Berongoy, (NSTP 2)

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Reaction / Reflection paper

Name: Glaiza Mae P. Berongoy

Course & Section: BSN 2A

I volunteered to participate in a first aid session because I wanted to develop my

skills that would help in any situation. And by taking the first aid it helps me to think
about myself on how I and others are react to a certain situations. And having this
understanding it will boost my confidence in a variety of non-medical day to day
situation. By that the important of first aid properly treat injuries that may help
reduce pain or that may help reduce that chances of hospitalization. It is important
because in the event of an injury, we need to get treatment first to avoid infection
before going to the hospital. In short, first aid is essential for certain injuries in sports
facilities to reduce pain and reduce major and complex health problems. The first aid
is very important in our life because if you do a first aid training it happen that gives
us the proper treatment.

Aside from the actual techniques, the main skill I learned from this was confidence.
Confidence in offering support is vital in these situations. The lack of self-esteem I
previously had would have probably made me unable to provide support I could have
given, Thus making the situations worse than it was to begin with. Though initially, I
was embarrassed to interact with the rest of the group, I eventually realised that we
were all there to learn. What made this different from my other experiences was that
I had to acknowledge ethical considerations. I know that may actions trigger
consequences that I am held responsible for. For example, I learned that sometimes,
people who are in need of help may not necessarily need my help, but rather
professional attention. This may be a result of lack of trust, which is understadable
since I am only a student. My lack of qualifications may result in worsening a
situation so before I take action, I must consider what the person feels and what I can
do to help. With this process, I follow ethical guidelines to not worsen a situation.

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