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ID: 867648


1. What are the things you like and dislike the most about your current city?

I like Garzón because the San Pedro festivities are incredible

In Garzón there are many beautiful viewpoints to visit

I love the food at La Jau's located in Garzón

I don't like Garzón that there isn't a shopping center like San Pedro Plaza

2. Describe the English- Espeaking city your group selected in terms of food, transportation,
people, places, weather, interesting activities you could do there, ect.


-The people of San Francisco are very sporty, given to physical activity.

-The natural beauty of the people of San Francisco is admirable


-In San Francisco there is the Golden Gate Bridge, we can visit it by bicycle or on foot

-In San Francisco you can enjoy the promenade at Pier 39

Interesting activities you could do there:

-In San Francisco you can visit the Zoo with your family

-In San Francisco you can take tours of parks and water gardens


Interesting activities you could do there:

- The Golden Gate Bridge is larger and more beautiful than the Santander de Neiva Bridge.
- In San Francisco there are water parks but not in Neiva
- Neiva is smaller than San Francisco

- In Neiva you eat more fast food than in San Francisco
- In San Francisco, more seafood is eaten than in Neiva
- In Neiva there is more variety of food with red meat than in San Francisco

Lo que me gusta de Neiva es que las personas son muy agradables y son muy solidarios, lo que me
disgusta es que hay mucho tráfico y hay mucha inseguridad

- What I like about Neiva is that the people are very nice and supportive, what I dislike is
that there is a lot of traffic and there is a lot of insecurity

San Francisco es una ciudad muy grande con paisajes hermosos, diferentes actividades
recreacionales y lugares increíbles para visitar como lo es el Puente Golden Gate, el zoológico y
demás, las personas son agradables, y su alimentación es comida marina, tailandesa y china. El
transporte es uno de los mejores gracias a la tecnología que utilizan y el clima es frio ya que está
rodeado por inmensas montañas y bosques.

- San Francisco is a very big city with beautiful landscapes, different recreational activities
and incredible places to visit such as the Golden Gate Bridge, the zoo and others, the
people are nice, and their diet is seafood, Thai and Chinese. Transportation is one of the
best thanks to the technology they use and the weather is cold since it is surrounded by
huge mountains and forests.

Neiva es un lugar muy pequeño comparado con San Francisco, su clima es muy caluroso y no tiene
muchas atracciones o actividades recreacionales como en San Francisco.

En San Francisco la comida de mar es más común que en Neiva, pero en Neiva se come más carne
roja y su comida típica es el Asado Huilense.

En Neiva a mediados de los meses de junio y julio como tradición se celebra el San Juanero
mientras que en San Francisco se vive y se goza el festival del 4 de Julio.
Neiva is a very small place compared to San Francisco, its climate is very hot and it does not have
many attractions or recreational activities like in San Francisco.

In San Francisco, seafood is more common than in Neiva, but in Neiva they eat more red meat and
their typical food is Asado Huilense.

In Neiva in the middle of the months of June and July as a tradition the San Juanero is celebrated
while in San Francisco the festival of July 4 is lived and enjoyed.

Amo mi ciudad, su cultura, sus paisajes, sus sitios turísticos, pero creo que San Francisco tiene
mejores oportunidades laborales y mejores salarios.

I love my city, its culture, its landscapes, its tourist sites, but I think that San Francisco has better
job opportunities and better pay.

El transporte público de Neiva es demasiado atrasado en comparación con la diversidad de

tecnología, pero me encanta el de San Francisco por sus diversas alternativas.

Neiva's public transportation is too backwards compared to the diversity of technology, but I love
San Francisco's for its various alternatives.

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