Third Periodical Test 22 23

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


NAME: ___________________________________ DATE: ____________
GRADE AND SECTION: __________________

GENERAL DIRECTION: Read the following questions comprehensively. Write the letter of
the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of vocal music of Mindanao?
A. throaty sound C. fixed rhythm
B. melismatic singing D. uses tremolo
2. Why is Mindanao music different from Luzon and Visayas folksongs?
A. Because the Spaniards were not able to penetrate Mindanao during
their era.
B. Because Mindanao has a different set of instruments for their songs
C. Because most recording companies are situated in Luzon and Visayas.
D. Because their way of life is different.
3. Aside from rituals, which of the following is the other purpose of Islamic music?
A. sports C. entertainment
B. education D. birthdays
4. What do you mean by Tausug?
A. Moro people C. People of Mindanao
B. Muslim people D. People of the current
5. The music of Mindanao has not changed for a very long time. What character
traits do this show?
A. The people of Mindanao are not open for changes.
B. The people of Mindanao are only patronizing what is from them.
C. The people of Mindanao value their culture and tradition.
D. The people of Mindanao are not open-minded people.
6. What are one of the literary art forms of our Muslim brothers and sisters?
A. Epic B. Ballads C. sindil D. Tremolo
7. What kind of percussion instrument is the kulintang?
A. Drum C. gongs in a row
B. hanged gong D. large gong
8. What kind of instrument is gandang?
A. drum C. gong
B. flute D. hegalong

9. Which of the following refers to a pair of four slim gongs?

A. bebendir C. tungallan
B. kudyapi D. gandingan

10. Why does the kulintang can only be seen in Mindanao?

A. The Spaniards associated the instrument to Islam.
B. Mindanao is rich with brass and copper.
C. There are more women players in Mindanao.
D. This instrument is heavy and difficult to transport.

11. Which statement supports the idea of the Tausug people using bamboo as the
main material for instrument production?
A. A. Tausug people create bamboo instrument because it is their hobby.
B. B. Bamboo is the best replacement for metal instruments.
C. C. In terms of industrial arts, most farm and household items are made of
D. bamboo.
E. D. Bamboo is the only material available in their area.
12. Which of the following statements best describe/s the uses of Suling among
the Yakan?
A. It is used to lull a baby to sleep.
B. It is used in courting women.
C. It is used to express different sentiments
D. It is A, B, and C
13. How is Palendag described?
A. It is a ring flute.
B. It is a bamboo reed flute.
C. It is a lip valley flute.
D. It is a transverse flute.
14. It is a two string lute.
a. Kudyapi
b. Violin
c. Lute
d. Guitar
15. Kudyapi is not just a musical instrument. It is a symbol of _____________.
a. Power
b. Love
c. Confidence
d. Life

 16. ______1. What do you call the vehicle of the god Vishnu and dubbed as the sun bird?
a. Agila b. Dragon c. Garuda d. Sarimanok

17. Who are the most prominent ethnic group in Mindanao?

a. Manobo b. Bagobo c. T’boli d. Atta

18. It is a hand-woven cloth by the T’boli which is made from abaca fibers.
a. Sinamay b. Tinalak c. Jusi d. Pinya

19. What do you call the ancestral home of the Maranao?

a. Panolong b. Torogan c. Okil d.Okir

20. Why is Malong important to the Mindanaoans?

a. They use it for cultural activities. b. It is part of their life from birth to death.
c. They wear it for fashion. d. It is for cultural heritage of the town.

21. What does Lumad mean?

a. Land of the Maranao b. Indigent People c. People from the Land d. Indigenous People

22. What element of design is used in Okir a impangkat?

a. Zigzag b. Curve c. Horizontal d. Circular

23. It is a place where Islam was introduced.

a. Zamboanga b. Jolo c. Sulu d. Davao

24. What motif is used by the Maranao weaver?

a. Sarimanok b. Flower c. Animal d. Shapes

25. What motif is used in Kabban buddi?

a. triangle shape b. circle c. flower d. animals

26. The Kaamulan Festival is derived from the word ‘amul’ that literally means
a. to harvest b. to move c. to gather d. to sing
27. Which of the following agency safeguards the rich culture in Mindanao?

28. Why does a woman weaver abstain from sexual activities in order to weave a tinalak?
a. They believe that the design is a gift from God.
b. The design is very intricate to do, so they should rest.
c. They should prioritize doing it based on their culture.
d. It is a leading exporter of world-class furniture in Southeast Asia.

29. How will you distinguish the T’boli cloth?

a. The color is dark and accented with red and white patterns.
b. The design is very complicated.
c. The patterns are usually made of diamond.
d. The dominant color for each pattern is red.
30. The artisans and craftsmen in Tugaya, Lanao are specialized in _______craft.
a. Rattan b. Woodcarving c. Bamboo d. Pinya

31. A set of skills that one should possess in order to perform physical activities.
A. Physical Activity B. Exercise C. Physical Education D. Physical Fitness
32. Cardiovascular endurance is important for you to become sprinter. Which activity
promotes the development of the component?
A. 3 to 5 Kilometer Run Regularly B. Brisk Walking C. Yoga D. Zumba Dancing.
33. Cardiovascular fitness, body composition, flexibility, and muscular strength are the
specific test for one component of physical fitness. What component is being described?
A. Skill-related physical fitness.
B. Health-related physical fitness
C. Socially-related physical fitness
D. Emotionally-related physical fitness.
34. A skill-related component that assure stability and maintenance of an upright posture
while still moving and doing routine activities.
A. Agility B. Power C. Reaction Time D. Balance
35. Mr. Iverson is fun of playing basketball but still he has to practice dribbling while
walking to develops his;
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Flexibility
Direction: Draw the following fundamental position in dancing. Left and Right
Arms Feet
36. First Position 37. First Position

38. Second Position 39. Second Position

40. Third Position 41. Third Position

42. Fourth Position 43. Fourth Position

44. Fifth Position 45. Fifth Position

46. It is designed as the physiological and emotional responses to a significant or
unexpected change in one’s life.
A. Eustress
B. Stress
C. Distress
D. Stressor
47. It refers to a positive and healthy response of the body from a stressor.
A. Eustress
B. Stress
C. Distress
D. Both A & C
48. It refers to the things that make a person stressed.
A. Eustress
B. Stress
C. Distress
D. Stressor
49. It is a negative reaction of the body towards a given stressor.
A. Eustress
B. Stress
C. Distress
D. Both A & C
50. The body changes that occur from experiencing stress is called general adaptation
syndrome or GAS. How many phases are there in this syndrome?
A. 4
B. 3
C. 6
D. 2
51. One of the stages in GAS, it is when a person experiences the “flight or fight feeling.”
A. Alarm Stage
B. Resistance Stage
C. Adapting Stage
D. Exhaustion Stage
52. One of the stages in GAS, it is when the body has already responded to the stressor.
A. Alarm Stage
B. Resistance Stage
C. Adapting Stage
D. Exhaustion Stage
53. One of the stages in GAS, it is when a person slowly loses the energy to manage the
A. Alarm Stage
B. Resistance Stage
C. Adapting Stage
D. Exhaustion Stage
54. It is a misguided reaction to foreign substances by the immune system.
A. Cardiovascular Disease
B. Asthma
C. Allergy
D. Cancer
55. __________ is a chronic lung disorder that causes airways to become inflamed, which
means that they swell and produce lots of thick mucus.
A. Cardiovascular Disease
B. Asthma
C. Allergy
D. Cancer
56. The typical sign and symptoms of this NCD are raised red welts or swollen marks and
intense itching.
A. Allergic Shock
B. Hives
C. Rhinitis
D. Sinusitis
57. It typically occurs when the allergen is eaten or injected. It is also a life threatening
reaction that can affect a number of organs at the same time.
A. Allergic Shock
B. Hives
C. Rhinitis
D. Sinusitis
58. It is the disease of the heart and blood vessels.
A. Cardiovascular Disease
B. Asthma
C. Allergy
D. Cancer
59. ____________ is an abnormality in the hearts structure that you’re born with.
A. Cardiovascular Disease
B. Congenital Heart Disease
C. Congestive Heart Failure
D. Cancer

60. Is the inability of the heart to keep up with the demands on it, with failure of the heart
to pump blood with normal deficiency.

A. Cardiovascular Disease
B. Congenital Heart Disease
C. Congestive Heart Failure
D. Cancer
1. B
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. C
9. D
10. A
11. C
13. C
14. A
15. A


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46. B
47. C
48. D
49. C
50. B
51. A
52. B
53. D
54. C
55. B
56. B
57. A
58. A
59. B
60. C

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