Informative Speech Akram

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The purpose of my speech is to educate my audience on World War II.

I'm here to talk about the causes and consequences of World War II.

The terrible events of World War II shaped the political landscape of the
contemporary era. Numerous events that occurred before and after World Wars I and
II served as entry points into those conflicts. You know, more than fifty countries in
the globe participated in World War II, which claimed the lives of 40 to 50 million
people and destroyed property worth billions of dollars.

Due to the significance of Society War II in today's world and the fascinating
information I discovered while researching it, I have always been interested in this
subject. I wanted to tell you about them. America led the world to trust in its might
and ideology during the Second World War, which is a significant historical event.

There were a number of factors that contributed to World War II and its destruction.
I'll talk about everything in the next few minutes.

So let's start with the reasons why the war occurred.

WWII was largely brought on by Germany's loss in World War I and the Treaty of
Versailles. Germans considered the Treaty of Versailles, which Germany was
compelled to sign after World War I and sign in order to comply with all demands
made by the Allies, to be a shame.
The Great Depression in the late 1920s and early 1930s was the second primary
Germans believed that going to war was an easy way to make money as a result of the
economic slump.
The third significant factor was the British and French governments' appeasement
stance. France and Britain stood by while Germany began annexing areas it had lost
in World War One, which raised the morale of the German military forces.

Let's go on to the chronology of the conflict now.

With an attack on Poland and the swift conquest of France, war in Europe officially
broke out. Blitzkrieg, an extremely quick attack, was used.
With the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the Far East War began. All American
ships were sunk by Japan at Peal Harbor, starting an all-out conflict.
Russia got engaged after being assaulted by Germany.
Hitler ordered his men to invade Russia while Germany was preoccupied with
England. Russia fiercely repelled the onslaught and drove the Germans home.

We shall now talk about the result of the War.

The United Nations and contemporary international law were the first significant
effects of World War II. After World War II, the UN was established, and Nuremberg
and the Tokyo Trials gave rise to modern international law.
Cold War is the second key impact. Despite being allies during World War II, the
United States and Russia entered the Cold War immediately after the war.
Nuclear weapons had a third significant impact. After America launched this nuclear
arms race by bombing Japanese cities, all the world's superpowers soon followed.

I'll now move closer to the end.

World War II left behind a lot of wreckage, but it also left behind a lot of gifts. After
World War II, the contemporary world underwent a great deal of advancement.
"War will end us if we don't end it." After World War II, everyone understood the
significance of this proverb and began trying to put a stop to wars.

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