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Why did you choose nursing

Name: Glaiza Mae P. Berongoy

Course & Section: BSN 2A

I choose nursing because I always liked helping people. What I love

about nursing is that it is constantly changing there are so many things
you can do professionally. I wanted to be a nurse because it is my
dreamed profession. It is honored to help people in terms of their health
issues. When we go to hospital I see a nurses many of them and i was
happy because i feel like when you help someone that is having difficulty
in health conditions you are like a hero. It takes a special kind to fill all of
those roles the way nurses do, and nurses are one of the front liners that
helps many of people. Being a nurse it offers a unique opportunity to help
people work towards achieving a healthy state of being one of the most
important aspects of life. I thought about what I could do to be someone
who helps others and make myself happy. Nursing was really the ideal
option. Iwant to be that advocate for patients. Its a career that helps you
save lives

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