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Website Activity-Video Search

Amber S. Wiggins

Ottawa University

COM-30563 Visual Communication

Professor Fred Hermstein

The Film American History X

The movie I have chosen for this project is called American History X. I have included

the link to the official trailer that was released in October 1998, and it is a very intense drama set

in the city of L.A. The story of the movie is about two brothers who are entangled in societies

web of hatred, and racism. The brother that is older went to prison and came out a changed man

for the better, however the streets of his home remained the same if not had gotten worse and his

younger brother that he had left behind was now deep in the white supremacy gang.

The reason I have chosen this film is because I watched it for the first time when I was in

High School and it changed the way that I viewed society and culture. I am of mixed race and

grew up in a small town with all of the same people from childhood through High School

graduation, and I personally had never seen or been subjected to the type of hatred that I saw

cultures acting out in the film. It was heartbreaking to watch images of swastikas, and fighting,

and name calling on both sides. It hurt my heart to know that once I left the safety of my small

hometown things could be different and sometimes difficult.

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