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Level  1  Biology  (90928)  2016  —  page  1  of  3  

Assessment  Schedule  –  2016  

Biology:  Demonstrate  understanding  of  biological  ideas  relating  to  the  life  cycle  of  flowering  plants  (90928)  
Evidence  Statement  
Question One

NØ N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8

No response / no relevant ONE relevant TWO relevant THREE relevant FOUR relevant Explains TWO ideas. Explains THREE ideas. Discusses ONE point. Discusses TWO points.
evidence. idea given. ideas given. ideas given. ideas given.

•   Seeds can be dispersed by: animals / wind / water / explosive / fire (TWO required). •   Seed sticks to an animal’s fur with hook / •   Any Merit point linked to: dispersal
•   Seeds have special structures or features such as: fleshy fruit / fine hair-like structures / spikes. When the animal moves away from reduces competition from the parent
wings / waterproof or hard coating / colour / odour that allows them to be dispersed the parent plant the seed is taken with it and plant / other seedlings so that chances of
(TWO required). dispersed. germination / growth increase.
•   Seed dispersal is important for plants to continue their life cycle. •   Animal is attracted to the bright / fleshy fruit •   Animal is attracted to the bright / fleshy
that surrounds the seed because of its colour / fruit that surrounds the seed because of
•   Seed dispersal reduces competition.
odour. The animal eats the fruit with the its colour / odour. The animal eats the
•   Seed dispersal allows population to expand into new environments / habitats. seeds inside and passes out seeds with its fruit with the seeds inside and passes out
faeces some distance away from the parent. seeds with its faeces some distance away
•   Wind dispersal is effective because the seeds from the parent. Faeces may act as
are light weight / small / aerodynamic AND fertiliser to assist growth.
have structures like feathery bristles that •   Seeds dispersed away from parent by
catch the wind which can result in the seeds water have a hard / waterproof seed coat
being moved away from the parent. / air spaces for flotation. Damage to the
•   Seeds dispersed away from parent by water seed coat during transportation can allow
have a hard seed coat / air spaces for water penetration which initiates the
flotation. germination process.
•   As seed pod dries tension builds and when
released spread the seeds out in a forceful
•   Heat from a fire will open cones and release
the seeds.
NCEA  Level  1  Biology  (90928)  2016  —  page  2  of  3  

Question Two

NØ N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8

No response / no relevant ONE idea given. TWO ideas THREE ideas FOUR Explains TWO ideas. Explains THREE ideas. Links products of Links products of
evidence. given. given. ideas given. photosynthesis to two photosynthesis to at least
other life processes AND three other life processes
storage / structure. AND storage / structure.

•   Light intensity: As the light intensity increases, so too does the rate of photosynthesis to •   Light intensity. As light intensity Oxygen and glucose are products of
a point then levels off. increases there is more light energy photosynthesis. Some of the oxygen is used
Carbon dioxide concentration: similarly. available to drive the reaction. However, at for respiration so that energy can be
the point of levelling off factors such as released from glucose to be used in:
Temperature: At the extremes in temperature, photosynthesis does not occur or is
CO2 conc / temp become the limiting factor. •   growth (by cell division / mitosis) and
slower / photosynthesis is fastest at a medium / optimum temperature. As temperature
increases, the rate of photosynthesis increases also to an optimum point; beyond this the •   As carbon dioxide concentration increases •   reproduction (flower / seed production).
rate decreases again as the temperature continues to increase. so does the rate of photosynthesis up to a
When there is an excess of glucose, it is
maximum, where all chloroplasts are fully
•   Products of PS include oxygen and glucose. turned into starch so that it can be stored for
engaged / saturated.
PS equation given e.g. later use. Glucose is transformed into starch
•   Temperature. When temperatures are low, for storage because glucose is water-soluble
carbon dioxide + water !light
glucose + oxygen there is insufficient energy available to and it can leak through plant tissues and / or
allow the reaction to proceed. As the starch is insoluble in water and cannot leave
•   Oxygen is used by the plant for respiration. temperature increases, the rate of reaction the plant in the same way. (E.g. some plants
OR increases also, as there is sufficient energy translocate glucose to their roots, where it is
Glucose is used by the plant for respiration. available to allow the reaction to occur. stored as starch over winter, when the rate of
Glucose can be transformed into starch for storage. •   Temperature. As temperatures become too photosynthesis is generally lower. The plant
Glucose and starch can be used for making cellulose / plant protein / fats and oils. hot, the enzymes that control the reaction then transforms the starch back into glucose
start to denature / change shape and the in the spring so that it can be used, for
Glucose / starch can be moved to other plant structures for storage. reaction slows / stops. example, for spring growth.)
Glucose used in development of fruit / flowers / other plant structures. •   Oxygen made by photosynthesis is used for Another use of starch is that it can be used in
Glucose used in formation of chlorophyll / chloroplast. respiration is so that energy / ATP can be structural features, such as a building
etc. released from glucose. material for the cellulose cell walls, which
•   Excess glucose is turned into starch so that provide structural support for the plant and
it can be stored for later use. also prevent cell damage. Starch and glucose
can also be used for making plant proteins
Glucose is transformed into starch for storage
for plant growth and repair, (and fats and
because glucose is water-soluble and it can
oils for storage by the plant).
leak through plant tissues and/or starch is
insoluble in water and cannot leave the plant.

NCEA  Level  1  Biology  (90928)  2016  —  page  3  of  3  

Question Three

NØ N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8

No response / no relevant ONE idea given. TWO ideas THREE ideas FOUR ideas Explains TWO ideas. Explains THREE ideas. Discusses ONE idea. Discusses TWO ideas.
evidence. given. given. given.

•   Sexual reproduction: two parents (pollen and ovule) / combining two sets of genetic •   Sexual reproduction: variation may mean •   Variation in sexually reproducing
material AND asexual reproduction: one parent / no seeds. ability to survive climate change / novel populations may mean some members of
•   Sexual reproduction produces increased genetic variation OR disease AND Asexual reproduction: no the population / species are able to survive
variation means equal susceptibility to climate change / novel disease AND no
Asexual reproduction produces no genetic variation.
climate change / novel disease. variation in asexually reproducing
•   Sexual reproduction has advantage of reduced competition with parent or asexual populations means all members of the
•   Sexual reproduction is an advantage in
reproduction has disadvantage of competing with parent. population / species have equal
unstable environments as variation may
•   Sexual reproduction has disadvantage of requiring more energy / time to produce mean ability to survive climate change / susceptibility to climate change / novel
flowers / seeds OR asexual reproduction has advantage of reduced energy / time novel disease AND Asexual reproduction disease.
requirement for reproduction. is an advantage in stable environments as •   Sexual reproduction is an advantage in
quick reproductive rate allows rapid unstable environments as variation may
colonisation. mean some members of the population are
•   Sexual reproduction requires more energy able to survive climate change / novel
to produce flowers / seeds / fruits AND disease AND asexual reproduction is an
relies on dispersal vectors such as advantage in stable environments as quick
pollinators / animals / wind / water. reproductive rate (due to not having to
produce flowers / seeds / fruits) allows
•   Sexual reproduction: Dispersal increases
rapid colonisation.
survival / reproductive success as
competition reduced AND Asexual •   Proximity of offspring to parent linked to
reproduction: Competition / offspring competition for named resources and
close to parent reduces survival / survival for sexual AND asexual
reproductive success. reproduction.

Cut  Scores  
Not  Achieved   Achievement   Achievement  with  Merit   Achievement  with  Excellence  

0  –  7   8  –  13   14  –  19   20  –  24  


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