Ed 217 - Final Project

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Kyi Ki

ED 217 - Classroom Management

Final Project

Mar 14, 2021

My Philosophy

In the morning, students come to class and are ready to learn with their

classmates and teacher. When students come to class they will take out their books

and materials that they need for specific classes. (for example, in math period or

class they might want to have a calculator or paper out). And before leaving the

classroom for a day they should know that they have to clean up their desk and put

back the supplies where they belong. Being organized and prepared supports

students to stay on task, and be thoughtful, as well as responsible and intelligent.

A management plan for the classroom should be created that both students

and teachers agree on. Teachers must explain any rules that they build in the

classroom, so students know what is expected from the teacher or school to behave

appropriately. Students need to understand the expectation clearly, which would

help the class go smoothly. Students could raise their hands to ask questions to the

teacher regarding the classroom rules, classroom activities, and academic learning.

Classroom misbehavior could appear when students fail to follow the rules or

didn’t receive consequences at all when breaking the rules. Misbehavior may

happen because students couldn’t focus on the work that they have to complete

each day or week. Teachers need to solve the problem as soon as they notice the

student’s misbehavior at school, so that won’t lead students to stress or skip class.
Teachers need to be good role models in the classroom because students will

look at the behavior of teachers to see if the teacher does what they say. As well,

making the classroom instruction easy to understand will likely help students learn

and be more successful.


I have worked in an elementary school which was a summer school. The

program has academic and other activities classes offered for students that include

math, science, sport (soccer), dance, theater, and English. I got to work with 1st

graders to 5th graders. As an intern, the SUN manager let me participate in most

classes to assist the teacher. However, the class that I often joined was dance class.

In the morning, students will spend an hour practicing the song and dance moves,

then take a five-minute break to drink water or use the restroom. Sometimes the

teacher does a free dance style which means the teacher plays the music for them,

and they can come up with their dance moves. This dance class size is small, only

13 to 15 children. The teacher creates the basic rules for this dance class that

students and teachers come up with. They are easy to follow and relate to the

class. There are four basic rules:

1. Don’t push each other

2. Respect everyone

3. Listen when the teacher talks or show a dance move

4. Participate in classroom activities

This dance classroom has these rules posted on the classroom wall. These rules

protect students from getting hurt and injured. As well as to be respectful to

teachers and classmates. Students participate in-class activities and get along with

others. Every Thursday, a staff member from all other classes comes together to

come and talk about the student they taught and report any issue or problem they

find. The colleague and teacher worked together to come up with a solution.


Procedures are often the specific “ how to” that show students step by step

how to successfully follow the rules. Producers function to make task routines,

communicate expectations for students' behavior during a specific activity, and aid

in the translation from one activity to another. I believe for a classroom to run

smoothly, you need to have the type of procedure that your class has seen or

experienced in the classroom. At the beginning of the school year, specifically on

the first day of class, the teacher should have discussed with the students and have

a list of procedures that will help children to learn, behave well, and succeed in the

classroom. After discussing the procedures the teacher should explain to the

students what or how to follow the procedures. Show the procedure as you teach

and check for students' learning. The following are the procedures that I feel the

classroom will run smoothly.

1. Entering the classroom

● Have something to write on and something to write with

● During work time, they should focus and work quietly

● A teacher must always be ready to teach when class starts

● Raise a hand when having a question

● Let the teacher know if needed to leave the classroom ( go to the

bathroom or parents pickup for a doctor's appointment)

2. Classroom management

● Provide a table in a class that can divide students into small groups (

Put 4 chairs or desks across each other, and on the table put numbers

1, 2, 3)

● Every student will have to participate and assign to a group

3. Supplies

● Pencils, erasers, and colored pencils should be on the table

● Turn in the workplace should be accessible, and specific grade levels,

and the name of the subjects with color.

4. Team time

● Everyone in a team will have to participate and take part in work and

work together

5. Leaving the classroom

● Students will still learn (the teacher will tell them when the time to


● 5 minutes cleaning up before leaving the classroom

● Talk to friendly students to make them feel warm and want to come

back the next day


Three important rules for the classroom are to respect everyone and the

school, be organized and prepared for class, and act safely and healthily. Every

student needs to know and practice respecting the rights of others and school
property. When coming to class, students should have the materials that they need

for the class. Bring a book, pencil, and paper to class every day. If you forget, let

the teacher know right away so the teacher can give you something to write on. In

the classroom, we want students to have or feel the school environment is safe for

them. Report any incident where you or others are bullied. Teasing and harassment

are not tolerated in the classroom. Students can’t succeed at school without getting

protection from parents, teachers, and school.


Teachers will need to remind and encourage students based on what students do

every day in the classroom. As bad could happen, good also could happen too. For

students who do well in the classroom and behave appropriately, it will be great and

feel rewarding if the teacher gives positive praise.

● A simile

● A pat on the back

● Thumbs up

● A verbal (good listening, keep up the good work, and expect work)

● Say, “Thank you for helping”

● Write note home


If the student misbehaves or breaks the classroom rules. Remind them of the

three basic rules that were created in the classroom. Teachers should teach them

the consequences of what they have done. The consequences must be clear and

simple to help improve positive behavior. According to the textbook, chapter 3

provides a great consequence that teachers may use in their classrooms. The

consequences of breaking classroom rules are:

First time to Break a rule -Warning

Second Time to break a rule -Five minutes in a quiet corner writing in behavior


Third Time to break a rule -Ten Minutes in a quiet corner writing in the behavior


Fourth Time to break the rule -Fifteen minutes in a quiet corner and parents are


Fifth Time to break a rule -Sent to the principal

Students can choose to change their behavior with these consequences. But

they still need to remember the classroom rules and find a solution to solve the



Teachers will plan and walk through all procedures with students. Students

will remember all the rules they set as they learn every day. Classroom rules are

often created from the beginning of the year, and they will be used until the end of

the year. On the first day of school, discuss the three classroom rules with the

students. If new students come to the classroom later or between school years, the

classroom rules must be introduced to them so they understand what is expected

from them. All students have a right to know what is expected in the classroom, so

they can figure out what behavior they need to show based on the classroom rules.

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