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Instructions to Candidate + Thefiaxe EIGHT questions. Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all. + Question no. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted. + Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in medium other than the authorized one. + Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to: + Attempts of questions shall be counted in chronological order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer book must be clearly struck off. Name __K-Dinesh kumar Mobile No. 1. Invigilator Signature Date to] @ to 2016, a 2. Invigilator Signature Signature i ‘ aN 7 ESSCORE \ REMARKS Sree : GSSCORE Roll No. 4 | wrens types. I cleterveuce. Some oF 1. All questions are compulsory to attempt: (125-150 Words) (123 x4 = 50) (2), Critically examine theory of Nuclear Deterrence (b) India should not invest more political capital for UNSC membership. Comment (©) India's Oil diplomacy, in Latin America (a) Compare Indian and Chinese approach towards Africa '‘ is a Ccovmcept qheve cam! be’ trem ONT, e3 Putemdted deterrence Nucteay: .. Deterrence euerviclatecl . Realists , ch catauytic detterveme . : eft cy be ASI Destruchon: Teg thé co) Mutsolt “Ascun “Ascured bo modified ‘ertiow « of a ‘t “4 ove tuely. realises. TE was on eee et xtous neon Te pettenowe by Restomen pre ) ‘Masdive: Yerotionon + The vere doctvives’ of =| vn and onal tect sexton aia ownk Swale i Fave aud paldstay a ww) Aapramettiont.. Estat re yr ro Y e ose “by oe rw Remarks, (SCORE guiogexibe to thls ig Nwwecy ohty ovtne dea of deshoyny pudieat fadfittes | weve. ave, 2 Scoot of tvoug deterrence due fo Mudeot urea Nudear weapons DReaUst gcuood:. _— NAD Rodowce ot terror ov Irene eee eer Target selechon:. Tr is bosedd ne oppovemk ak woWenplouc POMS create. b feae |. thy aabemmalive seueol TWs Scuoat as uphetd ee NINO Tanned , and, hang HOS ie iigutiqnt quevole of Taboos rns acento: COE Piece ~ . hucteon detterece peWlexes trot, acqui cyeaies Stee: as toy ave weapous af of obame, tw Words moss dewmuelion aud ae Remarks ik hos “Fallowing gw tales se ea : FR fee { 4 a foiled shower, paulstom. OS * cfoi iven (hee bp nesieas scene : VS. Bike kevroyicl fo were SOeE ace p we ‘comnol ¥ iinet ov wot we aud ules bathe | Chivrent: world order. the nat elt te! ent wove. w b a. symibat twat cou estoy narrate But Remarks Be BE EEE EEE EEE EEE Eee (SCORE members of UNsc' Ce p.5) “Yemained same _nanaber of Mmeusbers fronts bacepYor:: ww UN oy “incyeaces more than 3 Kymer » tye seualars ove divided. wake Ik come UNige emmiexdi ps . yak Sudio. grou Davest i cont Oar eae atte poputahon ecovomny op renss demseureys ET fermationes, Pear ) conghtunows aver. fov_ iv (3) F8s vole, bw UN peace keeping. ) ace top Bender of wa Proé- Rawesh Thakuy , dudio, : Aecordlg fo. Quod ‘eore UN and let UN Yeatite the paportorce of Sucto. Tose Who aque nat Trdio. Mourd ck baer capi vad race Kray On «on : “there is (d cnels stam lian Saar thot my Of UNSE ne ceviouy wens fox_veonssierate Yejorms" Remarks SCORE f o) Rusclals _Stawel L hthion diduot mer * OW” ed, Yecervaons mM oudlia porRoulaty, aleo vats expavsion 6F Nelo power a) us chav ::) Wea Clearly cuupporedk ene (A) dudes wuge spemctog WA Aftica, Lae pemerica, oceawiar fo 90" « genpoti Kea’ advautoe Accord na, fo Mau Bho. dude's ‘ottewal uso — wd pushes tue boulde oo Foreign secretary sya savavt QuHO, fo our Qrouud Yor geave tangible ower’ for Ottaivwre} pores. ss re better for gud be, Kh fence @ (CS wa tke decetopmment O8 argued by eur on_wiewal dearest SE a im enowslng tue TT yawew’ atgo Wele RE GW, enpor ane of adi HUN, UNSCRUNGA. ‘ » Hevrereloy, coals durol problems. re y_ ac , Me we er Wy Rens Ewer aa +4 pt z see x a a 2 Wwe BESCORE Ave west potroyect owdlo, avd climese Obpyoa.cves ag vivat’ fp each otver. Tt ig trad {Tb Was tue common “pass hme! portiouy tua iF is fivutlay ho tHe “eexornbie for Retourees * wa Atri, armoveg Neuvopean ° nations, on veoulhy there ig no Nivadyy bebe pdtia sok mar woe com coat Ciuc, avd as “eouagetitow".. pecause itis not Jat cling; ‘ wr rbowmapels ters for. e ONe ‘alge wap” UK, USA Trawe qudia, Tris gaid. Hwa. ation aud Cui apyroacdes com ® exem covsideres ko be Rpragtirmestonny”- _ Aceercing, fo giddatn Vaydartajan, ting oy weotetes. beret an Dh a rong, entre co SEL Atrem “pam ke loosest. MESSE we heuce corr be bo Com fwd te fourowing . Remarks wor spacer o) ews Wee ge yw eS" BYSCORE a) ere irae ee A eee onal Quclials o>) ‘ won OM most propoyriow OF, gears better Oo alec on Gocoh people nda doud fuga Seg ee naeael" jose avy Sue “eninge ET i ) Wivate.. tarcetoment yertech ik Strategic. inkerer inbeiert “verens guaials Yeflech jh pearwers ¢ ex: agpad och bunting of Buranel) BOO) coveetion proket he Hav se vee peo eed SO SEE wi chek! uxereas dudlol nye-cats “conehans SES UUgoft! powers axppvoacnn 1 paced. On deft County. Hence vith Is guala ‘is ok of Mew _ paskuves foy: otk. oswrays tw Seaver. pueto tre orgping patiticas boactaledhy ba Hae Remarks EESCORE Yetenrees. SOuVees - ott (Ounces! Wwcoumbries Made cack. tk-k Savted «diverging IH Lahn America, Was Very good Dike ene tuetay, cou TET Gad SME OIG MON tue . Recently Pere was a Prdetews Ia duet dp ta otk prices, ib pdion Borer vs aU plomaicoiuy engaging. Coun Counrbrtes ove. by ove. News vin Salis ome Mou wit Per chile. Del ve © Remarks 2. Attempt all questions: (250-300 Words) 50) (@) Analyse the driving factors behind United Kingdom's decision to quit the European| Union. What can be the possible consequences of this on Indian interests? How is Asian integration in form of ASEAN or APEC different from European Integration like EU? (b) The Human Rights Debate continues to show common perspectives along with different priorities based on countries distinct histories and experiences. Explain the| statement with specific reference only to Asia, Arab world and Africa, Remarks ERSCORE Remarks (SSCORE Remarks GASCORE Remarks ERSCORE Remarks GASCORE Remarks GRSCORE Remarks GY SCORE Remarks scor 3°" Attempt all questions: a . " (2) Do you think that the strategy of Developing countries on environmental issue is majorly centred on economic development and they perceive both issues a3 deeply ~ | linked? (200 Words) (15 Marks) (b) How far it is correct to assure that Nuclear Proliferatior| would lead toward MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) or World Peace. Discuss role of Nuclear Weapons in International Politics. Is there a relationship between Nuclear weapons and Human Rights? ~ (230 Words) (20 Marks) (©) What do you understand by the term ‘New Cold War' in context of, the last phase of the rivalry between-USA’and USSR? Examine the factors which led to an apparent "Peaceful" end to the cold War? Eee (200 Words) (15 Marks) Nuclear pragieration actovdiug fo tre Now pratiéeration Healy yéters fo the “possesHow Of A {htw) by: Novi Nucteay wea fo Nuckeay WEA PO's is pores. Bue uw generat pre dam exten ee i eapen stakes Ot : . Nockeay weapon states oO odd VE hi Reatlch ove. ne - Supporters oF te < pratteration ag ieceaked, sachet yucten’ Pt ae Aecureck Petruchio e ; we ne x J WOW, s cvertekK tHe “fowg peace : (MAD) US ery btvioute yond Was OLEH aliases - Remarks SCORE (S) Wey kometh Walt®, olktiautey tule bo toe fotcwlig farchors (D Nudeaw Weapons rawe valent Me cost of LOOT ce peevatted jo vewheignls @ Nw ave oir - Super POLES: Wey are responsible ywalont hence dove e brvationadt-achl Res. cxeoke uihote cuamce of security dilemma &* Peers a {awed ass Ga because ou grater OE Lavo, ackeys ot Codd Way, Vote ee dettervance heuce WO. ) ymiccotclahons, kd NO PO) Boise Of asynvetyh (3) soca COVENROANISH, Yermalmed cod loecnuce, of yorrer that N's OY, Bop. A) PadRsts Rsk , bellece, ie Hiewe ONG \ Post Pact pomes” @ “Aw th Re th leads fo fcveacedt’ AYYNS 10 iNouear weapons AYE oe words OF Gandy Hey ove ‘yorms 1 wor “ soles, juderousiite oy te, Remarks ESCORE Ww i i z “sakoule Un wature 1” put th ev au wake, Th har a Synbatic dporraice Korot pots is evident © Exatuow oF pet, PuBT, CTR {& BR Ernergpuce of Nw free toes Bw Be seo. Keay Ae : 6) Brrerqeuce of vew ‘coveeph Like “Pye - 7 yar Oe Quyadoch ine EE ar of terror aifwrate _welses seared 1 : qe vole OF Nw ™ Dntenwa internaldonad Yeguuer Hike -Hwedls treat WE way ‘fost in Ip ever veveating hands oF ~ tevvorish ted fo news 2 Habittwwwen ake poco geeunily $48 Ovearwrorrest tveatet awd conveutions ge. cat -t, SALT? : Pedi Remarks SCORE Y Y 9 & 4 tole ei ie SH < mt t Ee 7 ik 7 Jo Tusk w bene Ji@ sus ad bellum. Ye Reconty obama Shateck thot fo vefer tO HUVOKU Ma & +o due Ulalation oF fuwent Ral next possess. oot Ot codety ope @ z he » Findetengile? avd arques nak! ‘tne proadipe OF “Wit je Peat fe fers Sy os el fo veter vials nok Irina, Tare woe argues 40) term “Nevo cadd. War! coerce 2 of Yelaliong “behveoms us tue Wpeteate pase” Laoag Nye cals “NIL we erat (ust conduct), prose of Yetolions “ehosss ——— Tr was the juewsech tine “detente Puete pos fefomacs of “mnie © ik te exgoiue “uN, Soxved, vefers to te oud uss tural Remarks vg x S wry ¥) \< or Wy 8 Catt oJ ye ‘Qo 1d han” SCORE stat: ie cate hy oF farnously atte as ee rah Reanan. believed that the yelotions tue prdolew of Ussh Cawmot be fotved. iweveo nw yaieihony power. ak He eroviovs loehvesm us ond. ousasys anh Tie coca tang Et oe yabieny, 0 HO a . cat Ceemnet S te 4 ¢ Ugtoyenarsy, MTHS gyoines Basta SN] Yeatous Aor Yh cotlopse- do, pete ae Ny | Remarks x ¥ a o SCORE Fats tae lect to. Peacebit® exe wd OF Cold WO | way" I — Twere Ove botw ntermal: foclore aM © swatro gochine ya wher wwade Falter Faxchea. noltons, asmost ee D Goraloacver relonens Oke xtasnost (openness ow peveskol koe [B avinevemt Wea Waess of plomudvs owe, (®) cout adopt to tuy vain gervice (vdueliy Bytemad adore: [a kD New cana war OG Foveda Reagan () outerwet aud communication, teounatoqy | wwon quasi of pike Wrest 19 | rine peope East. : i (a)| Carrel Negestiatons of Climote change YePleaf Hae. chaste cace of what Harlin calls Remarks SCORE Wu To: ob Commons”, Acrovd we to Wwar he coweys twat it would be ditheutt fo acleve consensus ow pion covewsnons. Sn Deretoping, county es Bike dudla avd. fo tre Hocawodnn prrci pled Youd compen. Bul Onis, cubsertbe pee * (urkorica yegponsi lot ti diteerentiatet vesponsitolttty" pnike Non, dayeropurert Alte, did. wot geiaiexe fre sourn GH Oe eter poverty, faces pupiolems of aud Wu Sow gtavdavas ot Ute Tus hag nequediy, ae Pe gn wawels Next veEponstee br ioe ent pike Age wn, oe wos Bate conevey Dewelopment Coals pak wm by Miuewium ond Quo mable Dereropment goals. Remarks SCORE Developing coumivice Sees thee ewniyonrver! matters ove YeLatedt to deceropweut Peciee goin dor Lirraiiveg eeeon Route pst ong ClereLoprmes : ; for Bt Ouslla Shes has reopie power t POU Box of popubaton Sree Vas Combi kucke jun 9 wunayy exer Pence, pay, eke eget CHG SHOE . Ig baseot O11 chp ennisHovyg Qnok otaey i wate, 0 Ot NT owe “gecitprrent wise ap fought Or nate CBDR. of Tndials FNDe!s (OY) doy The Lind —e 7 be ual Fecanatogicn fot wvatter cviwals SNES pinot Kom gereioped Counbter vebleck tne ee euntronmet Tsaned . econo ‘ veemet bres Ent cg In the Words OF Mood jo batovee these % Remarks rf Climate JuMice has won" Aer HreECEeeaateeepeSEEe EE it SCORE 4. Attempt all questions: (250-300 Words) (25 x 2 = 50) (2) Briefly enumerate the most important functions of WTO? How do the regional trade agreements like TPP or RCEP likely affect the WTO? How does Indian stand in WTO differ when it comes to issue of export of Services? (b) Critically analyse the functioning of modern democracies in context of operational challenges. The election system is most criticized arena and a host of factors are at play apart from the elector's choice in determining the outcome of elections. Comment. Remarks GSCORE Remarks (SCORE Remarks GSSCORE Remarks SCORE Remarks SCORE Remarks BSSCORE Remarks SCORE Remarks GSSCORE 5. All questions are compulsory to attempt: (100-125 Words) (125 * 4 = 50) (a) Indian Economic Diplomacy of 21st Century (b) Religion as a political philosophy of Terrorisin’ an (c)_ Existing World Order promotes US hegemony. Comment (@)_Baamine the role of cyberspace in terrorism radicalization, Fi Modl calts Ws Uplowmecy miwictey br ine Th.1s basexk. WW Econo opto oy Eoonowse ak eCOnOULICS Py brickge on we em NN ae Iden of : Yetteck “Woo. ae econonne dIPADMON Rarer fous 2 ee fare 1 eis oh eve (S COMMUN" m oat Locecrante calls avd __emmerqenee sf yes a B 2 Dwaliow Ecowowte cUpLomacy euk Ww tenet Vk rebaious alte coumtrie, tert ¥ ext we gorermmnent vra.che Gd 4 bo atter OW, aos ® France | purer aks of i Pofate dent ‘ anvounced is yuppot> OF ‘ui Fidnce publoyy Ly of \yat wre att Remarks poe SS ry oe aa yy oy iw * p 7 oe os eran meh aie. Ne tt wr GB Cow a Kuve for UNSC ® Yozon'- Iputtek “hom Signed fue Tne governvvent add content geok fe hayiver fo our * stakegic yenaion AP . Tapan | deat win Qud, neyeotio’ w4q eth © dusea- awd CO roduckioy ducowace OF mii-hets eofhers , ef of va Brahmnos and mw Logenett ove au pvcio owing © lox Shake ae gipovoy, ‘o ve Qudial’s deavance fr poeding WOUse ork ® vst | cpmrek eit, seslent Set oud tee error net of bret he Led 40 oper 4 ppor mremmbep ant & USK fo Kvudiol’s se wre beat Kaeo. UKE LENIOA, CFSMOA, We economic Was dipiomalte ir NIMH Quek ecome A Dy nolapi, ina. connecting Remarks ‘i - Dudlavalion “Ofer couwyies. SCORE, According fo Keyumodt, tne modern Tevroripm is amet of glooatiration . He nuper Tervovinw", Nqrobool oy a calls it as oe tev ¥ Coabastropuic, terveview’ ep qerrovien or ‘Soatastropte OF the Waals featuve Of modem Wy deabhy4 TE Us loaseck 04 - erwutaty, yeLigion, ose, GM the vaise’ oF ideutity yeguitet r Uptew Wars" aud. ead ove, tervoyi wm is ideury, Uke fenyovs etc. jr a presen sos Gomnvet ot CNEL AOMONS - lhe Yebigiow eutert “te cLovisaln ey veguth im treacrale Woles | posites TE vesuth tweacralic a Ee fos cet enon of RB Huinliagion calle ToLom. Teriorihm Com alfo Ware hme a teed punto ropeg— 7 [oo : atyabriiwnnens OF % ‘gt potiiicot state laser. Remarks xe em [SCORE ° eo iy “4 we u : Tk leas ho raiing on threly yeti gious | Lav. Tstg is to stabi for & The aim of a Coblprat ¢ Daw. ( Munim yetigious G03). Even we tot ig Yuarron ye Shariat rmlti bank. group Ake Boko Hetom Iw Nigeria Is a. terror group base Weod parrot. : Yehigion Os Us i t tervovinm ( qTws form © US © Ios CLOG speoke Ex: svicldveal because OF these eveuk faveed “atetor tat vs Thad ip ig WO aris gokoria, cals o% ewmergiwg eHerote, te werron aa hear fo tate MUM gue tion” “Buk Wang ralion$ fie veligrow is “homogenous Aeogvee alin th fads or as yeu ON: HMrougout Usorich. Remarks © Wougn there was’ Unbeypnrous amowg SCORE gumalorys we COM brady “onvee trot ears csremdewsry Ot “tibveret_oveter" Pow cold Way. This wes erideunt I (y) Snereat m UWNTersa accep por bemmocrackes vance of Ltlberat prmalplg free Wade , eke. pike Hume: ign, of Nestibect globalitalou. (3) Neo Asceudeuce there Ha ave | MO Scraloys Like Noam chomsky Noami Kev) ay ques rat oroer promote ¢ US Hegemony . tne. exin i « oe ee ih ern cavuiionsé! ‘er Ex use Of ceteclve giaions ' for Humanitarian intervention. Remarks GESCORE ‘ _— ! Mfiom os oud Sopawatactore consent" is intevestS. KE Noam Kiely) ayques tak Wayon Terror ig wot fougiek | for terrovish os Sper “e but & for seouriveg rane YeFourre {material interest of USA, The structed power” win gonLors Bike Swan strovg € ts tm tue wows oF USA BE He dominance WTO, soa poltdlcs Haat TMF, alg eke YE foxoy US ———~ : Maric Selaatars De *4 Frank wily 7 awd DMank chatec “ Extery theory is Joy ee iy SCORE Yome one Quid DA | HME ovelS (ritevest®. pub Uris Usntid oder 1S Clown ae yo packort Uke © Reviiomttt Esha © rise of Rey : @ Using ening ® chain of reais gorvengou. av. - ui guanine wees Sieg pret exe Boevod odkeY « ® ove of we yoyo features ‘ot the Moder | ett : ; ! tervotinn 1S yew ras que, wot IM cuaractey . ee ae | jn eee | cence, cen Fe SENS : | Cyoergace Waa rode veeruibwed Jor ime fevvorish Of H now tery Ee Gow . troy y radical te te Wupotimaga - parkeutex | Remarks ERSCORE ideatogy Um cane Malus of people, for Uleghed —. for from tue favget group £ Te veer met ot Zsts from Belgium an eee eee eC EH 7 4 France, USAt Ductla , Judonetia,, «|S Q i moevitesrarion of tig, — Recon StS corned © , Paxis attacks by sadicesi tvs me ee ots ee ae oY Tre wore Yecet Bangtactei atracks Yadicoli img, people tg Me case wiha o hyo alto dove _& e has ax Ine Space. lbersPac! 2 ; P vad tysh calls | ey [pea to what Twomken = rent cadens calle 7 ol Wseaot_Gengeatiy’ ast ONS «The worid. ee aso nH Meh op uy, Arouitsh Come fogetney fo shop cannot Tne yawicalitovion @& Ruste cotan by handle sb. ERSCORE to) 6. Attempt‘all questions: » ' : (@)_ UN reforins are the only hope of its ‘greater credibility and legitimacy’. Examine the statement in the light of different proposed models of reforms, (200 Words) (15 Marks) \LI Critically analyse the relevance of the Non- Aligned movement today? What were "Tis major contradictions since its inception? With reference to the latest summit held, what should be its path to gain its prominence back? .+ _ (250.Words), (20 Marks) (©) Free trade treaties are constantly targeted for causing migration of jobs across the border while making trivial contribution to economic growth of all the signatories. Critically analyse the accusation on NAFTA in the current ongoing presidential debates in USA. (200 Words) (15 Marks) Non Aligned! movement aS a age Newu , Th pee that tne Ud countyies ; ot ee oon ae : xe forte tafe, mations. 4 Sa. Moha to & +not _\ ed. © evralatiqunnent OF NAM, The west cytiditeat WF as ‘innonp & \eadaowall nue’, USSR tek ac Levit pyguclpte * Aitowces” auc “ oad eX werasir, ik os “ami-Sul yar hu bases On nok wuevalily oF trolahowalitons Remtrks | GRISCORE AM, iw tne veceut tfast wag Come vider te N quetion of Yeletance - cualays Like Brijevo ot (NAM choutad be wiped nts ¢ caer HW oft by Loryiny, wmics pron Com hurd Weug ual, uo Uitte reas eed OF cod war vag nrahions ey dvdaod Q) ortemodt digputes am pak. wel (ed lp Back OF Consens 3 atter (t6ds ia) Te donot rove “cues SS B mot coumbies: BKe a) pock ot eaderCup Pearce ear Major coulvadtchons » eae a) jgock oF Gaparurtove Lalor Jeno ko ake. et it faovatiae ft is petkey Or yesh cuba, viemavy ere (3) Moy county les Ake we Gravee leuk weve gpa lett opus Nehru fetieverct Remarks (SCORE SHLL aLLowed to Conhuue: Ua NAM @ pecptke Sup fo Mo Sofadavity among vakous ag evidert om tue Dock of Support to dudla; In tye dudla —Cuivar puis & fo settie disputes, despite part .of NAN I Kowal ¢ heq| (&) No mecnavt mou, 1 word coumivies ave z ; ok settle the ay jE cote NaN is_veleraunt evens SEP becouse NAM whan KD the Bonding priaaci ples of ee . 5 oe ae ws fa wwe * Laugelt of AR coumiria_© € UNGAR wi (Lowel ; prvcipica ake oppos Hg @, Hover® gui b , puede oll on , emcovaging, diversity var UY a sae ye Mob ee vrer @) GRSCORE coin | RO Vy | tre future OF - dylan Prime vniuicter y oh vor NAM fechay's . is headernuip, accord 3 fo CRajo kaovan. ve Iw tre Mategsc ys CRajo NT Wr" | erkevess oF gna. fo Wore Jor mold ug NAM We eerovt conga! pron HS veut NAM 2-0 Vy wy Suge kwe : 3 Global toKon § reeds tre touidar iy of avo uy glotes edo exer @ with Rawting : wegeative apicaion of Bub tue Yeret summit of NAM ° win, Exe tue NAM Looks phen gloo diduot we mech, Te veceomty erected, secvetary Geneva OF Biagest ond ow tue words OF pon. Homer Sal, we ene at a © UNSC YefOrVYS !- Qudlar Gpousporeh que « pefatuhou for Bobae® ne (282 ag tH UNSe cloes Remarks GRYSCORE ® vot yepveseut — prereut worl order, puelo the UNG@A adnptedt Whearrework presuuve of &-A, yf ook Btls document™ for vejorns Mosk yea G Sener pormarst 4 Os terrmneut 46 Se _ yin} for oncemsus guppors FAS feforrn OF Ur PrUeples ye Teg ave outdated, iatertererce wa Gometac abfaivs becaute Navy crauces Like uni Cravter TERR © hence become, omochrouiiie c ame ppore Hes 4 vounpey eral ONSC Fehon. Kok Avnay:, Sat UNS a axe fe rrorner OF CK vejorws. He pyopoted 2 whee icon Pevake “YT? TE more legikmnatt of ee ap Uta nee] SO wv soe Ww Gutexnarneutvrensbers + 4 more norte ok i oe w Remarks @ | twustecrup comets TF has ob vow thts wot Clear gmat Maite th Auhae uly. qe vejormn equines fg ho mancate 1h | wit globo cormnnd) | un Rescetesping SE ureter THEY COM. use defence nnekner ‘shoe hegre ta fo — coc - Th has: Or ie © ond awe. th oun mitt yequines fo be epherced s Yeforrnes, ‘yeprms ! Many problems Qke mg ACH pcosel eee fy Reon < Yeborns TR was dominated by herlocty prockica our wok sendy pneake. tt A.ccodWNATAS fo. ONat on at vane get ict dove ik work. AS © of sex pamistion proud be mage Ces become unwieloly provitionss . tehormed ~ ae iene p yee ees SCORE the meutoey o ; States Huciid loving above. yelorws make UN W move edible and ty ah clepemds. om ua of, States as ba tre words oF Shasta Toreoy, un is Bke minor tr comvot be wore pertect fuan US ° legibinneste 7 Feed hrade ascends ok Nep-Libevattioa an a 4 pees ee eee ph Sho lite TA one Of Cinbaltxol on. Jose ww ond Th diseontent tie aylices Wgtobatizaiion ONE ros Wawightest fue qoute discontent” |" due fe Qtoloalta Vion.” te towed}, major Yer hou brat Was owe OF twe , Caw TS Wee Nase) nt REO —Teraed eee reoleg ot OF ae, accusation Ts Twat NARTA deoate of USM. freakes Yeqiowal: trade pach ce 1 \ 22 dud mega Yeqowal trade Pack gia vetted tue Pak 3c Sera OL we Remarks GYSCORE uw of ent tabor. NT ek just Veshitted fo @, free Froude ory Ep amon Fe spp is ot wg ‘ x ouconing me WOU of tg Reed fade fact 4 Norkn Americ se ele Menico Rom USA due fo veualiv arabe bi2i 4 eee phenevenor of “ Smigyakou of Jobs’ is wot _—— : ecto Like * Kini “16 ie hag take aiaiy put he oaersiy oF Marylou. Jock We fact loosen nore eppvowe> grows of They, argue ak bre jobs of tue Amertcow people. Shady Coadurcked Wigubranked te Cs Geen ene wart. of grentes came erp chih nce fee anand gobs we goes ee ntnen vay sooner (arte or ace eatin (4) an words OF oT | Seea bose pack cb ik, beck ave swlat qooas vival iM VYeaived. \ the ewert of Free fede pork Yokner wom eeu fu Ter, ES (SCORE 7. Attempt all questions: (250-300 Words) (25 x 2 = 50) (a) The demand of NIEO is a striking evidence of the discrepancies in the present I world economic system dominated by West led IMF and World Bank. Analyse the I issue and suggest remedial measures. What new trends and phenomena have resulted in 2 fundamental shift in the nature of World Politics? (b) Africa is well placed in Geo-Strategic calculus of India's Ocean region. Substantiate your answer in context of growing maritime cooperation between India and Africa. Remarks GRSCORE Remarks GESCORE Remarks SCORE GRSCORE Remarks GISCORE Remarks EESCORE Remarks ERSCORE Remarks - (ASSCORE 8. Attempt all questions: (250-300 Words) EEE 7 (3 x 2= 50) (a) The changing dynamics of the balance of economic power has also led to the transformation in balance of political and soft power. Is this statement true in |_ context of BRICS? Critically analyse BRICS a5 a cohesive interregional grouping. 0) Discuss the Indian Participation,In UN Peacekeeping Operation, How far will Indian participation make jt consolidate its position for permanent iiembership of | | HEE ger ; ®) Luadtors one divided Over MMe quemion of f fee Secor a e Hine, post abel usoy wold O¥een or tle Ih ag Wuwipalay® “forme OAS I OS calls it aS. a ‘ pad Scuotdrs LiKe Ucobuieh moder" i eee: fo ek Lakai lo, cot 1h as post- Amevica vi | YE : : | We rig e of Chcvactertteck loy tue ‘rise of | good Oder ; a | yest! as evident OA, Tse OF | RU | eee garcis fam acronym come. | Co Wen, imo Vth a mremnaer of Gok me | ee ; 2059 ymotet ‘wat by employed. He ea — Sep yowies. Later fuey ust oe Me Seo.dIy fe miakesit oo gourr Atlee war dade’? : Remarks | | ! | | | i SCORE chinese — President ‘ookted Hy Tintao Colts 1b tue “bigge_peate moemnent” ee seuntars Like Fave knowner Tau et vud vice of SouHy Uk gyortotizes * fast of west bat AE —— Sowe ccouatore orque! ‘fod, aaa Wawinglonr ‘congensgus’ is being _vephaced soaislingion ‘covsenssus’ |S TF . ¥ fo Symoatite tue Te as ‘ane Mew! stakereet Ma “condom veer’ Qual yesteck, bw at is Yrown w vaties? (0 ye pa WAsta. 6 Nog: Moan Growsley Welk fut war ov Tero vg ~ : ee : ie | tas secs to He Gediine, of US Kegemowy ancl, Ww we ywoek bw pakance of power. fo vest. Vey Negrotor DK on p> split . cennet Wott, dorok [y_ Remarkgyo* at + ee ae Ta Se opera roe aa c oe er yey ¥ RY [SCORE | (4) ee. produce loetieve traf these nahin wourd |! balance Weng he Srp Gny Siow ge Ar evs wagering’ Bewett Loy «A types of power UY computiory pores — carrot oud Wicks (Dd Grucherak Powel ur Knowledge ee e dumyoust possi . power: E> Sort, ROWE sh. ts HA tne Te we argue ow racie: Hot, ene ~~ eee domivowt ir edron Vecomet eS _” . A\gofoene jones IES Hegemon wovtel AON Habs 09d added re ke Jouowlng pobient - ian) Bares ualions hove internat” problems - ees we TT pudiar caine DOME 4 gion Guinn, WOMEN ea L ee Fos bul out eee powilacad p % deve or caw wey exonoww pst, CN « Pasirersr — : ¢ uw * autworitay! ey Ducki, Sout Africa, Brat ~Pemorietic, Remarks ERESCORE < ; ye . \wos wage potesrli A Ty se wos 2 P : chiaa, ucla~ tefource chehel{ bee . Peomome praatt, Rusti ~ eben fg ondio quores gen patioat teres wih ‘ Matevesty uiHn west eo Ste wa : ° an 1 Bare Mavions /S opie “fo peotle “avo ° te ft a a won (eS en : Rusia IS acing eronowiic, CYised and Chung teeter St AC at’ because 5 wemibers Qvud 3 aspiring werow ‘of UNS . \Otogetver trey veprereut S07 OF sortcl popularvon ror ch wen aver SF oF CF Heuce tb ine above poblems are porte out tb cound clefinety Chasen Us. vacua te “hard batouelng * and wo Remarks [SCORE ‘(b) pefemce during ean oar fe, OO fowe err ea ants {dear of ONPK. ~ came lh Hence uNPK ts cater du Coma to coll ok we UN. Geert hy iis a -toOey enowed over 2 geverations léclive fo the concctve Peter’ + a Due fo. we rivalry, bebe THE ps nahin A “ : otk votawoiag’ as Neorreatith aim, |i : ou TE c : £ ak ak mere |S one aver whee? whe UNG ts Wer quecesshut it Is UN Peace itp keepi cc operalhovs. TE war av alternahyeg An mechouitwr . i¢ “tt oat pot apayrtot charte Ls achow. Te was/ | es sSust patie we (Mo Usage of: ran ast generowon 7 ee : . gs Gemcerako Acs cor lee useck a seu re —— wa ‘Generralion ¥. Mere AVOrA Serk defence. tue) ss : 5 can take Wniative for tre peace. pleating ackui Hes, Remarks SCORE sada, Wag beer a achive’ parteipant of tne UNPK operations for tne tit kine tect Be Foreny were Se tre General ‘ Tummial | Se tron J000 Ducllow, To more, Koved ave parr oF de. UNPK opevarons | Te provided! 4 Generals rh se - | dowy we UN? operavions = aves wy ye TUL toa} Qudloa, Lost more thom i people ta Wwe operahons. govve of tne : Fecork operations ave Wr CoM t tom areas tie - Demmoeralte repebtic: OF o. the vecevalioys Dudla valeed fone, of eg: WIMKOUb Covsene Pike depioyrrert of We Aovu Remarks 5 gadeyye Ss ge Rey! hy \ erry oe we nv SCORE by UN- A committee was esteli Ltpolk vuko Hae covderms OF Quid velors vequiyed, for UNPK. . g yererant todcuy ike ee ar ok UNPK them Fem considermo; * “4 oo caw to wc? Berra oud Iapom Mw for nel coutibuion fo fe ON fouds, ae Jon qe (er thoy fo 7 obiect: base Se areas pulious OF UNPK. ‘ \aer (He count consis Remarks SCORE ' “aude made Qudla fo | Propose! | Reistute pee bor veborwe™ he caqr for UNsc,'” considerng “UNGA aiectedt Duoliar, 06! our covoulboue |: none permance werner fo UNGA BEF i Kner’ pen -: PyeOy - “Heace ouy contllahon . dick, conadictin, x _ poston. Fr permanent ‘mremmboeviuip of i ON etek | UA THE fupport en 4 “Ug, Ruse and Roved'le Qucig for th em . be Nie wasedl on wale: ‘Geakig Prof Pomst gros. leaxte UN OM gc- TWh wor: yee qhakey argues’ Audio. Th ow yo Hrek . TE enows the Wa portance of yudla tka ae ; : x a oe v ee ‘i \ ss we we wee . Ks 5 CP yet woe i / ; yy we wv Cr we »

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