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Assignment 2

Cultural Autobiography


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Cultural autobiography questionnaire..........................................................................................3
Interviewing a colleague with a different background using the cultural autobiography
questionnaire to demonstrate awareness of different cultures...................................................................6
Comparison of two biographies and identification of both similarities and differences.............6
Evaluation of those similarities and differences by using my own cultural frameworks............7


I and Anthony put on our identity and autobiography in the cultural autobiography. The people
being able to keep pace with others in society, the culture is built and the interaction among the people
and communities, the reciprocal understanding and lifestyle reflects one’s own personal identity. The
participation in national and ethnic ceremony as well the greeting, the building architecture, the
language and ethnicity enclose all members in the society. The community keep up harmony and the
reciprocal understanding to the community members being adopted within the ordinary people might
increase the apprehension on the own intrinsic identity. The practice of traditional ceremony allows the
individuals in adopting the other people residing in the society. The actual tradition and customers of
the community recognize the main cultural theme for each individual. The individual engages and
involves in various cultural ceremony that make him coherent and familiar in the respective distinct
culture. This study will outline cultural autobiography of two individual who are from different country
and cultural background. At the first part of this study, a questionnaire will be made through which
information of my friend who is from Russian will be collected to get insight into his cultural
background. At the middle of this study similarities and distinctions will be found between the culture
of me and my friend Anthony. At the last part of this study an evaluation will be made on the basis of
the information of the two cultures.

Cultural autobiography questionnaire

Within several approaches I could complete my cultural autobiography that is included with
multi-dimensional questions. The steps are analyzed in the following to apprehend the process to make
a cultural autobiography (Howard, 2020).
Asking your-self some questions that would have the answer in different identity the question
will reflects the personal trait and characteristics. The questionnaire setting up is the significant task for
the creation of autobiography (Sewell, 2021). The questions are supposed to be ordained and having
various option that can make the people recognize within a single identity (Nelson, 2016). The features
of these questions needed to be coherent to the environmental situation and circumstance and the
traditional institution. The customs and values of the society reflect as a particular identity for
individual is assumed to be incorporated in the questionnaires (Mill and Philp, 2020).

Similarity of two biographies:

 Family structure and relationship: I am Silvia from Romania and Anthony is from
Russia. I have four family members and Anthony’s parents and my friend have common structure of
the family. My father is a businessman. My religion is Christian. Anthony family’s religion is catholic.
Family structure and relationship between me and Silvia have much similarities as both of us belonged
to a nuclear family with father, mother and siblings. Both of our fathers were businessman and most of
the time father used to busy with his business though father always tried to give us quality time.
 Nationality: I and Anthony are distinct in nationality identity. My country is Romania
and Anthony country is Russia. The territorial integrity of both countries is similar. There is a major
similarity in the nationalism of Romanian and the Russian as both of the countries were under
communism and communist values are very much ingrained within out nationality.
 Rituals of family life: Both of the individual’s family are accustomed to greet
reciprocally and in the morning the mutual offering of greeting is appeared to practice. The family
members are accustomed to handshake to each other after walking or coming from external world
(Franklin and Ketcham, 2016). In Some area rituals of family life Antony and me have got similarities
for instance both of us brought in a family where family bondages were tight and members of the
family used take their meal together. It has been found from both of our family rituals that men tend to
become individualistic after their age of 25.
 Environment: My family and Anthony’s family cherish the sense of love and help each
other. The strong blondness among these family influences on the interaction. The families are aware
of enhancing the child’s personality (Wright, 2015). The family environment of me and Anthony has
similarities as elder family members play the role of decision making and they always try to keep a
space from the junior members of the family. All the family members used to put their effort to
increase the economic growth of the family and grown-up members of the family try to be separate
from the family.

Difference of two biographies:

 Family structure: The family structures of both families are different in some aspects.
My family stays in urban area and the Anthony family live in village area. Anthony family always
seeks for reciprocal good interaction. My family are fractioned the brother and sister of Silvia stay as
urban town where they study. After a few years Silvia went to Italy and adapted to a new culture
(Chesterton, 2017). There are few differences between the family structure of Anthony and Silvia as
most of the Romanian family are nuclear family but most of the Russian lives with father, mother,
grand-father and grand-mother in a family.
 Nationality: My Nationality is Bulgarian and Anthony is of Georgian nationality. I had
changed my nationality after going to Italy. The new environment and culture of the countries made me
curious about the local culture and code of life. Anthony learnt to adopt in his own country since he did
not migrate to any country. There is a significant difference between the nationality of Russian and
Romanian people which also reflected on me and Anthony. Most of the Romanian people the migrated
people from different parts of the world but most of the Russian people are not migrated but they are
they are the original people living for a long time.
 Rituals of families: Anthony family is much more ritual and my family were
conservative. The liberal code of life was adopted by Anthony. After migration, Silvia got accustomed
to new environment and culture (Kunst, 2021).
 Environment: I and my family while staying in own country were adapted to coherent
environment but after migrating to foreign country Italy we were acquainted to new environment.
Anthony was accustomed to own country culture and the surrounding of his family were liberal.
Everything in the society is built on the people traits and communities in the society become
more accustomed with the personal activities. The age and gender of the individual in respective profile
can maximize the adoptability in the community. The ingredients in the own cultural environment can
find out reciprocal nexus which induce the people in coping with other (Hurston and et al, 2021).

About you: the name: Anthony, birth place? My birth place is in the Portugal. The home
country is? My home country is Portugal. The cultural group you belong to? The cultural group is
Christian that is catholic. The birth year is? My birth year is 1989s (Kingsley, 2015).

About my culture is? Style of building architectures is? The building architecture in our
countries is the royal architectures. What is the typical greeting in the community? The typical greeting
in our society is the peace be upon you, or God bless you (Faiq, 2020).

My Hofested Scores is in your countries? The objective and the selection process in our
society is unique that appears the dissimilarities in the multiple dimensions. The performance of the
traditional ceremony is the cultural approach (Christie, 2012).

What is cultural value dimension? The compliance and stricture to the social and cultural
values is the predominant approach to get coherent to the cultural values. The values of the culture
determine the main and basic identity (Kruger, 2018).

The questionnaire would make cultural autobiography of some one that having distinctive
approaches of leading life. The significance of the life style is delineated and the code of behavior of
the people in the society is reflected in the questionnaires (Driscoll, 2019).
You’re Name. What is the source of the family name?
The traditional ceremony names the individual in several aspects (Corlett, 2017).
What language. The individual speaks in English that introduce his linguistic identity.
Geographically the great parents and the parent’s origin needed to be originated to make an
individual identity (Buckley, 2014).
What the favorite food is? The favorite food is bread and butter. What is the best uniform for
you in your culture? My coherent uniform is pant shirt. What is the most favorite anthem to you; the
national anthem is the favorite song (Stone, 2016).
The cultural identity of the people in the society is introduced within the core elements that
recognize the personal traits. The person intellectually of without conscious mind cannot abstain from
the social concord. After living in a society, a person gets acquainted with the cultural features which
delineate the identity (Faiq, 2020).

Interviewing a colleague with a different background using the cultural
autobiography questionnaire to demonstrate awareness of different cultures

The questionnaire is the set of the questions that explore the real and consistent identity which
makes the people’s interest and identity as they own the society. The scores in the culture society and
community is determined within the performance in the ceremonial culture.
To interview different cultural colleagues, interviews are conducted within a small part of the
population (Davis and et al, 2020). The population being more consistent to the ordinal traits, these
populations interview questions should be more contextual. The awareness of the culture of people in
the society in very significant should be known to every people. The local and geographical stance of
the people in a society being able to build common characteristics, made up a social order which
reflects the cultural identity. Before interviewing people, we need to be aware of the social stance, the
values they cherish in the society, the identity and the cultural values that put on several structural
frameworks by systematic approaches (Wright, 2015). The idea and concepts are shared within the
assembly and coordination of different entity. The formation of the liberal culture that contains witness
of one’s own personal traits and features can reduce the discord of the people from each other. The
language of the people make identified as the linguistic group such the English linguistic people is
considered to be introduced as English. Each of the people in the society becomes aware of the social
values and traditional identity (Stone, 2016).

Comparison of two biographies and identification of both similarities and


The cultural coherence minimizes the distinction among the people in a same society. The
society and communities are given with a common context of leading life for each of the individuals
and this promotes in building an identity (Sewell, 2021). The identity reflects the introduction of the
peoples. The name and age are the predominant questions needed to be included in the questionnaires.
The questionnaires are prepared within the ingredients that introduce the people as the member of the
society (Twain, 2017). The similarity and dissimilarity among the influential peoples appear in the core
dimension that makes them different in different influence (Blair and et al, 2015). The profiles of the
two people are delineated and ordered as they are not from the same community.
The community discord in identifying these two entities. The personal traits and features of
the community peoples are not so contextual in the identity. The biography of the people in these
aspects does not concord to the values and assessment which needs extra analysis (Weatherford and
Nelson, 2019). The performance of the people in the traditional ceremony in first sphere can be more
conspicuous in accordance with the apprehension (Kunst, 2021). The biography presents the
similarities in the language and culture. The culture, values and customs the individual possess by
living for many years in the society, get people to be more instinct to the own biography. The
biography of the people in each of the segment I have delineated that determine the own cultural stance
and environmental influence in the society (Davis and et al, 2020).

Evaluation of those similarities and differences by using my own cultural

The cultural framework includes various objects that are illustrated in the following. The
cultural frameworks are undertaken in the below to assess the similarities and dissimilarities is the
Hofstede cultural frameworks that were persuaded in 1980 and reformed in 2010.
Objective of the research: The works values of the people in the culture to assess and the
similarity and dissimilarity to determine (Blair and et al, 2015).
Selection of organization: the subsidiaries of multinational cooperation and coordination that
amalgamate various cultural concurrences. The systematic approaches are to delineate the similarities
and dissimilarities. The exceptional behavior of the community people in a certain sphere is considered
to be illustrative and coordinating to the values and norm (Chesterton, 2017).
The framework is the culture and community standard and the instinct that cultural coherence
concord to the main idea that influences the society is assessed within various differences and the main
stream culture of the autobiography which maintain the identity of the people (Linton, 2019).
Organizing idea is the predominant approaches and wariness on which the identity and
autobiography would be delineated. Writing an essay and developing the answer of the questions into a
narrative (Hurston and et al, 2021).
The community’s education and social carriers setting in the daily life influence the
individuals in developing the cultural identity that recognize the cultural identity. The life style and the
code of behavior in communities reflect a common procedure that labeled as the cultural autobiography
(Kruger, 2018).
In delineation of the cultural autobiography the essential equipment’s are identified within the
questionnaires. The questionnaire would illustrate the answer that contains the people Daly life style
(Corlett, 2017). The identities which are labeled by self, make the individuals distinct from other
people. The people having common traits in daily life can ensure the cultural coherence. The biography
is considered to be distinct from the value that reflects in the traditional ceremony (Broughton, 2017).
The style of architectures and the portraits in the aboriginal sites where the civilization of the earlier
society reflects own and coherent pattern to lead the lifestyle in some aspects, is the real biography.


This study was on the cultural autobiography of two cultures where information collected
from the people of the two individuals where one individual was myself and other one was my friend
Anthony. Information such as family structure, nationalism, family and national culture, family
etiquettes have been tried to discover and a comparison has tried to be made between the two cultures
and at the end evaluation has been made on the basis of the similarities and difference between the two
cultures. It has been found from the study that the culture of mine and my friend Anthony has many
similarities and commonalities such as family patterns of Anthony and me have similarities but
nationalism between me and Anthony are different from each other. The cultural values are the
predominant system and tradition to make one accustomed to the ordinary approaches to the
mechanism of social architecture. The national identity, language, the types of spelling, the greeting
and building architecture style are essential to apprehend.
The procedures of lifestyle led by the people in its own sources can be produced as an essay.
The community is the standard of the cultural autobiography that undertakes separate profile. The
questionnaire set with various questions which delineate and introduce one as the cultural people. The
framework is the culture and community standard and the instinct that cultural coherence concord to
the main idea that influences the society is assessed within various differences and the main stream
culture of the autobiography which maintain the identity of the people (Linton, 2019). Organizing idea
is the predominant approaches and wariness on which the identity and autobiography would be
delineated. Writing an essay and developing the answer of the questions into a narrative (Hurston and
et al, 2021).


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