Ala Defensa (To-WPS Office

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Ala Defensa (To the Defense): Letter to La Solidaridad

Published in La Solidaridad on December 15, 1889.

In the article, Rizal discusses the issue of ignorance among Filipinos and how it is being used as an
excuse by the Spanish colonial authorities to justify their mistreatment of the Filipino people. He argues
that the lack of education and knowledge among Filipinos is not their fault, but rather a result of the
Spanish government's neglect and deliberate attempts to keep them ignorant.

Rizal goes on to argue that the Spanish authorities should not punish Filipinos for their ignorance, but
rather take responsibility for their own failure to provide adequate education and opportunities for the
people. He also highlights the need for Filipinos to take control of their own education and to work
towards improving their knowledge and skills.

Overall, Rizal's article is a powerful critique of the Spanish colonial system and its impact on the Filipino
people. It highlights the importance of education and the need for Filipinos to take control of their own
destinies in order to overcome the challenges they face.

Background of time of the article

The article "Ala Defensa" was written by Jose Rizal in 1889, during the Spanish colonial period in the
Philippines. At that time, the Philippines had been under Spanish rule for over three centuries, and the
Filipino people were struggling to achieve independence and self-determination.

During this period, the Spanish colonial authorities imposed a number of oppressive policies and
practices on the Filipino people, including forced labor, high taxes, and restrictions on education and
free speech. Many Filipinos were also subjected to physical and psychological abuse by the colonial

In response to these injustices, a number of Filipino intellectuals and activists began to organize and
advocate for reform and independence. One of the most prominent of these figures was Jose Rizal, who
used his writings to criticize the Spanish colonial system and to call for change.

"Ala Defensa" was one of Rizal's many writings that challenged the colonial authorities and called for
greater rights and opportunities for the Filipino people. It remains an important piece of Philippine
history and a testament to the courage and resilience of the Filipino people in the face of oppression.

Potential Biases

As with any piece of writing, "Ala Defensa" by Jose Rizal is not without its biases. Rizal was a Filipino
nationalist and a leading figure in the Philippine Revolution, and his writing reflects his deep
commitment to the cause of Philippine independence and his opposition to Spanish colonial rule.

One potential bias in Rizal's article is his focus on the importance of education and knowledge as a
means of empowerment for Filipinos. While education is certainly an important tool for social and
economic mobility, Rizal may have placed too much emphasis on its importance, neglecting other
factors that contribute to inequality and oppression.

Additionally, Rizal's article may be biased towards a more elite and educated segment of the Filipino
population, as he was himself a highly educated individual and often associated with other educated
elites. This could have led him to overlook the struggles of the broader Filipino population, particularly
those who were marginalized and oppressed by the Spanish colonial authorities.

Finally, it's important to note that Rizal's writings were often targeted at a Spanish audience, and as
such, may have been crafted in a way that would be most effective at convincing the Spanish authorities
to make reforms. This could have led him to downplay or overlook certain issues in order to present a
more palatable argument to the colonial authorities.
Despite these biases, "Ala Defensa" remains an important and insightful piece of writing that sheds light
on the struggles of the Filipino people during the Spanish colonial period and the efforts of individuals
like Rizal to bring about change.

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