Blasting-Operations Compatibility Mode

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Blast Design

• Is the safe and economic way to do blasting

Factors affecting blasting design

• Geological factors (out of blaster’s control)
• Controllable factors
•Borehole dia.
•Design of the delay firing system.
Hole Diameter
Depends on
•The availability of the equipment
•The depth of the cut
•The distance of the nearest structure.

• Max dia. Depends on the hole depth L (ft) = 2D (in)

There are four methods to decrease the explosives amount:
•Use delay firing
•Shorten the depth of the cut
•Decrease the hole dia
•Use decking technique
Burden & spacing determination
Burden is the distance from the blast hole to the nearest
perpendicular free face.



Free face
Burden & spacing determination
Andersen Formula B= (dL)0.5
B : burden, ft d : borehole dia, in
L : borehole Length, ft

Langefors’ Formula V= (db/33) [Ps/cf(E/V)]0.5

V : burden, m db : dia of drill bit, mm

P : degree of packing = 1-1.6 kg/dm3
s : wt strength of explosives (1.3 for gelatin)
c : rock constant, generally 0.45
f : 1 degree of fraction, for straight hole = 1
E/V = ratio of spacing to burden
Spacing determination
Spacing is the distance between blast holes fired in the same
It is necessary to complete burden calculations before
determining the spacing.

S= (BL)0.5

B : burden, ft
L : borehole Length, ft
Controlled Blasting
To control overbreak and to aid the stability of the
remaining rock formation.
There are 4 methods
• Line drilling (unloaded), Fig.8-2
• Cushion blasting
• Smooth-wall blasting
• Presplitting
Controlled Blasting – Line drilling
• Provides a plane of weakness to which the rock can break.
• Helps to reflect shock waves,
• Reduces the shattering effect of the rock outside the
• Do not exceed 3 in in dia and are spaced one to four
diameters apart (due to cost).
• Are not loaded
• Requires more drilling more than the other controlled
blasting methods.
• Is not very effective in non-homogeneous formations
Controlled Blasting – Line drilling

Free Unloaded
face line drill
Cushion Blasting
• Requires a single row of holes ( 2 to 3.5 in) in dia.
• Permits a reduction in the No. of holes required by line-drilling
• Unlike line-drilling holes, the cushion holes are loaded with light
• Holes are fully stemmed between charges, allowing no air gap, and
are fired after the production shot has been excavated.
• The stemming acts as a cushion to protect the finished wall from the
shock waves. The larger the borehole, the greater the cushion.
• Not suitable for underground - tough stemming requirements.
• Drawbacks: (1) requires removal of excavated material before firing
(costly due to production delay – no excavation for entire area at
once). (2) Sometimes the production shot can break back to the
cushion holes, creating redrilling problems and causing loading
Smooth--wall Blasting
• Similar to cushion blasting
• Creates a plane of shear in solid rows along the desired
excavation before the production blast.
• All holes are loaded like cushion blasting
• Reduces overbreak
• Reduces the vibration

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