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Recent application and illustrated example

Top Applications of IoT in the World - GeeksforGeeks

The Internet of Things (IoT) has seen a wide range of applications in recent years,
ranging from healthcare to agriculture to manufacturing. Some of the recent
application areas of IoT include:

1. Smart Homes: IoT devices are used in homes to automate various tasks such
as lighting, temperature control, and security.
2. Healthcare: IoT devices are used to monitor patients remotely, track their
health metrics, and send alerts to doctors in case of emergencies.
3. Agriculture: IoT sensors are used to monitor soil conditions, humidity levels,
and other environmental factors to help farmers make better decisions about
irrigation, fertilization, and pest control.
4. Manufacturing: IoT devices are used to track the location and status of
equipment and products on the factory floor, enabling better quality control
and inventory management.
5. Smart Cities: IoT devices are used to monitor traffic, air quality, and other
environmental factors in cities, helping to improve urban planning and reduce
6. Energy Management: IoT devices are used to monitor energy consumption in
buildings and homes, allowing for more efficient use of resources and cost
7. Retail: IoT devices are used to track inventory levels, analyze customer
behavior, and optimize supply chain management.
8. Transportation: IoT devices are used to monitor vehicles and traffic conditions,
providing real-time data to drivers and enabling more efficient routing and

These are just a few examples of the many ways in which IoT is being applied in
various industries and sectors.
Sure, one example of an application area of IoT is in the field of smart agriculture.

IoT sensors can be used in agriculture to monitor various environmental factors such as soil
moisture, temperature, and humidity. These sensors can be placed in fields and connected to a
central hub or network, which can collect and analyze the data generated by the sensors.

By analyzing this data, farmers can make informed decisions about when to irrigate their crops,
how much fertilizer to apply, and when to harvest. This can lead to more efficient use of
resources, improved crop yields, and ultimately, higher profits for farmers.

For example, a smart irrigation system that uses IoT sensors can detect when the soil is dry and
automatically turn on the irrigation system to water the crops. This not only saves time and effort
for farmers but also ensures that crops receive the right amount of water, which is crucial for their
growth and survival.
Another example is using IoT sensors to monitor the health of livestock. By attaching sensors to
animals, farmers can monitor their health, activity, and even their location. This can help farmers
detect illnesses early on and provide timely treatment, which can reduce the risk of disease
outbreaks and prevent financial losses.

Overall, the use of IoT in agriculture has the potential to transform the way farmers manage their
crops and livestock, leading to more sustainable and profitable farming practices.

2. Smart Vehicles

Smart vehicles or self-driving cars as they can be called are pretty dependent
on IoT. These cars have a lot of features that are integrated with each other
and need to communicate such as the sensors that handle navigation, various
antennas, controls for speeding or slowing down, etc. Here the Internet of
Things technology is critical especially in the sense that self-driving cars need
to be extremely accurate and all the parts need to communicate with each
other in milliseconds on the road. Tesla Cars are quite popular and working
on their self-driving cars. Tesla Motors’ cars use the latest advancements in
Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things. And they are quite popular as
well!!! Tesla Model 3 was the most sold plug-in electric car in the U.S. in 2018
with a total yearly sales of around 140,000 cars.

2. Illustrate different iot challenges in detail

7 challenges in IoT and how to overcome them (\

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly growing field that enables devices to connect
and exchange data over the internet. While IoT has numerous benefits, it also poses
several challenges. In this response, I'll discuss some of the most significant
challenges in IoT.

1. Security and Privacy: Security and privacy are major challenges in IoT. IoT
devices collect and transmit sensitive data, including personal and financial
information, which makes them an attractive target for hackers. The lack of
standardization and regulations in the IoT industry makes it difficult to ensure
that IoT devices are secure and privacy-compliant.
2. Interoperability: IoT devices from different manufacturers often use different
protocols and standards, which can make it difficult for devices to
communicate with each other. This lack of interoperability can create silos of
data that are difficult to integrate and analyze.
3. Scalability: IoT devices generate large amounts of data that need to be
processed and analyzed in real-time. This requires a scalable infrastructure
that can handle the growing volume of data generated by IoT devices.
4. Power Consumption: Many IoT devices are battery-powered and need to
operate for extended periods without requiring battery replacement or
recharging. This requires low-power consumption and energy-efficient
designs that can prolong the device's battery life.
5. Network Connectivity: IoT devices rely on network connectivity to transmit
data to the cloud or other devices. However, many IoT devices operate in
remote or harsh environments where network connectivity is limited or
unreliable. This requires innovative solutions, such as mesh networks, to
ensure reliable connectivity in such environments.
6. Data Management: IoT devices generate vast amounts of data, and managing
this data can be challenging. This includes data storage, processing, and
analysis, as well as ensuring data quality and accuracy.
7. Standards and Regulations: The lack of standardization and regulations in the
IoT industry can create confusion and hinder the adoption of IoT devices. This
requires the development of industry-wide standards and regulations to
ensure interoperability, security, and privacy.

In conclusion, IoT is a promising technology that has the potential to transform

various industries. However, it also poses several challenges that need to be
addressed to ensure its success. These challenges include security and privacy,
interoperability, scalability, power consumption, network connectivity, data
management, and standards and regulations.

3. Wsn
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) - GeeksforGeeks
WSN IN IOT ( slide 24 onwards
And what are the benefits of have this sensor network wireless? Well, to start with it is a lot
cheaper to build a wireless network rather than wiring up all the sensor nodes. Secondly,
with wireless, the sensor network can be configured and reconfigured into various
topographies like mesh, star, etc. very easily. Sensor nodes can also be added to and
removed from a wireless network a lot easier than a wired network.

Now let us see what are the components of a typical wireless sensor node. The sensor is just
one component of a wireless sensor node. Usually, it also has a power supply, a
microcontroller, and a radio transceiver.

Put simply, all this data from various sensors in the wireless sensor network, take a multi-
hop route to the base station or gateway from where the data is funneled to the cloud IoT
platforms like AWS IoT where all this data is cleaned, and analyzed to come with actionable

Typical sensor nodes are used to measure temperature, humidity, vibrations, light, heat,
movement, moisture and so on.

A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a type of network in which sensors are wirelessly
connected to each other and to a central data collection point or server. In the
context of the Internet of Things (IoT), a WSN is a key component for collecting and
transmitting data from sensors to the cloud or other devices for analysis and

In a WSN, each sensor node is typically equipped with a microcontroller, a wireless

radio module, and one or more sensors to collect data such as temperature,
humidity, pressure, light, sound, or motion. These sensors are distributed throughout
a physical environment and are usually powered by batteries or other energy
harvesting techniques, such as solar or kinetic energy.

The wireless communication protocols used in a WSN can vary depending on the
specific application and requirements, but commonly used protocols include Zigbee,
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi, and LoRaWAN. The data collected by the sensors
is transmitted wirelessly to a central data collection point, which can be a gateway or
a cloud-based platform for storage, analysis, and visualization.

Overall, a WSN is a crucial component in the IoT ecosystem, as it enables the

collection of data from the physical environment and provides valuable insights for
various applications, such as smart cities, precision agriculture, industrial automation,
and environmental monitoring.

4. Sensors in IOT
Sensors in Internet of Things(IoT) - GeeksforGeeks
What Are IoT Sensors? Types, Uses, and Examples (
Sensors are used for sensing things and devices etc.
A device that provides a usable output in response to a specified
The sensor attains a physical parameter and converts it into a signal
suitable for processing (e.g. electrical, mechanical, optical) the
characteristics of any device or material to detect the presence of a
particular physical quantity.
The output of the sensor is a signal which is converted to a human-
readable form like changes in characteristics, changes in resistance,
capacitance, impedance etc
Sensor Classification :
• Passive & Active
• Analog & digital
• Scalar & vector
1. Passive Sensor –
Can not independently sense the input. Ex- Accelerometer, soil
moisture, water level and temperature sensors.
2. Active Sensor –
Independently sense the input. Example- Radar, sounder and laser
altimeter sensors.
3. Analog Sensor –
The response or output of the sensor is some continuous function
of its input parameter. Ex- Temperature sensor, LDR, analog
pressure sensor and analog hall effect.
4. Digital sensor –
Response in binary nature. Design to overcome the disadvantages
of analog sensors. Along with the analog sensor, it also comprises
extra electronics for bit conversion. Example – Passive infrared
(PIR) sensor and digital temperature sensor(DS1620).
5. Scalar sensor –
Detects the input parameter only based on its magnitude. The
answer for the sensor is a function of magnitude of some input
parameter. Not affected by the direction of input parameters.
Example – temperature, gas, strain, color and smoke sensor.
6. Vector sensor –
The response of the sensor depends on the magnitude of the
direction and orientation of input parameter. Example –
Accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetic field and motion detector

There are a variety of sensors used in IoT applications, each with its own unique functionality and
purpose. Here are some common types of sensors used in IoT:

1. Temperature sensors: These sensors are used to measure temperature, and are often
used in environmental monitoring applications.
2. Humidity sensors: These sensors measure the amount of moisture in the air and are often
used in combination with temperature sensors for environmental monitoring.
3. Pressure sensors: These sensors measure changes in pressure and can be used for
applications such as weather forecasting, air quality monitoring, and industrial
4. Light sensors: These sensors detect the level of light in an environment and can be used
to automatically adjust lighting levels in a room or to detect when a room is occupied.
5. Motion sensors: These sensors detect movement and can be used to trigger alarms, turn
on lights, or control other devices.
6. Proximity sensors: These sensors detect the presence of objects or people in close
proximity and are often used in security applications or for detecting when a machine is
in use.
7. Gas sensors: These sensors detect the presence of specific gases and can be used for
monitoring air quality, detecting gas leaks, or controlling ventilation systems.
8. Sound sensors: These sensors measure sound levels and can be used for noise pollution
monitoring or for detecting when a specific sound or frequency is present.
9. Image sensors: These sensors capture images or video and are commonly used in
surveillance systems, traffic monitoring, or in medical applications.
10. Inertial sensors: These sensors measure changes in acceleration and orientation and are
used in applications such as navigation, motion tracking, and gaming.

Sensor types with example

Here are some common types of sensors used in various applications along with examples:

1. Temperature sensors: Thermocouples, thermistors, RTDs (resistance temperature

detectors), infrared temperature sensors.
2. Humidity sensors: Capacitive humidity sensors, resistive humidity sensors.
3. Pressure sensors: Piezoresistive pressure sensors, capacitive pressure sensors, strain
gauge pressure sensors.
4. Light sensors: Photoresistors, photodiodes, phototransistors, ambient light sensors.
5. Motion sensors: Passive infrared (PIR) sensors, ultrasonic sensors, microwave sensors.
6. Proximity sensors: Inductive proximity sensors, capacitive proximity sensors, ultrasonic
proximity sensors.
7. Gas sensors: Carbon monoxide sensors, methane sensors, carbon dioxide sensors, oxygen
8. Sound sensors: Microphones, piezoelectric sensors, electret condenser microphones.
9. Image sensors: CCD (charge-coupled device) sensors, CMOS (complementary metal-
oxide-semiconductor) sensors.
10. Inertial sensors: Accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other types of sensors used in various
applications as well.

5. Use of microcontroller
What Is A Microcontrollers: Its Types, Applications, And How Does It Work? - Tesca
Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (

Nowadays you can find microcontrollers in all types of electronic devices. Any
automobile or other device which measures, controls, calculates, stores, or displays
information must have a microcontroller chip inside it.
The microcontrollers used widely are in the industries (microcontrollers widely used
for controlling engines and power controls in automobiles). Various other equipment
contains microcontrollers inside it, such as keyboards, printers, computer mice,
modems, and other peripherals. In various equipment, microcontrollers make it easy
to add some features like the power to store measurements, to form and store user
routines, and to display messages and waveforms.

Various other products that use microcontrollers include digital camcorders, optical
players, LCD/LED display units, etc. And these are just a couple of examples.

Here are some applications of a microcontroller are follows:

• Consumer Electronics Products – Any automatic home appliance like Robots, Toys,
Cameras, Washing machines, Microwave Ovens, etc.
• Instrumentation and Process Control – Multimeter, Leakage Current Tester,
Oscilloscopes, Data Acquisition and Control, etc.
• Fire Detection – Security alarm, Safety devices, etc.
• Medical Instruments – Medical machines like ECG, Accu-Chek, etc.
• Communication technology – Telephone Sets, Cell Phones, Answering Machines,
• Multimedia Application – Mp3 Player, PDAs, etc.
• Office Machines – Fax machine, Printers, etc.
• Automobile – Auto-braking system, Speedometer, etc.
A microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit that is designed
to control specific devices and systems. It combines a CPU, RAM, ROM, and
input/output peripherals on a single chip. Microcontrollers are used in a wide range
of applications, from simple household appliances to sophisticated medical
equipment and automotive systems. Here are some common uses of

1. Embedded Systems: Microcontrollers are widely used in embedded systems,

which are systems that have a dedicated function within a larger mechanical
or electrical system. Examples include smart appliances, industrial control
systems, and automotive systems. Microcontrollers provide a cost-effective
and efficient way to control these systems.
2. Robotics: Microcontrollers are used in robotics to control the movement and
actions of robots. They are often used in conjunction with sensors and
actuators to enable robots to perform tasks such as picking and placing
objects, navigating through an environment, and interacting with humans.
3. Home Automation: Microcontrollers are used in home automation systems to
control lighting, heating, air conditioning, and other household appliances.
They can be programmed to turn devices on and off at specific times or in
response to certain events.
4. Medical Devices: Microcontrollers are used in medical devices such as heart
monitors, insulin pumps, and pacemakers. They provide precise control over
the delivery of medication and can monitor vital signs and other physiological
5. Automotive Systems: Microcontrollers are used in automotive systems such as
engine control units, airbag controllers, and anti-lock braking systems. They
provide precise control over these systems, ensuring that they operate safely
and efficiently.

In summary, microcontrollers are used in a wide range of applications where precise

control and efficient operation are required. They provide a cost-effective and
efficient way to control devices and systems and are an essential component of
modern technology.

6. ARM

Advanced RISC Machine (ARM) Processor is considered to be family of

Central Processing Units that is used in music players, smartphones,
wearables, tablets and other consumer electronic devices.
The architecture of ARM processor is created by Advanced RISC
Machines, hence name ARM. This needs very few instruction sets and
transistors. It has very small size. This is reason that it is perfect fit for small
size devices. It has less power consumption along with reduced complexity
in its circuits.
They can be applied to various designs such as 32-bit devices and
embedded systems. They can even be upgraded according to user needs.
The main features of ARM Processor are mentioned below :
1. Multiprocessing Systems –
ARM processors are designed so that they can be used in cases of
multiprocessing systems where more than one processors are used
to process information. First AMP processor introduced by name of
ARMv6K had ability to support 4 CPUs along with its hardware.

2. Tightly Coupled Memory –

Memory of ARM processors is tightly coupled. This has very fast
response time. It has low latency (quick response) that can also be
used in cases of cache memory being unpredictable.

3. Memory Management –
ARM processor has management section. This includes Memory
Management Unit and Memory Protection Unit. These management
systems become very important in managing memory efficiently.

4. Thumb-2 Technology –
Thumb-2 Technology was introduced in 2003 and was used to
create variable length instruction set. It extends 16-bit instructions
of initial Thumb technology to 32-bit instructions. It has better
performance than previously used Thumb technology.

5. One cycle execution time –

ARM processor is optimized for each instruction on CPU. Each
instruction is of fixed length that allows time for fetching future
instructions before executing present instruction. ARM has CPI
(Clock Per Instruction) of one cycle.

6. Pipelining –
Processing of instructions is done in parallel using pipelines.
Instructions are broken down and decoded in one pipeline stage.
The pipeline advances one step at a time to increase throughput
(rate of processing).

7. Large number of registers –

Large number of registers are used in ARM processor to prevent
large amount of memory interactions. Registers contain data and
addresses. These act as local memory store for all operations.
An ARM processor is a type of microprocessor that uses an architecture developed
by ARM Holdings. ARM processors are based on reduced instruction set computing
(RISC) architecture and are widely used in a range of applications, from mobile
devices to embedded systems and servers.

Some of the key features of ARM processors include:

1. Low power consumption: ARM processors are designed to be energy-efficient,

making them ideal for battery-powered devices.
2. High performance: Despite their low power consumption, ARM processors are
capable of delivering high performance, allowing devices to perform complex
tasks efficiently.
3. Scalability: ARM processors are scalable, meaning that they can be customized
to meet specific requirements. This flexibility allows them to be tailored to
meet the needs of different applications and use cases.
4. Integrated peripherals: Many ARM processors come with a range of integrated
peripherals, such as USB, Ethernet, and CAN.
5. Security: ARM processors are designed with security features such as hardware
encryption and secure boot, making them an ideal choice for secure

ARM processors are used in a wide range of applications, including:

1. Mobile devices: ARM processors are widely used in smartphones and tablets
due to their low power consumption and high performance.
2. Embedded systems: ARM processors are used in a range of embedded
systems, including industrial control systems, automotive systems, and
medical devices.
3. Servers: ARM processors are increasingly being used in servers due to their
low power consumption and high performance.
4. Wearables: ARM processors are used in wearable devices such as
smartwatches and fitness trackers, providing low power consumption and
high performance.

In summary, ARM processors are widely used in a range of applications due to their
low power consumption, high performance, scalability, integrated peripherals, and
security features. They are an essential component of modern technology and are
used in everything from mobile devices to servers.

7. Messaging Protocol

IoT Messaging Protocols

IoT devices use various kinds of messaging and communication
protocols in every layer in order to communicate with each other. While
constructing an IoT device it is important to keep in mind its type, its
functionality, and the layer. There are a wide range of messaging and
communication protocols available in the market and the most common
ones are discussed below.

8. Transport Protocol

Transport layer protocols define how data gets packaged, sent, and
received. In IoT, the best protocol for your device depends on what needs
to be sent and which quality is more important for your use case: speed or

Working of Transport Layer:

The transport layer takes services from the Network layer and provides
services to the Application layer
At the ’ side: The transport layer receives data (message) from the
Application layer and then performs Segmentation, divides the actual
message into segments, adds source and destination’s port numbers into the
header of the segment, and transfers the message to the Network layer.
At the ’ side: The transport layer receives data from the Network
layer, reassembles the segmented data, reads its header, identifies the port
number, and forwards the message to the appropriate port in the Application

UDP (User Datagram Protocol)

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a transport protocol that prioritizes speed
over reliability, using a connectionless process to send data packets to a
destination. Due to its low latency, UDP is ideal for time-sensitive use
cases like video streaming, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), video
gaming, and Domain Name System (DNS) lookups.

UDP – User Datagram Protocol is a connection less protocol and is not reliable for
guaranteed transmission of data. However, the UDP protocol is a best protocol to send
data to the server when packet loss during transmission of the data can be afforded.
UDP protocol is a lightweight protocol and is suitable for wireless sensor network
communication. UDP is often used in applications specially tuned for real-time

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) sets the parameters for data
exchanges between software applications, confirms what is being sent,
where it’s coming from, where it’s going, and whether or not it arrived
correctly. TCP prioritizes accuracy over speed, ensuring that data arrives in
order, with minimal errors, and without duplication. If data gets lost in
transmission, TCP requests the data packets be resent.

TCP – Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is connection oriented and heavyweight

protocol. It is suitable for reliable communication because in this
protocol acknowledgment is received when the client sends the packet to the server
via TCP protocol. The data must be guaranteed sent at the other end if the packet is
sent via TCP protocol.
The protocol operates in three phases – Connection establishment, data transfer and
connection close. A TCP connection is managed by an internet socket which lying at
the end point (physical) undergoes various state changes.
The packet overhead is very large in this protocol. TCP consumes more power from
the devices and has large overhead so it is not suitable for low power devices with
constrained environment. Therefore, UDP is preferred as a connection less protocol for
low overhead.
DCCP – Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP) is a message-oriented
transport layer protocol. This protocol is more secure than TCP protocol. This protocol
is generally used for time critical data transfers like media streaming and VoIP.
SCTP – Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) protocol is a message-oriented
transport layer protocol and it uses congestion control to reliably transfer data over a
RSVP – Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) is a control protocol mainly used for
unicast and multicast data transmission
DTLS – Based on Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, Datagram Transport Layer
Security (DTLS) is a stream-oriented transport layer protocol. This is a security protocol
designed against message forgery, tampering and eavesdropping.
CARP – Channel-Aware Routing Protocol (CARP) is a transport layer protocol developed for
underwater networks.

3. Transport Layer protocols

This layer contains the transport agents. This layer has two main protocols
– TCP(Transmission control protocol) and UDP.
a. TCP – It is highly reliable and it has error control, control flow and
congestion control. There is no packet loss as each packet sent expects an
acknowledgement in return. Flow control takes place when the receiver
adjusts its size and sends packets based on the window.
b. UDP – It has a very simple implementation. Usually, audio and
video datas are sent via UDP. In this protocol, acknowledgement is not
needed since all the packets are sent from the same parent. It is IoT

In the context of the Internet of Things (IoT), a transport protocol is a set of rules and
procedures that govern the exchange of data between IoT devices and the cloud or
other endpoints. IoT devices are typically resource-constrained, meaning they have
limited processing power, memory, and energy resources, and may be deployed in
challenging environments. Therefore, transport protocols used in IoT must be
lightweight, efficient, and reliable.
Two transport protocols commonly used in IoT are the Message Queuing Telemetry
Transport (MQTT) protocol and the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP).

MQTT is a lightweight publish/subscribe messaging protocol designed for use in IoT

and mobile applications. It uses a broker-based architecture, where IoT devices
connect to a broker to publish data or subscribe to data from other devices. MQTT
allows for low-latency messaging, efficient bandwidth utilization, and reliable
message delivery.

CoAP is a lightweight request/response protocol that is designed specifically for use

in constrained networks, such as those found in IoT devices. It is a RESTful protocol
that enables IoT devices to communicate with each other and with the cloud using
standard HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. CoAP is designed to
be efficient, with small packet sizes and low overhead, making it ideal for IoT devices
with limited resources.

In summary, transport protocols used in IoT must be lightweight, efficient, and

reliable to support communication between resource-constrained IoT devices and
cloud or other endpoints. MQTT and CoAP are two commonly used transport
protocols in IoT that meet these requirements.

9. IPv4 vs Ipv6

o Internet Protocol is a set of technical rules that defines how computers

communicate over a network.
o Internet Protocol addresses, or IP addresses, are a core a part of how the
net operates. each device desires an IP address to attach to the net and
communicate with other computers, networks and devices.
o To send information from one computer to a different through the online, an
information packet should be transferred across the network containing the IP
addresses of both devices. Without IP addresses, smartphone
or computer wouldn’t be able to communicate and send information to each

There are presently two versions:

1) IP version four (IPv 4) and
2) IP version six (IPv6).

In the context of IoT, both IPv4 and IPv6 are used to provide connectivity between devices
and enable communication over the Internet. However, there are some differences between
the two protocols that are worth noting.
IPv4 is the older and more widely used protocol, which has been in use since the early days
of the Internet. It uses 32-bit addresses, which limits the number of available IP addresses to
around 4.3 billion. This limitation is becoming increasingly problematic as the number of
connected devices continues to grow, especially with the explosion of IoT devices.

IPv6, on the other hand, is the newer protocol that was developed to address the limitations
of IPv4. It uses 128-bit addresses, which allows for a virtually unlimited number of IP
addresses. This means that IPv6 is better suited for IoT applications, which often involve a
large number of devices that require unique IP addresses.

In addition to its increased address space, IPv6 also offers other advantages over IPv4 in the
context of IoT. For example, IPv6 includes built-in security features, which can help to
protect IoT devices from attacks. It also supports more efficient routing and is better suited
for low-power devices, which are common in IoT applications.

Overall, while both IPv4 and IPv6 can be used for IoT applications, IPv6 is generally seen as
the better choice due to its increased address space, improved security features, and better
support for low-power devices.

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