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SAP2000 manual
Concrete Frame Design IS 456:2000

Design of Rectangular Beam:

For rectangular beams, the limiting depth of neutral axis, xu,max, and the
moment capacity as a singly reinforced beam, Msingle , are obtained first for a
section. The reinforcing steel area is determined based on whether M is
greater than, less than, or equal to Msingle . (See Figure 3-7.)

See Concrete Frame Design IS 456:2000 for SAP2000 for steps to analyse beam.
Beam Design
width, b b 1,000.00 mm
effective depth, d d 800.00 mm
effective area, A A 0.80 m2
design moment Mu,cal Mu,cal 250.00 kNm
Mu Mu 250.00 kNm
fck fck 25.00 MPa M25
εcmax εcmax 0.0035
Es Es 200,000.00 MPa
clear cover, d' d' 70.00 mm

1 Determination of xu,max/d xu,max/d

fy fy 500.00 N/mm2 fy<=250, 0.530

xu,max/d 0.46 250<fy<=415, 0.606
415<fy<=500, 0.578
2 Calculation of Mulim as singly reinforced beam fy<=500, 0.460

Mulim,single 2,137,697,280.00 Nmm α 0.360

β 0.420
m 0.043
3 Calculation of depth of Neutral Axis z 785.141
xu/d 0.04 γs 1.150
Mu 250,000,000.00 Nmm f's 566.848
250.00 kNm
5 Check singly reinforced 1

6 Calculation of Area of tension rebar in case of singly reinforcement

As,single 732.35 mm^2, Bot. (0.092%)
Min As required 1,360.00 mm^2, Bot. (0.17%) Cl. 35.3.2

7 Calculation of Area of compression rebar in case of doubly reinforcement

A's,double N/A mm^2, Top N/A

8 Calculation of Area of tension rebar in case of doubly reinforcement

As,double N/A mm^2, Bot. N/A

9 Control for Deflection

C/c Span length 7.50 m
Support width 1.00 m
Clear span length 6.50 m
delta 10.00 mm
limiting delta 21.43 mm OK Valid for Span < 10 m L/d criteria Cl. 23
Span to depth ratio 9.38 OK Simply supported 20
Slenderness Limits: Limiting clear span 60.00 mm OK

10 Shear Reinforcement
Limiting Spacing 300.00 mm cl.
Spacing provided 150.00 mm
Minimum Shear rebar 137.93 mm2 the characteristic strength of the stirrup shall not be greater than 415 N/mm2

11 Shear force 500.00 KN

Area of Ast 1,360.00 mm2
Shear rebar dia 12.00 mm
No. of stirrup legs 2.00
Area of stirrup legs 226.19 mm2
Nominal Shear Stress, tauv 0.63 N/mm2
percentage of steel, pt 0.17 %
Design shear strength, tauc 0.304 N/mm2 check from IS 456, table 19, page 73 804.2477193
Maximum shear stress, taucmax Err:504 N/mm2 Err:504 1.69
strength of shear rebar 524.77164 kN 591.3586171
Shear to be carried by stirrups (vu-tauc bd) 256.80 kN OK if NOT OK, change stirrups size or number

Max. limit of tension reinforcement 34,800.00 mm2 OK surface crack width

Max. limit of compression reinforcement 34,800.00 mm2 OK Cl. 35.3.2
Min. tension reinforcement required 1,360.00 mm2 OK Cl.

12 Crack width Calculation
Tension rebar diameter, db 32.00 mm crack width in Annex F
Spacing of the tension rebar, S 591.36 mm Cl. 35.3.2
effective cover at tension zone, dc 86.00 mm Cl.
Area of steel in compression zone, Asc - mm2
Effective depth, de 784.00 mm

distance from the point considered to the surface of the nearest longitudinal
bar, αcr 291.93 mm
minimum cover to the longitudinal bar, Cmin 70.00 mm

overall depth of the member, h 870.00 mm

depth of the neutral axis, x 169.71 mm

Modulus of elasticity of reinforcement, Es Es 200,000.00 Mpa

Short term Modulus of elasticity of concrete, Ec-short Ec-short 25,000.00 N/mm2
Creep coefficient θ 1.10 Cl. 6.2.5, for 1 year
Long term Modulus of elasticity of concrete, Ec-long Ec-long 11,904.76
Modular ratio considering long term creep m 16.80
area of tension reinforcement, As As 1,360.00 mm2 solving x = 169.710643286 368 Xu
width of the section at the centroid of the tension steel, b b 1,000.00 mm A B
14,400,851.222 14,400,851.22 0.00 OK
distance from the compression face to the point at which the crack width is
being calculated, a a 886.00 mm goal seek

moment of inertia for cracked section, Icr Icr 10,706,021,736.17 mm4

d-x d-x 630.29 mm
concrete strain considering long term creep Ɛc 11,250.00
unfactored moment M 166,666,666.67 MPa
long term creep,concrete stress at the tension steel level fs 9.812069 MPa
long term creep, concrete strain at the tension steel level Ɛs 0.000872
strain at the level considered, calculated ignoring the stiffening of the
concrete in the tension zone Ɛ1 0.00099 Updated: 4/3/2023
average steel strain at the level considered Ɛm 0.0000 Today: 4/21/2023
Surface crack width Wcr 0.01 mm
Table 19: Design Shear Strength of Concrete, tc, N/mm2
(Clauses 40.2.1, 40.2.2, 40.3, 40.4, 40.5.3, 41.3.2, 41.3.3, and 41.4.3)
100 As/bd Concrete Grade
100 As/bd M15 M20 M25 M30 M35 M40
0.15 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.3
0.25 0.35 0.36 0.36 0.37 0.37 0.38
0.5 0.46 0.48 0.49 0.5 0.5 0.51
0.75 0.54 0.56 0.57 0.59 0.59 0.6
1 0.6 0.62 0.64 0.66 0.67 0.68
1.25 0.64 0.67 0.7 0.71 0.73 0.74
1.5 0.68 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.79
1.75 0.71 0.75 0.78 0.8 0.82 0.84
2 0.71 0.79 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88
2.25 0.71 0.81 0.85 0.88 0.9 0.92
2.5 0.71 0.82 0.88 0.91 0.93 0.95
2.75 0.71 0.82 0.9 0.94 0.96 0.98
3 0.71 0.82 0.92 0.96 0.99 1.01

Table 20: Maximum Shear Stress, tcmax, N/mm2

(Clauses 40.2.3,, 40.5.1, and 41.3.1)
Concrete Grade M15 M20 M25 M30 M35 M40
tcmax 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.5 3.7 4
x1 0.15 y1 0.29
x2 0.25 y2 0.36
x 0.17 y 0.304
fck = 30 MPa Area of tension steel, As = 565 mm2
fyk = 500 MPa d= 129 mm
b= 1000 mm Area of compression steel, As = 2 314 mm2
h= 160 mm d = 2 31 mm
QP moment, M = 24.9 KNm Maxmum tension bar spacing, S = 200 mm
Age at cracking = 14 days Max tension bar dia, Øeq = 12 mm
Cement type = R (S, N, or R) Short term or long term ? L (S or L)
Creep factor, φ = 2.0 Cover to As, c = 25 mm

modulus of elasticity of concrete = 22[(fck+8)/10]0.3 Ecm = 32.8 GPa
moduli of elasticity of steel Es = 200.0 GPa
Modular ratio αe = 18.27
mean concrete strength at cracking fcm,t = 34.98 MPa
mean concrete tensile strength fct,eff = 2.67 MPa
uncracked neutral axis depth
[bh²/2+(αe-1)(Asd+As2d2)]/[bh+(αe-1)(As+As2)] xu = 81.21 mm
uncracked 2nd moment of area
bh³/12+bh(h/2-x)²+(αe-1)[As(d-x)²+As2(x-d2)²] Iu = 378 mm4 106
cracking moment = fctI/(h-x) Mcr = 12.78 kNm
< 24.9 kNm section is CRACKED
fully cracked neutral axis depth
(-Asαe-As2(αe-1)+[{Asαe+As2(αe-1)}²-2b{-Asαed-As2d2(αe-1)}]½)/b xc = 41.24 mm
concrete stress = M/[bx(d-x/3)/2+(αe-1)As2(d-d2)(x-d2)/x] σc = 9.926 MPa
stress in tension steel = σc∙αe(d-x)/x σs = 385.9 MPa
effective tension area = min[2.5(h-d), (h-x)/3, h/2]b - As Ac,eff = 39021 mm2
As /Ac,eff ρp,eff = 0.0145
max final crack spacing = min[1.3/(h-x),3.4c+0.17Ø/ρp,eff)] sr,max = 154.4 mm
average strain for crack width calculation εsm-εcm = 1463.9 μstrain
Jhyamolongma Hydropower Development Company Pvt. Ltd. KARUWA SETI HYDROPOWER PROJECT (32 MW)

Date: 4/21/2023
Project: Karuwa Seti Hydropower Project (32 MW) Prepared By: B.Chalisey
Subject: Design Sheet for Tailrace Culvert Checked By: B.Ojha
Drawing no: KSHPP-04-PH-40-C029 Recom. By: N.B.Malla


fcu= 25 mm
fy= 500 mm
Area of reinforcement " As " = 1005 mm
b= 1000 mm
h= 400 mm
d= 342
Minimum cover to tension reinforcement " CO " = 50 KNm
Maxmum bar spacing " S " = 200
Bar dia " DIA " = 16
" acr " =(((S/2)^2+(CO+DIA/2)^2)^(1/2)-DIA/2) as default or enter other value = 107.6 KN/mm2
"acr " is distance from the point considered to the surface of the nearest longitudinal KN/mm2
Applied service moment " Ms "= 38.7

moduli of elasticity of concrete " Ec" = (1/2)*(20+0.2*fcu) = 12.5
moduli of elasticity of steel " Es " = 200.0
Modular ratio " a " = (Es/Ec) = 16.00 N/mm2
" r " = As/bd = 0.003 N/mm2
depth to neutral axis, "x" = (-a.r +((a.r)2 + 2.a.r)0.5.d = 90

" Z " = d-(x/3) = 312

Reinforcement stress " fs " = Ms/(As*Z) = 123
Concrete stress " fc " = (fs*As)/(0.5*b*x) = 2.75
Strain at soffit of concrete beam/slab " e1 " = (fs/Es)*(h-x)/(d-x) = 0.000758
Strain due to stiffening effect of concrete between cracks " e2 " =
e2 = b.(h-x)2/(3.Es.As.(d-x)) for crack widths of 0.2 mm Used
e2 = 1.5.b.(h-x)2/(3.Es.As.(d-x)) for crack widths of 0.1 mm n/a mm
e2 = 0.000632
Average strain for calculation of crack width " e m "= e1-e2 = 0.000126
Calculated crack width, " w " = 3.acr.em/(1+2.(acr-c)/(h-x))

Jade Consult Pvt. Ltd.

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