STS Midterm Reviewer

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Science, Technology and Society ● The Industrial Revolution

Midterm Reviewer case study focuses on the

impact of technology on
Interaction of Science, society and the rise of
Technology and Society capitalism.
● The modern era case study
● The interaction of science, explores the complex and
technology, and society is global interactions of STS,
complex and depends on including ethical and
various factors. environmental concerns.
● Science is a structured ● The appropriation of
approach to seeking science and technology is
knowledge and understanding influenced by society's
nature. priorities and global
● Technology refers to our affairs.
ability to control and ● The presentation emphasizes
modify nature for practical the need for a
applications. multidisciplinary approach
● Society is composed of to STS and responsible
people with values, morals, decision-making.
prejudices, problems, and
priorities. From PDF:
● Society is the creator,
▪ Developed in the 1960s to
end-user, and constraint of
1970s, student and faculty
science and technology.
social movements in the U.S.,
● The interaction of STS
UK, and European universities
varies with geography,
helped to launch a range of new
ethnology, time, and global
interdisciplinary fields that
were seen to address relevant
● The presentation includes
topics that the traditional
three case studies from
curriculum ignored.
different time domains.
● The birth pains case study ▪ Driven by a sense that science
refers to the early days of and technology were developing
science, known as in ways that were increasingly
Aristotelian philosophy, at odds with the public’s best
and the influence of the interests.
church and Thomas Aquinas.
● The program prepares
students to see science and
engineering in the context
of the economics, politics,
and social life of society.
● The STS program encourages
students to be creative,
inspired, and invested in
STS Interaction varies with: making the world a better
- Geography and Ethnology
● The program prepares
- Time
students for careers in a
- State of Global Affairs
variety of fields,
Science and technology studies including law, while still
● STS program focuses on the emphasizing the importance
relationships between of science and technology.
science, technology, and
According to Professor Joe Kane,
head of department for the
● It combines the fields of
department of Science and
history, philosophy, and
Technology Studies at UCL,
sociology of science to
science and technology studies
explore the development and
encompass a wide range of topics
regulation of science and
that allow individuals to
observe, think and engage with
● Students work on projects
science in various ways.
that range from
nanotechnology to public
● Philosophy of Science,
health and human rights.
Technology, and Society
● The program emphasizes
(PSTS) is a program that
community engagement and
offers a multi-disciplinary
encourages students to
approach to analyzing
connect their coursework to
technology and its effects
real-life problems.
on human behavior and
● Students have the
opportunity to work on
● The program is suitable for
policy projects and
students with a background
internships in the
in engineering and natural
sciences, behavioral
sciences, or international The Scientific Method
students who want to
understand the background
of what they've been
● Students come from diverse
backgrounds and bring
different perspectives to
the class, creating
engaging discussions.
● The program emphasizes the
importance of understanding ● The scientific method is a
the relationship between process to produce reliable
human and technology results to answer a
interactions to come up specific question.
with better solutions and ● The steps of the scientific
design better products for method are observations,
societal problems. research, hypothesis,
● After completing the experiment, and conclusion.
program, students will have ● Observations involve using
a better understanding and the five senses to gather
ability to analyze things information.
critically, which they can ● Research is important to
contribute to the refine experiments and use
betterment of society. reliable sources.
● The program teaches ● A hypothesis is a
students to turn philosophy prediction of what will
into practice and to occur, often in an
develop technology with a "if-then" statement.
high-tech human touch. ● Experiments involve
collecting qualitative
and/or quantitative data
and defining the
independent and dependent
● A valid experiment should
have both an experimental
group and a control group.
The Times and Troubles of the 3. Propose a possible but
Scientific Method testable explanation
The text talks about the
4. Test the hypothesis with
scientific method, which is a
experiments and collect
process of learning about the
universe and organizing
5. Analyze the data to draw a
information to build on it. The
scientific method has its rules,
6. Communicate the results to
and it is a technique used to
the scientific community
investigate scientific
phenomena. The scientific method
Why Study the History of Science
is not perfect, but it is the
best thing we have for now. The 1 Get more accurate depiction of
scientific method is about the past.
coming up with a plausible
explanation for an observed 2 Tell us a little bit more
phenomenon and then testing that about science nowadays
explanation until you either
3 It tells that scientists are
destroy it or decide it is
also humans.
indestructible. Scientists
advise going through a series of Studying the History of Science
steps to find an answer, ● The speaker is a historian
including asking a question, of science who aims to get
doing research, proposing a a truer, more accurate
possible but testable depiction of the past,
explanation, testing the specifically how scientific
hypothesis with experiments, ideas developed, where they
collecting data, coming up with came from, who developed
another hypothesis if necessary, them, and why.
and analyzing the data to draw a ● Understanding how science
conclusion. The text concludes developed in the past has
that science has not always been several applications,
done this way, and some people including providing
credit Aristotle with inventing insights into science today
the scientific method. and helping students
1. Ask a question understand the nature of
2. Do some research scientific development.
● The speaker believes that knowledge-makers that was
young students are often created as a place to
given a false idea of what debate new ideas about
it takes to do science, and nature and witness the
that making science too proofs behind their
forbidding can dissuade theories.
people from pursuing it. ● The Royal Society's motto
● The history of science is "NULLIUS IN VERBA,"
shows that the development which means "on no one's
of science is about word," and represents the
fallible individuals of all importance of anyone being
kinds trying to ask able to be a scientist.
questions and understand ● The wonder of the
the world, rather than just reproducible experiment is
a few geniuses doing the ability to repeat
something significant. experiments to achieve
similar results.
Intro to History of Science
Timeline of World History
● The history of science is
not only a story of ● The chart uses a vertical
humanity's collective scale to represent the flow
movement from ignorance to of time, with every white
knowledge, but it's also line representing 100
not a stable or single years.
idea. ● Horizontally, the chart is
● science is a body of divided into different
knowledge about the world parts of the world, with
and the methods used to each line representing a
create that knowledge. specific culture,
● Two main practices that civilization, or empire.
systematically generate ● AD means Anno Domini (in
knowledge are observing the year of the Lord) and
specific aspects of the is used to measure years
world and conducting from the birth of Jesus. BC
experiments to answer stands for Before Christ.
questions about the world. ● Scholars today have
● The Royal Society, founded concluded that Jesus was
in 1660, is a group of
probably born in 4 BC, so ● The only other place in the
the scale is a bit off. world to have large cities
● Nowadays, historians use during the early Bronze Age
the terms CE (Common Era) was in what is today Peru,
and BCE (Before the Common where the Norte Chico
Era) to be more neutral. civilization was thriving.
● The starting point for ● The 4.2 kiloyear event
history on the chart is the occurred approximately 4.2
year 3300 BCE, which is thousand years ago and
approximately when writing resulted in approximately
first appeared. 200-300 years of drought
● Everything before the and famine in several parts
emergence of the first of the world.
writing systems is ● The end of the Bronze Age
categorized as prehistory. is marked by a series of
● History on the chart is catastrophic events that
divided into six main time led to the collapse of many
periods: the Early Bronze Bronze Age civilizations,
Age, the Bronze Age, the including invasions,
Iron Age, Classical migrations, and natural
Antiquity, the Middle Ages, disasters.
and the Modern Period. ● The Iron Age saw the
● The Bronze Age gets its widespread use of iron
name based on the fact that tools and weapons, as well
humans first started to as the emergence of new
make things out of bronze empires such as the
around the same time that Assyrians, Babylonians, and
they first developed Persians.
writing. ● Classical Antiquity saw the
● During the early Bronze rise and fall of some of
Age, the Sumerians had the most famous empires in
already invented the wheel, history, including the
the plough, and the sail, Greeks, Romans, and Han
and also went on to develop Chinese.
astronomy and mathematics. ● The Middle Ages saw the
● The Great Pyramids of Giza emergence of feudalism and
were built during the early the growth of Christianity
Bronze Age in Egypt. in Europe, as well as the
rise of the Islamic years ago when we have the
Caliphate in the Middle first evidence of fire in
East. humans.
● The Modern Period is marked ● Cooking around fires meant
by the Industrial groups had to gather
Revolution and the rise of together, pool their
modern nation-states. resources, and work
● in the transitions between together to gather and cook
each time period, often food. This was really the
they involved a combination beginning of human society.
of climate events, mass ● Home and hearth are places
migrations, and pandemics of comfort where we can
seek food and mutual
support from other people
like ourselves.
● Sitting around a campfire
● Fire is the greatest gift as a group is like creating
that Mother Nature gave to the first school ever,
mankind. because storytelling is one
● Fire is a crucial human of the best ways for groups
advantage that allowed the to communicate.
cooking of meat over flame, ● Storytelling was not just a
which was the beginning of comfort but also the key to
any kind of society. their survival.
● Our ancestors experimented ● Control of fire must rank
with natural sources of among the most important
fire, which extended the revolutions in human
daytime, kept away origins.
predators, and provided
When Early Humans Discovered
other benefits.
● Fire destroys harmful
bacteria, neutralizes ● Fire is one of the most
toxins, makes food taste important discoveries made
better, and breaks down by humans.
carbohydrates that have a ● Controlled fire has been
major effect on the brain. used for cooking, heating,
● The brain size began to machinery, art,
increase from a million
celebrations, light, and off predators or rival
decoration. groups of humans.
● Fire has become a staple in ● It wasn't until 1.5 million
human weaponry but can be years ago that our
disastrous when ancestors began to interact
uncontrolled. with the flames directly.
● Natural fires have existed
on Earth for over 420 Fire-Maker: How Humans Were
million years. Designed to Harness Fire &
● Evidence of charcoal and Transform Our Planet
silurian rock deposits show
● The San people of the
that vegetation on land
Kalahari are an ancient
burned when conditions were
race that have used fire
for thousands of years.
● Fires across tall dry
● The mastery of fire was one
grasses were common during
of the greatest turning
the pleistocene epoch,
points in human history.
which led to our early
● Fire enabled cooking,
ancestors frequently
ceramics, glass-making, and
observing deadly wildfires.
metallurgy, which led to
● As our ancestors followed
the creation of tools,
the fire, they may have
weapons, utensils, and many
collected corpses and plant
other inventions.
matter burnt up in the
● Humans are the only known
flames, which would have
animal capable of
saved energy.
harnessing the power of
● Primitive men and women may
have noticed that some
● Earth is the only known
substances burn slower than
planet designed to reap the
others, purposefully
benefits of fire, and its
throwing them onto
atmosphere permits both the
wildfires to extend the
existence of fire and the
duration of the blaze,
existence of a biological
keeping the fire alive for
creature capable of using
● Dry vegetation and dung
were likely used to scare
The Right Atmosphere and a fire, you also need the
Planet the Right Size right kind of fuel.
7. Working with iron typically
1. To have fire, you need an requires heat in excess of
atmosphere that can support 2100 degrees Fahrenheit or
both biological respiration 1,200 degrees Celsius,
and combustion. which can't be achieved or
2. Planets of just the right maintained by simply
size are required to burning grass or branches.
possess an oxygen-rich 8. Coal or charcoal or
atmosphere which is something equivalent is
required if you want to needed to generate fires
have both respiration and with sufficient heat.
combustion. 9. The existence of such fuels
3. Planets much larger than depends on the flourishing
the earth retain their of large woody plants, made
primeval atmospheres, possible by a molecule
making conditions on large known as lignin.
planets incompatible with 10. Lignin strengthens cell
the sort of atmosphere that walls allowing plants to
we have. grow taller and slows the
4. Planets much smaller than breakdown of organic matter
the earth cannot maintain in the soil, providing a
free oxygen since the soil rich enough to support
oxygen molecules will float large trees.
away into space. 11. Lignin facilitated the
5. A planet roughly the size creation of vast deposits
of Earth has a of coal in Earth's history
gravitational pole strong by preventing the breakdown
enough to retain an of organic matter until it
atmosphere like our own could be fossilized.
containing oxygen needed 12. Without lignin, there
for combustion and would be no woody plants,
respiration but weak enough no wood, no coal, no
so that it won't retain its charcoal, no fire, no
primordial hydrogen. pottery, and certainly no
6. In order to harness the iron, and probably no other
most important benefits of metals or metallurgy.
13. Even once you have the Muscles the Right Strength,
right kind of fuel, that's Nerves with the Right Speed and
still not enough to have Nerves the Right Diameter
1. In order to use fire, an
A Body the Right Size organism needs muscles of
A living being is required to the right strength, nerves
make and use fire. with the right speed, and
nerves that are the right
1. The living being must have diameter.
a body of the right size 2. The strength of muscles and
and design to make a fire. the speed of nerve
2. To smelt metals, you need a conduction are commensurate
fire sufficiently hot, with the size of the
which requires big chunks organism and the complexity
of wood, charcoal or coke. of its movements.
3. The basic design of an 3. Our bodies are pre-adapted
android is suitable to for the use of fire, and
handle fire as they can our ability to make and use
manipulate fire with their fire has allowed us to
long arms and hands. unlock the potential of
4. The only biological design many materials in nature.
of an organism that can 4. Compounds and elements with
handle fire, make fires, powers that can be unlocked
and regulate it seems to be by fire exist in abundance
a biological being of a on our planet, and nature
design similar to humans. seems to have been seeded
5. Chimps have difficulty with them in advance.
making fire as they are not
as manually dexterous as A MANIFESTATION OF CREATIVE
6. Beings of the human basic ULTIMATE PURPOSE
design are optimized to
make fire, and this could ● Wallace argues that the
apply throughout the existence of key metals,
universe. necessary for modern
technology, is not just a
fluke, but points to a
cause beyond physical
nature, which is an The Neolithic Revolution: The
all-pervading mind. Development of Agriculture
● Science is dependent on
natural capacities ● The prehistoric man lived
pre-built into the chemical as a nomad surviving
elements and compounds from through hunting and
which our world is gathering food.
constructed. ● The mastery of agricultural
● Natural materials have techniques allowed man to
serendipitous features that settle down on his own
point to a cause beyond land, leading to the
physical nature, and are emergence of the first
unintelligible on any other villages near the
theory than that the earth floodplains of rivers.
and the universe were ● Cereals were preferred for
constituted as they are to cultivation due to their
supply us with the means of nutritional value and
exploring and studying the ability to be stored for
inner mechanism of the longer periods.
world in which we live. ● Domestication of animals,
● Humanity's amazing such as dogs, was also
technological success is developed during this time
not due to our own genius period.
alone, but also the result ● Animals had to fulfill
of finely tuned conditions certain requirements to be
and properties of matter considered domesticated,
that make our technological such as not competing with
advances possible. humans for food and being
● Our potential to make and easily controlled by their
use fire seems to have been owners.
built into our bodies and ● Agriculture and livestock
into the Earth's biosphere not only provided food but
from the very beginning. also served other purposes
such as clothing and fabric
● Surpluses from these small
villages led to the
emergence of commerce and
eventually the first and the sexagesimal math
cities. system.
● They also created the Code
Ancient Civilizations Around the of Hammurabi, one of the
World earliest and best-preserved
written legal codes.
● The National Geographic
● The Indus River Valley
defines civilizations as
Civilization existed from
having the following
3300 BC to 1300 BC and was
characteristics: large
located in modern-day
population centers,
Northeast Afghanistan,
monumental architecture and
Pakistan, and northwest
unique art styles, shared
communication strategies,
● They had a writing system
systems for administering
called the Indus script,
territories, a complex
which has not been
division of labor, and
deciphered yet.
social and economic class
● The Chinese Civilization
existed from 1600 BC to
● Most civilizations
1046 BC and was located in
flourished around bodies of
the Yellow River Valley.
water because of natural
● They were known for their
irrigation, drinkable
use of bronze, silk
water, and natural
production, oracle bone
script, and the Zhou
● The Mesopotamian
Civilization emerged
● The Egyptian Civilization
between the Tigris and
existed from 3100 BC to 30
Euphrates rivers in the
BC and was located in the
Middle East, lasted from
Nile River Valley.
3500 BC to 500 BC, and is
● They were known for their
known as the cradle of
construction of pyramids,
● The Mesopotamian people
hieroglyphics, and
were advanced in metalwork,
literature, textile
weaving, irrigation,
agriculture, the wheel,
sailboats, cuneiform texts,

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