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Module #4 Hand In Assignment

1. You are trying to determine your grade in the course and have constructed the following
probability table:

Grade Probability
80 .15
70 .25
60 .25
50 .20
40 .15
a. What is your expected grade?
b. What is the standard deviation of the distribution?
c. What is the variance of the distribution?
d. What is the probability you will pass?

2. You are a real estate sales person and you currently have 8 listings. Past experience has shown
that you will sell approximately 40% of your listings. If sales are independent:
a. How many sales would you expect to make?
b. What is the probability you will make exactly three sales?
c. More than six sales?
d. Find the standard deviation for this distribution.

3. Kain Air has a policy of booking 14 people for a plane that can seat 12 people. Past experience
has shown that only 90% of the people who are booked actually show up for their flight.
a. What is the probability the flight will be overbooked?
b. What is the probability there will be at least one empty seat?

4. A landscaping mishap has resulted in a massive fly hatch. Flies enter your flat at the rate of 2
per 10 minute interval. The fly invasion follows a possion distribution.
a. What is the probability no flies will enter your flat in a ten minute period.
b. What is the probability at least one fly will enter your flat in a 10 minute period.
c. What is the probability there will be exactly 3 flies in 15 minutes?

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