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The table illustrates the total number of bus trips made before and after having an introduce of a

mobile application for bus navigation and timing. While the two pie charts show the satisfaction of
passengers with the trip through the surveys during the same two periods. And=as well as trc vas au khi ap
dung bus mobile.
It is noticeable that due to the new app introduction, both the number of total bus trips made and
the satisfaction of the passengers are much higher than before.
During the year before app introduction is 19-millions. The very satisfied and satisfied passengers
during this year is made up only 45% while those who were dissatisfied with the trips is accounted for 50%
and other 5% is no respond.

However, during the year after the introduction of the app, the number of trips rat dang ke
increased to 24-millions with the number of who is positive with this (very satisfied and satisfied
passengers) is increased to 85%, which is twice as much as before. Only 10% people who don’t satisfied
with the trip and the percentage of those who don’t respond is the same as before.

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