Third Quarterly Assessment Hele 6 22 23

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SY 2022-2023
NAME: ______________________________ SECTION:______________________ SCORE:__________

TEACHER: MS. ALMA M. FORNALIZA DATE:_____________________

I. DIRECTIONS: Read and understand each sentence. Write the letter of the best answer.

_______1. It is a list of items of expenditures that one plans to spend in a given time with a given
income or amount.
A. Schedule B. Resources C. Budget D. Income

________2. This is the family possesses and makes use of in order to achieve family goals.
A. Family Budget B. Family Income C. Family Schedule D. Family Resources

________3. They refer to family members and what each one possesses.
A. Non- Human Resources or Material Resources 
B. Human Resources
C. Family Budget 
D. Family Resources

________4. These are things and elements which are available to the family and to everyone.
A. Human Resources
B. Non-Human Resources or Material Resources
C. Family Schedule
D. Family Budget
________5. This is the combined money earned by the father and mother, and other working members of
the family.
A. Profit B. Pension C. Family Income D. Family Budget

________6. This is the money earned from working as employees of a commercial / industrial services
A. Bonus B. Pension C. Salaries/Wages D. Profit

_______7. What do you call this money earned from selling real estate, insurance, appliances,
educational plans, life plans, and the like?
A. Profit B. Commission C. Bonus D. Pension

_______8. What is this money given as addition to a regular income as a recognition for number of years
of service in the company?
A. Pension B. Bonus C. Fees from services D. Profit

_______9. What is this money earned from services rendered? 

A. Profit B. Fees from services C. Pension D. Commission

_______10. This money is granted by the government or private companies upon one's retirement from

A. salaries B. Pension C. Profit D. Bonus

_______11. What do you call this money earned from operating a business?

A. Commission B. Pension C. Bonus D. Profit

______12. What is this component of family budget which includes tuition fees, books, school supplies,
school projects, textbooks and allowances?
A. Health Needs B. Clothing C. Social and Recreational Needs D. Education

______13. What do you call this classification of expenses wherein the amount is set aside regularly for
the daily expenses of the family?
A. Occasional Expenses B. Flexible Expenses C. Emergency Expenses D. Fixed Expenses

______14. This component is the most priority in the household budget.

A. Transportation B. Food C. Education D. Clothing

______15. This amount may be increased or decreased depending on the money available.

A. Occasional Expenses B. Emergency Expenses C. Flexible Expenses D. Fixed Expenses

II. DIRECTIONS: Identify weather the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write your answer on the line before
each number.
_____________16. Cell phones, books, computers and laptops are items that one needs from day to day.
_____________17. One important consideration in making a list of expenditures is to know your
_____________18. Needs are those things which the family needs to survive on a day to day basis.
_____________19. Budget is a plan for spending only.
_____________20. A schedule shows how much time  and energy are spent in work and other activities.
_____________21. One who does not use his/her own time and energy is likely to become an effective
_____________22. Implementation  means putting things into action.
_____________23. Good attitude towards work adds fatigue and boredom. 
_____________24. One should  not concentrate on the work being done.
_____________25. One effective way to establish balance is to prepare a personal and family schedule
of activities.
III. DIRECTIONS: Name the common sewing tools. Write your answer on the line provided.

26. ___________________ 27. ___________________ 28. ___________________

29. __________________ 30. __________________ 31. ____________________

32. _____________________ 33. _____________________ 34. _________________

35. ____________________

IV. DIRECTIONS: Label each part of the sewing machine. Write your answer with correct spelling.


41. 42.




VI. DIRECTIONS: Match the methods of food preservation in Column B with their correct description in
Column A. Write your answer on the space provided.
Column A Column B

________________46. It is one of the oldest known methods of food A. Drying

preservation. simply adding a very high amount

of salt can be an effective method of preservation. B. Salting

________________47. This is a food processing, method of preserving food by

lowering the temperature to inhibit microorganism


________________48. This is a method of food preservation in which food is C. Sugar

 dried (dehydrated or desiccated). Drying inhibits the

growth of bacteria, yeasts, and mold through the

removal of water.

_________________49.This is to preserve food quality and safety. Product D. Pickling

quality factors include visual appearance,

texture, taste, flavour and nutritional contents. E. Freezing

_________________50.It is the process of preserving vegetables or

extending the shelf-life of food by fermentation

using a brine or immersion in vinegar. 

_________________51. It helps preserve the color, texture and flavor of F. Refrigeration

the food. The sugar in jams and jellies helps the gel

to form, and increases the flavor. When large

amounts of sugar are used in a recipe, the sugar  G. Smoking


________________52. It is a food preservation method that employs the H. Canning

process of heating and sealing

the food in containers for the purpose of storage.

________________53. This in food processing, the exposure of cured meat and I. Pasteurization

fish products to smoke for the purpose of preserving

them and increasing their palatability by adding flavor J. Curing

and imparting a rich brown colour.

________________54. It is a method of preserving food

 (usually meat or fish) to prevent spoilage. Food can

be cured by brining (soaking food in a saltwater solution),

smoking, or salting (packing food in salt)―we focus on

salting here, which is easy to do at home

_________________55. It is the process by which food products juice and dairy

products are mildly heated to kill of the bacteria,
salmonella and other disease causing pathogens.

VII. DIRECTIONS: Enumerate at least 5 examples of preservative and tools used for food preservation.

58. ______________________
59. ______________________
60. ______________________

Always give more than what's expected…..

Parent’s Name and Signature/Date

Second Quarterly Assessment November 22, 2019
COMPETENCIES OF % (Item Placement)
DAYS Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

14.29 % 1,2,3,4,5,6
Determine the importance of 6 9
home gardening.
Describe the pointers in 13,14,15,
7 16.67 % 10
harvesting and marketing 16,17,18,
vegetables. 19
Identify and name the 6 14.29 % 8 23,24,25,
different gardening tools. 26,27
Familiarize the steps in 30,31,
5 11.90% 7
preparing a nursery for 32,33,
vegetables. 34
Identify the factors to 38,39,40,
9 21.43 % 13 45,46,47,
consider in poultry raising. 41,42,43,
Determine the pointers to 48,49,50, 56,57,
consider in raising fish and 9 21.43 % 13 51,52,53, 58,59,
other animals. 54,55, 60
TOTAL 42 100% 60 21 17 7 10 5
Type of Assessment Date of Administration

Name Designation Signature Date

Prepared: Ms. Alma M. Fornaliza LAC,HELE/EPP, MAPEH & Computer
Approved: Ms. Veronica B. Rivera Grade School Principal

UPHMO-GS-ADM-235/rev0 Table of Specification SY 2019-2020

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