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Hello good day.

I am mary ann Cesario and im going to discuss complete blood count,

prothrombin time and activated prothrombin time as well as erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
The following test mentioned aids in the diagnosis of the patient’s condition. Patient care aims
to prevent and manage illness through the services offered by various heath professionals.
Medical practitioners must assure that the patient is given the best possible care and to give
instructions in a clear manner while answering their questions. The first test is CBC. In
performing CBC, a patient must wear short-sleeved shirt and there is no diet restriction unless
the doctor requires the patient to fast for additional testing. CBC is ordered as a part of routine
checkup or if a patient exhibits unexplained symptoms such as bruising, bleeding swelling and
redness. CBC helps to evaluate the overall health of the patient as well as to diagnose a health
problem. CBC can also be ordered when the doctor is monitoring the condition of the patient
when they have been diagnosed with a disorder that affects blood cell counts or it can be used
to monitor the patients treatment. The next test is ptt. In prothrombin time test, the patient
must avoid taking heparin, warfarin, aspirin, antihistamines, vitamin C, and chlorpromazine
because these medications can affect the result of the test. PTT test is ordered to investigate
the cause of excessive bleeding. The doctor may have this test done if the patient exhibits
symptoms of heavy nosebleed, prolonged menstrual period, blood in urine, painful joints, and
easy bruising. This test helps a doctor know whether the patients blood clotting factors are
deficient. This test can also help monitor the patient’s condition when they are taking heparin.
A prolonged PTT result may be due to hemophilia a or b, deficiency of blood clotting factors,
von Willebrand disease, hypofibrinogenemia. The last test is erythrocyte sedimentation rate
test. This test is done to detect inflammation associated with conditions such as infections,
cancers, and autoimmune diseases. An ESR may be done when a condition is suspected of
causing inflammation somewhere in the body. A medical practitioner may order an ESR when a
patient has symptoms that suggest polymyalgia rheumatica, temporal arteritis and systemic
vasculitis such as neck or shoulder pain, headaches, poor appetite, anemia, joint stiffness and
unexplained weight loss. This test can also be used to monitor the disease activity and response
to therapy in the mentioned disease as well as in lupus.

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