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” ooo wna caearail This course is for participants who will use a MELSEC-Q series Ethernet module for the first time. * Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corp. Copyright ©2014 Mitsubishi Electnc Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Lvayoo112ENG eects a a -§ Purpose of This Course This course is designed to provide basic knowledge regarding Ethernet modules for those who use the MELSEC-Q series Ethemet modules for the first time. This course should give a participant a better understanding of the Ethernet module's data exchange formats, specifications, settings, and start-up procedure. ‘This course requires the basic knowledge of FA networks, MELSEC-Q series programmable controllers, sequence programs, and GX Works2, Taking the following courses is recommended before starting this course. 1. MELSEC.Q Sories Basics Course 2. GX Works? Basics Course 3. Intelligent Function Module Course eects a a -§ Course Structure ‘The contents of this course are as follows We recommend that you start from Chapter 1 Chapter 4 - Ethernet Overview Explains the Ethernet data communication basics. Chapter 2 - Example System Confirmation and System Configuration Explains the network configuration for Ethernet, and Ethernet module specifications and settings. Chapter 3 - Initial Configuration Explains the Ethernet module operation procedures from the start-up to the operation test, using an ‘example system. Chapter 4 - Troubleshooting Explains the network diagnosis procedure for the case ofa failure. Final Test Passing grade: 60% and higher. (WG PLC_Ethemet_ENG How to Use This eeu Cee eet ed Move to the desired page See) earning Tool Go to the next page Back to the previous page “Table of Contents’ will be displayed, enabling you to navigate to the desired page Exit the learning. Window such as “Contents” screen and the learning will be closed Safety precautions ‘When you leam by using actual products, please carefully read the safety precautions in the corresponding manuals. Precautions in this course - The displayed screens of the software version that you use may differ from those in this course. This course uses the following software version: = GX Works? Version 1.493P (WG PLC_Ethemet_ENG lec [ Ethernet Overview coc Chapter 1 provides an overview of the Ethemet data communication. 1.1 Ethemet in the FA Environment 12 Ethemet Basics 13 Summary Ethernet is essential for daily information communications which occur via the factory's LAN, etc. ‘This course explains how an Ethernet module can exchange information with the CPU module and other Ethernet compatible devices. To lear more about the data used for system control, please take the following courses: CC-Link IE Controller Network, CC-Link IE Field Network, and CC-Link Network courses To leam more about RS-232 and RS-422 serial interfaces used for electronic scales, temperature controllers, and bar code readers, elc., please take the following course: Serial Communication Course eects a - Ethernet in the FA Environment ‘There are two main network types in an FA environment: an “information network" and a "control network”. Information network In information network, computers are usually used to send and collect information. Typically, a large amount of information is transmitted by taking relatively a long time ranging from several minutes to several hours. Information network is used to send production instructions to a production site and to receive production status reports from a production site. Network example: Ethernet Control network In control network, programmable contollers are usually used to send and collect information at bit ‘and word format, Typically. synchronization between information and an assembly line operation is required, therefore: relatively a small amount of information is sent in a reliable manner in an interval of milliseconds. Control network Is used to transmit on/off statuses of sensors and actuators, warkpiece position information, and the rotation speed of motors, etc. Network examples: CC-Link IE Controller Network, CC-Link IE Field Network, CC-Link Network oe coo WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG Ethernet in the FA Environment Ethernet is one of the Information network standards, With the increasing need for information links betwen factories and offices in recont years, Ethernet is. gaining popularity as a network standard for sending instructions to the factory floor, and for receiving production status reports. ‘system ‘eministator Information network a Cobects the Information from ‘he factory Ethernet Basics ‘This section explains the TCP/IP, which are the protocols widely deployed by Ethemet, For devices to communicato, both the communication source and destination do. As shown in tho animation bolow, those are similar to the sender's addros an envelope. IP address IP communication is the foundation of TCP/IP communication. In IP communication, each communication device is identified by its IP address (Intemet Protocol address). Normally, these addresses are expressed in decimal and are divided into four 8-bit sections by dots (2.9.. "192. 168.1.1") te ee Example of postal An IP address is not an arbitrary address. When connecting @ device to an existing network, please consult the network administrator to assign an IP address. Port number ‘The actual communication occurs between the applications running on the devices and computers. In IP communication, the communicating applications are identified by their port numbers. In the earlier postal sarvico examplo, is tho “stroot address", and a port number is tho “floor number, ‘The port number ranges from 0 to 65535 (0 to FFFF). Of this, 0 to 1023 (0 to 3FF) are called "Well Known Port Numbers" and unique to each application program. (For example, the email recipient port number is 25, the homepage reference port number is 60, and the fle transfer port numbers are 20 and 21, otc.) For the communication between programmable controllers that are not associated with application programs, the port numbers 1025 to 65534 (401 to FFFE) are used. * Port numbers are expressed in decimal in this section. The values shown in parentheses are in hexadecimal, eee ES Se =. = € EE Communication methods ) Geo ‘There are two main Internet protocol types: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). Data which is sent by TCP can only be received al a TCP port. The features of these two protocols are described below. Protocol name Prod Nght reliable 4:1 communication forma. Before sending any data, the connection with ‘the Gevies is establehed. Ths protoca e sutable for applications in which rekable Gala Vansmissions a requied, uve Data fiom an appcaton is simply sent othe eppcied destination THR prutal SRN ag pissene Sach asa veal nbs moder ofa porsonal comouta ca oP Rolly High Low Procossing spood ‘Siow Fast Connon i to oor ta iaoin Daa reception assurance Yes No Rectansmits automaticaly No retinamiscion See Vaccoraing tothe seting) (packet desarsed) Connection establishment * Requires Not requires Flow contol Yes Ne Congestion contol (rotranstnssion contra) °2 Yes Ne “1: "Connection establishment” is explainad in the “open‘cose procossing” cocton. "2: "Cangestion” refers to a trafic jam af communication packets i the network All the examples given in this course are based on the TCP protocol. (WG PLC_Ethemet_ENG Open/close processing In TCP/IP communication, a dedicated connection (logical line) is established between the own device and its communicating device (other device). ‘Opening (establishing) ths line is referred to as "open processi as “close processing’. ‘There are two types in open processing: “active open’ and "passive open". Communication Example of acl pone __ basse ogensce ) Lnciveeeensie ) _ pesneorensiie) and disconnecting the line is referred to sing ‘Anon tho phono Completes J oner'p lends 9 close processing Completes the =)->' cose = processing Cth A == Open/close processing ooo The activelpassive open type is determined depending on which device has the open authority For example, if a personal computer's program has an open processing program for an Ethernet modulo, the Ethernet module performs a passive open. Open processing + Active open ‘An active open is requested to the other device which is in a passive open (unpassive/fullpassive) condition. In an example of a cell phone, this is equivalent to making a call to a recipient. + Passive open In the passive open condition, the own device waits and receives an open request. In an example of a coll phone, this is equivalent to the standby mode being able to receive a call. There are two types of passive open: fullpassive open and unpassive open. “en device accepts an active open request ony fom a speci netwcrk-comected Ira grarpecig.cql cone. the prone cecpis incoming eae ony fom he pry “The own devies accepts an active open request from any network-connected devices Ivan exampie ofa cal hana, the phona accepts any ineaming cals Freud Shonyrtoue cae. om Prone, the Ph Yy neoming ™ (WG PLC_Ethemet_ENG Open/close processing Close processing Close processing is an operation of disconnecting the connection (logical line), which has been established by open processing, with the other device. After completing the close processing, that, connection line becomes available for another device. In an example of a cell phone, “close processing’ is the equivalent to hanging up a call following a conversation. Open/close processing summary Ifthe Ethernet module has been set as the active open device, its communicating device (other device) will be set as the passive open device. It the other device’s specrfication is fixed, the settings of the Ethernet module must be adjusted as shown in the table below. Poe ee Fapassva 0 ‘Active open Passive open. pe Urpasive open rep Fulpsssve open Passive open le ‘Active open Uapassie ope UF None Nove Summary chapter, you have learned: + Ethernet in the FA environment + Ethernet basics Important points Ethernet in FA environment Cetera pieces Openiclose processing by co Ethemet is an information network for transmiting a large volure of data by taking relatively & tong tr TFB satel forapatcaRone 0 ids daa must Se ransmited + UDP i subioforrealimo monitoring apstcation, of. im Nighi Fokebs manner + TOP's vival dedicated ine is called a "connection" and opering tis connection is called “open processing’. + UDP does not require open processing + Two types of open processing are active open and passive open. + The open processing types must be set correc n order for te devices to establish a cconneation, Chapter 2 explains an Ethernet network configuration, and the Ethernet module specifications and settings, Module Types and Component Names Communication Methods Example System Operations Communication by SLMP ‘Summary To configure an Ethernet network with programmable controllers, an Ethernet module must be used. The previous chapter explained the TCP/IP on which communications are based. This chapter explains tho TCP/IP-based data communication procedure for programmable controllers. WW PLC_Fthemet_ENG i = ea Module Types and Component Names ooo Depending on the communication cables (media) used, an appropriate Ethemet module must be selected Component names and functions ‘amrter-100 aurter1-85 outerse2 ‘There are two main cable types: twisted-pair and oOo coaxial. The twisted-pair cable (LAN cable), with fast transmission speed and easily installable features, is more popular in recent years. For the twisted-pair cable, only the QJ7 171-100 Ethemet module s compatible. This course uses the QJ71E71-100 as an example. Although the QU71E71-B5 and QJ71E71-B2 om modules have diferent hardware, the parameter “— settings and programming, et., ae the same with those of the QU71E71-100 module. o— ee SE >a LED indicator Indicates the module statuses. (2) AJOBASE-T / 100BASE-TX connector Connector which connects the Ethernet module to the 1BASE-T / 100BASE-TX. (3) 1OBASES connector Connector for the 10BASES AU! cable (transceiver cable). “ 10BASE2 connector Connector which connects to 10BASE2 (coaxial cable). (© | __ extemal power suppy terminal wer supply termina for supiying panerto the transceiver (13 28V #0 15.75¥) SS Se Ss ation Methods Data communication methods ‘There ara three main communication methods available to an Ethernet modulo: “predefined protoco!’, "communication by fixed buffer’, and "communication by random access buffer” Although the Ethernet module has other communication functions such as E-mail function and web function, this course will focus on SLMP and predefined protocol support function. 23 type of communication protocal that alos an SLIP compatibe external devion fo acsess fn Eihcme! modulo, CT “The seqd/recaive messages tnifram a SLMP compatible device can be created using the predefined StS suport ureter tthe Etamnot module nae cd ‘Sequence program and personal computer programs that are saved in the pre-set area are sent to or ero) Tocuived fiom a pro-eelaroa of tho olor dovico. Peer Programmable contrallers and other devices, auch as a personal computer, accose @ common area to (cerry dopost or rebiove data “4: The content which has been explained so far can be represented by the hierarchy shown on the right. As shown, the communication protocols exist above TCPIIP. An example of communication protocols is an HTTP (HyperText Transfer ‘TCP (UDPYIP- Protocol), which is used to view wab pages. The SLMP (SeamLess Message Protocol), which is used to access programmable controllers, is on the same Ethernet level with HTTP. ‘SLMP: Seamless Message Protocol. Using the messaging procedure established by CLPA (CC-Link Partner Association), data requests and response messages are transmitted seamlessly across different networks, Active: A device that sends requests. In an IT system, this is a client computer, which requests information to a server computer. Passive: A device that waits for requests. In an IT system, this is a server computer, which waits requests from a client computer. sip HTTP WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG Example System Operations This section explains the example system used in this course ‘The example system consists of "System A’, which controls the factory's manufacturing line, and "System B", which manages the production system in the head office. The two systems are connected to each other by Ethernet. ‘The dally production target Is saved in data register "D100" in the head office's System B. Every day, at the factory production start (System A commencement), System A accesses System B at the head office and retrieves the production target set for the day. ‘The communication protocol "SLMP* is used for data communication between System A and System B. SLMP request side SLMP response side + Active operation (Active open) + Passive operation (Passive: Fullpassive opon) + Station No: + Station No :2 + address: 192.168.02 + iP address: 192.168.03, Factory (System A) Eemet conection kicsronestos to producion target othe day —_ Retums the production arg! to Sycom A aC Ethert 6 Ez = ell Communication by SLMP ) ooo ‘When devices are communicating by SLMP, the data requesting side and responding side ‘communicate with each as shown below. Responding side device Personal computer Requesting side device (SLMP compatiole device) Waits for an open request ftom the requesting side (passive open). Eee SSonds an opan request to the responding Rocolvos the open request from tho “Se (ectve open). requesting | = ot ‘once the connections established, sends reacinglwtting, ete in accordance withthe ‘ut daa tothe responcing side. ‘ata sent from the requesting sive Recaives the response from the responci ‘tor completing the execution, reruns a ‘Sse, and checks he exceation ros ‘spore fo tho requesting 30. Sends a cose request to the responding Receives the close request from the ‘icp, and ond the communication requesting side, end ende communication ‘oparation atthe requesting sido. ‘paraton athe responding sic. Repeat if neosesary WC Ether 6 i. ‘ SLMP request and response messages ooo In SLMP, message units called "frames" are used. As shown below, an SLMP frame consists of several packets assembled in a specific format ‘SLMP request This is the format for sending a request from the requesting side to the (SLMP compatible) responding side. *Inthis course, “Request destination” tables below denotes the SL responding side. Header ‘Subheader Network Szatjon | Request gpstinatjor - Request dea Monitor timer | Request data ore deals willbe exalainod onto next page ‘SLMP response This the format for returning a requesting side. ‘There are two response types: One in which the responding side operation er in.which the operation ended in error. Ifthe operation ended in error, an error code is saved at the "End code”, response from the (SLMP compatible) responding side to the ded normally, and one vxal end Header | Subheader | NEMS | numba | RMIS\SRRAbS? | Resggaghaete | cnstcode aa Err end Header ‘Subhoader (Access (Accoss modulo /O 7 ‘ona ees | sy | Aaa - 1 women | eae | Sees Lig | Endoode | cépente | (@éponse | modus iS ‘sehan) | Sehr) umber WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG _. _. SLMP request and response messages ooo The table below lsts frame elements that require settings by the user. For theso olements, the "devices to read data" and the "devices to store data" must be sot, For details regarding the device assignmont, please refer to Section 3.4.3. tr Desert Hoador Sondireceive | Ethomet, TCPIIP, UOP/P headers are automatically savod Subhoader | Sorel eunber Sendieceive | Sota serial number to relate a request wit its corresponding response. (Optional) Network numbor Sendireccive | Sot tho responding side's notwork number. Station number ‘Sendireccive | Set the responding side's station number Requestdestination module! 1 Sondiraccive | Sot the VO numbors of the rosponcing side CPU modulo. Monitor timer Sond ‘Sot the wail ime for complaing reading/mritng al the responding side Saag doco Send ‘Sette gar covce ruber of ho responding sic’ Sovce area where readingiwing is eavest | Devic code Sond ‘Sette ype ofthe responding side device OC, M.D, ee) ware reaching to be Sumber of dove Sond Sekthe"pumber of device pons fhe oer device where reading ing fo be Response data Receive | Set the area io save the response received fom the responding device Fegest | write data Sond ‘Sot tho area to save tho write data to bo sont to tho responding side. End code (orP 30) | Sot the arzato save tho error code recsived from the responding she. "Request deta’ inchides the following elements: command, sub command, start device number, device code, number of device points, and the write data, The details of “command” and "sub command? are explained onthe fllowing page. (WG PLC_Ethemet_ENG SLMP commands A frame contains an SLMP command that specifies an operation to be performed at the (SLMP compatible) responding side, The tablo bolow lists SLMP command examples. ‘The examples include a command for reading data from the responding side CPU module device, and a ‘command for writing data in a device. con Ere) Dera Type | Operation oom Reads values from the spaced bit device in 7-itunits Read oot + Roads vals rom the apes hit doves in 6-bt units oon + Roads values fom the speciod word davies in word uns. Device oom Wits values to the spec bit doviso in -bt units. Wits wot ooo + Wiles values from the specified bit doves in 16-bit unis + Wes values from the spected word device in -werd units Clear Error 4017 000 “Tums off the Ethernet moles "COM ERR * LED inlcator ‘The Ci part ofthe sub command varies according tothe device being specified (WG PLC_Ethemet_ENG Summary In this chapter, you have leamed: + Module types and component names + Communication methods + Example system operations + Communication by SLMP Important points HERE REE] "Predetind protocar, “xed burer communication”, ‘random access butter Eoin Communicalor" avo te mai data communication inethous. on ‘SLMP communication procedure, and tre message frames and commands, WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG Initial Configuration Chapter 3 explains how to set up an Ethemet module for its frst operation, especially the programing method using dedicated instructions. By loarning the system configuration, connection methods, and various setting operations for an Ethoret module, a participant will obtain the required knowledge to operate the module. 34 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Pre-operation Settings and Setting Procedure ‘Connection Method Parameter Settings Predefined Protocol Support Function Saving a Created Protocol, and Writing It To a PLC. CPU Module Reset ‘Communication Check Dedicated Instructions ‘Sequence Program Example 3.10 Example System Operation 3.41 Summary (WG PLC_Ethemet_ENG Pre-operation Settings and Setting Procedure ‘The settings and procedure which are performed prior to actual Ethernet module operation are shown bolow. Install the Ethernet module in tho baso unit. ‘Gonnedt the Ethomet module to tre Ethomnat ‘tor ‘Connect GX Works2 fo the GPU module with @ cable, a ‘Set the Ethamat mosis network parameters using GX Works2. a [Set the predefined protocol using the Gx Works23] redefined protocol support function —_ Rost the CPU module ) ooo eects a Connection Method ‘This section explain a connection example using the QL77E7'-100 Ethemet mode Connecting the QJ71E71-100 Ethernet module ‘The connection example shown here is based on the QU71E71-100 Ethernet module, which is the most popular Ethernet module. The connection configuration shown in the figure below is called a star type, In this configuration, a switching hub is used to amplify signals and to control signal traffic. In this configuration method, a failure in a device Is unlikely to spread to the others. Moreover, the required LAN cables are readily available. Programmable Personal computor Progra Aen pub LAN cabo Porsoral computer (WG PLC_Ethemet_ENG Parameter Settings Parameters can be set using GX Works2 Setting on GX Works2 ‘The parameter setting function of GX Works2 allows the communication protocols to be set without any sequence program, By simply setting parameters and writing them to the CPU module, a set of operations (for example, Ethemet module initial processing, open processing with the other device) can be performed automatically. ‘The diagram below shows the network parameter structure. Network parameters ‘Operation settings Open settings WW PLC_Fthemet_ENG _. _. ‘ Network parameter settings ooo Network parameters The setting windows are shown below. Conmurkston ita Code — ei eg emer Corer 0964 (omens eed ‘onset STOP ie) © ascttcode 1 sates stg Inout Format [OE =) Natwork Paramator window Ethernet Operation Soting window ‘Natwork Parameter window (open cating) 2 -_se! ) @ac WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG Gall Setting the network parameters To set network parameters in GX Works2, open a Project, select [Network Parameter] - [Ethernet / CC IE / MELSECNET] fo sotting oxample (station No.1) Solact"Ethornot Nod 1 Wetwcek Typ an Vfather network (CC-Link IE a SLMP requesting CContoller Network, CC-Link IE Fld Network) exist, be sure to set a ‘number diferont rom thei number. Details are given in Section 3.32 ‘Operation settings. Details are given in Section Network parameter soting area 3.3.3 Open processing setting SLMP responding side setting example (station No.2) Network Type Ethernet Start ONO. This setting must be the same as that for station No.1 Total Stations Group No. Station No. ede Network parartarseting area WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG SS Se [= Operation settings ‘The table below shows the settings required for an Ethernet module ray ‘Communication Data Code Bold fonts donate tho default sottns. Detal Sting range selections commarcaton ata + Binary code feesiine Sate cee + ASCII code + Without open wait IitiatTining Sotings related to open ting 1 Without open Inout rose i ~ Decimal Ip adcross | Fomat | Sola=ttho IP accross input + Hoxadecimal Sef IP Acids | Sethe owrestation IP adress ~ (ofa "1820-4.254") ame ‘send frame forms + Ethernet (V2.0) Send Frame Setting Soloct the send ram format. 1 Ethoret able Online Change | Pesmipeonistwrting tothe CPU modula | + Solocted (permitted) Enable Online Changs whi RS CEU mda ning. > Not soloctod (prohibited) TGP Existence Confirmation | Select an ave check method in TCP ~ Use the KeepAive Seti emia + Use the Ping For the example system of ‘Communication Data Code this course, the following settings are made. Seer eee PC een ery Binary code communication Initial Ting ‘Abways wait for OPEN (communication possibia at STOP time) seams | oaFomat Decimal a IP Adaross 192.16802 192 16808 Enable Online Change Soloctod WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG eh Gli Operation settings ) ooo ‘The operation setting window is shown below. ‘SLMP requesting side setting example ‘Soloct the communication data code forthe communication | (RSUgeuuem eee Louse St With th other dvico. “The taneriasioniveception ‘Communication Data Code Initial Timing data amount with "Binary Seats nen Bary Cote «Bont aor SEN Conmarcaons RSet eeca we soe Iatier reduces the load applied © ASCII Code co Always wait For OPEN (Communication to the communication line. Possible at STOP time) IP Address Setting Send Frame Setting Input Format [DEC © Bthernetiv2.0) Sot tho IP adidross of tho requesting side TeEE802.3 9 Enable Online Change TCP Existence Confirmation Setting © Use the Keepalive © Use the Ping Cancel Etromet Operation Setting WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG Gli Operation settings ‘The operation setting window is shown below. ‘SLMP responding side setting example Eereee err earion responding sice. When "Aways wait for OPEN' is selected, tho responding sideis always in a standby mode. This sting tliminates the need for eating 2 ‘sequence program forthe open processing Baa eeu ed Communication Data Code Tribal Timing ( Do not wait for OPEN (Communications Impossible at STOP time) Always wait For OPEN (Communication possible at STOP time) “Send Frame Setting ‘Select the same soting as for the SLMP requesting side © Binary Code © ASCII Code TP address Setting Input Format © Ethernet(v2.0) Sot the IP adcrese ofthe responding sida © seee802.3 I¥ Enable Online Change TCP Existence Confirmation Setting Use the Keeplive Permit or prohibit tho CPU modulo © Use the Ping writing fram the other device. This drags SLe aes ens _| Ethornot Operation Setting window WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG oh Gall Open processing set! This section explains open processing settings required to exchange data with the communicating device. SLMP requesting side setting example OPEN Seting area ) ooo ings Fredoater ‘communication FredeFned Protocol Fredefned Protocol a) SLMP responding side setting example So oon fer @ ° “” 9 © ” @) ® Destnaton] Protocol fice Fulpassive aod “In this example, the IP address and port number are specified in decimal (OPEN Setting area 0 Ne eS Deseription (Protec Stine same provcol for to communica deve an othe oun deo [Set is hen TCP" is slaced a Proto” For fe example sysam the SUMF raqutng Sb Sav Ts RG, and @) open System ihe SLM reopening ices eo fo Fulani" meer seeing (©) [Fred Baer ie wh pain tn to buors woo, aro Reza” Fae SUN parang a, Son Ecce @ Erba Sola he SOTICGTON iio TOT RT BO COUTTS FO Te SIN SPOT TG, POSSE [Ese este Siedad [elect whether use Fe pany open fo mod bofer conmrunionions “The ecang conuriaton ik and he (6) [Paring Open scotia wommnichoar int are reed as apa adie ovr don ard ine afer sialon we & common poe Mh song mado athe SLM roquoctng oko slot whator usa to alo chock Tandon 6) [bisence Comimaton [echt ureter ta Sond a necsloto he tor ovo tchekirts ae fr cormunicaon oc or ron tr i 7 ost Staton Ponte [Sethe por nmbor forthe connection Inks In his oxaipo al are oat fo 2000" (@) Postnaton I Adcross [Sotho Padress oft cher doice (@) [Bestnaion Por No. [Sethe other device's port ruber. nthe example, all ao sotto "2000 were chert 6 ‘ Predefined Protocol Support Function ooo This function assists creating transmissionireception messages that are used with an SLMP compatible device. This section explains how to register a predefined protocol using the predefined protocol support function, ‘On the GX Works? menu, select [Tools] - [Predefined protocol support function] — [Ethernet module] to ‘open the predefined protocol support function. fearon ta se) chcx-now fH ke Tool DebusaraSurportFundion Window Se Pratocal Setting window (lick “Ada” to open the Add Protocol window. Detals aro exolainad in Sacton 3.4.1 WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG ail Adding a protocol ) ooo ‘The "Add Protocol" setting window is shown below. Adds new peotocel Selection of Protocal Type todd] Select "Predetined Protocal Library” Set Protect No, wich vil be * Selec ram Predefined Protocol Lay spocitodin predefined protcet Please select mendactuet, model and protocol nae am Protcolto detestod intone. a The mmber cn bo slot from tee pocolto Add Proveco! | Manufacturer Model Protocol Name eneral-purpose 1 Natrol SLM (Device Read) 0401: Read (word) In this example system, the requesting side wil relieve data from the responding side. Select "Read (word) at 'SLMP. Select “Seneral-purpose ‘Add Protocal window Cth 6 Ez = Protocol settings ooo ‘The transmission'reception data details can be specified in the Protocol Setting window. ‘The detail ofthe data exchanged in ane: communication ink with the otner dovico. ‘This Protoco| No. will bo spociid in the predefined protocol decicated instuctions. ‘This can bo changod after 2 protocol has boon added Protocol Setting window ‘The example system uses the "Device Read (word)" protocol, which is one of the selectable SLMP. This protocol consists of the following three packets: + Request + Normal response + Error response For the packet which has not been set, "Variables Unset" is displayed in red. The details regarding the packet setting method are given on the following page, WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG Packet settings In packet setting, "device to read data” and the "device to store data” are set so thal those settings can be used in programs. "Device batch setting" of the predefined protocol support function enables batch setting of multiple devices, Select [Edit] - [Device Batch Setting] on the Predefined Protocol Support Function window, then enter the start device number. ee Seling PitocalNa Range Prtoec No, Sen Doves In the example system, "D800" is sel p= [Bpeehable Device Symbol Device No XY... 8.0_W.ALZR. G Bufo MeO 100 1 9808 |S a D609 19 01873 Receive packet 118741001881 | ror receive packet Device assignment > |Request ‘The status ofthe three packets ‘changes from “Variable Unset” {0 "Variables Sef" a1) |Normal response Protocol Setting window were chert 6 Packet settings using the example system. (1) Send packet Click “Variable Sor” at Request. This section explains how the devices are automatically set as the result of the device batch setting, 12600 to D608 a0 to D187 1574 to D158 Tl nn PoctatType [SerdPodat achat Name [Foal rs Bement Type [erent Name r stat ate [fed dt) 2 Nen Unee 1605 to D606 are automatically entered at the data storage aroa, Data Storage Aa Speccaton Send Daa Sterage Area XN-ML B.D. ZR. G [Buller emery) Etoment Sotting window Sar Saving a protocol A created protocol can be saved to a personal computer as a protocol setting file. From the predefined protocol support function's menu, solect [Filo] - [Save As]. g a Created Protocol, and Writing It To a PLC ing a protocol to a PLC ‘The procedure for writing a created protocol to the Ethemet module is given below. From the predefined protocol support function's menu, select [Online] ~ [Write to Module]. Select the madule to vite the ea Click [Execute] to write the protocol leave save in the protocol eeting fe ("epc] because the ten to medi doze net include the folowing infermaton [Norssitten Data} Manutacturer Packel Name Fiotocdl Detailed Setting Type, Version, Explanation Packet Seting Element Name Module Write window WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG 3.6 CPU Module Reset After parameters or predefined protocols are written, the programmable controller CPU module must be reset. The CPU modulo can be reset by the following procedure. Reset method for QCPU universal mode! (1) Open the CPU module's front cover and set the [RUN/STOP/REST] switch to "RESET" (2) Alter the ERR.LED blinks several times and then goes off, return the switch to the "STOP" position ‘The Ethernet medule's intial processing is completed fits *RUNF, "INIT", anc HOGM LEDs tur on * The "100M" LED stays offi the QU71E7%-100 is connected to a 10Mbps rub, ye $ ononde Normal sate Normal stato (When conrecied to a (When connected to a "100Mbps" hub) “10Mbps" hub) WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG 3.7 Communication Check A “ping test" can be performed to verify normal communication of an Ethernet module. Ping test check method (1) From the GX Works2 menu, solect [Diagnosis] ~ [Ethernet Diagnosis] to open the Ethernet Diagnosis window. (2) Click the "PING Test” button to open the PING test window. et a St the network number and Execute Station of PING: station number of the tested Aetverthe. [1 staionno. [7 station Tage of PING —— 2 Sel the IP address ofthe as ‘twated station, fy the tne he commurieation woe [see ‘The Ethernet module's LED indicators can also be chocked. Etrornet moduis's LED indicator status when operation fs normal Spec the rber of ransissons Packers trararited = 4, Recened = 4, Lo =0 ‘This LED may bo off clepanding on the communication speed. “The ping tst results are displayed here “is ose SurcessTransusiens = Ping Test window eee —=_—_ SE: i. 4 Dedicated Instructions coc A dedicated instruction can be used to execute a protocol saved in a flash ROM. Det ated instruction inetrustion symoo) Execution Inatuction eymoot Execute orccem. Ff | _4 +} _____foracemeny om» [= | | © 4 Setting data Etarmot modulo tat 10 runbor Setec the module Us| ROSEERFiR Sd ofthe treed! ston) User] BIN 16 is instalation sot. st | Comecton No.1 to 16) User | dilate | rotate BanaUSs Ne + 12 | Numborotrtcotsaing dla tobe contruovay creases ities) | user | sss, | Set" oxecue shale (S) | Start umber of he device n which conta dala stored User,system | Device name set*D500" voy | Besa agpe atte tt doce at witbetned on when exacaion |S on “woo | RESP Sempetion, (0) + 1 i also turned on mn " were chert 6 Control data Dedicated Instructions Control data is the data area storing the parameters to be executed by the GP.ECPRTCL instruction. ‘The execution results are also saved here. ice Name Detail + The numberof predetined protocols executed by the ECPRTCL instruction is saved. ned “The systom automaticaly (gpg ‘Boo ‘The protocol number to be executed atthe Bth order. «ges | eeseten |“ Memntercite wesedsreoseinwtih | 6445 | sgn | RAB + "rissa fh sting dala conto data icone oot Te satus at completion saved + Vion mutipe proves proteus ar xoo.tod, tayete | compleson | the excaton rout of ots oxceated Tyee utenti 580 | CREE" | Predera prtecals soe sirin | aes ager Bae SRSA SBBSP eter ede): Error completion The protoal No. tote exocatd fit toe Projo No top 02 me 7 User | tected ec otis TEU a to-26 were chert 6 Gal Sequence Program Example ) ooo The following example shows an SLMP responding side's sequence program, which uses a dedicated Instruction. Please remember the example system introduced in Section 2.3. In the example, System A at factory floor accesses System B at the head office al 8 A.M. every morning to retrieve the production target of the day. In this example, the number of executed predefined protocols is "1". ‘The CPU module's clock data is acquired and saved in 02000, {SET _ sMot3 Clock reading roquost spe 2000 Dateltime Time data Dedicated command Ethernet Connection Number of Today’s_I-scan ONat (protocol seting fst IONo No protceal —pracvctin commans ata execution) sotings instructions _complation “The time data saved in 02000 8 checked ift is 8.00 AM 11°8:00 A.M‘, tho prodefinad protocol is executed by tho dedicated instruction (WG PLC_Ethemet_ENG >. \ ell Example System Operation » coc Please check the example system operation with the animation below. 800 AM Requests today’s production target SLMP requestside SSLMP response side Fullpassive open = seal Summary In this chapter, you have leaned: + Pre-operation settings and setting + CPU module reset procedure + Communication check * Connection method + Dedicated instructions + Parameter settings + Sequence program example + Predefined protocol support function + Example system operation + Saving a created protocol, and writing ittoa PLO Important points eee CoM he gstallation procedure should be checked betore using an Ethernet Sndselingproceaure REIS Peas SA Weted I wees te conrgurg the network parameter seripgs. |e slesuseets Gone gure seesesary coking ta tne rogrammabie contrers to which the Etvemet module ls connected ea FaLParaT ge resred Tor Ethernet module operaon are writen to the CORT RTC A ping tostic used to check the normal communication. eects a a -§ Troubleshooting Chapter 4 describes network diagnosis for problems, 4.1 Troubleshooting 4.2 Summary WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG ai Troubleshooting This section explains the errors that can occur in data communication between an Ethernet module and its communicating device, and corrective actions for such errors. When a problom occurs, check the LED indicator status first, then take the appropriate measure for that status. Errors such as the COM.ERR cannot be diagnosed by the LED status alone. Use GX Works? to check the error details. Checking errors by the LED indicator status ‘The following section lists error conditions that can be checked from the Ethernet module's LED indicators. WW PLC_Fthemet_ENG i ‘ Checking errors by the LED indicator status ooo fe a Possible cause E Resel the CPU module, ane check ithe LED is sil on Watchdog tmer error Iiiie RON Teo Best Sethe Ethomet mocule may be fauly. Repair on rroplace the module FUN | (orem) ] OFF Check fie om iy capacty (6 VOC) {he power supply module's power supply capac is Poor Etheat modu instaaton | Sufi © POwOr SPP power supply capacty @ VOC) Furr tha power of, and r-ineal the module Mode raramsterseting enor | U55.GK Werks2 te crecklorec he Eteret modus’ pararetr ene one | 2% | cpu mos the CPU rode RUN LED Sof bicKing. or Wthe ERR. LED (RED) module aor Gy Reb eifeanst eis staked in S Ceaiode CPU module Gihesiagtue err Replace the Ethernet module ‘on | entty the eror detail by checking the error code, then correct the eror cause comer | oFF | (Qh, | forthe COMforer veo GX Workays Ettomotcldgnocle function fo cheek tro eror coco, For stor cade cet, please rete: to he covresponcing marl of fre Ethomet Mocs, al | ope [JERR oP COMERRTLED 6 ON. | Remove to caus for’ERR” or COMERR’ so | tutes | 8a, | Incoroct cable eonnecion ‘Chock te cable connection fegias | Desee) Fincaract prooram Revise the send sequence program. TERR! or COMERR' LED is ON | Remove the cause for "ERR or COMER ON | OFF | Tacored cable connecion 2 cabte connection Shy | SEB, [lnc comet ‘Check he cabte connec RO | aE | BEM. | ownsain Patent enor | Asai SURaN gee Sas LOSER ARSE ‘ownestation IP address, the router and the subnet mask setings. Incorrect program Rovieo the othor dovico’ sond progra. ‘Some of the common problems are listed on the following page. (WG PLC_Ethemet_ENG List of common problems The table below lists some of the common problems. A user should check this first when a problem occurs. ry Problems that Secure up Problem ‘An o00n processin Bortamellby SEM tom a Boteona! coepuier, butt comple ary ‘a inorect port uber et at he personal ere Bifomat moa re Gros Sats dada Snteratconuras prt number is setin Hexadecimal) Corrective action Rotum othe opon sottng, and rochock iheportrumiers eae eases ose rere, omfnunicaton occurs aera sere tm Ratu othe operation sot Feehock the commuricaton Sottna rablers that ceur during ‘peraon Ag Etna made fas 0 Jo power off Te BoB S'S 59 Sr not connectes properly + Chock the hub power. 5 Gnoak the Gabo connection WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG GE Check by Ethernet diagnosis function » coc ‘The GX Works2’s "Ethemet diagnosis" function can be used to check the error codes and details for errors occurring at the Ethernet module. @ eo « aie fetmam =] © Po Target module designation TP address display | Switches the IP address display botvean decimal and | Decimal? switching hhoxadocimal hexadecimal ‘Switches the por number Giplay between decimal | Deomal / land hexadecimal hexadecimal "sito 4th ‘Spoctes the Ethernet modulo to be monitored. Ist tot ort number Monitored information | Allows monitoring of various Ethemel module selection formation Ping fest Performs a ping test tothe other device. Loopback test Performs a network loopback test COM ERR OFF (Cicking the button tums the "COM ERR" LED oft (Bick fo execute the Ethemet diagnosis, era ‘The display contents refreshed during monitoring ‘Click to stop the Ethamnei diagnosis. A display content ele held whan monitoring is stopped Livy re JLcoesnce J © © o oo ® Ethornot Diagnosis window (WG PLC_Ethemet_ENG GE Check by Ethernet diagnosis function Parameters status When the Ethemet module's initial processing is executed, the following values are automatically set, Check that the set values are consistent with the designed values. Parameter Status | Eror History | Status of Each} » Module information Example of ERR inccator LED Inti Error Code ° r r E address = = = ® «y | iat ever cove ane cod dplayed fa Tena aio ROOT E (| ta err co SEE oe “ “Thee adgesy ihe Ettemet @) | Padicess Mea ESplapes ® ) | Eonar Aros RE Sa Ra a Eh “The pert curber pr intl © Wh | Atooponuor pate | These punter arte (6) | Network No. mode Saplayea. Pe Ehermet m “he sation mbar of te Eero (©) | stato no Thesitonmante, Ethomet Diagnosis window (Parameters Status) on coene THIEN ofthe Erne! modo WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG GE Check by Ethernet diagnosis func! Error history ‘The COM.ERR LED indicates an error occurring during data communication betwoan the Ethernet module and the other device, or an error requested from the CPU module. Use the Ethernet diagnosis function to check the error log to identity the error cade, then take the appropriate corrective action. = For error code details, please refer to the corresponding manual of the Ethemet module. Example of (COMERR’ indicator ON status Fees 9) st mnbar of err ozareness. : t SS ita ini 5 | ‘orrors which have : cet Nl Clears the ertor log Ethernet Diagnosis window (Eror Log) WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG oh Glam Check by Ethernet diagnosis function Status of each connection ‘The status of each connection is indicated by a connection number. ) 9 Demtraten Porn TFoarstaionPat | _bemnason No acest renee Cove Panay Satu | Ear etary talus Exh Connection | ata of Each Protx] LE Status] RaceneaE mal niomaton | Send wa nts f © Feed our sendacene ror Code ) ooo Example of "OPEN" indicator ON status co tem Description « WD] No Connection No. (cottespards to the open sting No) (2)| Host Station Port No. Port number used by the Ethernet module. Existence Content, TP addr F the other de fhere the section he (3)| Destination iP Adcress | [address of the Pert nurbat ofthe oer Sovice where the connection (| Destination Por Na Pox numbar of eof Ethene! Diagnosis window (status of each connection) ‘Svcs the open procossing reel forth rlovant (6)| Open Error Code Sas fe oven processing rod pur SonaRocow | Ouing he oven operon es Pru (| Ener ode eeture ring 9 date raseraslon hw Shor ewes During the relevant connectors aed buler (| conection End code Gernumsaton, saves te ovens cote om other | Pretcal Protocol used by te rlavant connection {@)| Open System Open frat used by the relevant connection (10)) Pairing Open Painng open enebledceabied satis [(11)] Existence Confirmation Alive check enabledidisabled status (WG PLC_Ethemet_ENG Summary chapter, you have learned: + Troubleshooting Important points Perec Pane Ethernet diagnosis The mata ows m0 Sere nM) The,retios for chocking the LED indicator statuses to Wen erore wae ing te, GX Werks? Eterna diagnosis orton fo check mes (WG PLC_Ethemet_ENG Final Test coc Now that you have completed all of the lessons of the PLC Ethernet Course, you are ready to take the final test. If you are unclear on any of the topics covered, please take this opportunity to review those topics, There are a total of 10 questions (41 items) in this Final Test. You can take the final test as many times as you lke. How to score the test After selecting the answer, make sure to click the Answer button. Your answer wil be lost if you proceed without clicking the Answer button. (Regarded as unanswered question.) Score results The number of correct answers, the number of questions, the percentage of correct answers, and the pass/fail result will appear on the score page. To pass the test, you have to ‘Tova Questions answer 60% of the questions correct. Percentage Proceed Review Roly + Click the Proceed button to exit the test. * Click the Review button to review the test. (Correct answer check) *+ Click the Retry button to retake the test again. Retabiily Processing speed connection witn other deviee(s) Data reception assurance Operation at transmission error =Select. ¥ [Connection establishment [connection Flow contrat ves No [Congestion control (retransmission contro!) Yes NO [Communicating device change during open Not possible possible ‘Answer elect ‘Sends an active open request fo the other device th ina passive open state \Waits for an open request from the oer device that requests an active open, elect. ‘Accepts an active open request only from a specitic network-connected device. Select ‘Accepls an active open request from any network-connected device, ‘Answer IP adress (Internet Protocol adaress) is an Identrication number that IS assigned to a ‘device/computer connected to an IP network, such as inlemel and intranet, An IP address is a set of numbers expressed in| —Select-_Y) and is usually divided into four Lea) Sections by dots (e.g. "") “The actual communication occurs between the applications running on the devices and computers In TGP and UDP, a port number Is used to Identity wnien application is communicating Port numbers that are unique to each application, =Select-_y) (Well Known Port Numbers) * For example. the eral recipient port number is 25, he nomepage reference port number is 60, and ine Mle transfer port number is 20. Port numbers that I be treety set ror an Ethemet module seedy, on TT eas = cs al Test 5 ooo cee For sendinglreceiving ‘-byte data as tis. 2} For sencinglreceiving {-byle data as two ASCII code characters. aa Select E me {type of communication protocol that allows an SLMIP compatible ella’ dence to access an Semel mocue ‘Communication with the CPU medule ora personal computer, ete. is Select Performed using tne fixed buter in an Ethemet module memory. ‘Communication with the CPU module ora personal computer. etc. Is Sees performed using the random access buffer in an Ethemet module memory. ie Penny “The start VO No. of the Ethemet module is set inthe units of 16 pots (nexadeciral ‘When the installed module is selected here, the corresponding items will b= seleclabie “The station number of ine Ethemet module Is selected. (Setting range: 1 to 64) “The group number of the Etremet moaule is selected. (Settng range: 1 to 32) “The network number ofthe Ethemet module is selected. (Selling range: 1 fo 238) oe ooo WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG 3 fies Peed Select the IP address input format. ‘This isa setting abaut the open processing, ‘Select the communication data code Sel tie own station's IP adress. 7 | select the send frame setting, Tal Teng (¢ Bonet mat for CPEN (Coneunicatons imposstle at STOP time) Answor Back a ea Problems hat occurat | Anopen processing s | A ficorec port numbers se starsip permed by SMP tom a | Ihe personal compiler or Ethermet ra computer, ture | module Ra processtlgcohnol be | (Nolet tne persona computer completed port umber wut set Geemat bd te Eremne moaue port tuner is etn nexadecml) ‘An open processing from a" |” Binary/ASCIl is set incorrectly at personal computerhas been | fhe communication dats code Eempeted, re ommuriaon occurs Problems that occur ‘An Ethemet module fails to | The nub ison, ‘curing operation communicate. or the cable Is cut off or not tonnected propery (1): Check the hub power, and check the cable connection (2): Retum to the open setting, and recheck the port numbers. (3); Retum to the operation setting, and recheck the communication data code setting ‘Answer Tem To After executing the inital processing of the Ethernet module, the saved parameter values should be checked. ‘The LEDs indicate an error occurred during processing of data communications ~Setect +) | petween tne etnemet module and otner devices, or an error in tne requests trom the CPU moaute. Select x. | After connection s estabished by open processing, the connection status Is displayed Tor each device, ‘You have completed the Final Test. You results area as follows. ‘Toend the Final Test, proceed to the next page. Correct answers ‘Total questions 10 Percentage 0% Proceed Review |{ Retry You failed the test. WW PLC_Ethemet_ENG = ‘You have completed the PLC Ethernet Course. ‘Thank you for taking this course, We hope you enjoyed the lessons and the information you acquired in this course will be useful in the future. ‘You can review the course as many times as you want.

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