Directions: Compile Your Signature Strengths Profile Using This Worksheet. Each Column Is

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Character Strengths Process

Directions: Compile your signature strengths profile using this worksheet. Each column is
independent from each other.
 Column 1 (Self): Place a check mark inside the box that correspond to the top 5
attributes that most often characterize you.
 Column 2 (Family): Place a check mark inside the box that correspond to the top 5
attributes that were identified in you by a family member.
 Column 3 (Friend): Place a check mark inside the box that correspond to the top 5
attributes that were identified in you by a friend.
 Column 4 (Composite): add the number of times that each attribute was checked in the
previous four columns.
 Column 5 (Under/Over): Identify five strengths that you feel that you lack (underuse) or
use in excess (overuse). Denote the strength with either X-O (Over) or X-U (under).
 Column 6 (Desired): Identify five strengths that you desire to have and denote these
with D

Character 1 2 3 4 6 7
Strength Self Family Friend Composit Under/Over Desired
1 Appreciation of
beauty and
2 Authenticity and
3 Bravery and
4 Creativity and
5 Curiosity,
interest in the
world, and
openness to
6 Fairness, equity,
and justice
7 Forgiveness and
8 Gratitude
9 Hope, optimism,
and future-
1 Humor and
0 playfulness
1 Kindness and
1 generosity
1 Leadership
1 Capacity to love
3 and be loved
Character 1 2 3 4 6 7
Strength Self Family Friend Composit Under/Over Desired
1 Love of learning
1 Modesty and
5 humility
1 Open-
6 mindedness and
critical thinking
1 Perseverance,
7 diligence and
1 Perspective
8 (wisdom)
1 Prudence,
9 caution,
and discretion
2 Religiousness
0 and spirituality
2 Self-regulation
1 and self-control
2 Social
2 intelligence
2 Teamwork,
3 citizenship, and
2 Zest,
4 enthusiasm,
and energy
Strengths not
listed above

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