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Imaginile au un rol important în a face ca ceea ce am scris sa fie

 convert
 shareable
 linkable. 
Paginile si site-ul sa fie more appealing
 pentru motoarele de cautare (google, bing..etc)
 cat si pentru cititori

1. 1 Name All Image Files Appropriately

my-new-black-kitten.jpg is notably better than IMG00023.jpg

google extrage informații despre conținutul imaginii din:
 Conținutul paginii
 Titlul imaginii
 Captions

Notă: orice ați face, nu umpleți numele fișierelor de imagine cu cuvinte cheie.

2. Use Descriptive Image Alt Text & Captions

<img src=”puppy.jpg” alt=”Dalmatian puppy playing fetch”/>

file name: add-image-captions-wordpress.jpg  alt text: How To Add Image Captions in WordPress

file name London-eye-photograph-example.jpg alt text London Eye Photograph Example

3. Decrease The File Size of Your Images for Faster Load Times

4. Create an Image Sitemap and Get Your Images Indexed Faster

an image sitemap gives you the opportunity to give Google additional information about images

along with image URLs for images they may not otherwise be able to discover. 
5.  Use A Content Delivery Network To Serve Images

6. Apply Suitable Schema Markup (for recipes, products, and videos)

Two very simple recommendations on that front: 

1. Avoid low-quality stock photos at all costs. 

2. Make sure that every single image on your site actually contributes to the experience of a human
being that lands on your website (i.e where did they come across your site & what are they trying to get from
the page they’re on).

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