VE 5years Solved QP

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1. ___ Article number considered as “Heart and Soul of Constitution” by Dr. B R Ambedkar
Ans: 32
2. Which Country has lengthiest Constitution in the world?
Ans: India
3. Women helpline phone number is ___
Ans: 1091 Inida/108 Karnataka
4. Value means
Ans: Worthy
5. Purdah is the practice among___ communities
Ans: Muslim
6. Guardian of Fundamental Rights___
Ans: Judiciary-Supreme Court, High CourtWhi
7. Acid rain contains
Ans: Sulphuric Acid,Nitrogen Oxide
8. Bio-diversity Act of Inida was passed by the parliament in the year_
Ans: 2002
9. Abiotic environment includes
Ans: Air, Soil, Water, sunlight
10. Anna Hazare led which Movement?
Ans: Fight against Corruption
11. Which Country has maximum number of tube wells in the world?
Ans: India
12. National values includes which of following
Ans: Justice, Fraternity, Equality, Integrity
13. The pollutant responsible for holes in ozone layer is
Ans: CFC-Chlroflourocent
14. Which state of India is known as tiger state?
Ans: MP
15. National Human Rights commission is a
Ans: Constitutional Body
16. Gender Equality is a basic
Ans: All of the Above (Human Right, Constitutional Right, Legal Right)
17. In India world life protection act came into force in the year.
Ans: 1972
18. Which of the following is not the source of Individuals moral standard except?
Ans: Government
19. Green Revolution is associated with
Ans: Agriculture
20. What is Value?
Ans: Source of Principles
21. The Headquarter of UNHR council is at
Ans: Geneva
22. Which Article guarantees freedom of speech and expression to all citizens?
Ans: 19
23. Value Education takes place at
Ans: All of the above (school, home, Voluntary youth organization)
24. Which of the following is a biodegradable waste?
Ans: Polythene
25. Which of the following is not a fundamental Right?
And: Right to property
26. The best definition of education is
Ans: Growth resulting form experiences
27. The term ecology was derived form _____word
Ans: Greek
28. Blue whale is placed under
Ans: Endangered
29. Which of the following is the main factor of desertification
Ans: Over grazing
30. Among the following which word is not in the preamble of Inidan Constitution?
Ans: Secular
31. Which central institution reinforces value education in India?
Ans: Human Resource Development
32. New approach for the conservation of flora and fauna is a
Ans: Gene Bank
33. In India wild life protection act came into exist in
Ans: 1972
34. The place at UNO established the Human Right Commission
Ans: Geneva
35. World Earth Day is celebrated on the day.
And: April 22nd
36. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted in the year
Ans: 1948
37. The word culture means
Ans: Cultivate
38. Which of the following is pollution related disorder?
Ans: Pneumonia
39. Pedagogy is concerned with
Ans: Teaching method
40. Which of the following is the most stable ecosystem
Ans: Oceans
Part B-2marks each
41. We have days and nights because of
Ans: earth rotation
42. Tamasoma jyotirgamaya means
Ans: Moving from Darkness to light
43. What tpe of radiation is trapped on the earth surface by the green-house effect?
Ans: UV rays
44. The chancellor of all universities of the ste is
Ans: Governor
45. The statement “value education for peace, culture and human development from India to
the world given by
Ans: M K Gandhi
46. More than 70% of the world’s fresh water is contained in
Ans: Glaciers and polar ice
47. Values are
Ans: all the above (guiding principles, virtues, ideals)
48. Justice liberty, equality and fraternity are
Ans: National Values
49. International Day of Persons with disabilities is celebrated on
Ans: December 3
50. The way to replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
Ans: Deep breathing and relaxation exercise
51. Aesthetic values are related to
Ans: value art and literature
52. The welfare activities of “differently able people” are under the
Ans: Ministry of health and family welfare
53. What is called education acquired without any specific purpose, fixed period and place?
Ans: Informal Education
54. Which of the following statement is correct?
Ans: some extent it is an art and to some extent it is a science
55. Red data book contains information about
Ans: Endangered plants and animals
1. Value Education takes place at
Ans: All of the above
2. What is a Value?
Ans: All of the above
3. Which of the following is not the source of individuals moral stand except?
4. National values include which of the following?
And; All of the above
5. Which among these is not an objective of value education?
Ans; Hate redness
6. What is called education acquired without any specific purpose, fixed period and
Ans; Informal education
7. What role does a Principal play in educational institution?
Management head of school
8. Gender Equality is a basic
Ans; All of the above
9. Human rights are
Ans; None of the above
10. Article 51A of Indian Constitution is about
Ans; Fundamental Duties
11. Which of the following Constitutional Right safeguards women and children?
Ans; Right Against Exploitation
12. The Chairman of the Drafting committee of Indian Constitution
Ans; Dr. B R Ambedkar
13. Which country has Lengthiest Constitution in the world
Ans: India
14. The present President of India
Ans; Shir. Ramnath Kovind
15. ____include gender-based violence
Ans; All of the above
16. ____article number considered as ‘Heart and Soul’ of the constitution by Ambedkar
Ans; 32
17. Women helpline phone number is
18. Which Article guarantees freedom of speech and expression to all citizens
Ans: Article 19
19. The Headquarters of UNHR council is at
Ans; Geneva
20. Expand PIL
Ans; Public Interest Litigation
21. The Constitution of India was adopted and enacted on
Ans; November 26th 1949
22. Article 17 deals with
Ans; Untouchability
23. Who can be appointed as the Chairman of NHRC
Ans; Any retired Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
24. Fundamental Rights have no value without
Ans: Right to constitutional Remedies
25. National Human Rights Commission is a
Ans; Constitutional body
26. Red Data Book contains information about
Ans; Endangered plants and animals
27. National green tribunal recently ordered concerned authority for cleaning---
Ans; Bellandur lake
28. In India World Life Protection Act came into force in the year
Ans; 1972
29. Which of the following is a biodegradable waste?
Ans; Polythene
30. Leaves of the plant receive carbon dioxide from atmosphere and use it in the process
of – Ans: Photosynthesis
31. Blue Whale is placed under
Ans: Endangered species
32. Which is the highest Mountain Peak in India
Ans; Kanchan Jung
33. Abiotic environment includes
Ans; plants
34. The pollutant responsible for holes in Ozone Layer is
Ans; CFC
35. Which country has maximum number of tube wells in the world
Ans; India
36. Which State of India is known as tiger State
Ans; Madhya Pradesh
37. Soil Conservation is
Ans; Prevention of soil for loss
38. The name which is associated with planting of trees
Ans; Thimmakka
39. Anna Hazare led which movement?
Ans; Fight against Corruption
40. The term Ecology was derived from ______word
Ans: Greek

41. ‘Education is the manifestation of divine perfection already existing in man’s is told
by-Ans; swami Vivekananda
42. Tamaso ma jyotirgamaya means
Ans; Moving from darkness to light
43. Causes of National disintegration
Ans; Social and economic inequalities
44. The value Education is the need of the hour because
Ans; all of the above
45. Which of the following statements is correct?
Some extent, it is an art and to some extent, it is a science
46. Which of the following is not a Fundamental Right?
Ans; Right to property
47. The best definition of education is
Ans; growth resulting from experience
48. Harmonious development of child education means
Ans; development of sound mind in a sound body
49. Which of the following don’t play a major role in inculcation of values in society?
And; Avoid social differences based on caste
50. International Day of Persons with disability is celebrated on
Ans; December 3rd
51. We have days and nights because of
Ans; Earth Rotation
52. What type of radiation I trapped on the earth surface by the greenhouse effect?
53. Which of the following is the most stable ecosystem?
Ans; Ocean
54. Green Revolution is associated with
Ans: Agriculture
55. World Environment Day is celebrated on------- of every year

1. Expand NHRC
Ans; National Human Rights Commission
2. Which article provides special status to Jammu and Kashmir
Ans; 370 (Since 2018 November Article 370 is Abrogated/withdrawn)
3. Who was the first woman President of India?
Ans; Prathibha Patil
4. Indian constitution has recognized ___as an official National language of the country
Ans; English
5. There are __fundamental duties to the Indians
Ans; 11
6. Article-17 deals with
Ans; Untouchability
7. India is a
Ans; secular country
8. Blue whale is placed under:
Ans; Endangered
9. Indian constitution contains ___articles
Ans; 445 (when it was adopted in November 26th 1949 there were 395, now after
amendment we have 445 Articles)
10. Which Article of India’s Constitution includes Fundamental Duties?
Ans; 51A
11. The chancellor of all Universities of the state is:
Ans: Governor
12. The first chairperson of the UN Commission of Human Right was:
Ans; Eleanor Roosevelt
13. Federal Government means;
Ans: Dual Government (Central Government & State Government)
14. Human Rights Declaration was made by UNO in the year:
Ans: 1948
15. Purdah is the practice among __________ communities
Ans: Muslim
16. When was East India company established?
Ans; 1600
17. Which is the 29th State of India?
Ans; Telangana
18. To help without selfish motive
Ans; Truthfulness
19. Where is the center for Constitutional Rights in India?
Ans: Delhi
20. Expand UDHR
Ans: Universal Declaration of Human Rights
21. What is the retirement age of the member of NHRC
Ans: 5 years or 70years which ever is earlier
22. Value means___
Ans; Worthy
23. Who appoints the members of NHRC?
Ans; President
24. _____ Article is considered as the ‘Heart and Soul” of the constitution by Ambedkar
Ans;32-Right to Constitutional Remedies
25. India has ____party system
Ans; Multi political party
26. The present Governor of the Karnataka is
Ans: Thawar Chand Geholt
27. Indian Constitution has been divided in
Ans; 22 chapters
28. _____is the process by which people transmit values to others
And; value education
29. Which Article of Human Rights deal with slavery?
And: Article -4
30. Which generation of Human Rights are called as “Red Rights”
And; 1st generation
31. Human Rights means:
a. Inseparable rights from the human being
b. Right to all-round development of human being
c. Right to provide basic needs
d. All of the above
Ans; all of the above
32. Anna Hazare led which Movement?
Ans; fight against corruption
33. Who was the chairman of drafting committee of UDHR?
And: Eleanor Roosevelt
34. Who was the first chairman of NHRC?
Ans; Justice Sri Ranganath Mishra
35. Constitution of India guarantees, how many Fundamental Rights
Ans: 6
36. Which Article Guarantees Freedom of Speech and expression to all the Citizens?
Article -19
37. In which year the Right to Information Act came into force in Karnataka?
Ans; 2002
38. Voting age in India is
39. The constitution of India was adopted and enacted on _________
Ans: 26th November 1949-adopted
26th January 1950 -enforced/implemented
40. National Women Commission established in the year
Ans; 1992
41. The first citizen of India
Ans; President
42. Main function of the Amnesty International is
Ans; protection of Human Rights
43. Which of the following is an incorrect pair/
a. R K Pachuri Nobel peace Prize
b. M C Mehta Green Advocate
c. Rajendra Sing water man of India
d. Medha Patkar Chipko Movement
Ans: d is incorrect ( Medha Patkar- is associated with Narmada Bacho Andolan)
44. The age limit to become the President of India is ____years
Ans: 35
45. Which is the highest Mountain Peak in India?
Ans; Kanchan Junga
46. Human Rights are classified as first, second and third generation by:
Ans: Karl Vasak ( Legal advisor and distinguished Human rights scholar-French)
47. The preface to the Constitution means
Ans; Constitutional Preamble
48. Duration of the National Human Rights Commission is _______Years
Ans; 5
49. _____word was included tin the constitution through 42nd Amendment
Ans; Socialistic
50. “Human Rights Day” is celebrated on _____day
Ans; 10th December
51. The Fundamental law of the nation is:
Ans; Constitution
52. Expand PIL
Ans: Public Interest Litigation
53. The headquarter of the United Nations Human Rights Council is
And; Geneva, Switzerland
54. The ‘Ecology’ was derived from
Ans; Greek
1. The name which is associated with planting of trees
Ans; Thimakka
2. Guardian of Fundamental Right
Ans; Judiciary (both Supreme Court and High court)
3. Study of plants
Ans; Botany
4. The only source of energy for the biosphere____
Ans: sun
5. The origin of the word ‘Value’ is derived from ______language
Ans: Latin
6. Principles which encourage a person to imbibe the feelings of patriotism, national
Ans: National values
7. Understanding feelings and emotions of ther people is termed as
Ans; Empathy
8. Wildlife Protection Act was formulated during the period of ----
Ans; Mrs. Indira Gandhi
9. Nuclear power release
Ans; Radioactive wastes
10. World Preservation Day is on__
Ans; September 25
11. MAB stands for
Ans; Man and Bio-sphere (it is a program started by UNESCO to biological space of
world )
12. Human Rights Day is celebrated on ______
And: 10th December
13. Which Country has the lengthiest Constitution in the world/
Ans: India
14. NHRC was established in the year
And: 1993 12th October
15. Pedagogy is concerned with
Ans; Teaching method
16. The common values of all professions are
a. Acquiring knowledge
b. Commitment
c. sincerity
d. All of the above
Ans; d
17. International Women’ Day is celebrated in _ of every year
Ans; 8th March
18. The Chairman of Drafting Committee of the Indian Constitution
Ans; Dr. B R Ambedkar
19. Environment Protection Act was introduced in the year
Ans; 1986
20. World Environment Day is celebrated on ____of every year
Ans; June 5th
21. ______includes gender based violence
a. Female infanticide b. Sexual Harassment
b. Dowry violence d. All of the above
Ans; d
22. Part ii of the Constitution of India relates to
Ans; Fundamental Rights
23. Ambedkar Jayanthi is celebrated every year on
Ans; 14th April
24. Love, compassion, tolerance are included under ______vaues
Ans; Social
25. Who emphasized that education should be a social process?
Ans; Gandhiji
26. Bio-diversity Act of India was passed by Parliament in the year
Ans; 2002
27. Which of the following is the main source of ground water?
Ans: Rain
28. Women helpline number is __
Ans; 1091
29. The of the Indian Constitution is
Ans; Right to constitutional Remedies
30. Deforestation will decrease____
Ans; Rainfall
31. “Vasudeva Kutubakam” Means
Ans; whole world is one single family
32. The factors responsible for decline of values
a. Prostitution b. Divorce c. Illegal Marriage d. all of these
Ans; d
33. Acid rain contains
Ans; Sulphuric Acid
34. Which Central Institution reinforce value education in India?
Ans: Mistry of Human Resource Development
35. Causes of national disintegration
Ans; Social and economic inequalities
36. Which is the first school for child’s education
Ans; family
37. Green Revolution is associated with
Ans; Agriculture
38. How many rights are there in Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)?
Ans; 30
39. The present president of India
Ans: Ramanath Kovid- latest: Mrs.Draupadi Murmu
40. Which is the main center of informal education?
a. Society b. family c. Radio and television d. all of the above
41. The World Wetland Day is celebrated on
Ans: February 2nd
42. What are the three components of education process?
Ans: Teacher, student and education
43. Leaves of plants receive carbon dioxide from atmosphere and used in the process of
Ans; photosynthesis
44. Who the Chair of Rules Committee and steering Committee?
Ans; Jawaharlal Nehru
45. Which of the following are fundamental duties?
a. Safeguarding the public property c. developing scientific temper
b. Protecting the sovereignty, integrity and unity d. all of these
46. According to Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act. 1986, a child labour is
one who has not completed his/her age of----
Ans; 18
47. The real goal of education should be
Ans; Acquiring skills habits and knowledge
48. Education is the creation of sound mind in a sound body is given by
Ans; Aristotle
49. National values includes
a. Justice and liberty c. both a and b
b. Equality and fraternity d. none of the above
And; c
50. The sum of curricular and co-curricular activities is__
Ans; Curriculum
51. The value is derived from
Ans; Valere
52. Personality development included
a. Improving self-awareness c. Improving skills and learning new ones
b. Improving self-knowledge d. all of the above
Ans: d
53. Value Education is the creation of sound mind in a sound body n
Ans; 1945
54. Which of the following is not a fossil fuel?
Ans; Uranium
55. Which provision of the Fundamental Rights is directly related to the exploitation of
Ans; article 24.


1. The place of UNO established the Human Rights Commission

Ans; Geneva
2. Making laws are necessary
a. To make people happy c. to make people enjoy
b. To protect people from exploitation d. all of the above
Ans; all of the above
3. Plants, animals and micro-organisms are
Ans; Biotic factor
4. International Day of Persons with disabilities is celebrated on
Ans; December 3rd
5. Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted in the year
Ans; 1948
6. New approach for conservation of flora and fauna is
Ans; Gene Bank
7. Which of following is the main source of ground water/
Ans; Rain
8. Pedagogy is concerned with
Ans; Teaching method
9. Values are
a. Guiding pinciles c. ideals
b. Virtues d. All of the above
10. Justice, liberty, equality and fraternity are
Ans National values
11. ‘Red Data Book” contains information about
Ans; Endangered plants and animals
12. Gender equality is
a. Basic human Rights c. legal Right
b. Constitutional Right d. All of the above
13. The Statement ‘Value Education for peace, culture and human development from
India to the world’ given by
Ans Swami Vivekananda
14. In the Indian Constitution the word secularism means
Ans; State tolerates religions without pressing any particular religion
15. More that 70% of world’s fresh water is contained in
Ans; Glaciers and polar ice
16. The welfare activities of ‘Differently able people’ are under the
Ans: Ministry of social justice and empowerment
17. Which one of the following not a Fundamental Right?
Ans Right to property
18. Deforestation will decrease
19. ‘National Green Tribunal’ recently ordered concerned authority for cleaning_____in
Ans; Bellandur lake
20. Aesthetic values are related to
And; Value in art and literature
21. Constitutional values are
Ans; National values
22. Which one of the following is not Economic Human Right?
Ans; Right to work
23. MAB stands for
Ans; Man and Bio-sphere
24. World earth Day is celebrated on the day
Ans April 22nd
25. The common values of all the professions are
a. Knowledge acquires b. Sincerity c. commitment d. all the above
Ans; d
26. In India wildlife Protection Act came into exist
Ans; 1972
27. The way to replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts
Ans; Deep breathing and relaxation exercises
28. Indian Constitution was greatly influenced by
a. United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
b. Constitution of Japan
d. None of the above
Ans: d
29. The word culture means
Ans; cultivate
30. Human Rights are
a. Fundamental rights b. social rights c. Civil Rights d. none of these
Ans; d
31. UNHCR is
Ans; United Nations High Commission of Refugees
32. Which of the following is pollution related disorder?
Ans; Pneumonia
33. Among the following which word is not in the Preamble of Original Indian
Ans; Secualar
34. Which of following is the main factor of desertification?
Ans; Over grazing
35. Which of the following is the most stable ecosystem?
Ans; Ocean
36. Imparting value education to child begins at
Ans; Home
37. Causes of National disintegration
Ans; social and economic inequalities
38. Which central institution reinforces vaue education in India
Ans Human Resource Development
39. “Vasudeva Kutubakam” Means
Ans; whole world is one single family
40. Article 51a of the Indian Constitution deals about
Ans; Fundamental Duties


41. According to Child Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act. 1986, a child labour is
one who has not completed his/her age of----
Ans; 14
42. Nuclear power release
Ans; Radioactive wastes
43. Which subject in general deals with values/
Ans; Sociology
44. Malala Yousuf Zai, who fight for girls’ education won the
Ans: Nobel Peace Prize (both Kailash Sathyarthi and Malala Yousuf shared this prize
45. Which of the following Constitutional Right Safeguards women and Children?
Ans; Right against exploitation
46. Soil conservation is
Ans: protection against loss of soil
47. Petroleum is a
Ans; Fossil Fuel
48. _ is the foundation on which values are built
Ans; Family
49. Which one among the following industries is the maximum consumer of water in
Ans: Thermal power
50. Chipko Movement is associated with
Ans: Environment Conservation
51. Children are forced to work as employees for the payment of parents’ debt
Ans; Bonded labor
52. Right to equality means
a. Social Economic and Political equality
b. Equality in thought and expression
c. Rights and opportunities equality
d. None of the above
Ans; d
53. The name which is associated with planting of trees
Ans; Thimmakka
54. The Chairman of the Drafting Committee of Indian Constitution is
Ans; Dr. B R Ambedkar
55. Ecology deals with
Ans; interaction between living and non-living component.


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