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SCORE : \ wi Pyy rs Oe eS : POLITICAL SCIENCE “8 Max. Marks: 250 Tine Allower 3 hr. os Instructions to Candidate reSrecEIGHT questions, Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all. + Question no, 1 and 5 are compulsory and ‘out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted. + > Answers miist be written in the medium authorized in the Admission certificate which must bbe stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) booklet in the space provided, No marks will be given for answeis written in medium other than the authorized one. ‘ } +. Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to. +. Atfenipts of questions shall be counted in chronological order. Unless struck off, attempt of & question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer book must be clearly struck off. : Name K: Dlvesh Ku may Mobile No.. 1. Invigildtor Signature Date __(4[10l206, oe 2 tnvigitator Signature <~ Signature | | REMARKS \ ESSCORE Rollo. 1, “AML qubitions are compulsory to attempt: (190-125 Words) | (25 « 4 = 50) a) - Maurice Diverter's Classification of pressure groups 2 “(b). Women, Environment and Development ree (Concept of Globalism (d) Mercantilist vs Marxist approach of International Political Economy, ' ; ew pyecsuee Groups, | ONE wetiidvee lout Kinroion (ov) Cenmapives WRU iy os “tavitibte empires? enyives ‘Wey pexform the arkostaliow * Pescuve gous ave getratavs “Dike Avmowd se. BHA Unwed Od, yole of Me, “terest capitis by mows . Hes tren on tue Guaventter NCS , Bpades “coos eee eee Y.. : ¢ tuely funcdon, FE | protgee_ ove boas © oH ov “ostocakkowed | cuales Le. emmunol, on) vember YP ‘one. ot [ve ae Clagifcaliow is ‘Remarks EISCORE E Duveraey- by Maurice beeerder wo cashes, based ow. nel mature _ : pressuve GvouPe pe Ne a pressure Groups 18 puloic dyessure @voups & 8 private pressure grout: Saceyt -oF (chain St » Gipootinn UE aw ieotogy pray mM Glo batiavion. But Hs cat -beberes Gujootreron, (wosh wot ‘ye purposed. Om: top wt Kom lotions, tk believes ™: qpsrnopabivowio, because — @ Mo ot we preco tweak Like, eLierote, COs Boole, pawdewles, etc , ; enue not cooperation and ackon, Remarks SCORE Ove. “koe boven vequives hu “puge Hnances | quwece. arch Orgues ' fwonk west Ka’s }Aine XC war © oO. comoborvalve ‘effort y provide pp, saratars, fie Thomac_jogge take qlobat | fais: tetver Sea lo pronounce b , becawe Ne \f. =p cooperation Clecesopert ee cei They: argue tat Lotion ‘ot! from top hos be tech fo qiernbictn ARica, eave growtr yates In East. te Hemce ee . item, ers SIN cat for dishes : jeud trot. - douol Grodtea « OS ewabilwwwrent © world qexern | Novos S! : 7 : A ‘Rewtarks ah yey BEEIEsh Cy were ed ro HA wr OM ye mer GRSCORE : -ginited © ef Lament 8. Catteck by David. Ree r Suita vmoval Co vie, Ove rook boundaries OY rok Me fe tre. feortioviat 'boundor'ss come an tic couse oe COM S044 7 LextieaL Soucek CONES NAS vortreas Sdnens teuratore Lee “ONE shaken conmecket c ei pike “deep- ecology! wae oud,” Feminist concep. Remarks : Feri orucn eS wrode of Mg EM capitol re” wwow. Soy calls : Cnn ecad® 4 oy wok i, E ot women. ecasngitw ; : Feenialh orguetont a —— mas cid yy 7 leaas a exe! Yount oe bringing say connected, to gpd for AS Ae 7 eae stint oy be vymnish due Vlew "ane wotuve of : wore. ig Semiiivg, © 2 oud Wows och hence # Con) e rey Orgue =e yh) es go ss oY aw, es @ : : ESSCORE Saal view Would lead. trek a.chophs us go “deep'ecatey” Tye tre bevet envivonmert & Bud Ut ot te Iai be. che, ro make fh: Lot = prom a | ae ; “peut. alto eamye. ‘weak : ' : a co) He » deweropment sattoiwobe OSCE ; ee a Ewelvonenent - Develmprres, mm torre WE Com SOY WOWerd, east yonorienh ow chevcetoprnrent axe sater-rebat eat; ‘wh owe er wowces tne omer. (a). | tauiweok eoonowry IS Yudy oF Hae econowk spobices mode by fee qoternmned. #28" fatcion | amin ts contideredt as the fother of - Seta : Remarks [SCORE patent coowinny | Mes describest it as. ee na on “Fepiread “eco wowny | hos yrowy WW flew" Potikicot ecomony | \owiowh Bike co) aul wenicot yosireott ecomowsy” a ree eC ete eee pouikers ecomnowy "gs exotuko : «sabi owe “penperiadlro. “Theory of i benieres ww TE ty oes drop ly Wovlgh ted ts picard©-. Te beneves Ree rr aie i sialon. kev te’ coumbies, : rae ee HCO nee Reinatks ERSCORE : wy Qn sytem kneory i ou leabuseoeeeeeeteres eon oridteck by May: spate : Set es but smot ets not Oo wine io, Wtevor game Game - TO ote Mart W ‘a “Rex e b a v # necown dor cart af One pole meas at onotner pole*!- piBorion of etn & itermatowel : patikest 4 fo ave “theo of oe owen ted to Capireadion , oie POW Spread onywheye" “F Bur tals Bribe: Scluna Was. Twig approotn woe wos Loker extecteck by wd Sater fuvtusy awuch | wromerste a Wig Wore - exposed face thot racrcorbating Mes, ate everyw her fo expeort- Remarks 2. Attempt all questions: (250-300 Words): (5 * 2 = 50) (a); How has comparative politits gained an edge over comparative government approacty| traditional approach? Explain the relationship between public policy and political] economy with the comparative polities? (b). Is it correct to say that the state and civil- society share an “integrative relationship"| + How does this relationship work in a democratic government system? What are the| common grounds of agreement between the liberal and Marxist perspectives » | regarding the definition and role of civil society? ‘i Remarks _ ESSCORE Remarks |g is Remarks Hee Remarks SCORE Remarks (SSCORE Remarks BSSCORE Remarks i SCORE .|3. Attempt all questions: iD. pebiexes tual (a) ‘Low politics of welfare is getting more attention from states than high politics of national security'.-How, do, supporters of “complex interdependence defend this aigument? Democratic peace theory has provided immense optimism, to republic ~Tiberalism regarding’ long peace, Why? (250 Words) (20 Marks) (0) ‘The degree to which a state can. successfully produce and reproduce its hegemony indication of the extent of its power". Explain the above statement in context - of the analysis of world, order with special reference to Robert Cox, . oon, (200 Words) (15 Marks) (c). ‘Living traditions like realism,are the embodiments of both continuities and conflicts’. Give your views on the statement in context of contemporary realist challenges to structural realism, (200 Words) (15. Marks) Tes), Satd quat. exten, theory Ts basect on tie. aeritions tor - wakes. le can, nye Aprons ies ave muctple _ state © cx bees trot See a “IES SS : ‘of “stati! of” yeas Siete cae tes ak hare power Cannot ony . pahiowal inbevech ' dis'ctabwect by Remarks . : Eee Eee ieee SCORE) Yeoulsh but aso by soft power Tey argue tyot wi when {wo coumtries Pee ie se tua ‘weet issues always dowuate | loth trey P Oo 52] oe ! abr ie, assumptions: Hey ( Hierarchy Of Legues Wing Bee ee ge law onque wos * pous-paditics” of ue ove, y wo ae AocomonDes ete eke. “axe equating Heportart thay ee wh, “wala polifies*”” fest Nokona. cecuvity, ‘ | ve vey oxque. rat wore Was ‘Awkegevoted DA comer WOE ous contig ot the S cooperation oud COMFUCA ae Be the. YeLarons \gehweenn: ¢ UShk BYE Com ther ev Sawe.- bre. Om i fomuece Radar & CLO, aud. y Mberclene” pe exphoumrerh ly, comple thy expe le Ht toe en be Remarks a cai ene ows Shs fl ge SCORE fe. “promelion of- fee Node oud valee of “MNES; © oe pence | Tey Gdloat opeemmamce iscuct. QM Ws Afquement .” Seo or nee : of Mow pales! wos, Latey cupportect fay Pe (a_i - ‘an ; Escud¢ cmhere. he owen eyes avowa! Have ipetlone Gacrveeck tre Seake con See am ee A Udita. POwey By bemoevae pexice theory Was instuencest by prroshldet boy doyle: “te was trimanuel Kom, Republic Diberatiinn, beveres| : foorn tone of Pease, Mbatict da Forme Vadues MOVs one of pS a Remarks SCORE wo fey ik teads fo Wpwupotttonn of Pemocwacy row top |Ofeedom of Expvessto—provides OP porhwihy dor ; putle. opr vraes ‘ government acountaky “pacibe Yesotytion OF AMES " Sa 3) Demorvacies peliere i Re tuvtver choke, Hat tedog 6O HO Hennocvercies vos gpa fo way. Rist. eri pra HE gues ‘Hie jouinwing steps to, achieve curd peace ! © paspivahoe 7 att ti (G) bushgahon—~ : d- @ intervention 7 To esralbtlin pemocracies, laut crines arqe Yoited shores! faire puck tuerer by vesuth a Novices O€ #28 4 Bs t Tag, Afghauishan : deere cLieeeeecS Gane Contovernal AS, ee debate of gas ha He Gls fefected DA WS L eweuion” anc Responsibiiy ba test Gifarmsel gave tne Concept of enon. aw aw atremaphe bo Geace wh marian yYevotuoy his wot sean in nein Sodelyy Mesontedl Remarks 2 EESCORE Jui - rate ig “MOt depercleut on e€ | consent ow ai-ig oc Hshreccte ts xi Gulonorqus and, POGUES Yelgvely ouyonomeds amd: produces get ev : IW ne. cans Trmavutochved consent! for we Yue, ab Te wmtaig Contert he cates dat He” yee. fo uci’ Wwe Shate can produsé ond Vepvoduce ih “7 is au padtodhion ph: tne exdouk of power. Pett / TMs Gravnccion, fvougut of | wos bo iatervalan pokey. ) He argues vgs gone ovrels pol of ew 7 er aneory ig from hones | Tdakeaive frudat avd. vse, oye SE on Sr oo eee tie iden 0 Remarks ESSCORE Urs | fowl ae oe “ne og tel hegerrowl consent. Mot ovarchy: is He | by developed cousttytes ey’ ok Myterakionobtevor Of sate’, aud recommends fuer He querdonc. tre wisdom of Realitw shew. tk calls it theory as “Hmeless ewlsbonnt He eovoundiet Feathinn anc Wheverttivy Imawakachees conser TT —— t paliics. feat evo. : Re Wgulle wh nou despite krousiing ove being exploited. Hot Ba word counlvtes “gjanton Navona. con | tuere oa a. UVANeK SOL Neo cancel ont achat os oregronce. of ce ower, ha bonekh USA a 20k |p emo fo eshabltin a, kee i! ws lachive 8 Ap oe, Sucre exp2ory a. Soounter Stjusk dod overs 2. We faker fhe ce! \ewowtouy of State Reinarks wo, ESSCORE | 7 Henemowt rabid, tren ot eo | wv of towel cain Da conbiast, jue, seuatars ey is MECeS Oy Various, Mee Goucwel Yeadon of weet ami ea 5 Meaxiuelnner) aygues tho, for a peacebut. rool Wohuchere, et Remarks BGSCORE ee i P wee i) ve 8 “At nokia os wording ; vatwer fran opening See op th “eos pat aul’ iC a Was gon Book? Theo’ expledar (detemte pro) farpoveat ditferento'on capabiures vail contemporary EET gh 0 Falrure of Slornette avalon wy" — despite. | er sotwrelqu | erg coe STO have ovdel (9D Power mnanitalion C (Nts) Seoul rear ixalion we | “twa Ane. conte) WY yt struckwat Lg MME Present vertioy ghucyal. Yealliom (90 Sdeu bie Yeatirm kenveb+ Waitt wr Hs : ot duderrationad posites. fo, prove Renlinnm as + Rvdesg wis dO He gives rconceph * ke Yeouist Chal akira ec: tne concept ot fo archuowlel| ey yeolinm- arques subatt be applies “Cannot | Post ~ -yeoll wu ib cal ee wore Han "FH" qcneione! os tt ouocses delote feripreroyeott => - Who ox ‘Sutrh tne focus *Eallinnn OF Poot: | 7 ~ © Tenor lan ‘Attempt all questions: (250-300 Words) 7 (25 x 2 = 50).) (a). Both David Easton and Gabriel Almond have presented a liberalistic plural state regillting from competitive demand and supports, articulated by various interest : groups and decisions and actions of government in response to them, What were the stnajor criticisms levelled against models developed by both? Also evaluate the overall strength of the systems approach as a theory of explaining the behaviour of states? (b) How do the post-Marxists view "new social movement"? What do you understand by the term “trans nationalization of political advocacy" in context of relationship + between globalization and new social movements? Reniarks ESSCORE | Remarks a GSSCORE Remarks ERESCORE) Remarks ERSCORE Remarks SCORE * Remarks BESCORE Remarks ESSCORE Remarks SCORE ‘| (5, All questions are compulsory-to attempt: (100-125 Words), (125 « 4 = 50): i). = (a) . Marxist conception of Political patios (b) ‘Soctal democratic euipeente of state “(© Problems with state centric approach in studying International relations, (@) Subaltern Realism sult ter Realtne s, “tk is tne" post ad Pespetive : oe yeaiem. Prowmivent gunalay is M nowwnet ogre begat 9 g seorie Ake,” ‘ catoniot sodeMes, 2 gubattonss ie Leena Sen re ee t. Wools fo expos de berate of Ppesk » ot ual gociehes. “HeMee re Come! up 2 Ta, MS < wa ideas ore’: galsosthers yoo’ : Dawe post | catowial SodeRes ove weak bats Reniarks ‘poterianey ound” ‘Mie lechenoaty | 60, he | : clepenrd on west and? lheuce dowd. wank, gek alo coubuict = bardwogey | yatver THOM Mh : : oe © sivce ey eve weaw wep seek fo : . : ac ye : : Nalmotute galvs Gapiest velo, gals’ “yO we : ® Tex interactions © owe. * pesited elgueoout g co eH rarely a ae tatermakoues system aS re ' qaiervahoned! posites is 1 WO spree Sy Ba states | ae moi Ye rere ore ge ce OY bane : He CONS “ ukaltern Yeatinn os be 2 mor ainotitedt ”- Us ed 2 : Esuuate perignero oho exer gave 5 pr @ Cctrotars ike spies of Foelpn potleg Remarks (ISCORE | iron sic, appYComs bs cowcep Wradly YONG : & ‘Pos Jaan sieke ob INF ae : perce toy jeod fo Smervos pecrew yancive OK [aterudt Crinthrer Hod Ewot pevipreries ‘Cydud Keep PM mud natermahowst poxivics ig Considered bo’ be. “chate cemine due. fo jue dominahon OF realiny are problems of guor Mew are © = coment pundequncy so Tne present | Senna eae SE TETETEEE eee word order 1S gepicted “by wcdoudeb’ vuodes| wmode. Here Ghates are * the Combet ul grote ce to 4 ‘ ciavid , Mate dq me ok pemodervicy silee Ri yote cemrric. OS it negie sto is: Tike Rao's, AT Nels ,, uolairs Oasar outs =e ———_——_> gto ustowg-assunaphons Oke RORY hae ya Reinarks GESCORE Egor 1s ful ( tr teods Caled (*) : bg food va ale e probably of wan wick OFS TOE: aye ‘Heuce. tue, . grate ceubrc. approaols |» fo comnich® Qucl won One AP Vet (® Temivish ovque © a nneanects wore wowe, coud : detreryowe | ows Aipsowiony” Hise Ce ep ala a wp jas MOM fhorteodo t : 3 cooperation awed ud dehcits + or tence EO oe Ong : wie rnedek ot arquedt Pi. ye pron Stake SOP nen i yet <2 | : a + folke * cembn'c Views tuere “gidiawg erg Security ; fo « » thategies 01K Ralovice Baportaut fe oF 9° fr com Remarks ESSCORE - a Jot donk sodat ~Demwariareis is a etthernadd , todlallnm. They betieve woucipey but moe Mes ve ntendie > oe Mtrnlvee Tae tHe oreo” Woy Hrodon Mavillte, They init Be yewouhow yarmer two panbedkay Silos beck to Noyerodot souloLim . pemocvale : sedan Yatver {vem as : vey (tie Shote ean Of the : Tewes ow ierument_fov expror for eT bt goad enlace tet wo te advert of “guAbaeXSOL Hoc ce OyeeRXs COM, outer: axe ParLicumen tas Aroma democrat. Remarks . GESCORE eye ") Chey actopt a Progvamive of Education ad ow acyow Wey View. Shate, 8S AN | | we agree fo boris, wet fave. QUck Socird “eae rng ie SE Cena a te, fwle Recant eke. &, gcraodare ANS rd Trey, Yeieck tue oyqumene Anak shote: eakeck by Capi vodist chaiss LePelts ow trdhunenk wreak \ wey os He peblewe OA democroey, Tey vefeok Uy dholws Of Heye ad’ Moti wis calls’ “pg Seniniman_cterotyaic cases JAS ‘yee June. [vetloence of Kegnes da tnelY pers pechive (@): |; Radivicad pariies ave “the “inghumenh of sa iutevest inberest - ogppeqatins’ Lountary, Uke » Bayh Burke ay wei Eros: wdifmout eo ig nO option exceph pasion pores gneve Remarks ESSCORE | oad os auknoritarianiom, ” poliicod pares nominate, people to te electows fo Fontan our. HEEL AeA \e| & poliikcol offees | Powers pe Mots ptuvatish Bike Robert bat and! ¥ ia tne Support OF poliiccs] eo? a7 Ge Marpih equate patient, sof pa Fue cagthaive » waeter. Prey Acemding 1 ove conholed log Copitotit chasy| Ranpr MUhowd, “etect lagu! bourgesise. Agent Lat Commelivte chections _ periticat pavhigs ove Wa oon caneabantecd— ‘Of tue sewed Peri Pery’ tor) Sewn peripnery 3 peripery . : : © Remarks ; 5 The undertyi concer Omo au i vtneorieg is the Ctplaitation oF global. Capikout Systems, of WS wortdl su Countia, | | ESSCORE 7. remiutnn is -ywehar deatogy (Wow hag {bes Um oO Mony brt{be Tabs proves quot te Attempt all questions: (250-300 Words) ny y. @5*2= 50) - (2). Gendered constructs such as "breadwinner" and “Housewife”, have been-central ‘to F-modern Western definitions of masculinity, femininity and capitalism, With referetice to the statement analyse the historical foundations of gendered division of labour and its consequences as advocated by feminist theorists of IR. ; and its consequences a5 advornted by fanuinist theorists of | The extension and application of the "post-colonialist” argument in the’ field ‘of. international relations can be particulsrly helpful in discerning a new pattern ‘of dependency, which is social, cultural, and psychological as against the narrow economic Focus of the world system and core-periphery models. Comment. ©) ke 1d piberak Femi, | dikteverk, Yoviaw 2 jalik Fewivinn, Radical Femnivion, ‘Hae mal cour pulion, of puloduiced. Concept i ‘ pubtie [pelvade: C vip | BOMAAEY , patiarclyy ae . pee i eke Reniuuster nave wpe | a Worloot, oo aiwivow of Jabov - A : eee ee | Atrtom, pos eguat loodiity x Steemat ain MO Remarks ESSCORE pentivical Foley, wonren : wut? v2 cL POM : protection. yrs —_— tuere by reset © tm asen :] prcour upborbuging by “ ad “House wl fe! eee Bites “BNE Se oxquement — is - dew US wots ut a weows ‘fo : gonderect Aderhowt of « : ‘Qa bor: Om TN teamalogyy © weve permitted fo Me wai Hig ie, fe Jaouvers WE wo we 3 WICOK Che ede: lav G20s « soci ah Com Rous Com ficult Be pate? uth exolubion of of fo bgt os Welfess, depeudevt , Remarks SCORE argue . capitan gploor of ay os a ; “an Hence, juece dey’ Lars as of the westem dehwuirions of “weasel iit ed divtrou “cp cagiotinen eiuttea On" Sgouderedl CO genderect divition of Labor 20 Mem a protect: ; awd “yoomen ‘fo Sabhy, oe @sodatist fernlvish argue how captratiinn ag pareution (women, fo, ousenodsd ¢ dowyng fo ie ya Bagels cous W moter s vigut’ 7 They viaude eseyve. | enpoce. fH Humor nature ae oF patriavcluy and. HUN genes conanuth mraude’” shwetors Dike M orgavtedu e aman nalatre ct moseuttinc p.equat 2 Remarks 1 _ vote Ke" compebiion ootch, and war. ttkvey vy : aye effecivg pear? vey : rye Weamer atques the concep Hon of Jorques te ts “oguder pase “kecavse hua hs woes wmatonne avd femive, tats Vest ian coveep LiKe Gar, anarelay Here, : ves raver Keath Senaaud “Masco linited . se : que none of nahiowod inkevedt omen uyere gidetined. Be (ort bring more oe ee “seca equal ty of Seourihy! “tes” veflech, powa.dor” py “ine foexploth wornen axques WOW in Ey Rajes during any etl 3) oy iste Spt ee wily ginive Toe ogee EE ES = fate we. mio cousieral’s Mike Wma welfare ( Mekiwrors axques Pecans, Preven eee 2 ote appears fo be Mike mole, ob ered, Coury aud Hrereby Joour’ we 3 a See corr OQ ESSCORE Ms ceendeb ton Os } at Jal socteles. ] WW Bokho ww, howd Power amd vegtechig | Sobt POU dees values aud Mors * a @.. § Fewilee ike, Hiaary cat -atqued for Fe wining gence reat condwuch “Ka Ne pence. Taw swede wequwiirey « exnece Oe Fonte ON ak ros exter propaset Ferns Frelgn palloy el: Recon entestan, Sunes one SOIT : Heme th “agora fe break genset veo gino biases syeunrcyion Yo tev +ne jegues tok concen i pout tre concerns of tae peo je ba pen ee ii : Post cotowiat ye lewd ls Q “Up apprencun! ‘Remarks d EYSCORE fopntewaporary. vtew fron ' Subactervs oF, petairb citer cea is ; marguatiied.. Wom twely argumerih | ety rts wok fue Bimaited fo “used. y SOCIOL, Cul favrerk, eee 3 es Sf pest - 8S 7 w ea Towa" par Ws BOOK Se locos te, ee . - gud, * atuite Mask, Bscy Peclacaenea oe Bat ooo a piquiguted Wows we SNE being Pepountngroty ; won Yesultedk IM aj sa’ See on. west: - Ae crimingtcas ere yy . > . TWs a \nice. Readies iver Or OE applicable ee. | Ke. C i st ” : Paw vy cai * SY, Remarks - err ane veer ye ; ; ro DV s L # “a gle te Le Ros. x 2 ww g v3? wiv 0) le Eee Seer See eee SSeS ee SS SS eee Eee eee eee eed ERSCORE 1 fo 21d wor Tes dejordoucy oo, granted © 8 quclr - av extemt {trot Wonus “oon. tue subbat ter © Gayot spake “grea. a _ The sooo aud, cuttuos oe ynanouwal yetavious Was “goa bo fate ecuador’ ke Homi Baba Wgwigued br § ‘Homi Baba cy ae ae not we exc nok elvert Son oy MO Cul oly lot DH ; i fe tw eNOS 1 Rog cotowialisth axqué mot wove qua elk neotce Woy — oN _ Bayada! cpivak asks. § ust “eet Ae aie aqme 7 e r nw be fee ee western: fammeeanrs Nea oe Remarks | EE EEE ECC ee tt ERSCORE ‘y noon Shotes “ay EHmoscop em capmectassates "Homi Bala, exten Hae pore cotoviadiu foxgumelit fo waltove: be bo eve wis comes of Wisgeni- nattions Giiion he WWERMS” ee eet exiewdedt tae posh dtddel, | rand, Appadutas! Appoae: Pel imtemaovwt yeLaong Glbobiayion ‘To ecpham we tw porvenbor- in tne folowing iy Tde0 gees {a Tecwe scapes ; Po colowialtns emcploy feomutques: Zike Prerory Studles, ype thecdec weep cay lnkermaliowsd vetavious As conker by gayalyi expose soak cul ava, Adxperdovey: S4t also ie a wok pay Urodo toot Apathmert of Me post caLowos sone Remarks 9 eee eaea GSSCORE 8 Attempt all questions: (250-300 Words) (25 x 2 = 50) {a) Political theory is viewed in three different streams-classical, modern and contemporary in terms of its evolution and growth? Bring out the major points of difference among, all the three with special emphasis on methodology and content. {b), What are the core assumptions, methods and strategies adopted by constructivism in explaining international relations? What sort of relationship exists between proponents of rational choice and constructivism? 2 EREISCORE Reinarks ESSCORE ‘Remiarks SCORE Remarks GESCORE Remarks ESSCORE Remarks (ESSCORE Reniarks -ISCORE) Remarks 4S

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