chi to the object.

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Even if the subconscious mind psychic conduit lasts only a fraction of a

moment, the loss of energy will still take place. Clearly, extraneous
conscious mind thought is arguably the largest single non-physical factor
affecting the magnitude and density of our auras. The remedy is
meditation. Meditation quiets the detrimental activities of the conscious
mind. The proof lies in the fact that those who are engaged in daily
regimens of meditation are very often seen to have denser and stronger
auras than those who are not so engaged.

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Mind Stilling Technique

The Mind Stilling Technique is a way of taking immediate and decisive

control of the conscious mind by stopping the myriad thoughts that
interfere with not only our peace of mind, but our ability to tap into the rich
areas of our psychic abilities.

[Step 1] Close your eyes and, exhaling through your nose,

expel as much air from your lungs as you can. Hold your
breath for a count of ten, or until your thoughts stop.

Note: Observe what takes place when you hold your breath.
Notice how the intensity and volume of your thoughts decrease,
eventually disappearing entirely.

[Step 2] Once your thoughts have stopped, begin a very slow, controlled,
inhalation. Do not rush that first inhalation, even though you feel that you

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have to. Make every effort to control it. Fill your lungs to their normal
capacity and hold your breath once again for a count of ten.
[Step 3] Then, exhale through your nose very slowly and empty your
lungs of air, once again holding the extreme position for a count of ten
before making another slow controlled inhalation. At this point, your
conscious mind should be calm and uncluttered. You may repeat this
exercise as many times as necessary.


The Yin chi infusion technique, also known as the Yin chi infusion
technique, is one of the
most extraordinary
techniques that we
found for the quieting of
the conscious mind. It
may be performed in a
meditation posture,
sitting in a chair, lying
on a bed, or even while
standing. If performed correctly, it will quiet the lower mind in less than a

[Step 1] Do a complete exhalation through your nose, exhaling as much

air out of your lungs as you can and then hold your breath for a count of
[Step 2] Now, you must fill your entire body with Chi. To do this, first
imagine that your entire body is hollow... arms, legs, torso, everything.
Perform a complete inhalation, following your Chi-laden breath with your

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mind's eye as it enters you, filling your body completely, from the tip of
your toes to the top of your head.

[Step 3] Place the palm of your right hand over your Heart Vortex,
located over your heart [the area in the center of your chest] and exhale
through your nose, following breath as it travels up from your "hollow"
feet, through the center of your "hollow" body, down through your
"hollow" right arm, out of your palm, and into your Heart Vortex. Repeat
this technique one to three times, as needed. It may, of course, be
repeated as many times as necessary.

Another variation is to entwine your hands as if praying and place them on
the chest and proceed as mentioned above. To change the energy and
feeling, you may also cross the feet with left on top and then right foot on
top. By just changing the feet you get a different experience.

Seeing the Aura

[Step 1] Take a small potted plant and place it on a table in front of a

light-colored background, preferably white.

[Step 2] Position yourself approximately three to four feet away from the
plant and quiet you conscious mind utilizing the Yin chi infusion technique.

[Step 3] Once you have quieted your conscious mind, stare into the
center of the plant's foliage. In only moments, you will see a subtle glow
surrounding the leaves and stem of the plant. That is the plant's aura.

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Exercise 2

[Step 1] After successfully completing exercise 1, pull a leaf from the

plant and place it and the plant on the table on a black or white piece of
paper or a black or white tablecloth.

[Step 2] Use the Yin chi infusion technique to quiet your lower mind.
[Step 3] Observe the leaf carefully and you will see the aura surrounding
it. However, there is more to see. If you look very carefully, you will also
see a narrow column of indigo-colored Chi extending from the leaf to the

Exercise 3
[Step 1] Have a friend stand in front of a white wall. Position yourself
approximately four to five feet away.

[Step 2] Quiet your conscious mind by utilizing the Yin chi infusion

[Step 3] Once your mind is quiet, look at her or him, paying particular
attention to the edges of their body. You should be able to see your
friend's aura.

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Auric Massage – for Couples

[Step 1] In a candle lit room, have your partner lie on their back on a
bed and relax.
They may have their eyes open or closed; it's purely optional. For the best
results, your partner should be clad in as little clothing as possible. Here,
of course, you should let your level of comfort be your guide.

[Step 2] Both you and your partner should quiet your conscious minds
utilizing the Yin chi infusion technique.

[Step 3] Kneel beside your partner and place the aura surrounding the
relaxed palms of your hands on the surface of the aura on either side of
their face. As soon as you do, they should feel heat and a slight tingling
on their face.

[Step 4] Very slowly, begin to move your hands over your partner's entire
aura, lingering as long as you like over the more sensual areas of the body.
Wherever your aura touches your partner's aura, heat and tingling will be
experienced. The rest I will leave to your imagination. I am sure that you
will know what to do from there.

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Auric Lie Detector – When lying, the aura will expand and become
brighter and denser.

[Step 1] Have a friend stand in front of a light-colored wall.

[Step 2] Stand approximately five feet away and quiet your conscious
mind utilizing the Yin chi infusion technique.

[Step 3] Looking along the edges of their body, view their aura, paying
particular attention to its depth and density.

[Step 4] Ask your friend a few questions that you already know the
answers to. If they answer truthfully, you will see no changes in their

[Step 5] When you are ready, tell your friend to give a false answer to
any question that they choose to lie about. Then, ask your questions.
When they lie, you will immediately see a marked change in the depth and
density of their aura.

Exercise #2 for Lie Detector

[Step 1] Have a friend stand in front of a light-colored wall.

[Step 2] Stand approximately five feet away and quiet your conscious
mind utilizing the Yin chi infusion technique.

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[Step 3] View their aura, paying particular attention to its depth and

[Step 4] Now, ask your friend questions that you do not have the
answers to and see what happens. It is important for you to understand
that when a person is asked a question that causes them discomfort, their
aura may appear to pulsate slightly. This pulsation should not be
interpreted as lying. Lying is indicated solely by a marked increase in both
auric density and depth.


Simply, telepathy is the transmission of thought, however subtle that

thought may be, from one living being to another. It is the most common
and natural of our inner powers and takes place all around us, all the time,
in every conceivable combination. That is, man transmits to animals,
animals-to-man, man-to-plants, plants-to-man, animals-to-plants, plants-
to-animals, man-to-man, animal-to-animal, plant-to-plant, and so on.

If this is true and

telepathic communications
are so widespread, then
we could ask: why does
telepathic reception seem
so completely beyond the
capacity of most of us to
experience in our daily

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This is certainly a fair question, one that crosses a skeptic's mind every
time the subject is broached. The answer is that there are two factors
chiefly responsible for our inability to experience the plethora of telepathic
communications taking place around us: our lower minds and our auras.

First, as to our conscious minds, it is evident that the enormous

evolutionary strides that we have undergone as human beings have
brought us into a state where our conscious minds have become so
developed, so dominant, that they have become the principal mental voice
in our lives. We experience this dominance constantly throughout the
course of our day.

But there was a time in man's distant past, before the conscious mind took
this dominant position, that our subconscious mind ruled and telepathy
played an enormous role in our ability to not only communicate with
others, but aided us enormously in understanding and living in harmony
with the living elements of our environment. This gave us a sense of
naturalness and oneness with all of nature, something that seems to be
sadly missing among the majority of people today.

In a very real sense our evolved, noisy, discriminating, conscious minds

took our once natural and much used telepathic abilities and simply
covered them over. It did this so well and so subtly over time, that today
it is not uncommon for many people casually hearing the phrase "telepathic
communication" to immediately reduce it to nothing more than an amusing
and idle speculation.

Since our telepathic apparatus lies deep within the recesses of our
subconscious mind, it is not difficult to understand why the presently
dominant conscious mind has little understanding of it and why it would
doubt its existence. It is rather ironic to think that the conscious mind,
that very component of us responsible in large part for the disappearance
of such a useful and natural ability as telepathy, should today find the very

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idea of its existence so odd and alien.

The second part of the answer has to do with the protective presence of
our auras, a mechanism that is as simple as it is, by nature, ingenious. It
not only protects us from the constantly radiated intrusive thoughts of
others but also effectively interferes with the ability of others to receive our

Imagine the enormous difficulty a radio receiver would have receiving

signals if a powerful electrical field surrounded it. That electrical field
would effectively block reception, wouldn't it? This is precisely what our
auras do. That is, they effectively block telepathic transmissions from
reaching us. Our experience has taught us that when our lower minds are
quiet enough and the strength of our auras is reduced to relatively low
levels, then telepathic communication is not only possible, but becomes
relatively easy to perform.

This is why you must increase the overall sensitivity of your chi to be able
to tune into all of the vibrations that can be received by you at any given

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How We Think

To understand telepathy, we must understand how we think. Well, to

begin with, as sophisticated as our conscious mind prides itself to be, for
the most part we think mainly in pictures.

That is, our conscious mind takes sensory information presented to it by

the body's various physical sense faculties and then quickly, almost
instantaneously, creates a picture based on that data. It then searches its
memory for previously recorded information associated with that image.
If, for example, we see or hear the word elephant, what comes to our

Yes, we see the image of an elephant. If we see or hear the word zebra,
likewise we see the image of a zebra, stripes, and all. In both of these
cases, the most immediate information available to us would be the picture
of an elephant or zebra that has been previously recorded on our conscious
mind memories.

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It is generally only after that happens that other more specific information
comes, such as any particular statistical information that we may possess
concerning elephants or zebras, such as the animal's height, weight,
disposition, and any past personal contacts we may have had with the
animal. Of course, if we had never seen or heard of an elephant or zebra
before, no such picture would appear on the screen of our conscious minds
and the word elephant or zebra would be seem meaningless.

Even so, knowing that they were animals is enough to trigger our
conscious mind into searching its memory banks and presenting us with a
collage of pictures of animals that may be to some extent analogous. In
such a case, instead of summoning an image of a zebra, for instance, it
may project to us the image of a horse. No, it is not a zebra, but it is
pretty close. This is an example of associative thinking and is important in
understanding the telepathic process.

Another example of how the mind thinks in pictures has to do with the
conscious retrieval of memories. If we were asked to think back to a
particular event or time in our life, for example, what would run through
our lower mind? That's right, pictures, images of our childhood, or when
we graduated high school, or when we were married.
Whatever words we do come up with are generally not actually part of the
memory at all, but are merely superimposed interpretations of those
pictures, biased comments created by our conscious mind.

Understand that it is not that the conscious mind cannot or does not think
in the abstract, certainly it does. It reasons, describes, and generally gives
consideration to ideas based on whatever external sensory information it
receives before it vocalizes those thoughts internally to us.

This, of course, is a much more sophisticated process than merely thinking

in pictures and is really the only ability that our human conscious mind has

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that distinguishes it from the purely picture-thinking processes that occur

in most of the lower animal kingdom. Even so, our conscious mind still
favors thinking in pictures, which is fortunate because it is the easiest form
of thought to transmit telepathically.

Telepathy and the Aura

Every sentient being [i.e. plants, animals, and humanity] is constantly

transmitting its picture-thoughts to the rest of the world in waves much like
those generated by a radio transmitter. If this is so, then it could be
asked: why is it that, if we are surrounded by so much telepathic activity,
that we aren't constantly bombarded by a cacophony of chaotic and
maddening picture-thoughts, a huge number of which would have
associative emotions attached to them?

The answer is that we are, in fact, constantly bombarded by myriad

telepathic thoughts; however, the reason why many of us are unaware of
them is to be found in our own human evolution.

The rule is: The higher in the evolutionary ladder we ascend, the more
insulation is present to block out the countless extraneous and, often,
intrusive telepathic thoughts that relentlessly assail us.

Yes, we might think that the constant chatter going on inside our conscious
mind is the sort of protection from telepathic intrusion that we are referring
to, but it would be wrong to think that. Our conscious mind chatter is
certainly interference, but definitely not protection. The fact is that the
conscious mind cannot, regardless of how much chattering it does, prevent
us from receiving telepathic messages; it simply interferes with our
awareness of them.

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Our real protection from intrusive telepathic thought is provided by a

mechanism that is as simple as it is, by nature, ingenious. It is our aura.
It not only protects us from the constantly radiated intrusive thoughts of
others but also effectively prevents others from receiving our thoughts.

Again, imagine the enormous difficulty a radio receiver would have

receiving signals if a large electrical field surrounded it. That electrical field
would effectively block reception. That is precisely what our auras do.
Therefore, if we want to engage in meaningful telepathic communication
with others, the careful control of both our own aura and theirs is a
necessity. In later lessons, you will learn how to do this.

More Telepathy Basics

In order for useful telepathic transmission to take place, there are two
fundamental conditions that have to be met. The first is that the amount of
Chi present in the sender's aura must be raised to peak levels. The second
is that the person who is to receive the telepathic message has either a
reduced amount of Chi in their aura and/or willingly allows an open-gated
subconscious mind psychic conduit to be established between him and the

Regarding the first condition, just as in radio broadcasting, the stronger the
radio signal is the stronger and clearer the reception will be. Similarly, the
more empowered our auras are with Chi, the more powerful become our
personal telepathic transmitters. In times of crises, for example, we
become virtual powerhouses of telepathic thought transmission because
during those times the amount of Chi in our aura is automatically increased
by our subconscious mind much beyond its normal levels.

Because of this enhancement, when we are in distress, we become like

powerful radio transmitters broadcasting our distress calls to the rest of the

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world. This is a normal response to crises and not at all something that
should be considered odd or abnormal.

This is the reason why we hear of so many documented stories of people

in peril making their predicament telepathically known to others, especially
to those with whom they share an open subconscious mind psychic conduit
at the time, such as those that exist between a person and their close
friends and relatives.

This is how it works: The increase of Chi in the aura, the establishment
of psychic conduits or paths, and the opening and closing of psychic gates,
are all orchestrated by the subconscious mind. In times of great peril, the
subconscious mind diverts Chi away from various internal bodily functions
and delivers it to the aura in order to enhance the aura's protective and
telepathic broadcasting capabilities.

It then sends out a distress call comprised primarily of information relevant

to the nature and pertinent conditions of the situation. The problem is,
however, that because of the natural protective barriers created by their
own auras, vast majorities of the seeming limitless number of possible
receivers simply do receive it, while those who do receive it either have
open-gated subconscious mind psychic conduits established with the
sender or are in a physical or mental state where the strength of their aura
is, at that moment, greatly reduced.

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Involuntary Telepathic Communication

Involuntary telepathic communications are those instances of telepathic

sending or receiving, which occurs naturally and spontaneously in our life.
It is really the rule and not the exception. That is, again, we must
understand that there are natural telepathic communications occurring
constantly between all sentient entities-between people, animals, and
plants-in all the possible combinations.

However, during times of great stress, especially during those times where
safety is a major factor, the subconscious mind by design automatically
increases the amount of Chi in our aura to what can be considered
broadcast levels, turning a person, animal, or even a plant, into a
redoubtable and powerful telepathic transmitter, broadcasting a wide-
ranging distress calls to any and all parties who may possibly be
summoned for aid.

Certainly, we are all familiar with at least a few of the many stories of
people who have been saved from danger and even death by psychically
communicating the particulars of their predicaments to others. Just as
there are times when we are excellent involuntary telepathic senders, there
are natural, yet odd, moments in our life when we become superb
involuntary psychic receivers. There are four reasons responsible for this:

[1] Because our conscious mind happens to be unusually tranquil

and we feel
a very real sense of serenity and safety. When this happens, our
subconscious mind responds by decreasing the amount of Chi in our aura.
This effectively lowers our defenses and makes us more receptive to
telepathic messages.

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[2] Because our conscious mind is so quiet, there is simply less

noisy interference offered to telepathic reception at the conscious
mind level.

[3] Our conscious mind, being serene, is doing nothing to trigger

our subconscious mind into taking defensive action.

[4] We may already have natural open-gated subconscious mind

psychic conduits established with the sender.
A typical example of involuntary telepathic communication is between
family members or those we love. Understand that because an open-gated
subconscious mind psychic conduit normally exists between parents and
their children, a son or daughter's cry for her/his mother can be
automatically transmitted through that conduit. It just happens
involuntarily and naturally.

How often has this happened to you?

How often has just thinking about a person prompted them to call you?
This is another example of involuntary telepathy. Certainly, unless you
were well versed in the process, the idea of contacting that person
telepathically had never entered your mind and yet there it was . . .
Telepathic communication. As often occurs with many people, our first
instinct is to label it as nothing more than a coincidence. This is a natural
reaction, but is it really just a coincidence? No, clearly, it is not a
coincidence at all, especially if we consider the odds of something like that
happening. Again, we must understand that because of the already
established higher mind psychic conduit existing, the thought of a phone
call is passed from one person to the other.

Since the idea of a phone call coming in from someone we know, or one
that we make ourselves, thinking, that the thought is our own, and so we
act upon it. It makes us wonder how many thoughts that we have acted

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on in the past were not even our own thoughts, doesn't it?

We often make the mistake of believing that our private thoughts are just
that, our private thoughts, and that they are immune from violation or
intrusion from the outside. This, naturally, is what most people believe,
however, it could not be further from the truth. The reality is that we are
transmitting our private thoughts all the time and that we are often
subjected to any of the consequences that those private thoughts might
provoke when picked up by others.

Even if the letter of those thoughts are only picked up by another person's
subconscious mind and not relayed word-for-word to their lower minds, the
sense of those thoughts will cause them to respond in one way or another,
either negatively or positively.

This is, in part, the nature of the world we inhabit and the nature of the
extrasensory telepathic powers that we all possess. Therefore, to ignore
these powers or to disregard even the possibility that they exist is definitely
not in our best interest. So, like Jerry, how many times have you destroyed
sales? In fact, how many times have you destroyed friendships and
relationships without being aware of it? Remember, private thoughts are
not really quite as private as you believe they are.

On the whole, involuntary telepathic communication is just that,

spontaneous and unplanned; a communication that normally occurs in the
blink of an eye and often has both of the participants wondering who had
had the original thought. For example, how often have you and a person
that you were with said the exact same thing at the exact same time?

Think about it for a moment and I am sure that you will be able to recall a
number of those incidents, especially, with someone that you were near to,

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such as a spouse, sibling, a close friend, or one of your children. When it

happened, did you think it was a coincidence?

Well, the odds of two people saying the exact same thing at the exact
same time, you have to admit, is pretty remote and well beyond chance.

Another very common example of involuntary telepathic communication is,

believe it or not, yawning. Certainly, you've heard the expression: yawning
is contagious. How many times in your life did you find yourself yawning
at the same time the person you were with yawned or vice versa? Was it
just a coincidence? No, not really, it was the product of involuntary
telepathic communication.

Understand that when you are tired, your conscious mind quiets down and
that brings your subconscious mind forward. Since it is the subconscious
mind that is responsible for the maintenance of the body, should it require
a brief increase in oxygen, it will produce a yawn. Since subconscious
minds between friends and relatives normally and quite naturally establish

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open-gated psychic conduits with each other, the idea of a yawn is

something that is easily transferred telepathically. The next time this
happens to you, barring coincidence, you should realize that you just had a
genuine telepathic experience.

Involuntary Telepathic Communication & The


Thoughts are not the only things transferred telepathically between

sentient beings; the emotions are also communicated in this way.
Telepathically transmitted feelings of love, hate, revulsion, fear, attraction,
envy, pity, distrust, and others, are often the cause of not only the
establishment and sustaining of relationships and other interactions taking
place between people, but, unfortunately, are also responsible for the
many of the negative qualities inherent in relationships, as well. Therefore,
it is not just what we say or think that is communicated to the other party
during a conversation, but what we feel is also transferred.

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Sensing the Loving Feelings of One Another

Something that is quite common in many relationships, is even if all of the

necessary outward elements seem to be in place, there is still
communication taking place on a subconscious mind level that can tell us
that there is "Something is missing." Of course, there are times when the
opposite is true. That is, when, although there are outward signs that are
telling us that something is missing, what is being involuntarily transmitted
telepathically to us are emotional elements telling us that perhaps the
other person does, in fact, really and truly love us. Bearing this in mind, it
does not pay for us to allow ourselves to make judgments based only on
what we see or hear coming from the other person, but those judgments
should take into consideration what is going on behind the scenes, what
they are thinking and feeling, as well.

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Projecting a Negative Energy

Some people want one thing but project another. Many want relationship,
job, business, health success on the outside, but the energy they project is
totally different.

How was it clear to us? Because of negative situations in our past,

sometimes our mind begins to project those feelings as a defense
mechanism against the possibility of a similar situation from ever
happening again. Apparently, the negative images that are broadcast is the
mind's way of protecting us.

The telepathic defense mechanism is in place and functions to assist us

from danger.

Often times it interprets feelings from the past and installs it into the
present to keep us from harm, rejection or danger.

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How to Clear the Mind of Self-Sabotaging


1. You must face and come to terms with the issues of the past and let
them go.
2. You must replace the negative image in your mind with the positive
image you desire to be true.

The Rules Concerning Subconscious Mind

Psychic Conduits

The first rule tells us that mutually deep-seated feelings of attachment or

rapport typified by emotions such as love, offer us a perfectly natural,
positive climate for the establishment of open-gated subconscious mind
psychic conduits and the free exchange of subconscious mind-to-
subconscious mind information.

We see examples of this all of the time, as in the case of a married couple,
or any group of people for that matter, who have been together for a
number of years and have a relationship that has become a comfortable
one, especially where feelings of love and trust exist.

Under these conditions, the gates on both sides of all established

subconscious mind psychic conduits are generally open and the
subconscious mind psychic conduits are operational. This explains why,
over time, the parties involved in these relationships become so mutually
intuitive toward each other. A married couple, for example, with open-
gated subconscious mind psychic conduits operating between them seem
to be quite well informed as to what is taking place mentally and
emotionally inside of each other.

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Here we find that it is often displayed whenever both parties say or do the
exact same thing at the very same time. The second rule can be
considered the prime reason why telepathic communication has declined to
virtual latency in the present state of human evolution and why it has
reached the point where any exhibited telepathic talents are treated as
peculiar deviations from the norm, rather than a common and readily
accepted part of human life.

There is much distrust and enmity existing between people in the world
today. When we consider that we have the automatic and natural ability to
open or close the gates on our side of a subconscious mind psychic
conduit, protecting us not only from unwanted social relationships, but
from unwanted psychic intrusions, it is no wonder why telepathic
communication among humans seem to have declined in modern times.

When we consider our own personal conscious mind thoughts, associative

feelings, and personal reactions to the people we know, the people we
love, hate or fear, and the strangers we meet, then we can gain an instant
insight into how we personally manage our own psychic gates.

Whenever we experience a sense of distance between ourselves and

another person, for example, we can be certain that one or possibly both
of our subconscious mind psychic gates are closed. Conversely, when we
experience warmth and closeness between ourselves and another person,
we can be sure that both gates are open, allowing not only the free
exchange of Chi or energy between us, but also the unencumbered
exchange of telepathic information. This, of course, is what we would
need to happen if we wanted to establish telepathic or clairvoyant
communication with another person.

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Telepathic Though Receiving

As to condition one, understand that both the higher and conscious mind
have an enormous influence on the strength of our aura and must be
brought under our control so that our aura offers as little resistance as
possible to telepathic thought reception.

The rule is:

The more defensive our lower mind is towards a sender, the more Chi our
subconscious mind will inject into our aura in order to protect us against
Therefore, if we have conscious mind thoughts or feelings that contain
elements of fear, suspicion, anxiety, hatred, et cetera, concerning the
sender then we can be sure that our higher mind has already responded
and increased the amount of Chi in our aura as a protective measure.

It does this in order to make our aura more sensitive and impenetrable to
psychic intrusion effectively taking away from us the first requirement for
good telepathic reception. This defensive action, in turn, automatically
prompts the subconscious mind to close its gate at its end of whatever
subconscious mind psychic conduit the sender has established [or is trying
to establish] with us.

This, of course, effectively destroys the second condition. As we see, the

first two conditions are closely related. It is like a mini-chain reaction. In
order to reverse the process and reduce the strength of our aura while
simultaneously making sure that the gate at our end of the subconscious
mind psychic conduit remains open, we have to eliminate our fears,
suspicions, hatreds, et cetera concerning the sender.

There are two relatively easy methods to do this.

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The first, although not necessarily the best, is to reason-out a trust with
the sender.
That is, to intentionally and wholeheartedly place our trust in the person
that we are allowing into to our sanctum sanctorum, our inner world. We
can choose, of course, to simply work with a person that we have known
for a long time, one with whom we already have a friendly, trusting,

This is the best way, especially for beginners. The drawback, however, is
that it greatly limits the number of senders that we can voluntarily receive

The second method and one that is, for many reasons, superior to the
first, is to enter into a state where our conscious mind is serenely at ease.
That is, to enter a state of superlative quietude where the conscious mind
is so calm, so untroubled, that it is unable or unwilling to prompt the
subconscious mind into defensively increasing the Chi of our aura or
closing our psychic gate.

Mastering the Mind Stilling technique, Yin chi infusion technique,

and other meditative techniques can bring this about. Once our conscious
mind is quiet
enough, there is
less of a tendency
for it to
information on the
messages we
This nicely
satisfies the third condition. Clearly, all three conditions for good telepathic
reception are linked. The quieter our conscious mind is, the less we are

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apt to reject the sender by increasing the strength of our aura, closing our
psychic gate, or superimposing our own thoughts on those we are
receiving. Therefore, the key to good telepathic thought reception
is good meditative technique.

General Thought Reception Exercise

[Step 1] Place yourself in a room that is free from noise and other
distractions, a
room that has an atmosphere that promotes as little physical sensory
stimulation as

[Step 2] Assume a comfortable position. You may sit on a chair, or even

lay down on a bed or the floor, if you like.

[Step 3] Perform the Mind Stilling technique followed by the Yin chi
infusion technique.

[Step 4] Once your conscious mind is quiet, have a sense of sanctioning

the reception of any and all incoming psychic transmissions, regardless of
their content.

[Step 5] With your eyes closed, allow your mind to pass through the "3rd
Eye" [located in the center of your forehead between and slightly above
your eyebrows] and deep into the void beyond. Continue traveling deeper
and deeper until you encounter an image. You are now receiving
telepathically. Remember, people generally think in picture-words and that
those images represent thoughts and ideas.

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[Step 6] When you are ready to stop receiving, simply bring yourself out
of it by stimulating your conscious mind with sensory input, such as
rubbing your face, turning on a light, playing some music, or washing your

Targeted Thought Reception

Picture the person in your mind’s eye and grasp a concept of

communication with them.

[Step 1] Place yourself in a room that is free from noise and other

[Step 2] You may assume sit comfortably in a meditation posture, sit on

a chair or sofa, or lie down on a bed.

[Step 3] Use the Mind Stilling technique followed by the Yin chi infusion
technique, to quiet your conscious mind.

[Step 4] Picture the person that you want to receive the telepathic
transmissions from. You must see them clearly in your mind's eye. To
help you do this, a photograph of the person would be useful. Picturing the
person will generate a narrow stream of Chi to the aura of that person and
establish the necessary psychic with them. You will know that open-gated
contact has been established when you feel a subtle release of pressure in
the area of your aura just in fron"3rd Eye", located in the center of your
forehead between your eyebrows.

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[Step 5] Once you feel that the subconscious mind psychic conduit has
been establish with the subject, enter through your "3rd Eye", and travel
deep into the void beyond.
Continue traveling until you encounter an image. If possible, try to
understand that image before going deeper and encountering other

[Step 6] When you are ready to stop receiving, simply bring yourself out
of it by stimulating your conscious mind with sensory input, such as
rubbing your face, turning on a light, playing some music, et cetera.

Transmission of Telepathic Thought

In order for us to transmit telepathic thought effectively, the amount of Chi

in our aura must be raised to what can be called broadcast levels.

The rule is:

The more empowered our aura is, the easier it is for us to transmit
telepathic thought.

There are two ways in which this can be achieved, Spontaneous and
Induced. An understanding of both methods is paramount to achieving
the sort of power necessary to command this very useful telepathic ability.
Understand that the emotions created in us by our conscious mind are
among the primary factors determining the strength of our aura during the
course of our day.

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This means that our emotions

and our natural ability to
transmit telepathically are
linked. In fact, it would be fair
to say that the state of our
emotions is the single most
influential factor in the creation
of spontaneous or natural
telepathic transmitting. If we
are in a state of immanent fear,
for example, a condition where
we are in great fear for our life,
our subconscious mind will automatically direct enough Chi to our aura to
reinforce not only its defensive capabilities but to increase its ability to
transmit telepathic distress calls.

Of course, it is not recommended that we intentionally place ourselves in a

life-threatening situation just so that we can practice communicating
telepathically with the rest of the sentient world.

Would it work?

Yes, certainly, it would work, but what would be the point of risking our
lives just so we could practice telepathically screaming for help? It just
would not make sense, especially when we can safely raise the magnitude
of Chi in our aura to broadcast levels simply by employing techniques
designed to increase the Chi.

Increasing the Chi in our aura by employing them will enable us to transmit
induced or controlled telepathic thought without all of the fuss and danger
associated with the often-bizarre emotional methods of aura strengthening

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practiced elsewhere. Again, during a life or death situation, telepathic

transmissions will occur naturally and automatically and not much, if
anything, has to be done in order to transmit effectively.


Because life and death situations have a tendency to panic the conscious
mind, causing the subconscious mind respond to that panic by increasing
the strength of the aura in order to assure that there is enough Chi to
psychically transmit the necessary distress calls. This sort of subconscious
mind response to imminent danger is not limited just to us, but is universal
throughout both the animal and plant kingdoms.

Exercise #1 Meeting Half Way

[Step 1] Have your partner sit across from you and quiet their conscious
mind using the Mind Stilling technique followed by the Yin chi infusion
technique in order to help make them more receptive.
[Step 2] Build your Aura circulating your chi in a clockwise rotational
pattern. It may be helpful to do several minutes of “Blood Washing” to get
the desired effect.
[Step 3] Have a picture of an object that you want to transmit in front of
you. Stare at it until, when you close your eyes you can see the image
clearly in your mind's eye.
When you are ready, enter deep into your "3rd Eye" and picture the image

Note: In the beginning, it may be easier to start with a simple shape, such
as a square, star, triangle, et cetera, rather than a more complicated
image, such as landscape or intricate pattern. Naturally, as you become
more successful with the technique, you can gradually introduce more
complex and diverse images.

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[Step 4] Have your partner enter the subconscious mind psychic conduit
established between you through their "3rd Eye" and travel until they reach
the image suspended in the void.

Exercise #2 Sending It All the Way

[Step 1] Have your partner sit across from you and quiet their conscious
mind using the Mind Stilling technique followed by the Yin chi infusion
technique to make them more receptive.
[Step 2] Build Your Chi like in the exercise before
[Step 3] Have a picture of the object that you want to transmit in front of
you; a simple shape would do for a beginning. Stare at the image until,
when you close your eyes, you can see it clearly in your mind's eye. When
you are ready, enter in through your "3rd Eye" and picture the image
there. Once it is firmly established, have the sense of propelling that
image deep into the void of the psychic conduit until you feel a very subtle
release of pressure. This release of pressure indicates that you have
passed through their psychic gate. They should now be in receipt of that
[Step 4] Have your partner close their eyes and, practicing their
reception technique, tell you what they see.

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Aura to Aura Contact

[Step 1] Have your partner sit across the table from you with their eyes
closed and have them quiet their conscious mind using the Mind Stilling
technique followed by the Yin chi infusion technique.
[Step 2] Build Your Chi utilizing the Blood Washing Method
[Step 3] Lightly hold your partner's hands in your own.
[Step 4] Stare at the picture until, when you close your eyes you can see
the image clearly in your mind's eye. When you are ready, enter in
through your "3rd Eye", and place the image there, sending it deep into
the void.
[Step 5] Now, have your partner enter the subconscious mind psychic
conduit through their "3rd Eye" and retrieve the image.

Sending Thoughts to an Unsuspecting Person

[Step 1] Think of the person that you want to transmit to. This will
automatically establish the subconscious mind psychic conduit between
you. A photograph of the person would be helpful.
[Step 2] A good rapport between you and the receiver must then be
established. To do this you must make every effort to assure that your
initial telepathic contact is as benign and non-aggressive as possible
[Step 3] You must have a clear image of just what it is that you want to
Make sure that you do not confuse the receiver with picture-words that
appear in your mind that have nothing to do with the message that you
want them to receive. It could, for example, be the image of them placing
a phone call to you.
[Step 4] Once you have the image clearly in your mind's eye, enter the
void through your "3rd Eye" and place the image there. Then, project it
deep into the void until you feel a subtle release of pressure.

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Appearing at 2 Places at the Same Time

[Step 1] Build your chi.

[Step 2] Visualize exactly whom you wish to use as the subject or distant
receiver of this technique. Initially, you should choose someone with
whom you already have an established open-gated subconscious mind
psychic conduit, such as a close friend or relative, otherwise, you may have
to employ a gate-opening technique, which for the beginner would simply
be complicating a reasonable straightforward task. Naturally, once you
have this technique perfected, you may elect to expand it to include those
with whom you do not share a pre-existing open-gated psychic conduit.

[Step 3] Project the picture or image of you standing in front of the

receiver through your "3rd Eye" and deep into the void of the subconscious
mind psychic conduit between you.

It is better for beginners to keep their technique as simple as possible.
That is, just appearing in front of the subject should be enough to create
the desired effect.
This may be expanded later to include whatever physical movements and
actions you may choose to present to the subject or subjects.

[Step 4] Merely sending the receiver the image of you standing in front
of them is not enough. There must be correlative auric pressure to
accompany the thought. This tactile sensation will take it out of the realm
of just mental imagery and lend it a reality that the receiver's subconscious
mind will identify with and accept. To do this, the imaging that you are
sending must include you standing before them looking at a particular part
of the receiver's body. I suggest staring at his or her face because it will
seem most natural.

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By sending the image of you standing before the receiver staring at their
face, you will actually be creating a second subconscious mind psychic
conduit that will transfer Chi that contacts the receiver's aura there. This
auric contact will create a convincing pressure on the receiver's aura,
completing the illusion. In other words, to be convincing, both what the
receiver sees and what he or she feels must tell them that you are really

[1] Any negative thought on your part will automatically cause the subject
to close their end of the psychic conduit and prevent the technique from
being successful.
Therefore, all negative thoughts you have that may cause them to do that
must be avoided.

[2] The amount of Chi that you transfer when you make contact with the
receiver's aura must be kept to a minimum. That is, it should just be
enough to stimulate their aura and no more. It must also be Yin Chi, that
feels euphoric and blissful. Too much Chi striking the subject's aura will
cause their subconscious mind to treat it as a threat, which will cause them
to defend against the intrusion by closing the gate on their side of the
subconscious mind psychic conduit.

[3] It is advisable to conduct this technique in a quiet room, one that,

aside from the witnesses present, is free from noise and other distractions.
Do not become discouraged if, at first, you have difficulty with this
technique. Never be in a rush toward mastery; it takes time, patience, and

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The existence of subconscious mind psychic conduits gives rise, in many

people, to the notion of a universal mind at work in varying degrees
between all beings. This is understandable. In truth, however, at the

subconscious mind level, the universal mind exists, as a direct connection

to God. We do not find what is tantamount to a universal mind until we
reach the soul level, where devoid of all impediments and subjective
biases, we arrive at our true essence and experience the oneness of all
things through God The Father.

Understand that at the subconscious mind level of consciousness instead of

one commonly shared perception of existence, we have many, as many as
there are living beings, each with individual experiences, histories, and
personal biases. What gives rise to the notion that the subconscious mind
is synonymous with a universal mind comes from the propensity that the
subconscious mind has for creating psychic links or conduits with other
subconscious minds.

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This gives us an indefatigable sense of personal expansion, one that seems

limitless but really isn't. What gives us this sense of universality is the fact
that a single person can have an enormous number of subconscious mind
conduits in place with other sentient beings who, in turn, also have in place
a vast number of psychic subconscious mind conduits with many other
sentient beings.

As a result, we find ourselves psychically linked to others both directly and

Consequently, it is no small wonder that those of us who travel through
this seemingly endless web of psychic connections see this as the ultimate
experience of universal mind with God.

In order to travel through all of the subconscious mind psychic conduits of

the maze, all of the gates on both ends of all of those conduits have to be
open and therefore operational. If one or more of the psychic gates are
closed, then our psychic journey in that particular direction is ended and
we must either find a new route or somehow find a way to open those
closed gates.

Because of this, we find that our voyages through these subconscious mind
networks and our ability to gather information fall short of that which we
would expect from a true communication with God, which again, is
normally only found at the soul level.

Even so, although the subconscious mind and its associated climes are not
the ultimate level of awareness possible for us, it is certainly massive steps
up from the sparse opportunities presented to us by our limited and error-
prone conscious minds.

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Involuntary Subconscious Mind Clairvoyance

Of the two types of involuntary subconscious mind clairvoyance, receptive

and projected, receptive is the least common, even though the seemingly
numerous stories we hear from time to time involving this type of
clairvoyance might have us believing otherwise.

Involuntary subconscious mind clairvoyant experiences are produced in

times of great stress; times when imminent danger prompts the
subconscious mind of a person to reach out for assistance; to transmit a
frantic, panic-ridden, distress-laden telepathic message, hoping against
hope for an immediate, peril dispelling response.

In fact, it is not unlike a S.O.S. distress call sent out by a ship at sea when
it finds itself imperilled; a call that is directed to any and all vessels in the
vicinity that might be able to render aid. This being the case, it is not at all
uncommon for individuals totally unfamiliar to the subject to receive this
psychic cry for help, especially since the maze of subconscious mind
psychic conduits available to it at the time may be quite extensive.

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Yet, those that are emotionally closest to the distressed subject are
generally the ones most likely to experience it. This is so because the
relationship already has open-gated subconscious mind psychic conduits
directly and firmly in place and functioning, allowing for an unimpeded
exchange of telepathic information.

In receptive involuntary subconscious mind clairvoyance, as with all forms

of clairvoyance, the receiver essentially shares all of the sender's visual,
auditory, emotional, and tactile experiences occurring at the time. There
are many examples of this, such as that of a mother who unexpectedly is
thrust into the perilous circumstances her child is undergoing at the

Here, suddenly, without warning, she is seeing, hearing, and feeling all of
the physical and emotional elements of her child's difficulty. This form of
clairvoyance may rightfully be regarded as a form of involuntarily induced
astral projection, a sort of astral kidnapping, since she is abruptly
transported against her will from her reality to that of her child's.

What allows this to happen is the naturally open-gated subconscious mind

psychic conduit existing between them. Interestingly, with the vast open-
gated subconscious mind psychic conduit networking in place at any one
time throughout the world, there are instances that occur where the
closest person is subtly bypassed and one or more people somewhere
down the sender's psychic conduit complex are contacted.

This occurrence is not as rare as we might think. Of course, it could also

happen that the closest person is in fact contacted, as well as one or more
other people in the psychic maze. When this happens, because the
recipient's subconscious mind psychic conduit network is always different
than that of the sender, one or more of the recipients of the clairvoyant
experience may be totally unknown to the sender.

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Therefore, as we see, through subconscious mind psychic linking, there is

the potential for an enormous range of possibilities, a massive number of
possible psychic contacts.
It should be noted that involuntary receptive higher mind clairvoyant
experiences are totally devoid of any prophetic content and deal only with
the matter at hand.

That is, they are not addressing future or past events, but are limited to
incidents that are taking place at the present time. There is a second form
of receptive involuntary subconscious mind clairvoyance, which is brought
about through an altered state of consciousness, such as that resulting
from deep meditation, the use of certain drugs, lack of sleep, sensory
deprivation, and other cases where the conscious mind of the receiver
becomes so quiet that it allows the subconscious mind to come forward
and dominate.

Getting the subconscious mind to dominate is a key component of the
Meditative Process- See Mind Portal Course for complete instructions.

It is not at all uncommon, for example, for people achieving a relatively

deep state of
quietude during
certain meditation
practices to find
suddenly swept
away from their
meditation and
propelled into
someone else's

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reality. It may be the reality of someone well known to them or the reality
belonging to a total stranger. It all depends on the nature of the sender's
subconscious mind networking in place at the time.

Involuntary Projected Clairvoyance

Involuntary projected subconscious mind clairvoyance is a clairvoyant

phenomenon that occurs most often when we are in a highly emotional
state, especially one involving elements of danger. The danger can either
be real or imagined.

That is, it can be an actual real life situation or it can be the result of
negative thoughts, phobias, psychotic episodes, or even bad dreams or
nightmares. Understand that in the world of the mind, the difference
between the real and the imagined is sometimes difficult to distinguish.

In either case, whether real or imagined, the emotional, physical, and

subconscious mind responses are often the same. We can think of
projected involuntary subconscious mind clairvoyance simply as the
subconscious mind's cry for help; a sort of psychic international distress

The difference between this and a purely telepathic cry for help is that the
contactor or projector psychically brings one or more of the recipients to
them and forces them to experience everything that they are currently
experiencing. In a sense, projected involuntary subconscious mind
clairvoyance can accurately be considered the ultimate distress call, where
projectors are allowing, although not knowingly, the admittance of another
consciousness into their sacrosanct inner world.

THIS IS HOW IT WORKS: When we find ourselves in a life-threatening

situation, our conscious mind generates a strong defensive emotional

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response. This stimulates the subconscious mind to automatically increase

the Chi in our aura. If the power in the aura is strong enough, the first
requirement for proactive psychic communication is met. Next, the higher
mind not only takes advantage of already existing psychic conduits but
attempts to create new ones in order to deliver its psychic distress call.
Most often, however, those contacted in this manner receive the message
in only a telepathic form.

In extremely rare cases, when conditions in the receiver are right, there
occurs an exchange of consciousness where the receiver or contactee is
actually brought to the projector and experiences first-hand the specifics of
the projector's circumstances, replete with all of the tactile and sensory
experiences occurring at the time.

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Voluntary Projected Clairvoyance

Generally, voluntary subconscious mind clairvoyance is that type of

clairvoyance set in motion by those who have acquired a very special level
of Chi training. However, there are also certain rare individuals who seem
to exhibit this ability naturally. A typical example of voluntary subconscious
mind clairvoyance would be that of an advanced mystic calculatingly
probing into the present whereabouts and circumstances of a preselected

It can either be someone with whom the mystic is familiar, such as a friend
or relative, or it may be a person with whom he or she may have had no
prior experience at all. It is a matter based solely on the will and needs of
the mystic at the time. Because it a deliberate act, voluntary higher mind
clairvoyance appears to be much more common than its involuntary

This, of course, is not difficult to understand when we consider that the

mystic, or receiver of the clairvoyant experience, is also the one who

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initiates it. Because of this, voluntary clairvoyant experiences are normally

devoid of many of the negative qualities, such as anxiety, panic,
uncertainty, et cetera, so often associated with involuntary subconscious
mind clairvoyant experiences.

That is, of course, unless the seer's contact is ill timed and contact happens
to coincide with a particularly perilous or frightening circumstance presently
occurring in the life of their subject. Just as we find in involuntary
subconscious mind clairvoyance, voluntary subconscious mind clairvoyance
encompasses a great deal more than simple telepathy.
This is not to say that telepathy is not a useful talent, of course it is; it is
just that telepathy and clairvoyance are simply two different types of

Unlike telepathy, clairvoyance is not just the transfer of information from

the sender to the receiver, but is the actual transfer of supra-conscious
awareness allowing the mystic or contactor to experience whatever is
occurring in the present moment of the subject, replete with all of the
emotional bells and whistles that the subject is privy to at the time.

Voluntary Subconscious Mind Clairvoyance

with Humans

[Step 1] Use the Mind Stilling technique and the Yin chi infusion
technique to quiet your conscious mind.
[Step 2] Once your conscious mind has reached a deeply quiet state,
mentally picture the person that you wish to experience clairvoyantly. This
will automatically create the necessary subconscious mind psychic conduit.
[Step 3] With your conscious mind quiet, use the trigger word "transfer"
to initiate the clairvoyant mode in yourself. Your subconscious mind will
automatically prepare itself for the coming transfer of consciousness.

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[Step 4] Now, when you are ready, pass through your "3rd Eye", and
enter the void, traveling through it until you finally pass through the Ajna
Vortex of the other person.

You must not entertain any sense of I-ness. That is, you should not have
any conscious thought concerning yourself. If you do, you will have
difficulty establishing clairvoyant contact with the subject.

[Step 5] Maintain the clairvoyant contact as long as you like. When you
are ready to break-off contact, will yourself back to your own reality.

Soul Based Clairvoyance

Soul based
clairvoyance is
arguably the ultimate
experience. It has the
ability to transcend
not only space, as is
the case with
subconscious mind
clairvoyance, but
time, as well. That
is, soul based
clairvoyance can include not only a present circumstance, but can propel us
either forward or backward in time.

It is the clairvoyance of the Biblical prophets and gifted seers. In contrast,

the subconscious mind, although gifted in many areas, lacks this
extraordinary time dimensional elasticity. This is not to say that using the

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faculties of the subconscious mind without soul involvement we cannot go

back in time, we can in a way, but it would be only a limited mock
clairvoyant dimensional event made possible by reason of its ability to
access the personal memories found in a subject's subconscious mind

Simply, it is not a true clairvoyant returning to the past at all but merely a
telepathic memory-based phenomenon. A genuine time-transcending
clairvoyant experience must have soul-level origins.

3 Distinctions Between Subconscious Mind

and Soul Clairvoyance

[1] Subconscious mind-based clairvoyant experiences are restricted to the


[2] Any precognitive or antecedent clairvoyant experiences are actually

originating at the soul level.

[3] Any information originating at the soul level is pure and accurate.
Those coming from or through the subconscious mind are generally not.
That is, if the clairvoyant experience is not entirely accurate, then it must
have been variously tainted by the subconscious mind and/or the conscious
mind in some way.

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Voluntary Soul-Based Clairvoyance

Voluntary soul-based clairvoyance is so extraordinary, so awe-inspiringly

esoteric, that it is generally experienced only by those deeply initiated in
the mysteries of extreme Chi abilities; those who have at their command
specific techniques designed to quiet the higher mind to the point where it
will not interfere in any way with the transmission of soul-based

Without question, the most widely known example of voluntary soul-based

clairvoyance would be that demonstrated by Michel de Nostredame [a.k.a.
Nostradamus 1503-1566] who was able to peer clairvoyantly into both
the present and the future, although he is most renowned for the latter.
Under the tutelage of his grandfather, he was initiated into the mysteries
of the Jewish Kabbalah, which formed the basis of all of his subsequent
esoteric endeavors.

The use of hallucinogens to aid him in bringing about the necessary

quiescence of both his lower and subconscious mind turned out to be a
double-edged sword. On the one hand, it did seem to bring him
unparalleled success as a clairvoyant seer, but on the other hand, it
haphazardly propelled him into a life filled with spontaneous clairvoyant
episodes of often frightening and sanity-threatening proportions.

Because of this, we can say that Nostradamus is [or at least should be] the
poster-boy for the anti-hallucinogenic drug factions of the mystical world.
Nostradamus, however, did not rely solely on hallucinogens. He also
employed a number of much safer and arguably more effective
concentration techniques to bring about his voluntary soul based

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One such technique was the Black Bowl or Black Water technique, in which
he would stare into a water-filled black bowl, concentrating on the tiny
points of light on its surface in order to achieve an extraordinary focus or
one-pointedness. Initially, this would be enough to quiet his conscious
mind. As his concentration continued, he would penetrate deeper and
deeper into the points of light until his subconscious mind fell into
a pristine state of quietude.

It was only when he reached this state that he was prepared for the soul-
based clairvoyant experiences for which he became so well known.
Nostradamus' Black Bowl technique, sans hallucinogens, is an excellent
way for a modern mystic to reach a soul-based clairvoyant experience.

It is actually a form of scrying, a method well known among mystics

where an object, such as a crystal ball, becomes a sort of movie screen
upon which clairvoyant images are projected. In truth, there is nothing at
all actually appearing in the black bowl or crystal ball, it is all taking place
at either the higher mind or soul level of the seer.
Arguably, it was Nostradamus' ability to achieve soul-based clairvoyance
that made his prophecies so relatively accurate. Why relatively accurate?
Because, at times, some of his prophecies were apparently distorted
through higher and conscious mind interference and were rendered vague
and error-ridden. This, coupled with the fact that much of the time he was
at a loss to explain what he was actually seeing, made a number of his
prophetic accounts rather dubious. Even so, his abilities at soul-based
clairvoyance were still quite remarkable and clearly propelled him into a
coveted place of mystical prominence.

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The Black Bowl Technique

[Step 1] Find a quiet place to begin your journey into the future; a place
free from noise and distractions.

[Step 2] Seat yourself at a table on which you placed a black bowl filled
with clear water. Place a lit candle on the table on the other side of the
bowl. Adjust the distance of the candle until you can see points of light
reflected on the surface of the water.

[Step 3] Use the Mind Stilling technique and the Yin chi infusion
technique to quiet your conscious mind. Do not proceed further until you
are absolutely sure that your conscious mind is as quiet as possible.

[Step 4] When you are sure that your conscious mind has reached a
deeply quiet state, look down at the surface of the water in the bowl. At
first, it will be just a casual looking, noticing without mental comment the
various attributes of the water, such as its color, its stillness, and the
various points of reflected candlelight on its surface.

[Step 5] When you are ready, begin concentrating on a single point of

light. Stare at it until it begins to take on the three-dimensional
appearance of solidity. You may blink normally.

[Step 6] When the point of light becomes solid, use the mental trigger
word future and begin to penetrate the point of light, traveling deeper and
deeper into it until the point of light is all that exists.

[Step 7] Once the trigger word or phrase has been mentally expressed,
continue staring at the point of light as it seems to take on a deep and
almost infinite character.

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Continue to do so until your vision contains nothing but the reflected light
and everything else in the room is completely obliterated. When this
happens, you are primed and ready for the clairvoyant experience. All you
have to do now is to wait for it to happen.

Do not have any particular thoughts concerning either the waiting or what
you are waiting for. That is, there should be no thoughts such as "now, all
I have to do is wait," or "I am now prepared to see the future," or "what's
going to happen now?" There must not be any thoughts at all
present in your mind. If there are thoughts, it means that your
conscious mind has become involved and you may have to begin
the entire process over again. If, however, both your lower and
subconscious minds are quiet enough, the soul-based clairvoyant
experience should take place, propelling you into the future.

IMPORTANT: Do not panic when you find that you are suddenly thrust
into a different environment; a different reality. Simply observe without
mental comment.

[Step 9] When you are ready to return to the present, you can introduce
conscious mind thought, such as "well, back to the present," or," it's time
to end the session."
You may find it very helpful to rub your face with a little water from the

[Step 10] Now is the time to take notes on your experience. Write down
as many details as possible, sorting out the known from the unknown, the
identifiable from the unidentifiable, et cetera.

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3 Levels of Pre-Cognition

There are three levels at which we may psychically receive information

concerning the future, each differing both in quality and accuracy.
The first level is the highest and purest of the three. It is the
reception of pure, unadorned, information accessed at the
ultimate source, the soul. This level of unerring prophecy reveals
events which will come to pass without deviation or need for interpretation.
This is also the psychic plane of the biblical prophets and the most highly
developed mystics.

The second level is that of the subconscious mind. This is the realm
of the average psychic, where the originally pristine soul-generated
information is received and altered in various degrees, resulting in a
precognitive message that is ordinarily a great deal less dependable than
that viewed at the soul level. The reason for the decrease in accuracy is
that the pure soul-based information received by the subconscious mind is
often made impure by associative correspondences existing in the psychic's
subconscious mind memory or mind system.

That is, the subconscious mind receives information from the soul and then
proceeds, in varying degrees, to superimpose on that information
correlative material from one's personal past experiences. For example,
suppose that the subconscious mind receives soul-generated information
concerning an upcoming financial change in the Real Estate Market.

If there exists in the subconscious mind memory of the receiver any

manner of corresponding information or experience concerning real estate,
housing, markets, homes moving, childhood homes, family homes, real
estate investments, et cetera, in one's past lives, then depending on the

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depth of that experience, the higher mind may make correlations and wind
up misnaming, relocating, or distorting that information in some fashion.

That is, the vision foretelling of a change in the real estate market may,
indeed, be correct, however, the particulars of that event may be subtly
corrupted, causing the psychic to misname the timing and severity either
up or down of the market, and so on.

For this reason, many of the predictions coming from psychics seem
somewhat anecdotal and unreliable.

The third level at which we access precognitive information is the

most common. It is also the basest and arguably the least reliable
of the three. It comes to us through the offices of our conscious

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Understand that the pure and unadulterated information radiating from the
soul reaches the conscious mind only after first passing through and being
variously altered by the subconscious mind.
The lower mind then takes that already tainted information and proceeds
to distort or cover it over even more with large amounts of data coming
from its own conscious mind memory system and in accordance with its
own particular intellectual processes.

Moreover, if that isn't enough, it also further warps incoming precognitive

information by superimposing on that information emotionally-generated
images of past correlative events. The fact is that the conscious mind may
alter the original precognitive information to the point where it actually
becomes oblivious to the very existence of that precognitive information.

That is, the conscious mind veils the precognitive, soul-generated,

information so well that it cannot even recognize it as such. Well, believe it
or not, the conscious mind still isn't finished. To make matters worse, the
conscious mind is often so loud and loquacious that even if it did not
produce any distortions at all, the soul generated subconscious mind
transmitted precognitive information may not even be heard or received at
all, or would, at best, simply degenerate to the form of a sketchy intuitive
feeling or a half convincing hunch of unknown origin.

Even so, with all that the conscious mind does to cover or distort what it
receives, precognitive information can still come through. Unfortunately,
when it does, it arrives in the form of a dream; an often chaotic, yet
vaguely familiar scenario riddled with superimposed elements originating
from its own memory system. This is the type of precognitive experience
that is often either ignored or greatly misinterpreted. Of course, if an
accomplished mystic subjects the experience to proper and rigorous
scrutiny, many of the superimposed elements can be eliminated and a
somewhat accurate interpretation can often be deduced.

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This is what Joseph of biblical fame did when he interpreted the pharaoh's
dream of the seven fat cows and the seven lean cows coming up out of the
river; he simply saw through all of the superimposed symbolism.
Understand that precognition at the conscious mind level, coming in the
form of dreams, intuitions, and hunches, is a relatively common event in
our lives. To benefit from these experiences, all we have to do is to
recognize them as such and learn to decipher them. For beneath all of the
cloaking lies the original soul-based precognitive message.

Pre-Cognition Exercises

Full Deck of Cards Beginners Exercise #1

[Step 1] Quiet your conscious mind by using the Mind Stilling technique
and/or the Yin chi infusion technique.
[Step 2] Have your partner mix the deck and place it face down on the
table. Then, picking up the first card, he or she will look at it and project
the image of the card out through their "3rd Eye".
[Step 3] Travel through your "3rd Eye" and view the image that the
sender is projecting, notifying them each time that they project the image
of a picture card.
[Step 4] Have your partner continue sending the image of each card until
you have identified all of the picture cards in the deck.

Full Deck Exercise #2

[Step 1] Quiet your conscious mind by using the Mind Stilling technique
and/or the Yin chi infusion technique.
[Step 2] Have your partner mix the deck and place it face down on the
table. Then, have him look at each card one at a time, concentrating on

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the suit symbol on the card, and project the image of the symbol out
through his "3rd Eye".
[Step 3] Travel through your "3rd Eye" until you come across the image
that they are sending.
[Step 4] Continue doing this until all of the cards in the deck are used.

Four Card Deck Exercise #2

[Step 1] Remove the four aces from the deck.

[Step 2] Quiet your conscious mind by using the Mind Stilling technique
and/or the Yin chi infusion technique.
[Step 3] Have your partner mix the four cards and place them face down
on the table. Then have him look at each card one at a time,
concentrating on the suit symbol, and projecting the image of the symbol
out through their "3rd Eye".
[Step 4] Travel through your "3rd Eye" until you come across the image
that they are sending. Since the suit symbols are so very different, you
should have no difficulty telling them apart.

13 Card Number Exercise

[Step 1] Remove thirteen cards of the same suit [ace-through-king] from

the deck.
[Step 2] Quiet your conscious mind by using the Mind Stilling technique
and/or the Yin chi infusion technique.
[Step 3] Have your partner mix the cards and place them in a stack face
down on the table. Then, have them look at each card one at a time,
projecting the image of the number or letter symbol of the card out
through his or her "3rd Eye".
[Step 4] Travel through your "3rd Eye", deep into the void, and view the
images your partner is projecting, notifying them each time of the name of
the card [i.e., a nine, king, ten, etc.]

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Zenor Card Method

[Step 1] Quiet your conscious mind by using the Mind Stilling technique
and/or the Yin chi infusion technique.
[Step 2] Have your partner mix the entire Zener deck and place it face
down on the table. Then, looking at each card, one at a time, have him or
her project the image of the symbol on the card out through their "3rd
[Step 3] Travel through your "3rd Eye", deep into the void, until you view
the image that your partner is projecting. Notify them each time of the
identity of the symbol you see.
[Step 4] After you attempt to identify the symbols, the sender will place
the card in one of two piles, the correct answer pile or the incorrect answer
pile. When you have completed the entire deck, count the cards in the
correct pile and record the results.

The law of averages tells us that out of twenty-five cards, getting four or
five cards correct can be nothing but pure chance. This being the case,
any number of correct answers you make above four or five would clearly
be a sign of some degree of telepathic ability.

That having been said, to make only a single pass through the Zener deck
would really not affirm very much. Therefore, to get a much more
accurate figure, you should run through the entire deck at least four times.
This means that your accuracy percentage will be based on a hundred
cards rather than only twenty-five. In fact, you should keep a running
record of your scores each time you practice. This will indicate, not only
your true telepathic ability, but will allow you to see how much
improvement you are making.

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Going Back in Time

When we first attempt to practice viewing the past it is not uncommon for
our memory systems to
interfere with our ability
to experience the
clairvoyant event we are
seeking to have. That is,
instead of having an
actual clairvoyant
experience, we find
ourselves having nothing
more than a vivid
subconscious mind
memory experience, in
which we are simply recalling events from our past lives.

For example, we may believe that we are clairvoyantly traveling back in

time to a particular year, but may only be remembering and then viewing
events, people, and places that were indelibly recorded in our own higher
mind memories during that particular incarnation.

For many, especially, beginners, it is often difficult to tell the difference

between a memory experience and an actual antecedent clairvoyant
experience. Of course, subconscious mind memory may not be the only
cause responsible for having us confuse a clairvoyant experience with a
memory experience. Just as we might confuse the viewing of the distant
past clairvoyantly with memories recorded in our subconscious mind
memory, so might the conscious mind confuse a clairvoyant experience
with the viewing of our recent past, those memories recorded in it from our
current incarnation.

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Here, instead of having a true clairvoyant experience, we may merely be

vividly recalling the memories recorded in our conscious mind memory. Of
course, telling the difference between viewing our own present-life
memories and that of having an actual clairvoyant occurrence would be
relatively easy to do. For example, suppose we were experiencing an
event that took place in Japan in nineteen hundred and forty-four. We
would know immediately whether or not we have any personal information
or experience of Japan that occurred at that time.

If we know that do not have any such experience, then what we are
witnessing most likely would be an actual antecedent clairvoyant episode.
Of course, it can be argued that we may have learned about Japan at
some point in our life, in school, at the movies, from books, et cetera, and
that the so-called antecedent clairvoyant experience is really only based on
that acquired information and nothing more.

Is it possible? Certainly, it is possible. An experienced clairvoyant would be

able to recognize the difference immediately. The clues would lay in the
differences in not only the quality of the experience but in the presentation
of many of the factual elements, as well. For the novice, the distinctions
may not be so obvious. Remember that memory, no matter how clearly
presented to us, is still just memory.

That is, although it may be more vivid than most, a memory we think is a
clairvoyant experience still plays back to us as the recalling of any ordinary
memory would. The difference is that in a truly clairvoyant experience, we
are actually there, and are experiencing all of the tactile and sensory input
associated with being there. We do not have this when simply recalling a
memory. There is yet another way that the lower and higher minds may
interfere with the genuine antecedent clairvoyant incident. They may
color or distort the various elements involved in the experience in some
fashion. For example, we may be having a truly antecedent clairvoyant

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experience concerning an event with which we did have some present-life

prior knowledge, such as the Allies' perspective of the D-day invasion of

What we have learned about that particular event in school, through

reading, in the movies, on television, et cetera, may unduly influence what
we are experiencing clairvoyantly by superimposing on it elements in
various degrees that may be misleading, such as by superimposing on the
clairvoyant experience correlative information previously recorded in our
lower and subconscious mind memories.

Here, they may, for example, actually go so far as to project a famous

actor or scenes from a movie into the experience. Should this happen,
then we will experience nothing but a disjointed clairvoyant collage of the
D-day invasion. Would it be an actual antecedent clairvoyant event? Yes,
it would, but it would be covered over with non-clairvoyant distortions.

Past Life Clairvoyance

Understandably, the idea of going back into our past lives is a subject that
fascinates many of us. However, past-life clairvoyance is not merely the
recalling of events that are recorded in our higher mind memories from our
past lives... it is a great deal more.

In past-life clairvoyance, we are actually experiencing a consciousness

transition from our own present to our own past, which will include all of
the sensory and tactile input that occurred at that specific moment in our
past. We would actually be there, reliving moments in our past
incarnations, not merely as a simple observer, but as an actual participant.
Naturally, the possibility of us actually being able to do this brings up a
very important question: If we could travel back to our past and actually be

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there, would we then be able to change our past and perhaps alter history
in some way?

The answer is both yes and no. In order to understand this answer, we
would have to appreciate something of the nature of time and parallel
existences. It sounds deep and intriguing doesn't it?

Simply stated: Both time and space exist infinitely within the being of the
Understand that time and space stretch out in not only an infinite number
of directions, but since we are dealing with infinities, we have to accept the
idea that there are an infinite number of time-lines, as well as an infinite
number of worlds and possibilities existing along those time lines.

When we look at our own lives and our world history, for example, we
notice that it is clearly a
single time-line moving
in a linear manner from
the past to the present
and from the present
onward into the future.
However, if we accept
the idea of the Eternal
as being infinite, we
must also accept the
idea that everything
existing within it must also be infinite.

Because if the Eternal is infinite and if everything is one with the Eternal,
then everything must share in that infinity. If this is the case, then we
could say that even the most minute part of the Eternal is equal to the
whole. It only follows then, that there cannot exist just one time-line

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within the Eternal's infinite nature. To reject that concept would be

contradictory, for it would deny that infinity.

Accordingly, if we accept the proposal that if the Eternal is infinite, truly

infinite in all aspects, we would then have to accept the idea that within
the Eternal exist an infinite number of planes of existence, as well as an
infinite number of time-lines associated with each of them.

Here we have an infinite number of worlds and time-lines that are not only
parallel our own but actually must cross our own at an infinite number of
points. What this means, in a nutshell, is that, yes, we can go back in time
and change our life and influence history, but any changes that take place
must occur in a separate and parallel existence along another separate and
parallel time-line.

For that reason, we would only be able to visit those changes if we could
somehow manage to cross over and remain in that parallel world. Now,
when we say no, we cannot alter our past and change history, we mean
that it cannot be done because each time-line is immutable.

To make any changes at all, would automatically cause the creation of a

new and separate time-line. Of course, when we use the word creation, we
are only using it in the figurative sense. This is so because when we are
dealing with the infinity of the Eternal, every possible time-line, each
replete with infinite minute deviations, must already be in existence.

Therefore, if we seem to change the past when we go back clairvoyantly, it

is nothing but an illusion, because all we really would be doing is changing
time-lines and worlds, which means that we will not actually change
anything in the past of the world in which we presently live.

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Additional Considerations

Traveling clairvoyantly into our own past requires proper preparation. Do

that and the safer and more efficient those journeys into the past will be.

Prepare improperly and it would be very much like jumping out of an

airplane and trying to figure out how to operate the parachute on the way
down. That would not be wise.

To begin, in order to experience past-life clairvoyance, our subconscious

mind memory has to be opened, allowing access to information about our
past that has been previously been recorded there. Our subconscious
mind is our personal link to our past, the doorway to our previous lives.

To bring this "opening" about, our conscious mind must first be made so
quiet, so dormant, that all that remains active is our subconscious mind.
This can be achieved through proper meditative techniques (See Mind
Portal for Detailed Instructions)

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However, the quieting of our conscious mind is only the first step in the
process. Once our conscious mind is brought to a state of absolute
stillness, our subconscious mind has to be finessed into bringing our past-
life memories forward.

This must be done by a very special thought generated by the

subconscious mind, itself. It is really a thought without thought, a product
of thinking without thinking. As abstruse as this must sound, it is actually
the only way that the subconscious mind has of thinking. Just as our
conscious mind comes replete with a mental voice mechanism that allows
us to hear the thoughts it produces, our subconscious mind also has a
However, it is one that is so subtle that it produces thoughts that often
defy recognition by the majority of us.

Hence, we say that it is thinking without thought... thinking without

thinking. For us to clairvoyantly access our past lives, we must generate a
very special type of thought that will cause our subconscious mind to lay
bare the enormous array of past-life memories associated with it. It must
be a subconscious mind thought, a thought that the subconscious mind will
recognize and accept as its own, otherwise, it will summarily reject our
wishes and nothing will be accomplished.

Once our conscious mind is absolutely still, we can use a trigger word or
phrase to indicate exactly what we are looking for. Supposing that our
subconscious mind accepts the request, what next? How will we know
when our higher mind memories are open?

The answer is simple: we will know it by the nature of the images that
suddenly begin to flash across the screen of our consciousness.
Initially, the images will most likely be sporadic and fleeting, lasting only

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After that, we may experience an enormous peace during which time we

should able to view the memories specified in our trigger phrase. At this
point, our subconscious mind memory system behaves and can be
accessed in much the same manner as our conscious mind memory

That is, we would be able to recall our past life memories as easily as we
are able to summon our present life memories. Just as in conscious mind
memory recollection, initially only the most salient memories will come to
light, memories that were in some particular way significant to us in the
past. They may be memories that were ultra pleasurable and highly
rewarding, or memories that were uniquely morose, or grimly traumatic.

We should not be surprised or shocked in any way by what surfaces even if

those memories are, in fact, somewhat disturbing. Remember that what
we are seeing are just memories.

Of course, being higher mind memories, they are that part of us that we
bring back with us each time we reincarnate and are, in some measure

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responsible for who we are today. Therefore, bearing this in mind, it is

clear that our subconscious mind memories are the mystical keys that will
unlock and allow us to experience our past lives and uncover the secrets
that those lives hold.

Accessing Past Memories Technique

[Step 1] In a room that is free of distraction, begin a thirty-minute period

of meditation (see Mind Portal for details) to quiet your lower mind. Note:
If necessary, you may have to increase the meditation to sixty minutes or
[Step 2] Use the Mind Stilling technique and the Yin chi infusion
technique to further quiet your lower mind.

Do not proceed further until you feel absolutely certain that your conscious
mind is as quiet as possible.

[Step 3] With your eyes closed and your lower mind serene, think the
trigger phrase: "my past-life memories." Now, wait.
[Step 4] Once the memories begin to come to you, simply observe them.
Important: Remain calm and try not to let them overly excite you or your
conscious mind may become active and interfere with the flow and clarity
of the images.

Note: It is important to understand that the events of our past lives are
recorded in our subconscious mind memory in chronological order. Even
so, they may appear out of sequence, possibly even leaping from life-to-
life. This is quite natural, especially in the beginning, and is nothing to be
concerned about. We must simply observe whatever appears to us.

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[Step 5] To bring yourself out of it, all you have to do is to open your
Once we have opened our subconscious mind memory, it has a tendency
to stay open, which makes it easier to access past-life memories whenever
we choose to do so.

Once the Subconscious Mind is Open

[Step 1] With your conscious mind quiescent, access your subconscious

mind memories and allow them to flow.

[Step 2] When a memory comes to you that you want to investigate

further, begin to concentrate on it until the details of that memory make
themselves known to you.
Naturally, they may seem vague at first, but clarity will come with
persistence and practice.

Remember, viewing memories recorded on your subconscious mind tape is
not very different than viewing the memories that you have on your
conscious mind tape.
Just as the memories you are used to experiencing when you think back on
this current life appear in order of prominence, the memories your have on
your subconscious mind tape will appear to you in the same manner.

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Recognizing your Personal Past

Past-life clairvoyance is actually very similar to other more common

clairvoyant experiences in that there is an exchange of realities taking
place through established subconscious mind psychic conduits.

The main difference, of course, is that instead of being brought into

someone else's reality in the present, we are brought into our own reality
in the past. That is, the subconscious mind psychic conduit created is self-
contained and forms a clairvoyant loop with its own memory system.

Normally, the creation of a subconscious mind clairvoyant loop is volitional,

intentionally brought about by those who have the will and knowledge to
do so, but there are rare instances when this particular clairvoyant
phenomenon is non-volitional, a product of happenstance, in which a
person is suddenly and unexpectedly swept into various circumstances of
his or her own past lives.

Generally, there are no warning signs to indicate that this event is coming;
it simply occurs spontaneously and without warning. Because of this, it is
very often a frightening experience for those who find themselves
unexpectedly thrust into it. When it happens, often those unfamiliar with
this form of clairvoyance believe that they are actually having an astral
projection or out-of-body experience. This is understandable since, during
the experience, they seem to have the ability to move about at will.

However, instead of being able to move about in ghost-like fashion, as

occurs in cases of astral projection, in past-life clairvoyance they are only
able to wander about in scenarios bounded by their own past experiences
and memories. There is another more typical way to have the sense of free
movement during past life clairvoyance episodes.
Paradoxically, it is one actually more common to the casual mystic than to
the experienced mystic. This occurs when there is a nexus or connection

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created between the clairvoyant experience and the memories summoned

or triggered by that experience.

In other words, memories, themselves, can and often do give rise to a

sense of free movement, even if that movement is merely illusionary.


What we are referring to are those types of movements that can occur
intentionally and are based on memories that are found in the
subconscious mind memory. A sense of free movement can occur, for
example, when the clairvoyant finds himself or herself experiencing a
former dwelling and by reason of memory can volitionally seem to move
about the house, going from room to room and even going outside of the
house and onward into town.

Would the clairvoyant actually be

moving and in reality going at
will wherever he or she wants
to? They are not moving at all
in the astral projection sense,
but in a memory sense we would
have to say, yes, they might be
said to be moving, for there is
still that clairvoyant kineticism that is in place and functioning giving them
the sense of voluntary movement. Again, to help make memory-triggered
movement clearer, let us suppose that our initial past-life clairvoyant
experience has us standing in the kitchen of our sixteenth century Irish
country home.

Being there is bound to trigger memories concerning the layout of the

house, such as the location of the other rooms. Since the memories of
moving about the house are recorded in our higher mind memory, we may

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find ourselves walking from the kitchen to the master bedroom or from the
kitchen to the front yard, by reason of the fact that we have done that in
the past.

Therefore, what is taking place is a memory-based clairvoyant transfer,

giving rise to the notion of free movement. In other words, we can go
anywhere we like as long as there are memory paths in place to take us

We will find that a single clairvoyant episode will generate an enormous

number of such memory paths, which in turn will take us places that will
trigger even more
memory paths and
offer us a greater
sense of moving
about and seeing
places, people, and
objects at will from
that previous life.
As we might
imagine, because
of these memory
paths and our
ability to move
about on them, it is easy to confuse the experience with astral projection.

Remember, it is important to understand that while we are having an

authentic past-life clairvoyant experience, we will not be able to alter or
affect the elements of what we are experiencing, such as replacing a
sixteenth century outhouse with a modern twenty-first century indoor

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Remember also, that what we are experiencing are memory-based

clairvoyant episodes, founded on events, places, people, objects, and
actions that are as they were when they first occurred in our past. If we
find that we are able to make any changes, then we can be sure that they
will be changes superimposed on our experience through the involvement
of our conscious mind. Beginners have a tendency to do this, often
allowing their conscious minds to become actively involved in embellishing
their clairvoyant experiences with fanciful elements and concepts. This
creates misconceptions and distortions that cloud the truths of the
experience, and should be assiduously avoided.

Technique for Experiencing your Past

[Step 1] Quiet your conscious mind with 30 minutes of mantra

meditation; more if needed.

[Step 2] Use the Mind Stilling technique and the Yin chi infusion
technique to further quiet your conscious mind.

[Step 3] With eyes still closed, use the trigger phrase: my past lives.

[Step 4] Once the request is made, peer into your "3rd Eye" and travel
deep into the void beyond. If your subconscious mind responded correctly,
you will be entering the psychic conduit that your subconscious mind has
established with itself.

At first, you may encounter only random images of your past. This is
perfectly natural. Remember, you are going back and viewing some of the
more salient items or events recorded in your subconscious mind memory.
Do not become disturbed if the images come too quickly or they appear
somewhat vague.

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[Step 5] When a clear memory comes to you, and you want to

investigate it further, simply concentrate on it and a subconscious mind
psychic conduit will be established between “the you” of today and “the
you” of that particular former life. When this happens, you should find
yourself suddenly whisked away into that former existence and should be
able to re-experience all of the sensory and tactile elements that were
occurring at that particular moment in time.

[Step 6] You can remain in that experience as long as you like. To break
the loop and return to the present, simply break your concentration by
opening your eyes.

What to Look for While in the Past

CALENDARS: Are there any calendars on the

wall, desk, et cetera, that will tell you the year,
month, and day of your experience? If so, in
what language is the calendar written? Are
there any advertisements on the calendar? Is
there anything unusual about the calendar?
Are there any notes or special days marked-off
on the calendar?

NEWSPAPERS: What is the year, month, and day of

that particular issue? What is the headline? What are
the leading stories? What is the name of the newspaper
and where is it distributed? What language is the
newspaper printed in? Are there any ads that will help
you in identifying the country, city, and time period that
you find yourself in?

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LETTERS [personal and business]:

To whom are they addressed? Who are they
from? What is their content? Are there stamps
on the envelopes? If so, what country are they
from? Is there a postmark on the envelope
that will tell you the city, country, and date?
Are the letters sealed with sealing wax? If so,
is there anything significant about the design impressed on the wax?


parchments, clay tablets, laundry lists, grocery
lists, receipts, bank statements, personal or
business notes or memos, posters, graffiti, et
cetera, to help you identify the place and time of
this past life?

HOUSE STYLE: Is there a house or other buildings in your experience? If

so, what is the style of architecture? Is the house
Tudor style, ranch style, a split-level, apartment
building, a temple of some sort, et cetera? Is it
constructed of wood, brick, adobe, or other
material? How many stories, rooms, et cetera,
does it have? Does the building have indoor
plumbing? Is it located in an urban, suburban, or
country setting? Are there outhouses, barns,
sheds, silos, gardens, et cetera, on the property?
What are the walls and windows like? Are there
numbers on the door indicating an address? Is
there anything at all that is strange or unique about the house?

FURNITURE: Are the pieces French

traditional, English, Oriental,
Scandinavian, et cetera? Are there

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any unique pieces of furniture? If so, what are they made of and what
makes them unique? Are there items of children's furniture? If so, what
are the approximate ages of the children that would have such furniture
[cribs, bassinets, bunk beds, et cetera.]? What style of bed is found in the
master bedroom?

KITCHEN: What type of cooking devices do

you see? Is the stove a wood burner, gas
operated, or electric? What is the style of the
eating utensils? Are they silverware, chopsticks,
et cetera? What is the style of the plumbing?
Does the kitchen have indoor plumbing? Notice
the particular type of water delivery system. Is there a tap or faucet at the
sink, a hand-pump, et cetera? Do you see condiments or food in the
What are they? Is the floor tiled, or made of wood or stone?

PEOPLE: Are the majority of people

Caucasian, Black, Oriental, or Indian? What
language are they speaking? What hairstyle,
hair color, moustaches, beards, et cetera, do
the people have? Is there anything unusual
about the people in general?

MANNER OF DRESS: What is the nature

and style of the dresses, skirts, blouses,
hats, suits, et cetera, that you see the
people wearing? What period in history are
the clothes from? Do the men carry
weapons: swords, rifles, handguns, knives,
et cetera?

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TERRAIN: Do you see mountains, valleys,

flatlands, grasslands, wetlands, farmland,
rolling hills, or city streets? Are there
factories, dykes, walls, totem poles, religious
structures, windmills, pyramids, or anything that would help you identify
the place and time you are in?

STREET SIGNS: If you are in a city, are

there street signs? If so, in what language
are the signs written? What do they say?
Do they give street names or directions?
Are there signs that advertise products or
places? Are the signs hand-painted or manufactured?

SHOPS AND STORES: What type of shops and

stores do you see? What is the nature of the
goods they sell? Is there anything about the
goods they sell that can help you identify the
place and time period of your experience? Are
there any physical design peculiarities that stand
out about the shops?

AROUND THE HOUSE: Are there curios or

collectables in the house? If so, what are
they? What are they made from? Where do
the majority of curios seem to come from?
How are they stored? Are they in cabinets,
on tables, on dressers? What pictures,
painting, murals, tapestries, wallpaper, et
cetera, do you see? Is there anything about them that might indicate a
time period or what country you are in?

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LANGUAGE: Are the people speaking German,

Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Hindi, Farsi, English,
French, Algonquin, Inuit, et cetera?


mechanical devices? What are they designed
to do? Are they run by electricity or steam, or
are they operated manually? What period in
history are they from?

HEATING: Is the house or shop heated by a

fireplace, stove, or furnace? Is there anything
unusual about the heating apparatus? For
example, if there is a fireplace, is there anything
odd or outstanding about it, such as an
ornamental mantle, special brickwork, inscriptions, et cetera?

WINDOWS: Is there anything odd or

special about the windows of the house or
building? What do they look like? Are
there glass panes in the windows? If so,
what is the nature of the glass? Are they
clear glass or do they offer a distorted
view of the outside? Are they colored or
stained? How many panes per window?
How many windows are in the room? How many can you see from the
outside? Can you tell what period in history their designs are from?

ARTWORK: Are there paintings, murals, or

statuary work visible? If so, what is their
genre and subject matter? Are the statues
made of wood, stone, marble, et cetera?
Are there any designs or inscriptions on the

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walls? Are there wall hangings such as sconces, swords, religious symbols,
calligraphy, et cetera?

MIRRORS: What is the design and nature

of the mirrors? Are they clear or do they
return a somewhat distorted image? What,
if any, are the frames like? Are they ornate
or plain? If they are ornate, then what
details can you discern?

It is vital to understand that if there are mirrors in the house or shop, it
may be possible to look into the mirror and actually see what we looked
like during that particular incarnation. Even just the memory of having
looked into a mirror (or any reflective device for that matter) during an
incarnation, can give us a great deal of information concerning our
physical appearance, such as our height, weight, approximate age, facial
features, and any anomalies we may have had. In short, mirrors are
important and their possible existence in our clairvoyant experience should
literally be looked into.

Verifying the Experience

It would be fair to assume that whenever we have a clairvoyant

experience, we will also have a driving need to know whether or not what
we have experienced was real. But how can we verify it?

Where can we go for information, and what should we do first?

The fact that a clairvoyant incident involves someone else's present reality
makes it relatively easy to verify. If, for example, the subject is someone
that we know, just a phone call will do the trick or, perhaps a visit. Really,

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just about any standard method of communication will do; phone calls,
face-to-face conversation, letters, postcards, telegrams, et cetera.

The point is that all it takes is communication with the other party. That is
simple enough. The problems in verification begin when the other party
happens to be a total stranger. Here, we have to rely on the information
that we received during the clairvoyant experience in order to piece things

This makes it important for us to make as many mental notes as we can

during the clairvoyant event, covering not only its grosser aspects but its
finer, less obvious elements, as well. Obviously, it is important that we
become good observers since it will make verification of our experience

After all, it only makes sense that the more information we have, the more
information we will have to work with. In the matter of past-life
clairvoyance, however, verification may be quite a bit more difficult and
time consuming. It may even tax our patience by requiring that we spend
enormous amounts of time on the Internet, at the library, in a town hall of
records, getting in touch with genealogists, speaking to experts in
parapsychology, writing letters of inquiry, sending numerous e-mails, and

This is the way of things. Still, it is the sort of investigation that could be
fun and ultimately personally rewarding. Unless we happen to have been a
well-known historical figure during a particular former incarnation, where
gathering information about ourselves is as easy to obtain as looking our
name up in an encyclopedia or almanac, we should expect verification of
any information concerning us in a former life to take time, often rather
large periods of time, so be prepared.

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Finally, how much detail we accumulate concerning a former life may not
help us verify very much at all, especially if we find that there was a
decided lack of record keeping during that particular period. Unfortunately,
in such cases, meaningful verification of who we were may even prove to
be frustratingly impossible. Even so, we should not take that to mean that
our clairvoyant experience was not a genuine occurrence and that we
weren't the person that the clairvoyant incident indicated that we were.

About Dream State Past Recognition

It is not only possible for our subconscious mind to create a clairvoyant

subconscious mind loop and have us experience our past during periods of
sleep, but it is in fact, not as rare an occurrence as we might imagine.
During a conscious mind dream, any one, or a combination of a number of
the elements involved, could find a correlative or equivalent element
embedded in the subconscious mind memory.

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Should this happen, it could prompt the subconscious mind to create a

clairvoyant subconscious mind loop with that memory and the dreamer
could suddenly find himself or herself propelled into a past-life clairvoyant
experience. Generally, however, when the dreamer awakes, they usually
discharge it merely as a vivid dream and summarily dismiss it.
Unfortunately, since this form of clairvoyance takes place within the dream
state, there is no way to intentionally trigger it.

Even so, when it does happen, the journey into the past is no less
impressive or unrealistic than any volitional clairvoyant event. Perhaps the
only major difference between the two lies in the ability to intentionally
pursue the finer, subtler, details. This means that many of the events in
dream-state clairvoyance may be difficult to verify.

Should we suspect that one of our dreams might have actually been a
past-life clairvoyant event, we should immediately write down as many of
the details as we can remember upon waking. Should we delay in doing
so, just as in normal dreams, time will erode the details and clarity of the

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Psychometry – Energetic Attachments

In order to comprehend the mechanics of psychometry properly, certain

fundamental particulars associated with the psychometric process must be
understood and accepted as axiomatic. Without that acceptance, the
entire structure of this explanation would be difficult to understand or

One such particular is the

enormous natural propensity
people have for the creation
of higher mind psychic
conduits between
themselves and the people,
animals, plants, and
inanimate objects in the
world around them. It is
through these higher mind
psychic conduits that the
psychometric information travels, and not by any other means.

The second particular is that the strength of all subconscious mind psychic
connections is dependent upon the amount of "attachment" that a person
has with another sentient being or inanimate object. Understand the term
"attachment" to be all-inclusive.

That is, it is not merely characterized by the love a person has for an
object, but can be based on any of our emotions, such as the hate or fear.
The third particular is a negative one. That is, inanimate objects do not
and cannot absorb, or in some measure retain, the memory of a person
having had contact with them. An inanimate object simply does not have
the apparatus that would allow it to do that.

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Understanding Psychometry

"The more of an attachment of energy there is in the object, the

more of a energetic or psychic conduit will be available"

We have all heard stories of psychics adept at psychometry being brought

into mysterious cases as consultants by police and other investigative
agencies. There are good reasons for this. As we will see, murders,
kidnappings, and other acts of violent antisocial behavior are super-
charged with emotional elements that quite readily lend themselves to
psychometric investigation.

Understand that where there is emotion, there is attachment, and where

there is attachment, there are subconscious mind psychic conduits in place.
Therefore, for this first example, we will use a murder scenario, one that is
generic in nature and does not make reference to any actual murder
committed in the past or present. The murder of our example involves two
people; the murderer and his victim.

The site of the murder is a city park.

The victim, a middle-aged man, is
on his way home one night and
decides to travel through the park in
order to save time. Walking on a
paved path through the park, he is
accosted by a glove-clad, knife-
wielding, mugger who demands that
he turn over all of his money.
Frightened by the assailant and his weapon, the man is about to give him
his money when a noise off in the distance momentarily causes the mugger
to turn away.

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The victim seeing an opportunity to escape suddenly bolts down the path.
There is a pursuit and the mugger lunges and tackles him to the ground.
There is a struggle during which the mugger raises his knife and then
plunges it several times into his helpless victim. He steals the man's
watch, ring, and money. He buries the victim in a shallow grave beneath a
footbridge. Making his way toward the exit, he hears sounds that he
believes are a couple of police officers that patrol the park. Not wanting to
be caught with the murder weapon, he tosses it into a stand of bushes,
and then runs off, eventually leaving the park.

After several days, the victim is reported missing. The police have no clues
and are baffled by the man's disappearance. A week later, one of the
park's groundskeepers discovers the blood-covered knife and turns it over
to the police. However, the knife was examined and no fingerprints were

The blood on the knife was analyzed and found to be the same blood type
as that of the missing man. The police now have a bloody weapon, but no
other clues indicating who is its wielder or victim. At a loss for answers,
they call in a psychic, one that they have used with great success in other
similar investigations.

At the park, the psychic is given the weapon to hold. She closes her eyes
and begins to receive information. She sees the incident from both
perspectives; that of the murderer and that of the victim.

What she sees tells not only what happened, but gives her the descriptions
of both men. She also sees where the body is buried. The detectives
immediately recognize the description of the victim as the man reported
missing a few days ago. Following the psychics information, the body is

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Describing the murderer to the police artist, a drawing is created. It is the

face of a man that the police have encountered on a number of occasions
and so an investigation of the man takes place that eventuates in his arrest
and subsequent conviction.

How was the consultant able to do it? Did she receive the information
from the knife? Many would think so, but no, it wasn't from the knife, it
was through the knife. That is, it was made possible by the subconscious
mind psychic conduits established with the weapon by both the perpetrator
and the victim. The killer had a psychic conduit established because of
ownership of and dependence on the knife in his crime and the victim had
a subconscious mind psychic conduit established with the knife out of his
fear of it.

The question is: How can a subconscious mind psychic conduit continue to
exist intact between someone who is deceased and the weapon that was
used to kill him?

The answer lies in the fact that it is the

conscious mind that dies, not the
subconscious mind. Since the subconscious
mind of the victim still functions, the
subconscious mind psychic conduit remains in
place. Since a subconscious mind psychic
conduit always exists between a murderer
and his weapon, all a psychic would have to
do to retrieve information is establish their
own subconscious mind psychic conduit with
the weapon.

This will create a link to the subconscious mind of the killer where all the
pertinent information is recorded. Of course, it may also create a

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connection with the subconscious mind of the victim. In either case, the
information may very well lead to the solving the crime.

Here, traveling through the established subconscious mind psychic conduit

back to the killer would give us information concerning motive, time, place,
and other elements that would be pertinent in understanding the event
from the killer's perspective. Traveling through the subconscious mind
psychic conduit back to the victim would give us information concerning
the murder including, but not limited to, a description of the murderer.

Example 2

A young man of seventeen was reported missing by his parents. He had

left home one night after having an argument with his father. The parents
did not suspect foul play, however, a week had passed, and they were
worried. He had not attended school during that time and none of his
friends claimed to know his whereabouts.

A missing person's report was filed with the police department but their
investigation turned up nothing. Desperate to find their son, the parents
consulted a woman that they heard was well adept in the use of
psychometry. The woman stood in their son's room and asked the parents
what object they believed their son loved the most. Both parents,
simultaneously, pointed to a high school sweater with a varsity letter on it.
The woman took the sweater and sat down on the bed. She closed her
eyes and the images began to come, slower at first, but with more and
more rapidity in the following moments. She said she saw a large white
house in the country that had a broken white gate. No sooner had she
said that that the parents said that their nephew was living in a house like
that but that they had spoken to their nephew and he had denied knowing
their son's whereabouts.

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That evening the parents paid a surprise visit to their nephew and found
their son lying on the couch watching television. After a lengthy
conversation, all the unresolved issues were settled and everything turned
out well.

In this example, there was no crime, no weapons, and no evidence. What
was there, however, was an object that the missing son had a great
amount of attachment for. Again, attachment creates subconscious mind
psychic conduits with the object of those attachments. This is what the
consultant used to find the boy.
Here, all the consultant had to do was create her own higher mind psychic
conduit with the sweater. Once this was done, she simply traveled through
the boy's established subconscious mind psychic conduit and retrieved the
information recorded on his subconscious mind memory.

Example 3

Maria D. was browsing through an antique store when a small, beautifully

ornate, wooden music box on a table caught her eye. She opened the lid
and it played a lovely tune that she was not familiar with. She had an
instant attraction for it and bought it.
Later that evening, she sat in her living room with the music box on her lap
and examined it more closely.

She opened the lid and the music began to play. Resting her hands on the
box, she closed her eyes and lay back on the sofa to listen. Suddenly,
random images began flashing across her mind; images of another time,
another place. She saw images of the music box sitting on a dressing table
in someone else's home. She also witnessed random images of people

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dressed in clothes from another era and places that she didn't recognize.

At first, she thought that it was nothing more than her imagination, but she
soon began to realize that, perhaps, it was more; much more. When she
opened her eyes, the images disappeared. She spent most of the night
thinking about the images. The next morning, filled with curiosity, she
went back to the antique store and questioned the proprietor about the
history of the music box. He explained to her that the music box came
from the estate of a woman who had died some six months prior, at nearly
one hundred years of age.

He went on to explain that, until just recently, the music box had been in
storage since that time. One of the visions that Lisa had seen was of a
silver comb and brush set with the initials P. T. R. ornately inscribed on the
back of the brush. She questioned him about it. The man was astonished
by her questions. He told her that he would be right back and excused

He went into a back room and returned moments later holding a small
white cardboard box tied with white string. He placed the box on the
counter and untied the string. He opened the box and removed the
packing paper revealing a silver comb and brush set with the initials P. T.
R. inscribed on the back of the brush.

Maria was absolutely astounded. The man went on to explain that the
initials P. T. R. stood for Patrice Thelma Reddenberg and that the music
box, comb, and brush were hers. He also went on to explain that, from
what he could understand, the music box was her most prized possession.
Both Maria and the owner of the antique store were amazed at how Lisa
had come into her knowledge of the comb and brush.

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In this example Maria, although not having had a psychic experience of this
magnitude before, had formed an instant attachment for the music box.
This resulted in the establishment of a subconscious mind psychic between
them. Since the former owner, Miss Reddenberg, had died only six months
prior, she apparently had not reached total separation. Since she had a
great attachment for the music box, the higher mind psychic conduit she
had established with the music box was still in place and operational.
Here, the music box acted as a connector between Maria's subconscious
mind psychic conduit and that of Miss Reddenberg. That connection had
Maria receiving images from the deceased's higher mind memory and
among them were the images of the silver comb and brush set.

Proximal Psychometry

Proximal Psychometry Subconscious mind Psychic Conduits occur

automatically whenever we touch an object or are close enough
to an object, enough for our auras to touch it.

They occur whenever we hold, touch, or stand near to a person or object.

When we do, the aura of the person or object is brought into direct contact
with our own aura. When this happens, our subconscious mind becomes
defensive and begins to probe for answers as to nature of the object that
entered its precincts. The subconscious mind establishes a psychic conduit
with the object and then begins a process of information retrieval, in which
it seeks out and uses any and all psychic conduits that have been
established with it. This is the Proximal Psychometry process.

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An Exercise to Try

Step 1] Choose an object through which you would like to retrieve

information. It could be any object, of course, but it would be a great deal
more interesting to choose an object that can offer some insight into a past
historical event or one associated with a person known to you that will
allow you to verify the information you receive.

[Step 2] Quiet your conscious mind using the Mind Stilling Technique and
the Yin chi infusion technique.

[Step 3] Pick up the object and hold it lightly in your hands. Then, close
your eyes and relax a moment. With your eyes still closed, peer deep into
"3rd Eye" [located in the center of your forehead between your eyebrows].
Have the sense of travelling deep, deep, deep within the void. Whatever
information your subconscious mind will receive will be presented to you


Subconscious mind psychic conduits are established constantly with objects

at distances extending well beyond the precincts of a person's aura. In
fact, the object could be anywhere in the world or even beyond it. Here,
time and distance are of little consequence, because those subconscious
mind psychic conduits are established whenever we think of an object.

Remember, the moment a subconscious mind psychic conduit is

established with an object, an energy transfer occurs and the subconscious
mind begins an information retrieval process. As is the case with proximal
psychometry, the subconscious mind will automatically seek out all psychic
conduits that have been established with that object by other people. This
sets up and fulfils the fundament requirements necessary for

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An Exercise in TelePsychometry

[Step 1] As in prior exercises, choose an object that you want to use to

retrieve information; an object that can give you some insight into a past
historical event, or an object associated with a particular person that will
allow you to verify any of the information that you receive.
[Step 2] Quiet your conscious mind using the Mind Stilling Technique and
the Yin chi infusion technique.
[Step 3] Remember, the object you choose for this exercise may be
located anywhere in the world. A photograph of the object would, of
course, be helpful, but if none are available, then a detailed description of
the object would have to serve. If you are using a photograph, you must
stare at it until you are able to close your eyes and see the image of the
object in your mind's eye. Once the image is burned in as a negative
image, send the Chi out in a circular pattern. Having the information come
back like a boomerang effect.

[Step 4] Now, with your eyes still closed, peer deep into the "3rd Eye"
[located in the center of your forehead between your eyebrows]. Have the
sense of traveling deep within the void. Whatever information or images
your subconscious mind receives will be presented to you there.

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Molecular Psychokinesis

Molecular psychokinesis is an extremely interesting phenomenon

that takes place whenever Chi is either injected into, or
withdrawn from, an inanimate object.

The target of the augmentation or reduction of Chi is the object itself and
not its aura.

The use of molecular

psychokinetic procedures actually
results in tangible, often obvious,
changes in the target object's
physical characteristics. For
example, when Chi is injected into
a metal, such as brass, the brass
becomes soft and pliable at the
point of energetic entry.

Conversely, if Chi is withdrawn from a piece of brass, then the brass

becomes brittle and readily snapped under light to moderate physical
stress. This is true with all metals [silver, iron, steel, et cetera], as well as
objects made of sundry other materials, including, but not limited to
plastics, glass, et cetera.

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Science tells us that there is molecular motion occurring constantly in all

animate and inanimate things. However, since we are currently dealing
with inanimate objects, we will address only them for now, and leave our
discussion of animate objects for the section on Physiological

What is molecular motion? For simplicity, we can think of molecular

motion as a vibration peculiar to a particular object or material at the
molecular level. Since all inanimate objects are composed of molecules,
they all have a natural vibration.

Each vibration is peculiar to a particular object. In Molecular Psychokinesis

we influence inanimate objects by altering their molecular activity. There
are several factors that affect the vibration of molecules in inanimate
objects: temperature, pressure, et cetera.

For us, the most important factor would be that of temperature.

The rule is:

As the temperature of a material increases, there is a corresponding
increase in its molecular activity or vibration. Conversely, the same is also
temperature of a material decreases, so decreases its molecular vibration.
Increases or decreases in molecular activity create changes in the nature of
the material. For example, if we heated a piece of plastic and the
temperature rose high enough, the plastic would melt. The same example,
of course, could be applied to metals. When heat is applied to an object,
the energy levels of the molecules that comprise that object are increased,
which produces physical changes.

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Suddenly, the object is not quite what it was. Chi is energy. When it is
injected into an object, the added energy increases the object's molecular
motion. This augmentation of molecular activity creates heat, which only
further amplifies its activity.

Unless left alone to cool and regain its natural vibration, a sort of molecular
heat producing chain reaction is created, eventually leading to physical
changes when the energy levels are high enough.

The changes that occur, of course, depend on the nature of the materials
that make up the object receiving them added energy. When we work with
Molecular Psychokinetic energetic infusion, we must take this factor into

Pulling Chi out of Someone

All sentient life forms require chi or energy in order to live, this is
axiomatic. When chi is plentiful all of a sentient entity's energy
requirements are met and, barring disease or injury, all of it cells and
organs are able to function properly. However, should an entity suffer a
marked decrease in chi that brings its energy levels low enough, there will
be a corresponding decrease in the ability of its organs to function

If this energetic deficit is sustained long enough, the body will undergo a
subconscious mind-orchestrated redistribution of whatever energy it does
have available to it. That is, the subconscious mind creates a new set of
priorities for the allocation of the available energy in order to preserve life.
When energy levels become low enough, for example, the subconscious
mind of a plant or animal will shut down those organs and functions, at
least temporarily, that it deems unnecessary for immediate survival.

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It will, for instance, in the case of a person, assure the necessary energetic
requirements of the heart and lungs by shunting chi to it from other parts
of the body, such as the kidneys, reproductive system, digestive system,
etc. Once the heart and lungs' energy requirements are met, it will then
assure the proper functioning of the other essential organs by similarly
reducing the energy it supplies what it considers non-essential elements of
the body, such as the cerebral cortex portion of the brain.

In fact, if the chi supply is at dangerously low levels, the subconscious

mind may terminate a pregnancy or may actually reduce the energy
supplied to the brain to the point where it will intentionally induce coma in
order to conserve the body's chi, and thus to preserve life. Bearing the
above in mind, clearly, someone well-versed in the techniques of
physiological psychokinesis can cause great injury to the body of another
sentient life form by
withdrawing from that entity
enough chi to initiate a
breaking down of their organ

One adept in proper

physiological psychokinetic
technique has a choice. He or
she can withdraw chi from the
aura or actually target
individual organs for direct
Withdrawing chi from the aura is essentially a generic way to disrupt the
energy of an organism.

When the energetic level of the aura becomes low enough, the entity's
subconscious mind of the life form will go through the reorganization of its

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energy priority list on its own and, in effect, determine the results itself.

A person adept at the practice physiological psychokinesis looking to harm

another life form would most likely prefer to target specific organs. This
requires that the organ be isolated in the mind of the practitioner and a
subconscious mind psychic conduit be established with the target organ to
the exclusion of everything else. When the properly executed, the effect is
quite remarkable and the consequences, of course, quite perilous.
Therefore, the physiological psychokinetic withdrawal of chi is something
that is not to be practiced indiscriminately or capriciously. We must be
guided by good moral judgment, remaining as harmless and blameless in
all things as much as possible.

Manipulating Someone’s Chi

Regardless of the seeming justification for feelings of vindictiveness the

manipulator may have toward their victim, all malice must be eliminated,
for such thoughts are products of conscious mind processes and will only
serve to pollute the outcome.
Therefore, the first order of business must be to quiet the conscious mind
to the point where the subconscious mind can be readily accessed.

To do this properly a period of meditation is called for. Of course, when

such feelings are removed, there is the possibility that the manipulator may
change their mind about taking such a malevolent action. If this should
happen, then it is just as well, for we should, whenever possible, be
harmless and blameless in our dealings with each other.
Still, if the manipulation is to proceed from this point, since the conscious
mind is no longer participating in the action, it may seem as though the
manipulation is taking place in an almost matter-of-fact way, devoid of

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strong emotional attachment.

In fact, to the casual observer, it would even seem to be a cold,

passionless, and impersonal process. Nevertheless, this is the way it has to
been done. We could say that it is the nature of the beast, and to do it
with all of the fervor and passion often depicted in books and movies
would actually be self-defeating and ultimately lead to unsatisfactory

You Must Have an Open Gate to Manipulate


The second factor necessary to establish the manipulation involves the

establishment of an open and functioning subconscious mind psychic
conduit between the manipulator and the recipient.

This provides the means with which to set up and embed the malediction
firmly in the subconscious mind of the recipient. Because subconscious
mind psychic conduits established between sentient beings are gated, we
must take care not to cause the recipient to close their gate.

If they do, we will not be able to complete the manipulation. Therefore,

we must introduce the manipulation in a very subtle, almost benign, way.
The process may even require the use of a "gate-opener" in order to be
successful. The reason for this is, there is most likely enmity existing
between the manipulator and the recipient, and a functioning open-gated
psychic conduit would generally not exist, unless the manipulator and the
person being manipulated have not had prior negative dealings together,
which is so in cases where a person wishing to manipulate another person

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seeks a third person, generally unknown to the victim, to perform the

Here, since the third person does not harbor strong negative feelings
toward the victim, open-gated psychic conduits would be relative easy to
establish and maintain. Another method of assuring that an open-gated
subconscious mind psychic conduit is established with a victim is indirect.

That is, by using any open-gated conduits they have already existing
between themselves and another person, such as a close friend or relative.
Here, that third person becomes the unknowing dupe of the process. In
such a case, it is helpful if the manipulator is on friendly terms with that
person, or, at the very least, that no enmity exists between them.
Someone adept at manipulating in this fashion would be able to manipulate
anyone that they want, simply by sending their malevolent transmissions
through one, two, or a series of connected acquaintances of their victim.

Yet another method of reaching a victim through already established open-

gated subconscious mind psychic conduits, is to use the working conduits
that the recipient has established with inanimate objects, such as their
favorite chair, coat, car, et cetera. Here, of course, the conduit established
between the manipulator and the object would be ungated and readily

So, also, would be the conduit existing between the object and the victim.
Even so, the manipulation must be delivered in a subtle manner, for the
subconscious mind of the victim may still act defensively and remove, at
least temporarily, the conduit established between themselves and the

Finally, there is this... the manipulator may use parts of the victim's person,
such as hair, fingernail clippings, etc. This, of course, is a preferred
method in some voodoo practices. This is because a subconscious mind

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psychic conduit is very easy to establish with their victim since the object,
such as pieces of their hair will be readily recognized and accepted by the
higher mind of the subject.

Remember, when a recipient's gate is closed, there will be no viable,

invocable manipulation possible. Any of the methods mentioned above, if
properly performed, should eliminate the problem.

Emotions and Energy

Did you know that we curse or bless people all of the time without realizing
it? It's true. Whenever we think of someone we establish subconscious
mind connections with them through which energy and information passes.

If, for example, we cede energy to them while the subconscious mind
psychic conduit is in place and operational, they are being "blessed" with
extra energy and we, losing energy, are actually cursing ourselves, unless

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we are using a circular method (always recommended) of chi. If, on the

other hand, we are lower in energy than they are, energy will flow from
them to us. Here, they are being cursed and we are being blessed. (This
would only be correct if the Chi is being sent out in a linear fashion. If you
circle the chi out, it will always come back, thus eliminating the loss of chi.)

Ordinarily, the energy exchanged in this fashion is briefly delivered or

taken, however, if we think about a person frequently, or worse, if we
mentally fixate on a person, then this could mean that there may be a flow
of energy in one direction or another almost constantly.

This may be all right with someone that we love but what about those
people that we have developed a hatred for?
Should we care about their welfare? Well, how would we feel if the person
that we hate actually benefits from our fixation on them?

Worse, what if our fixation actually turns around and hurts us?

This is what happens when the focus of our lives revolves around

We are leaving ourselves open to possible harm and are, in essence,

cursing ourselves.
Therefore, we should let go of feelings of hatred toward others, even our
worst enemies, and free ourselves from the possibility that our very own
hatreds could not only turn around and cause us immeasurable damage
but actually benefit the people we hate.

We have personal experience with those that use their chi in a way to hate
others. In all cases those with the hate tend to have the energy circle back
to them and affect them in a very negative way. The saying “What goes
around, comes around”, is a perfect analogy in this case.

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Hypnotic Manipulation & Control

The fact that the subconscious mind exercises an enormous influence over
the conscious mind makes it easy to understand that by instilling in the
subconscious mind certain ideas, certain scenarios, one well-versed in the
art of HYPNOTIC INFLUENCE & CONTROL has the power to create
everything from minor illusory disturbances to full scale phobias, from
neurotic anomalies to psychotic episodes of devastating proportions and
more in his or her victim. The possibilities are really only limited by the
HYPNOTIC CONTROLLER’S prowess and individual imagination.

*For more information See-



can, for example, create higher mind
memories of situations and events
that have never taken place, artificial
reminiscences that are so powerful
and disturbing that they may
completely over-shadow their
victim's conscious mind reality and
create innumerable mental
difficulties for them. A skilled
HYPNOTIC CONTROLLER can, for instance, place in their subject's
subconscious mind memory an experience, such as that of being locked in
a very small, dark, area for a long period of time. This may be done to
supply the subject's conscious mind with all of the elements necessary to
induce claustrophobic reactions in the subject's life. Certainly, the creation
of phobias would be a relatively easy process for a talented HYPNOTIC

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A HYPNOTIC CONTROLLER can also project into the subconscious mind

memory of their subject images of great abuse at the hands of a person
close to them and by so doing create for their victim an instant dislike or
even hatred for that person.

Another rather interesting use of HYPNOTIC MANIPULATION & CONTROL

is to create, imaginary, mind-based diseases and pain in their subject.
Since the subconscious mind is responsible for the welfare and protection
of the body, the creation and installation of psychosomatic symptoms in a
person targeted is not difficult to do.

Most of us are well aware that the conscious mind is highly suggestive,
readily influenced by events and objects we come into contact with daily;
however, we are also being influenced by things and events that exist on
the inside, within the confines of our own conscious mind and its
associative memories.

The lower mind becomes even more receptive to suggestion when a

person's own subconscious mind is the culprit doing the influencing.

Why? It is because there is no place for the conscious mind to run, no

shelter from the storm of ideas and images presented to it by the
subconscious mind.

Since the elements necessary to produce HYPNOTIC MANIPULATION &

CONTROL are installed in the subconscious mind of the victim, the victim's
own subconscious mind will complete the task and any further involvement
a HYPNOTIC CONTROLLER may want to have with them would generally
be unnecessary.

That is, once the seed of the HYPNOTIC MANIPULATION & CONTROL is
planted firmly in the subconscious mind of the victim, an experienced
HYPNOTIC CONTROLLER will simply let nature take its course.

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How to Manipulate with Chi

[Step 1] Think of the person that you want to manipulate. This will
automatically establish the subconscious mind psychic conduit between
you. A photograph of the person would be helpful.
[Step 2] A good rapport between you and the receiver must then be
established. To do this you must make every effort to assure that your
initial telepathic contact is as benign and non-aggressive as possible, even
though your intentions may not be so benign.
[Step 3] You must have a clear image of just what it is that you want to
Make sure that you do not confuse the receiver with picture-words that
appear in your mind that have nothing to do with the message that you
want them to receive. It could be a nightmarish scene or you could place
images in their mind that you know cater to their particular fears. From the
positive side, you could do it as a win/win business deal that will come to
[Step 4] Once you have the image clearly in your mind's eye, enter the
void through your "3rd Eye" and place the image there. Then, project it
deep into the void until you feel a subtle release of pressure. When this
happens, the psychological manipulation has begun. You can also create an
image loop, that you allow them to trigger whenever they think of a certain
thing (their spouse, children, job, friends, etc)

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Psychic Self-Defense

We are all subjected to psychic

influences throughout our lives.
Some of them are beneficial and
help us in various ways to survive
and flourish. Others affect us in
negatively by sapping our strength,
restricting our movements,
creating fear, destroying our
health, disturbing our peace of mind, and subtly covering over the deeper
and most basic truths concerning ourselves and our personal relationship
with the world around us. Unfortunately, this is, despite our liking or
disliking, an intricate component of the world within which we all live.

Ironically, we take self-defense lessons, buy handguns, hire body guards,

install burglar alarm systems in our vehicles and homes, carry pepper
spray, build fences, and do ten thousand other things to protect ourselves,
all in the possibility that the day may come when our physical safety might
be compromised.

Yes, we do these things and more, and yet, many of us, not realizing that
we are variously subjected to negative psychic influences that cause, or
have the potential to cause us enormous harm, do nothing whatsoever to
protect ourselves against them.

Experience and research has told us that there are definite steps that we
can take to defend ourselves against this natural phenomenon. All we
have to do is to become aware of their existence and take the necessary
action when they actually do occur.

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Energy Vampires

Clearly, there are exchanges of chi taking

place in our lives all the time; exchanges
between us and both the inanimate and
animate objects in our environment. Most of
them are not at all harmful to us, some are
actually beneficial. The rest, however,
whether voluntary or involuntary, are
detrimental to our well-being.

Of all the types of psychic attack we may

encounter in our daily lives, by far the most
common is that inflicted on us by [for lack of a better expression] the
"energy vampire." They seem to be all around us... human vampires,
animal vampires, and even plant vampires, any and all of which can drain
us of our precious energy.

We know that whenever we think of a person, place, or thing, a

subconscious mind psychic conduit is automatically created through which
energetic energy passes, from the greater to the lesser; from the surplus
to the deficit. If we have the energetic deficiency, then we become the
energetic vampires and receive energy, which is not necessarily a bad

However, if there is a deficiency of chi in a person, animal, plant, place, or

thing, with which we have an open-gated subconscious mind psychic
conduit established, that is not good for then they can, and often do,
silently draw energy from us. This can leave us feeling drained and tired
as our day progresses.

Even worse, it can actually deplete us of energy to the point where we

become more susceptible to disease and emotional problems. Bearing this

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in mind, we must now address the subject in a little more depth, including
how we can defend ourselves against them.

Human Chi Vampires

When it comes to energetic vampirism, human beings are, by nature, one

of the greatest causes of our daily energy depletion. However, in all
fairness, it is not necessarily something that they do intentionally. It all
depends on the state of their energy levels and requirements at any given
time. Clearly, people not only occupy our thoughts frequently throughout
the course of our day, but we also make contact with them at work,
shopping, at play, and of course, at home.

They even play both the central and

supporting characters of our dreams. It
seems, awake or asleep, there simply is no
way for us to avoid them. We know when we
are in the presence of an energy vampire by
the feeling of depletion we experience when
we are with them; they just tire us out.

Certainly, each of us has had this experience

this at one time or another. Fortunately,
thanks to our subconscious mind, we have
natural, innate, defenses in place to help us
guard our energy resources against these
energetic predators.

Fortunately, our subconscious mind, the guardian of our body and its
resources, knows when we are losing energy to others and immediately
begins a process to rectify the situation. One of the things it does is send
urgent messages to our conscious mind as to the cause and nature of the
energy drain.

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The problem is that our conscious mind, generally being loud and
preoccupied much of the time, cannot understand the "letter of the
message," only the sense of it. This "sense of the message" frequently
creates in us an instant dislike for the person depleting us and we find
ourselves looking to separate from them as soon as possible.

In fact, we may actually develop such a defensive dislike for some people
that we try to avoid all future contact with them. We must understand that
this type of response has nothing to do with personalities, political views,
religious affiliations, eating habits, sexual orientations, or personal biases,
it is purely self-defensive.

We should bear in mind that energetic vampires come in all sizes and
shapes and have different energy needs depending on what happens to be
occurring in their lives at the time. The ill, for example, are generally low in
chi and are therefore in great need of more in order to quicken their
recovery. This places them in the unenviable but necessary position of
having to draw chi from all of those who come into contact with them.

This is why many people are generally uncomfortable visiting the sick, and
why, when they stay too long, become very edgy and out of sorts, and
look to leave the moment the opportunity presents itself. Visiting someone
in the hospital typifies this experience.

Yes, we may look forward to the visit, but once we are at the patient's
bedside, we find ourselves not wanting to stay too long. We may even
become clock-watchers, secretly counting down the seconds for visiting
hours to be over. The feeling of edginess and wanting to leave that we
experience is nothing more than the product of our subconscious mind self-
defenses at work.

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There is more to energetic vampirism than just being drained when we are
in the physical presence of a energetic predator. If we happen to occupy
the thoughts of someone during the course of the day, a natural
subconscious mind psychic conduit is temporarily established between us.
If this person happens to be low in chi, we will lose energy also. It is a sort
of tele-energetic vampirism in which we are subtly being relieved of our
energy from a distance.

If a person or group of people well-versed in the process of voluntary

energy vampirism selects us as the object of their malevolent fixation, we
may find ourselves in a potentially dangerous position. The question is:
How can we determine when we are being targeted in this way? Certainly,
a sense of fatigue would be a common symptom of such an attack, but it is
not enough to make a determination.

The inability to move after waking up from a nap is also a frequent

indicator of this sort of volitional energetic vampirism, one that can be very
unsettling to those who fall victim to it. It feels as if we are being held
down or temporarily paralyzed. The reason that this phenomena occurs is
that while we sleep, there was such a drain of chi from us that our muscles
temporarily lack the necessary energy to respond. However, once our
subconscious mind
recognizes the problem
and directs a fresh
supply of chi to the
muscles, we are
released from that
paralysis and everything
soon normalizes.

Yet another common

symptom of energetic

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vampirism is a sudden and seemingly inexplicable sense of disorientation.

One moment we seem fine and the next moment we feel dizzy and may
even feel as if we are going to faint. Certainly, this is not to say that it
couldn't be caused by a physiological condition, such as those that might
result from a lack of adequate food or sleep; it could be. Still, we shouldn't
dismiss the idea that it may be the result of a sudden loss of chi brought
about either intentionally or unintentionally, by an outside agent.

If you are sensitive enough, you can usually feel the chi being pulled or
drained from your body. This chi usually is drained from the joint areas of
the body. Pay attention next time you around one of these vampires, and
see if you can feel the chi being “sucked” out of your body.

We must understand that whether we are being drained of chi intentionally

or unintentionally, we are still being drained, and are in some degree,
potentially at risk.

Of course, if the energy drain is minor, then the danger is minor and is
therefore nothing to become overly troubled about. However, if the
energy drain is prolonged or suddenly massive, then we may be in great
peril, and should address it defensively.

Chi Vampires in Business

In business, energetic vampirism is a factor that should be carefully

considered. When we are low in chi, for example, we can be sure that our
client's subconscious mind is aware of it. This awareness propels their
subconscious mind into a defense mode in order to prevent us from
draining energy from them. When this happens, the client's subconscious
mind closes its psychic gate and whatever rapport we want to establish, or

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has been established with them, will be lost. And so, in all probability, so
will be the sale or deal.

Let us take a moment to imagine what it might be like to be on the

receiving end of a salesperson's pitch who happens to be an energy
vampire. Imagine what it would be like if, during the conversation, our
subconscious mind is frantically trying to advise our conscious mind that
we are under attack, and we must end the meeting as soon as possible.

If we can imagine this scenario, then it is easy to know why so many of

our attempts to transact business in the past, under similar circumstances,
may have turned out so unrewarding. This is something to consider.

Of course, if we, ourselves, happen to be energy vampires, the question

would then be why would we need self-defense? Well, we wouldn't, if we
didn't care about making that deal or selling that product.

However, if we do care and want to succeed in that business transaction,

then we may want to consider raising our energy levels to the point where
we have such a large quantity of chi available to us that we actually
become energy donors.

If we do that, it will mean that the person that we are trying to do business
with will be receiving really nice euphoric and blissful chi from us
throughout the course of our meeting and his or her subconscious mind
will happily keep the gate open at their end of the subconscious mind
psychic conduit. This will cause their higher mind to transmit to their
conscious mind the sense that something extremely good is taking place,
something very beneficial. This will create a special bond, a workable
rapport, with the client and that means success. This is psychic self-
defense too.

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Many business people’s problems are not in the product or in how they
dress, but merely a question of energy exchanges and conscious mind
impressions based on subconscious mind defense mechanisms. When you
“donate” chi to someone that makes them feel really good, you get the
obvious good feedback and are successful in what you do. When you emit
stagnant or stale chi, the person feels that too, and want to get as far
away and as fast as they can from you.

Defense Against Chi Vampires

Fortunately for all of us, nature has supplied us with some extraordinary
natural defenses against the human energetic vampire, foremost of which
is the innate ability that our subconscious minds possess to close the gate
at our end of any unwanted or potentially dangerous subconscious mind
psychic conduit, either in place or attempted to be established with us.
This, of course, often puts an end to the possibility of human-based energy
drains automatically.

The reason we say "often" is because there are times when subconscious
mind psychic conduits are established by knowledgeable occultists; people
who know the ins and outs of the conduit process and are skilled enough
to be able to circumvent this defense, at least temporarily.

They may have learned how to reach their victims indirectly by establishing
subconscious mind psychic conduits with people that the victim knows and
has open-gated subconscious mind psychic conduits in place with, such as
those normally existing between friends and relatives.

Since the people chosen to act as intermediaries are not generally being
drained of energy themselves, their gates often remain open and tender
the energetic vampire virtually uninterrupted access to their intended

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victim's energetic stores. That is, until the victim's subconscious mind
realizes what is taking place and closes its psychic gates to that particular
friend or relative.

The reason we say "often" is because there are times when subconscious
mind psychic conduits are established by knowledgeable occultists; people
who know the ins and outs of the conduit process and are skilled enough
to be able to circumvent this defense, at least temporarily.

They may have learned how to reach their victims indirectly by establishing
subconscious mind psychic conduits with people that the victim knows and
has open-gated subconscious mind psychic conduits in place with, such as
those normally existing between friends and relatives.

Since the people chosen to act as intermediaries are not generally being
drained of energy themselves, their gates often remain open and tender
the energetic vampire virtually uninterrupted access to their intended
victim's energetic stores. That is, until the victim's subconscious mind
realizes what is taking place and closes its psychic gates to that particular
friend or relative.

In the very least, it is something that marriage counselors should learn to

recognize and address. Even so, when one partner is constantly draining
the other of energy, merely talking out problems is not going to save the
marriage. In time, unless the siphoning stops, dissolution of the marriage
will be the only way that the energetic vampire's victim has of surviving.

In cases like this, the only way a marriage can be saved is to place the
partner who is chronically low in chi on a specific regimen designed to raise
their energy to sufficient levels and, consequently, remove the need for
them to draw so excessively on their partner's energetic stores.

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Unfortunately, not until then will the psychic gates reopen and the
distancing end.

When you are a competent Chi Power Practitioner, it is very easy to pump
up your spouse to give them the extra energy that they need to live life to
the fullest. Keep in mind that every time you engage in sexual intercourse
with your spouse, you are transferring a part of your energy to them
during the love making process. The more times you do this, the closer you
will become to your spouse.

You can share your chi with all members of your family, by circulate them.
Make a habit of filling your house up with good euphoric notify the
harmony in your home at an all time high.

Animal Vampires

Humans are not the only energy vampires we come across on a daily basis
– animals can be and often are, energy vampires, too. Yes, even that cute
and cuddly puppy or kitten can be a little energy Dracula nestling on our
lap and quietly draining us of strength.

But don't panic, it is something that takes place all the time in the animal
kingdom and is not necessarily a bad thing. It may, in fact, be beneficial.
Those of us who have pets are certainly aware of how often they nap
during the course of a single day. Cats, for example, take on the average,
nearly seventy separate naps a day. Dogs, take a large number of naps,
also. The reason for this is that their energy reservoirs are relatively small,
which requires them to take frequent naps in order to conserve and restore
their life force levels.

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Normally, animals, especially adult animals, remain aloof from each other,
not only because of practical physical self-defense and pecking order
considerations, but also because they are not very willing to cede energy
over to each other. Animals have relatively quiet lower minds, which
makes them very sensitive to energy fields and energetic exchanges.
This sensitivity generally has them seeking the company of those that can
give them energy, rather than those that quietly siphon it from them.
Humans, of course, have enormous quantities of chi compared to other
members of the animal kingdom. This places us in the unique position of
being great sources of chi for them. When an animal is fortunate enough
to be a pet, we can be sure that it will take full advantage of our chi supply
at each and every available opportunity.

When an animal trusts us, as our pets normally do, open-gated

subconscious mind psychic conduits are created between us through which
a small quantity of energy continuously flows to them. Naturally, they will
take as much as they can get. They will also try to take chi from us by
bathing in our chi-rich auras as often as they can.

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For them, our auras are the place to be. Of course, besides liking to lie
down next to us, they also like to be petted.

Petting allows for a temporary merging of auras, which also allows these
little vampire pets to drain off part of our chi.

However, their need for chi does not mean that our pets do not love us or
give us something in return, of course they do.

The fact is that it is a totally symbiotic relationship meaning that we both

benefit from the relationship.

They receive a small portion of our energy and we acquire, not only
feelings of love and companionship from them, but something else,
something really quite remarkable.

We get to have a living, loving, non-addictive,

mild sedative at our beck and call.

Believe it or not, there are times when we

actually have too much chi in our auras.

This can actually be harmful to the body, by

causing it to become over-active and to over-
function. This is not at all advantageous to our
well-being and the subconscious mind knows it.
To remedy this situation, the subconscious mind
has devised various methods to spend that
excess energy. It has us foot waving, pencil chewing, finger tapping, nail
biting, twitching, blinking excessively, head jerking, and more. All of this is
done in an effort to reduce the excessive energy levels of the body to
normal or near normal levels.

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It is important to understand that if we have feelings of nervousness and

apprehension and do not know why, it may not be psychological, but may
be based on the simple fact that our chi levels are simply too high and
many parts of us may simply be overactive as a result.

During acts of stroking, patting and petting, as well as through the natural
open-gated subconscious mind psychic conduits existing between our pets
and ourselves, our pet is drawing chi and simultaneously helping to reduce
the excessive chi [when it exists], in our body to tolerable levels. This will
not only help us on a daily basis but may actually extend our life spans.

Defense against Animal Vampires

Generally, there is no need to defend ourselves against animal energetic

vampirism since an animal's energetic needs, such as those of our pets,
though constant, are small and normally harmless. However, if we ever
find ourselves needing to defend against a professionally altered energy
draining animal, we can do the following:

[1] The very first course of action for us to take is to physically separate
ourselves from the animal.

[2] The second is to close our end of any subconscious mind psychic
conduits that may be established between the animal and us.

A simple way to close the gate at our end of such a psychic conduit is to
create and maintain in ourselves feelings of revulsion for the animal,

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pointing out in our mind anything about the animal that we find personally

[3] Then, of course, we could, as a last resort, kill the animal. However,
this is a drastic step and we must be certain that the animal is, indeed,
what we believe it to be.

We must not allow our imaginations to run away with us by coloring and
labeling an animal something that it isn't. That is, we must never allow a
fanciful imagination to create in us a paranoia that may lead to the death
of an innocent animal.

Plant Vampires

Plants, even seemingly complex plants, require a great deal less energy
than animals do in order to survive and flourish. And even though they too
are constantly seeking chi, because their requirements are so minimal,
their danger to us is generally minimal also.
However, just as animals and inanimate objects can be used as chi-
draining instruments that can be very dangerous or even fatal to us, plants
can be used in the same way.

Fortunately, the use of plants

in this manner lies well
beyond the ability of the
average occultist or psychic.
Why? The reason is that
plants are much too sensitive
to any form of negativity,
especially anything that they

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sense might harm them in any way. This means that they are quick to
close their psychic gates at the very first sign of danger, which makes
them, at best, rather difficult to work with as agents of foul play.

Even for many mystics, especially uninitiated mystics, the process would
simply be much too time consuming and would require the sort of finesse
lying parsecs beyond their present abilities. Any awkward attempt to use a
plant in this manner, for example, would immediately send the plant into
shock, which often results in the death of the plant. A dead plant does
not, in the final analysis, make a viable intermediate and cannot help the
psychic assailant in any way to achieve their end.

Because the energetic requirements of plants are so nominal and their use
as cursed objects is difficult to achieve, we should not be concerned about
having to defend ourselves from any member of the plant kingdom. Even
so, if we suspect that we are the victims of a plant that seems to draw too
much chi from us, we have two options: either to destroy the plant or to
get professional help from a mystic qualified to deal with the specifics of
the problem.

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Telephatic Attacks

What is a telepathic attack?

Simply, a telepathic attack consists of thoughts that are

introduced into our mind by someone else.

Although, unquestionably, energetic vampiric attacks are the most

prevalent assaults we face daily, telepathic attacks, being much more
common than many of us think, run a close second. And just like energetic
vampire attacks, they are taking place all around us every day in one form
or another.

Most of them are relatively benign, innocuous, unintentional events that, in

the scheme of things, have very little, if any real impact on our lives. Even
so, in rare cases, there is the potential for harm. Others, however, are
perpetrated by individuals who may target us intentionally and can, both in
content and purpose, be quite sinister in nature. The latter can range from
a brief, temporary, minor negative influence lasting only seconds, to
something more extensive, lasting, perhaps, as long as the rest of our

Minor attacks can result in

nightmares, changes in
attitudes, quirky behavior,
unexplainable nervousness,
unwarranted fears, and more.
Some attacks, generated
intentionally by those who have
a command over the process,
can be severe enough to cause
a rapid decline in health, insanity, or even death.

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What makes telepathic attacks so insidious in nature and often hard to

detect is that whatever images or thoughts arise in the victim's conscious
mind are generally accepted to be their own. That is, unless the victim has
a great deal experience in this area, they would normally have no idea that
the thought was established in their mind by another person. Clearly, this
makes a telepathic attack, whether harmful or not, an egregious and
unwanted invasion of privacy.

Even thoughts transferred during a minor telepathic attack can be quite

disconcerting, especially if those thoughts are completely alien to our
nature. The attack can, for example, consist of thoughts that involve
injuring someone else, perhaps someone we love, or there may be
thoughts of inflicting harm on ourselves, such as vagrant suicidal thoughts.
Even if those thoughts are not acted upon, they can certainly cause the
victim great concern. In more severe cases, a telepathic attack can be, for
all intents and purposes, tantamount to a subconscious mind psychic siege,
where the victim is inundated with so many negative images over a
protracted period of time that they begin to doubt their own sanity.

Although telepathic attacks can come at any time, there are times when we
are most vulnerable, such as when we are either sleeping or just falling
asleep. The reason for this is that during these periods, except while
dreaming, the conscious mind is normally very quiet, virtually dormant, and
so whatever telepathic images are sent through subconscious mind psychic
conduits necessarily encounter little or no conscious mind resistance.
One of the telltale signs of a telepathic siege is the recurrence of the same

It does not necessarily have to take place on consecutive nights. In fact, it

could be somewhat infrequent. The most likely reason for this repetition is
that the psychic attacker probably lacks the skill necessary to vary the
nature of the attack, and so there is a tendency to repeat the identical

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elements over and over again, and to inadvertently produce the same

Even so, a nightmare is not necessarily the product of a telepathic attack.

Many nightmares are nothing more than the result of some inner turmoil or
stress, and are self-generated. Still, if we ever find ourselves subjected to
the same nightmare on more than one occasion, even if there are minor
variations in content or endurance, we may not necessarily be wrong in
suspecting outside influences, and some sort of telepathic deviltry, may, in
fact, be at work in our life.

Although subconscious mind psychic attacks are generally telepathic in

nature, on rare occasions a subconscious mind psychic attack can be
created clairvoyantly. This form of attack is much less frequent because it
requires greater skill on the part of the attacker. Here, the psychic
attacker clairvoyantly propels the victim headlong into another reality.

It could, for example, be the reality of someone in great physical distress,

someone undergoing a tortuous disease, or even someone suffering
insanity. An attacker adept at the process may even thrust their victim into
the reality of something that is not human at all, perhaps that of an animal,
such as a snake, mole, worm, hog, or even an insect. An insect? Yes. It
does not take very much effort to imagine how nightmarishly distressing
that could be - to be suddenly tossed into a world of such blind and utter
savageness as that of the insect.

Fortunately, there are very few people that have that level of training, or
the ability to bring this about, and so the odds of becoming the victim of
such a dark and nefarious mystic are remote. But, then again not so
remote that it could not happen.

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Some Closing Thoughts

Keep in mind that this course was designed as an advanced
technical reference manual for those who have already
studied our Chi Power Plus course. However, this program
will work without the knowledge from Chi Power Plus, the
difference is with the added benefit of understanding Chi
Power Plus and our Advanced Chi DVD methods. When you
combine the energy producing techiques contained in our
Advanced Chi DVDf and apply them to the techniques and
concepts in this manual, you get a highly increased
effectiveness of the techniques.


A.Thomas Perhacs,

Copyright 2018 Internal Power Centers


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