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*The factory leaves and several trucks with the name ¨Wonka¨ loading the trucks with boxes full of
chocolate bars*

Narrator: This is the story of a boy named "Charlie" he was neither faster nor stronger nor more
intelligent than other children and his family was neither rich nor powerful nor influential, in fact
they hardly had anything to eat, but Charlie was The luckiest kid in the whole world, he just didn't
know it yet.

*Charlie’s mom is making soup and Charlie is doing homework*

*Charlie’s dad enters the house*

Charlies Father: Hello Family!

Charlie: Hello Dad

Grandfathers and Grandmothers: Good Night

*Charlies mother is preparing a soup for dinner*

Charlies Mother: You finally arrived, * give him a kiss*, love, don't you think that the soup is
missing something else? maybe some cabbage *cut more cabbage*

*Several motorbikes from the company ¨Wonka¨ go out to put the announcement of the
chocolates on various poles*

Narrator reads what is in the announcement: ¨Dear inhabitants of the world, I Willy Wonka have
decided to allow five children to visit my factory this year and also one of these children will
receive a special prize that they would never have imagined.

Journalist: Five Golden Tickets are inside the paper wrappers of five ¨Wonka¨ bars. These
chocolate bars could be in any store, on any street, in any city, in any country in the world.

*Some Japanese come out grabbing chocolate bars just like in Morocco and New York City. *

*Charlies family is viewing the Tv*

Principal Grandfather of Charlie: Wouldn't it be wonderful if you opened a chocolate bar and
found the golden ticket inside?

Charlie: Yes. Of course, but they only give me one a year, on my birthday.

Charlies Mother: but it's next week.

Principal Grandmother of Charlie: You have the same opportunity like the others.

Secondary Grandfather of Charlie: Lie, the children who get the golden ticket are the ones who can
buy bars every day, charly only gets one a year, forget it.
Primary Grandmother of Charly: They all have the same opportunity Charlie.

*The primary grandmother and the primary grandfather nod their heads saying "yes"*

Secondary Grandfather of Charlie : listen well the child who finds the first ticket will be obese,
obese, obese.

*Augustus kid's house scene, Augustus is eating a Wonka chocolate bar and surrounded by
cameras and his mom is next to him.*

Augustus: I ate a wonka bar but one piece wasn't chocolate or coconut or walnut or peanut butter
or raisin or caramel or almond so I took it out of my mouth *pulls a piece of paper out of mouth*
and it was the golden ticket *shows the golden ticket, a broken piece and a mouth full of

Journalist asks Augustus: Augustus, how are you going to celebrate?

Augustus *p: Eating chocolate *pulls out a chocolate bar from his shorts and eats it*.

Augustus Mom : I knew that Augustus would find the golden ticket since he eats so many
chocolate bars a day that there was no way he wouldn't find one.

*returns scene to charlie's house.*

Secondary Grandfather of Charlie: I told them that child would be obese.

Primary Grandmother of Charlie: He's a nasty boy.

Charlie: Only four tickets left.

Primary Grandfather Of Charly : One already appeared, now it will be a great madness.

* veruca house scene*

Journalist: Veruca could you spell your name please?

Veruca: V-E-R-U-C-A, Veruca Salt.

*Journalist taking pictures to veruca and her family.*

Veruca’s Father: When my veruca told me she wanted one of those golden tickets, I started
buying all the wonka bars I could. Thousands of bars hundreds of thousands ¨So I told my
employees. *Several employees leave*¨¨Good morning now they will stop peeling mani and I want
it to start unwrapping chocolates *All employees start unwrapping a lot of chocolate. For three
days we had no luck, it was terrible because my veruca got more upset every day.

* remember when Veruca was asking for her golden ticket*

Veruca: Where is my ticket, I want my golden ticket!

*Veruca's mom is amazed as ¨This girl has the father at her feet¨

Veruca’s Father : For being Honest I don’t like see suffering my daughter for something and that’s
why I kept looking until I found the golden ticket* all the employees keep removing the wrapper
until they find it *and I found it. *Veruca's mom and dad give her the ticket, she looks at it
carefully and says*

Veruca: And know I want a Pony.

* Scene returns charly and his family watching veruca with his ticket on tv.*

Secondary Grandfather of Charly: she is worse than the fat boy.

Charly: I don't think it's fair, they helped her find it.

Primary Grandfather of Charly: Don't worry about it, her father thinks he's doing the right thing,
but he doesn't do any good spoiling his daughter like that.

* Charlie's mom and dad come into the house and say*

Charlies Father: Charlie, We thought you might want to open your birthday present now.

Charlies Mother: .Here it is son...

* Charlie unwraps the gift and it's a wonka bar*

Charlie: I'd better do it tomorrow.

Secondary Grandfather Of Charly : What The Hell.

Charlies Father: FATHER!!!

Primary Grandfather of Charly: Among all we add 381 years do not make us wait.

Charlies Mother: Charlie, but don't be disappointed if it doesn't work out or it doesn't.

Charlies Father: Whatever happens you have the chocolate.

*He opens the Chocolate but unfortunately there is not a Golden ticket.*

Primary Grandfather of Charlie: Pity, it was not.

Charlie: I will give you a piece of chocolate to all.

Primary Grandfather of Charlie: Oh no charly it's your birthday.

Charlie: I It's my chocolate and I want to make it.

*They all say thank you.*

*Scene when a random man throw a newspaper and Charlie took it and goes running to his

Primary Grandfather Of Charly: Tell us who found the ticket.

*Charlie gives the Newspaper to his Father.*

Journalist: The third ticket was found by the young Violet Bouregard.

*Scene of Violet doing Karate woth other men and chewing gum*
Violets Mother: These are only 263 trophies and medals that my Violet had won,

Violet: showing the golden ticket and chewing gum says: I like gum, a lot, but when I found out
about the tickets I changed the gum for chocolates

Violets Mother: She has many ambitions I don't know who she would date.

Violet: I won the world championship for chewing gum, this gum that I have at the moment I have
chewed for three months is a record.

Violets Mother: Of course I also have my trophies for being a cheerleader.

*She shows her trophies and all the journalists are taking pictures at the transcurse that they

Violet: I know that only one child will win the special prize but listen well, I don't care who the
other four are, I will be the one to have it.

Violets Mother: Tell them why Violet.

Violet: Because I am a winner,

*Scene to Charlies House, They are seeing the Tv.*

Principal Grandmother of Charlie: She's a cocky brat.

Secondary Grandmother of Charlie: And despicable.

Secondary Grandfather Of Charlie: *Talk to the Secondary Grandmother* You even know what
they are talking about.

Secondary Grandmother of Charlie: Of dragonflies.

*Tv comes back on*

Jounallist: Wait, they are informing us that the fourth golden ticket has already been found by a
boy named ¨Mikel Tv.¨.

Mike Tv: Calculate the day it was made, the distribution and the derivative of the nikkei, even a
moron could do it.

Mikes Father: Most of the time I don't know what he is talking about, the children of today know
so much about technology that,

*Mike is playing killing games and yells*

Mike: DIE,DIE,DIE!!!

Mikes Father: It seems that they are no longer children.

*Mike finishes his game*

*Journalists are taking pictures and asking*

Mike: And so I only had to buy a bar.

Journalist: What flavor did it have?

Mike: Does not provide it I hate chocolate.

*Scene To Charlies house all his family seeing the tv.*

Secondary Grandfather of Charlie: Then it was torture to go to the chocolate factory.

Journalist: The question is who will be the winner of the last golden ticket.

*Charlie turns off the television and asks his dad.*

Charlie: Dad why didn't you go to work today?

Charlies Father: Well, in the factory they said that I could take a few days.

Charlie: Like vacation?

Charlies Father: Yes, of course, as vacation.

Narrator: The truth is that it was not a vacation, the increase in chocolate sales caused cavities to
increase and this in turn increased toothpaste sales. The profits were used to modernize the
factory, eliminating Mr. Boquete's position.

*Charlie's parents go out of the house*

Charlies Father: The situation is getting worse.

Charlies Mother: You'll find a job I think I'll add more water to the soup, don't worry our luck will
change I'm sure.

*Primary Grandfather Calls to Charly*

Primary Grandfather of Charly: My secret treasure *gives him 10 dollars* with this you and I will
have another chance to find the missing one.

Charlie: Surely you want to give it to me for that grandpa.

Primary Grandfather of Charly: Of course, very sure, go ahead, go to the nearest store and buy the
first chocolate bar you see there, come immediately and we will open it together.

*charlie goes out and goes shopping*

Primary Grandfather of Charly: He´s a good guy * He sleeps*.

Charly: Grandfather, you fell asleep.

Primary Grandfather of Charly: You already have it? which side do we open first?

*They open it but unfortunately they don't get the golden ticket*

* The Next Day Charlie goes and see the Chocolate Factory *

Some Random Mens walking with Dogs: You heard a kid in russia found the last golden ticket? It
was in the paper this morning. Walk george.¨¨To the Dog¨¨
*While Charly is walking around the city he found 10 dollars In the floor so he walks to the nearest
store to buy another Chocolate bar wonka.*

*He goes to a Store*

Charlie: Give me a wonka bar please.

Seller: Of course have *he gives it to him/*

Random Woman in the store: Now is that the golden ticket of Russia was false there are many
cheating people.

Seller: Ujum.

*Charlie opens the chocolate and sees that the golden ticket comes out*

Seller: The last golden ticket you found it, in my store you found it.

Random Man in the Store: Hey sell it to me I'll give you 50 dollars and a bicycle.

Random Woman in the Store: Are you crazy?! I will pay him 500 dollars for it, will you sell it to me
for 500 dollars young man?

Seller: That's enough leave him alone, hey don't let anyone take your ticket and go straight home,
you heard.

Charlie: yes, thank you sir.

*charlie runs home and yells:*


*Charlie gives the ticket to the primary Grandfather*

*His Grandfather watch carefully and screams wiith big emotion *

Primary Grandfather of Charly: Yupiiii *Ratarataratara tara * *he makes a little dancing*

*ALL Charlies Family is surprised seeing that one of the Grans´ can walk*

*The Primary Grandfather Guves the ticket to Charlies Father*

Primary Grandfather of Charlie: Tell us what the ticket says I want you to read it out loud.

Charlies Father: I salute you the lucky winner of the willy wonka ticket I will greet you with a
handshake because I invite you to come to my factory and you will be my guest for a whole day.

*Charlie Is so surprised*

*Scene to Violet House*

Violet: I Willy Wonka will personally guide you through the factory and show you everything in it.

*Scene to Augustus House*

Augustus: And then when it's time to leave, several trucks from the factory will accompany you
home all full of so much chocolate that you won't be able to eat them.

*Scene to veruca’s House*

Veruca: Remember one of the five lucky ones will receive a special prize beyond their imagination
now these are the instructions.

*Scene to Mike Tv. House*

Mike: On February 1 I'll wait for you at the factory at 10 in the morning and if you want, a member
of your family will be able to accompany you if you want, see you soon Willy Wonka.

*Scene to Charlys House*

Charlies Mother: 1 of February, is TOMORROW!!!

Primary Grandfather of Charly: So there is no time to lose charlie, wash your hands, your face,
your teeth, get dressed and comb your hair well.

Secondary Grandfather of Charly: And wipe your pants.

Primary Grandfather of Charly: Oh, yes.

Charlies Mother: It would be better to calm down, first we have to decide this, who will go with
Charlie to the factory?

Primary Grandfather of Charly: I'll go, I'll take it, leave it to me.

Charlies Mother: What do you think you should not go.

Charlies Father: Well, Grandpa Jose seems to know more about this than I do and besides, he
already looks better.

Primary Grandfather of Charlie: YUPIIII.

Charlie: We will not go, they offered me 500 dollars for the ticket, the money will serve us more
than the chocolate.

Secondary Grandfather of Charly: Young man, come here, there is a lot of money outside and they
print much more every day but listen to me carefully there are only five winning tickets in the
world and only those will be only one idiot would change this so common for money, are you

Charlie: No, sir.

Secondary Grandfather of charly: Then clean your pants, the factory is waiting for you.


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