My Sisterss Keeper

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My Sister's Keeper

Movie review : Estabillo Geumi

BSN 2-3

What is the story about?

The Fitzgerald family is the main focus of the story. Sara and Brian
Fitzgerald are the siblings' parents, and their daughter Kate has long
battled a form of leukemia. Kate's condition is deteriorating, and Brian
and Sara are eager to help her. As Kate's health deteriorates, Sara and
Brian decide to have another child in order for their new child to be
eligible for blood and organ transplantation to Kate. As a result, Anna is
raised, and for many years she was content to contribute whatever she
could to her sister's deteriorating health. However, when Anna reaches
the age of 13, Kate needs a kidney from Anna to survive, but Anna
refuses as she fights for her right to her own body. Anna exists to serve
as the savior sister. They make significant progress in Kate's intervention
at moments, yet every time it is preceded by exacerbations. Kate's
cancer and struggle have occupied their lives. When Anna has
contributed significantly to her sister's treatment but has since been
pushed to donate one of her kidneys, Anna recognizes that this will
result in serious consequences in her life and questions her willingness to
participate in this extent of help for Kate. In an unexpected turn of
occurrences, Anna begins to take legal measures to extricate herself
from her parents' guardianship, prompted by the same sister she is being
pushed to save. In the end, Anna won the case, and Kate died peacefully
as she always wished after a very long battle. And the Fitzgerald
continued their lives with Kate's memories kept in their hearts.
My Sister's Keeper
Movie review : Estabillo Geumi
BSN 2-3

Resolution of the
Description A situation from
Ethical Issue ethical issue in the
from the Book the movie

A technique in
Although conceived
which eggs Anna addresses the
differently or from a
from a woman's different possible
laboratory, Anna’s
ovary are explanations babies
parents soon later
released and are born at the start
combined with of the movie and
her rights and
sperm that is admits that she was
importance as their
not inside the conceived for a very
own children and not
body to create particular reason.
In-vitro just a baby made to
embryos. The Experts generated a
fertiliza save others. Her
embryos are particular gene
tion parents made her
begun to grow pairing using her
feel in the end that
in a laboratory mother's eggs and
she was not
for several days father's sperm. They
conceived just to be
before being developed her in this
used medically, but
implanted or manner so that she
they made Anna feel
cryopreserved could save her sick
that she’s as special
(frozen) for sister, Kate.
and lovable as her 2
future use.
other siblings.
My Sister's Keeper
Movie review : Estabillo Geumi
BSN 2-3

Resolution of the
Description A situation from
Ethical Issue ethical issue in the
from the Book the movie

Death with Kate was given

dignity is a neither the choice
government nor the assistance to
end-of-life end her suffering
Within the last 15
choice that and anguish. Her
minutes of the movie,
enables parents ignored her
Sara finally gives
specific suffering for the
what Kate always
terminally ill majority of the
wishes, to rest
people to movie's running time.
Terminally peacefully and leave
knowingly and Sara had no regard
ill without any more
willingly and for Kate's wish to
patient's pain and suffering
legally seek and pass away peaceful
right to from all the
obtain manner. Amidst
choose treatments that she’d
prescribed Kate's desire for
death/ been through.
medications or death, Sara thought
euthanasia Although painful,
stop treatments it crucial to act in a
Sara finally respects
from their manner that was
her daughter’s
physician to morally correct and
decision and lets her
expedite their to fight for Kate's
go after the long
death in a life. Kate had to go
fight with leukemia.
peaceful, to great measures in
considerate, order to pass away
and respectful peacefully.
My Sister's Keeper
Movie review : Estabillo Geumi
BSN 2-3

Resolution of the
Description A situation from the
Ethical Issue ethical issue in
from the Book movie
the movie

Anna's future is
minors are no
compromised as a
longer subject
baby conceived with a
to parental or
specific purpose due Anna with her
legal guardian
to her obligation to lawyer Campell
control, and
make donation body won the case for
parents and
organs or parts to her her right to
legal guardians
sister Kate. She desires medical
are no longer
to lead an active life emancipation. The
responsible for
Minor's and accomplish what decision was made
right to a typical average kid after her sister
medical her age does without died in the movie.
emanci - regard for caution or Anna finally
pation limitations. Sara failed achieved her right
minors, in
to respect Anna's to decide and live
particular, can
personal choices the active life she
legally consent
initially, forcing her to wanted far from
to or deny
donate and thereby any medical
medical care
threatening her health. responsibilities.
It endangers Anna's life
and thus violates her
approval or
right to life.
My Sister's Keeper
Movie review : Estabillo Geumi
BSN 2-3

Resolution of the
Description A situation from
Ethical Issue ethical issue in the
from the Book the movie

Through the help of

Attorney Campell
Anna showed her who is a known
desire to have lawyer, Anna
control over her own achieved what she
body by seeking wanted as the Judge
legal help from of the case was in
Making their Campell. She no favor of her decision
own life choice longer wants to be and given the
Donor's without the pressured to give circumstances. Anna
autonomy influence or one of her kidneys to genuinely wants to
pressure of Kate and give up the help her sister, but
others life ahead of her. with her wishes to
She filed a case have her own right to
against her mother decide and as per
about her decision Kate’s wishes as well,
to not engage in the she fought for it and
donation. went through a series
of court trials.
My Sister's Keeper
Movie review : Estabillo Geumi
BSN 2-3
What were you thinking as you finished watching the movie?
"My Sister's Keeper" is among those movies that a watcher would much
rather forget, yet it's a movie that must be recognized. What for? It breaks
people out from the inside out as it depicts cancer's distressing and negative
consequences on individuals and their loved ones. The movie is not intended
to be cheerful; rather, it is meant to be reasonable and prompt the viewer to
consider the ethical issues at hand. However, there is a highly positive aspect
to this movie; the family always sticks together and provides support to each
other. Anna and Kate share an exceptional bond, and it appears that either is
willing to do anything for the other; Anna constantly sacrifices her own health
for her sister, and in the end, Kate permanently helps protect Anna's body.
This movie demonstrated how our family would never give up on us, even at
the end of the road, however, it additionally illustrated the significance of
understanding when to keep going and when to give up. No one in the world
can replace the unconditional love of a family, because there will only be one
home, and they are our family.

What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
For me, it was when Anna decided to file a case to have medical
emancipation. At a very young age, although influenced by Kate’s decision,
Anna showed how she wanted to be heard about her choices, particularly
about her body. Even if this means going against her parents, especially her
mother, she fought for what she thinks is right and what she deserves. We all
must consider the big picture when making decisions. We should know when
and how to speak and when to listen, when to keep going and when to quit,
and if it's in the interest of the common good, we really shouldn't ignore
anyone's privileges. Hence why ethical frameworks and principles exist to
direct us in making better choices and making sound ones in life.
My Sister's Keeper
Movie review : Estabillo Geumi
BSN 2-3

Cite all your takeaways from the movie and how can you apply this
in your own life; as a student nurse; and as a future nurse.

As a student nurse and a future nurse, I have 2 main takeaways from

the movie. Aside from the fact that we should always value our families
and each individual’s rights, I’ve learned things that are particularly
important, especially in my future line of work. First, we cannot go against
the wishes of our patients to end their suffering and all the pains that they
are experiencing. We may explain to them the consequences of their
decision, however, we cannot force them to agree to something that they
don’t want. Respecting our patients’ wishes is one of the most important
things we could give them, to help aid their conditions. We have no right
to question their suffering and decisions because it is they who
experience this pain and agony, therefore, the least that we could give is
to respect them and let them have the peace that they want.

Second, healthcare workers must remember to provide their patients

with the best care. No one is entitled to compromise one’s health for the
other. Treatments or interventions should be given equal, and risks and
complications should be discussed properly without leaving anything
unexplained. As a future nurse, who will be tasked to prioritize the life and
safety of our patients, one must always remember to do no harm at any
cost. And this by far, as a future nurse would be my main takeaway that is
absolutely important to consider.
My Sister's Keeper
Movie review : Estabillo Geumi
BSN 2-3

NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms. (n.d.). National Cancer Institute.

NCBI - WWW Error Blocked Diagnostic. (n.d.-b).

Lawatsch, E. (2022, April 5). Frequently Asked Questions. Death

With Dignity.

SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online. (n.d.).

Just a moment. . . (n.d.).

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