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Fluid Mechanics Module-2 Buoyancy and Fluid Kinematics Buoyancy: Definition, center of buoyancy, meta center and meta centric height its application. Fluid Kinematics: Velocity of fluid particle, types of fluid flow, description of flow, continuity equation, Coordinate free form, acceleration of fluid particle, rotational & irrotational flow, Laplace's equation in velocity potential and Poisson's equation in stream function, flow net. [Module -2 | Buoyancy Kher a@ body °s Snmesed Poa {USI , an Upword force 9s exerted oy he FUSd 00 “the body .“Ih?s upward free? Equal 10 ‘he wergsl Pte flutd Asplaced by He bedy %s Called the force Ff te Louoyancy. Os. The vertical ward foree 00 ‘the Submerged bedy 6 called Bawyad force. Due 10 louoyast force , the Submerged bydy will Slats 40 ree the Fluid which 2s Callecl as “Buoyancy’ Awchtmed's Psfrctole_ “ales @ body Ps Genenersed Completely 04 porifally je es led 0% buoyed by a force equal 10 re wegnt of flutd Afsplaced by, He body” ee RT —~ 1 Ge” 2 FFTTTTEIID) 4— 08% ee ©) © ft on Consrder fully Submerged bedy ff any arbtary Shape as Showe Fo Kigure let AB" be tbe elemental ship area ‘dA" de Pr & Pa be Be pressure Sotenstly f pr A 88 he Pactints Gree mmface Nand B Lor toszortal direction as Shown Pu figne (a) Peace | Faz paxda | Now total pesto @ Elemerst ‘A eo is ap = Fre = Bda- Pada de- daCR-Pe) Ditgaating above fas far. (-Fe) {an F = (Pax Pa) A whe Pe gh Now f= Pa as ba > ba (Hosizental bd) < Telal boefzodal force on tee body %s Zao (FO) hel tye Conticles vatical clemald AB as Shown fou) Total parses on ele ‘AB ce- Fr-Fe =(Pr-R) da de = da CPa-Pa) Drbyaatng above eq "8 \ de Jide (Py - Pa) te (Pa- Py) a wha Ps §gh Pa = §gha Pa = egha from Figuers ‘€ (b) Pe ($5bn - S$he)a Fe §ga Cha ~ha) ha —he = height fee bocy(H) §G§ Height xAaca = ype = Veluwe (Vv) of Floatation , Consider a eclemedt with weight W' acting through the CG Pn vatically downward frection. The broyed Dre’ ‘F Ps acting rug bh Be Centre 2, vertically upoard recon fm Sowne tire? with ‘wi The Patoctple & Flocting 25 amaly sid by these effet Cose. cnee-3 Case-t i Ty W>F (FG) —— —---- | then te body will Seon. - ae : 7 oe Cose-2; Ti w=F on (G =) l. S) ann Hen the body vw?!) tematn Bese = ass tastde the dequid . Gse-33 Th wer 4 Mad & Hien tre body will floats, The wemght of tbe bedly Ps equal to the buoyast forca, Aefs Concept 78 callecl Princple of Floatation. Mela - Centre Sts defined as Be port about which a boy Slate oer lector when the body Ps Hed by a Seal angle. of Ho % the Pett ol volich the Ifoe of aclton f the force of buoyancy wll meet the noamal oxPs of Ye body Ps gtver a Sal angular Asplacement. Netmel et jn md Sipiacenes! Fe i a) Qoosedee Q body Hocting Poa Wqutd as Shoon 2m Couve, lel body 5 2 gquilfbafum and @ 2s the Centre of Gaovity and 'B the Centre of buoyancy. Fox gquilfbatum both the pefots le erie noumal axte which 9s Vateal, bel We bedy °s gen a Small engular Asplacemedl fo the Clockusfse section AS SGown 2 figure &), The Centre ef buoyancy, Which 95 “the Centre of Grout ty { He Hsplaced Wiquecdd 08 Centre F Grow?ty Ff the portion Af ee body Sub merged Poliquid, oR be Shifted towards Ags Fro the normal ovis. deal 8 Ps al B, as show to come (6). Ge ine ff aetion of the force of louwyaney 95 ‘hs nes postion, ‘yell Poterseél the noamal ont of te body ct Some pots! Soy MISES pefot MY es callecl "meta Cortre” Meta - Cerstvic Hetbt_ The estance beboeen the meta- Cobe of a float IIbody and the Cestre of growtty Gf he body 9s Called Mela - Centric tetght Meta Centric Hetybt can be deleentned by too meltods 1) Anslyteal 04 Theoaetical roetree 2) Expetmental Meltrod Aoalyteal Method. Consider floating body % Equilibyiun as Shows So fgure @). The body %s gfven Sight angular dtplace- mesl 8m clocewke Pacction lence B 2s shift B and Cds the M&A al axes al pote M. as shown in fg, (6) Tre Aisiance GM Sepresenls Meta centic +etgln. ! Due to angular dts lacerres! Py Clocwwhse bPsection tee pepe COC’ %6 Submerged and 1h< postion Aon 68s ted up. Th?s Concd?tion vepresenls gefe en lountert Foxce onthe atglsl Side and loss Po bayer force 90 the left Sede Constder a0 elemental St-fp &f Ahickness ‘ox al stance ‘x’ {ron pakeo Coc! Now Area of Strip = Height x Thickaess = LX OxAx Volune of strip = Area x Leng CA) = @£Od2 ¥L webb Ff ship = 89x Volume 8g xOde L Simtlany , fa Small strip of thickness dx al a Afstance a fom 0 towards he fa f the axfs Ps Corstdered, the vodht of step voll be Sgxedal . he top vodylais Are acting 2 e oppostte Aecther and hence constitute a wee The monact of 46% couple = WB of each Slofp % Distance blw too Weights dm» = $9 OvLaclx xCx+x) dm = QOL Wda The moment f tre Couple for Compl bey M. = fasgel oda. a) Moment f Couple due to Shiftin FB Catre Ff Looyarcy et d from B08 - Pxee fe x Mx = We BMxO ---- hee w= Fo Now Equatiog &4" 6) amd @) { 2sger eda s WxBMxO H289f aides pi r8M x whee Lxda = da @ arg jeda = wWeem .----- Bul ASIA = Secwnd Monest of area f the +op view at te Uautd Suxface aloval the Y¥ “Vox Wweda -T er) Subst gf @) fo £4? @) 9g7P = wx Bm As per Machimed es Praneiple Weft F beady (Ww) = weit F dquid ditplced (85V) gm. S22 . $89 Ww SAN ame 2 Vv from fs Mela Centric hefaht = whee 2 > Moment of Inatia af the floating body VE Volume af the body Submegedt fo rete BG Diklance betweers Centre of gaowtty anal Gate f Buoyorcy = = > aD ‘Stabeltty | g Submerged and Floating Bodes, Staley cfa Submerged Bocy. The positien f Center of gray and Centre £ buoyancy fn cose f a Completely Subrnergecl bedy ore Fixed, Consider a balloon, which fs Corplelely Subrmera ed footy, Let the lower portion f ee balloon contafas heavier melenal. So that MS Centre gaavety 2c lower than P's Centre a buoyancy as showr #4 . La the wetyit Of atre ballooo 26 wi , The wetgrt W Ps acting ‘trough 'G) vertically clownwards whele buoyasl fire fe (aye Stable CqubliGatum — (b) Unstable quilt @ Newt) Equtlionin &) Stable guiliatun § Whe lsh and Bs above G, then He bedy Ps Sed to be Po Stalsle EqualPGxture bb) Dostable Guflibstum § Df wiz Fe bul Centre of buoyancy Bote Celowtne Give f gaovtty C) Newleal EquiltGatun: DE w-Fe bul Goth Centre of lunar 'B ame) Centse f Grow? ‘@) one al the Some orl Aben bedy Ps Sad 40 be Nedral Equilfostun. r = fa % | 2 : | Safe : l lg @), Stable EquelPaPun () Usstatle Equelebseum. *) Stable Cquilibstun! TE Ae neta Centre (ma) Poict &s above (G) Centre f Gpowtty thes +t floating body wPll be Stalle Equilfbeiun b) Unstable Equililoriun? Th te Meta Centre(™) Potot 2 below centre f growtty @) the he floating body will be unstable Equilibatuce : ° ©) Neutral Gquilibatums L0 tee point OM) Meta Contre Oud Cente f grav? G) are al tee Same pot ren tow boay te NutAed Equilibaivan : Lm 2 Equiltbstiue | Cloattoy Body Sulomerged Ba Stable — |Mp¢ above G| B°S ahave G Unstable |p eg eto |B Ps Com | PieGan Jog Gone Netrial On: Sone Point Om Some Porat Experteretal Melted to elaine Meta-Ceninie Heit The Mela-Centake heghl Pa Floatiog taoely. ox vessel Con be cSetewnPred of we Know the Centre f Gaaw ety ¢ ; Floating body 08 nee (pb Telted body. Constdee a' vessel on body feeating su fwd, A Sonal elemat fs placed al Abe ceare ef vessel atl tOP Surface as Sou Pw Figue det A = Weight & vessel 0% body. W, = weight 4 Small €lemest G = Centre gf Gaan Ply B 2 Cente of Buoyancy. when elenent 25 digplacea) fr One position to Onother posites ot distance af 'x! fav Centee. tren tne Vessel om bety 2 tilted to om le Cas Shown %o Fees lien verse ts Hed He poset 'G! anal IB totes nee positions. Gi ont “@'” “The roomecl clueto change of Centre f Gaowtty . 2 Gq! xu = Ix Gmdan® - - - @) “The reoment Aue to et plete! f moo = ne ln Now equoting €q" G) and @) Wire = WeqmxtanD => Fluted Kinematics Fiutd Finemelics 96 te rank of fUutd mechanics which deals wile the motion g¢ ftufd Porticles yortGoert cons exten Ge force GET the motieroa Fld motion. Metrots of Descrthfag Puss motor The flurd notion %3 cleseafled by 400 mettode da aangian Metbod 2) Eulavan Method Rie F Pasticle @ oLag Rangiar Metbod Tine Kagaangian Method ! est Legrangiar melood a ak ogle ftatd posticle °s Constderd and fallowed custng e!S motren,aod fis veloetty . acceleration , lenerty cure hescaPloecd, Tine Eulatan MetGod 3 Te Glarus mMetrod the flutd motion 92 dutied at a peiticulas pest OK bectior aud Velocity acceleration density al “ter pot Pe AesexPloed. 1a) ©) Culatan Metrod Veloetty of Flute) Particle Velo? by 2g omporlos! Charecleristic voliich 26 Used 40 descatbe ‘Ihe motion f fuusd. Velocity Ps vedor quay ie W has bots roagattude and Aftection. | det @ fusd particle drawer ctisierce ‘ds” at timed” ldhen the veloctty f fd pestiele Ps gives by let veloePty Vector al any pet 2s wesolved Pato tence, Componerts Uv, Ww in ay,Z dtaectO>. Sentlarly Ax, dy, and ol, are the Componedts of ehispla terse ds’ ta x Ye iret ae Now the velocity Po x YZ ciaections Ps Given by a =-2he > Ve a 2 von de Y means the velocty ‘V’ om 28'S Components Uv andl w are He function of Spr CG. .%) and puwe (4) Hence ve feu y 2d us {Cas 4 4% 4) ve blu 2 4) Ne As Cy ¥ 2.4) Se Vector form Be ‘Vveloetty Vector P65 given by Ve urs + WK. Types of Puitel Plo The fiutd ftow are caasifies ac: 1) Steady and Unsteady flows. ¥) Uniforrs amd Po-oniforrs Flows i) damfnar Ome ttloulert flows. iv) Compvess®lle and Lntompress?ble flows. 1D Rotational and Passlatroral flows. Lv he, tw00 and Gree- dimenstocal flows. | Steady Flows Steady fiow %s effaced as thal type flow 8P which the fiutd characlertstics Use Veloc?ty6y) pressure (PD, chernsrty (3) ete at a pete do- al Chang volts time. i OP. ‘op ar <0 e ov Gf .0 ar 78> Josteady Flow $ Uncleady flow Ps defined astral tpe £ feos 9n volith tHe velocfty(y, Pressure®), den sPty@) at a potat changes with vopecl totime. fe. Ov OP ao, 7 ma Po- FeO, go | Untfornn Plows § Uniferra flow #8 defioed as that ype £ Hiow %e which the velocPly at any QWer time does ool charpes voit respect +0 Spree. Noo -UaHtorm Floos 8 Non- Uniform Flow ee al type of flow , bch ° to which the yeloePty at ay Given -Hene changes woHt® ‘eopel to Space 2. #0 | Kamtoar Flows $- olamioa flow Ps defied as teal oe of floo fo which the fluPd ticles neve calosg worl hs and all ‘Ihe Shears foes streyht and parallel. Lf ‘te Reynolds Numba es less an 2000 ery -Ire fev 26 Called olamPoar, Tialulest Floss. Tughuled Flo Pe teal type of Mow Gry which the fuk particles enoves fn Zig "Zag. ay Due to the movmest of particles en Zig-Zag voayt, He eddtes fexnation takes place which are Score fon +h enagy loss. Hf Be Reyoolds Nusbea °S moe eens qoo0 “then He ofS Turbulert, Goo Pble Flow? Comprecstole Flas Ps ttc ee ef flow fr which te enstty of He fiutd Changes From pefst +0 eat, that Pe ee Sene?ty f fits P¢ oot coactont. " gf crate Fos do wht the denstty of tre fiu'd Pe Constast fn “ee foutd fo. R= Constants s Tp Comaparsetele Piso 3 Trdomprcsstble floo Ps treat type ¢ fox Atquids ore Tncompressfole vwlvle geass are Compressice Rolattoral Flow Rolattonal fiow Ps thet type of fiow fr wold the fuurd particles vole flowy alloog Sth ear-liner also Seteles about tues Con axes, TLasot attoral Flows? Laaotattonal flows Ps ‘lel ty pe tn which the (ued particles while flow? aloog strean eres do oct stale abeal ets Con Axks that type f flow %s Called Pagglatooal Flow, Qhe-Déneostpnal Flowe 2- Tn tats type F flow fey wlecn Flow povarnet Cuch as Velocity %6 a fancte ef tone land 8ne Space Co-ost?rate only Souy (x) Mathematically, ys fe , VEO and w-0 Two-Dimensfonal Flows Tn tafe type ftow fe wolich thre veloc? ty Ps a fasten eatiece Oud 00 veclang ulay Space Coordinates Say andy MatrensaAfcally ufc, v4,ce¥) ond woo. Terese Dimenstonal Flewe § Tis ters type of flow fm whith Hie velocty Ps a functteo of time and thee mutually P endiculay cfrectrens. “P Lnathenattcaly urhCr-%2) > 97 $.Ca.4, 2), 0 =f4Ca,y, 2) Rete. of Flow oa Dischorge Ce) qa ps dined as ite quenitty ef a [utd Flowtog per Second tErsoughs Q SectPe, fo pipe ok a chandel. Axyv 9 6- Dischong (2) N= theyre of Sechoo (w?) ye pectin, Veloctty cf fure ts) | Contfrutly Equation ¢ - “he Equation bases 06 the pHeeple f Con sewatie Ff rnase Ps called Contfnisrty Equotten. Constde- two ls of a fpe as oe Po fou @) Nona” Iv. 8) Ar DizcctPo> © jw OF ees T bane a ! f foo ac “@) eee t od v= Pug Veloety at de® 2 Ais Area of pepe at © Gr Deostty al Section © bud Vo,Ay ame & owe Co! valver at aati rn “Be gate flow al SectierO = AM “Ihe note f feo ot Sector ©) = 0 Asvo aac tao of nome Contewati Or, Rale f flow ol section = Bate f Eq? © Pe Itable Cornpress? ble [low ar r Soo al sechen @ TL Re fuutd?s er Cormpress? ble Men Y= 0p en 5 © — bewmem " Conlionaty Equation tox ree Dimensional fiow [Cartesian] f leng is dx, dy and dz Coastder a fiutd elenesl U, Vamed Ww Be Pr the Atgechen F wz, tand 2. del ‘the Polet veloely Componesis Po 4. Yau 2 disectien Verpectively. ° Macs of fiutd erlising “the face Bed per Seconcl = § x Veloctty Pa K- “Alsection x Avea of ABCD = RXUX Ayxde Theo the mass f futd olemag Ihe face EF EH = Cudydz + Opa (Sudyaaddx Gain F mass So X Afectien = Mase Hraug, ABCD —Mass Wrrough EFatT 2 Cudydz — ( Sudydz + Be Qudydzda ) You Suduayds Staflesly fo Y-elfacetion Whe nel gefo of conss = & pv aluclyde Oud % z-ctigect On 2 gv daclyete Z Nal gate Ff roasses = -[Zaw +2a + 2c |dadve mo The roass Pf {utd Rothe elemedl Ps Gidx.dy.d2 and te gcle f Fotrease yoFlt Mfmne ts BE Ch-day-da) oA Be Caner) oe @ Eauating eq © aod © — [oncony +Bp cry +B thoy [peed = FS destra) ° 8 2 7 ba) +e C9) +2 (Ga) =0 | = aaa -@ The above fq? %s tbe Conttourty Equation Pn Casles?an Co-ordinates Pn FS most genaal fox. The above fq ?e applicable -to 1 Steady and instead flows Pox Steady flow a =o thee €q?®© becomes 2 a) “Pcw) +2-Go) 20 a) Compresstlle and Pndornpresetlle fies. Oy Ake fluted & cmprestile the $= ‘then above ea* Ge Come + Ou ,2@v_ {OH Or* OY Oz 38) Unihen curd ron-Untfoun flow a Veloc#ly ame Acceleration del 'V' Pe he tesultenl velocty al amy post Gn o fluid flow. det Usvand ~ Cre Pt!s Componecris fo HYD APgection “opel The vdlocPty Cmponesls are functions of Space -Coox— trates and time. Mathewatically ,the veloe?ty Componels ore anes by uf. Caye,) v =f, Co, ye, Ye) ~Lilayeb) and he Recullant velodly ViFUla vit WK = Vuts vr del Oa, Ay ama Gy are Ihe “total accebsation” ev, Yand Z Afxection Ferpecttvely, Mw , By Chafn Guile of differentiates, we have. du Qu ide | Qu dy | Ou de | Oh Oa * A at yOu, a at ~ Ox at Oo dt * oc at or Bul An _y ay and dz. iy di” At = "7 at , - du Ou 9 a Oe = 2 2 ue 4 wu Qu , Ou a on Oy 2 * Oh. bintlady Oy = us uv ove, 0 eo ov dw u eee Oe Oe = et Uo 1 vee +w ee fox Steoely Flow oy =O, Whee VW % oe eae ‘Ou Ov JO =0,2- -0 Owd W, | “oO ‘ot ot ~° Now acceleratton Pn HY Z Aaection becomes. On SE 2 U BU Be 4 iy De OY Oz al 7 ay = & ABE VD. ow Oe d ax 2 ude .v Ow , Oo FT Oe Oy * oe Acceleiattan Veetog AZ Ox? taS+ark 5 \ Og +0? + a? Local Accelasotfen § Jt 2s the fate Ff Sncrease of Veloe?ty WP creopert to Hime ad a giver pe ena flow freld . ; - Dn = Atay = uu + Ou Ou au Ox O he tem CXlDt 26 odocal accclaration, s¢mntlarly Ov and Be ao t Convective Acelasatiens St Ps tee gale & change af velo- Ce due-lo the e Peo 2, © Chang Pos fued les . fuutd flow. t % peste he tam: otha +Ban O4 Ov gd Ou hnteddilias Ol He One my Oe Known a6 Convective accelatalten Veloctty. Polentfal Function and Sacer femelion. Velocty Potential function Gt fs 9 Scalar function f Space ard tine Such “thal PS oegative DePuedlPve wPits rearpen 4o any dBecttes gfvec the velocPly Po ABal dPAectten, Mailbemattaally B= Flay,z) fon Steady Flow Sue - O26 |. 0 wor OB Mel igg eo age ree Bal “the Velty Componerle Qn Cy lRondital polar coordtoates Qn terns Ff Neloety potertl Foc ore giver by = OP 1 Ug ee 2 ‘Op O7 Ue = In Where Uy = VelvePty Componil Pn Aeclial dfrechier Ue = Velodty a ce tangential Atie ch on. The Negative Sis. fndicales IGal the value f of decreases oPt®, Prtreace en “Bye Values of a, yaudlh, Tr means the flow es always 2%, Ate APrcction of decreasing g Now ‘the — ContPou? &q* fo $ estible ¢| fas i. te : pu i mane e Stencly 0% Oy Ox Sutostttution uv aud wo en above gq = OF , We , OD _, le— Ths ga" &s a 2 2 “ as Ox OY 2 daplace Equation | “Properties Lhe Potential Runelions The sotational Components ore grven by W, = 'b ou. “2 ) On OY, vO Dus: mye ‘fa ( Sy - eu. Ow — Ov a2 by Coy oz ) Now Sabostiating veloily Cubent in abot &47 we = a [aC B4)-2 CB)] =. - gt, ae") Gp G fs a Cottourus fumetion ten Sb Be oct When Wy = Wy =, =O whe, Aoletional Cornponeci's Gre Zuo the flow &s ergotattonal . Hence the prepares NO VF Awe velocty putential @) ests the Flow shoutd be of potential function @xsoletional. a) PF the VelocPty potential @) Scl?sGes tre deplece Equation, tt *epresents the PossPble Steady incom — pressible Pxhotatfenal flow. Strears functtorlP) § 4 es dened ac tee Scalar fences f Space aud Hee Such Wat 248 potential et yatives wiih wespesl to any direction gryes the puelediy Commpones at asabal ome do (cl derection Mathematically PafOG4td -- ~~ unsteady flo Werf) ..---- Stead flow fox two d fmenstonal bv awd OV _| Oe =v ay au ov We Costtovtly Eq? for 4wo dimenstooal Ps Me Now Saleskiiog uand UU above 4% y oY aw ~ bioy * doy = D4 means, any function Y which p6 possPble case f flow, The ficw may Ge Aotatfooal 0A Pmotatiooal The sotational coroner Oy = ie Be Oe o = b (alee) -(Bce)] wo = Io eee Be Oe ae eapotation? Floo Wy 2B, OV a Be tay? Continuous 26 a Psa deplace Equetio gn which the Cauenslenttal Aone o Tt Ps the lene alen paeial function) 26 Conclanit J pe Constaxtl /. dpeo | fo5 steady ftow g-fCa.4) dg - Op oe . ae py ty =? Bul ‘Og ee auc Of yy Ov” ui dg = -udx —vdy =o udy +vdy co oy Lu a” + Kw. Strean Ae 8 Ti Ps the re along which 4 shvcaw Lurction Y PS conslavil. We Constast dy =o for Steady fur p= f(xy) aly > BY ay + OY ay 20 de aN and Op | fn % oy oT dy = vida —u-dy =0 SL iv A2z- a The Product of slope gf &que potential dine amd Stream dive fevers Equations fe -Uly # Mia = We paodacl of Slopes Ff too lies Ps —1 ) bperce the two [Pres One oxteagooal to each oser, Yh Slrcarndfae Ww | eon se to gquépotenttal Live GB) Fob How net § Th % a gard (net) obtatned by dressing a | Elow_ net sates of equspotential Ienec and streon ogy 2s called | Flow ne. | 94 2s aaphical ep seal so ef fagetationel floo en wo Ui mensigus, Relation between Shream function aud rvelocly poterial ftir _ ow ve 08 Lo. veloc We Krow Me Ox and OY . wiodeal ond y _-ae J Ve + Ov Wem py ane Ot Skream fonction, Thess Composing Goth funbens OG OY amd V= sea Dine = Dy Pi a Pry --Ov BE = 2% amd (OY Be Types ef Matton ¢ Dusting Ihe rmetion fa fined, a flutd particles Lunderge ony One 04 Combination of oiiootog ‘fous type f | Lisplaconert | 4. Ltreow Translations rae. flutd pesticle moves laadtly fn Such away thal dhe two axte alo and sPtiOn Sab and Cel. | cd have Ahern re ested by AB and cid! and ou patel Ae) 2 dincar Deforonation S Th athe fiutel posticle gete deformed On Wneav APrectior -dusfog jie ftutd movenil So tat two ' axes alld oud c'd of defamed posticle ore el to deu axts fab amd cd of Be Undeloumed postiele. 12. Angular Defoumations TL fs the av v2 contatred by two adjacet stdes. het 08, and AB: Po th C © fn le bebween two adjacest Side of a fied element: then erage Aehamatin fs gtven by Rotation 2 St Ps the mmovenet fa flutd element en such a way thal bel Ff Ms ax Aotes Pm tee Same director Mathewchically ?s equal +to be (4 ah fox two démensional element: Vertictty > fa ts defined ae the value twice f the gotation and hence Pt os give Ob G =olW ZA llacademy ‘always with you For Free Online Classes Click on The Below Link FSX3wpkiw For Notes and Previous Question Papers Click on The Below Link

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