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Raihan Fikri Bin Roslan Gamelan


(GROUP A) Gamelan

A gamelan is a musical ensemble from Indonesia, typically from the islands of Bali or Java, featuring a variety of instruments such as met allophones, xylophones, drums and gongs; bamboo flutes, bowed and plucked strings. Vocalists may also be included. The term refers more to the set of instruments than to the players of those instruments. A gamelan is a set of instruments as a distinct entity, built and tuned to stay together instruments from different gamelan are generally not interchangeable.

Type of gamelan: 1. Malaysian gamelan 2. Javanese gamelan and many more

History: Gamelan
The gamelan predates the Hindu-Buddhist culture that dominated Indonesia in its earliest records and instead represents a native art form. The instruments developed into their current form during the Majapahit Empire. In contrast to the heavy Indian influence in other art forms, the only obvious Indian influence in gamelan music is in the Javanese style of singing. Indonesia Gamelan In Javanese mythology, the gamelan was created by Sang Hyang Guru in Saka era 167 (c. AD 230), the god who ruled as king of all Java from a palace on the Maendra mountains in Medangkamulan (now Mount Lawu). He needed a signal to summon the gods and thus invented the gong. For more complex messages, he invented two other Gongs, thus forming the original gamelan set. The earliest image of a musical ensemble is found on the 8th century Borobudur temple, Central Java. Musical instruments such as the bamboo flute, bells, drums in various sizes, lute, and bowed and plucked string instruments were identified in this image. However it lacks

metallophones and xylophones. Nevertheless, the image of this musical ensemble is suggested to be the ancient form of the gamelan.

Malay and Javanese gamelan Gamelan is derived from the Javanese language 'gamel' which means tabuh or hit. It coincides with the category of musical instruments of the gamelan, below or percussion. It should be sounded by selfishness means beaten or hit him. Gamelan musical instruments made of brass and of iron and wood and bamboo. Bronze is a mixture of copper and tin. In terms of equipment, the adjustment it has been prescribed or fixed tuning. As we all know, games gamelan music is played or performed by an ensemble or group, and it can be performed individually. The first tool created is gamelan gongs (in existence since the Malay Civilisation 1). Then, other devices exist in the times. In the early years of the Malay civilization, gong to be very important tool as a sign to start a ritual and to mark an event occurs. In contrast, in the days of government Demak in Java. Where, at the time of gamelan has been used for preaching by sunan (Kiai). But now, gamelan has been known worldwide as a unique ethnic music with their own privileges. Actually, this gamelan in several other countries as well. It is believed to have originated from Indonesia and there is also a gamelan instrument similar in other countries like the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, and part of Vietnam, as well as in our own country is in Kulintangan (Sabah), Sarawak, Brunei, Mindanao, and Celebes. There may be differences in its name as a place where it is but the form of equipment and the arrangement is the same. There are several types of gamelan in seluh world including the Malay Gamelan, Javanese gamelan, Balinese gamelan, Sundanese gamelan, Gamelan Banyuwangi, Gambang Keromong, and the American Gamelan.

Type of Gamelan ( Malay and Javanese )

Malay Gamelan - History
Malay Gamelan is a form of dance music from the category Main. A little history of the Malay Gamelan, it was first introduced in Pahang in the reign of Sultan Ahmad Muadzam Shah. It began to demand by the Tengku Ampuan the Wan Fatimah as the sultan's first wife and his second wife that followed Che Zubedah. Next, this gamelan was taken to City after their daughter, Mary, married Tengku Ampuan of Sultan Sulaiman Badrul Alam Shah in 1913. When the king died in 1914, his second wife was meninggakan NSW to live with his daughter in the state. Because his daughter is very interested in gamelan, gamelan under his care in NSW has been brought to the Palace City and has trained young people there to play and dance to gamelan. A variety of songs and dances have been created between symbol Sari, Geliung, crab Renjong, Togok, Crow adversary, Lancang Kuning, and so on. Not only that, Tengku Ampuan She also wrote a manuscript about Joget Gamelan while Sultan Sulaiman is responsible for changing the name of 'Joget Pahang' to 'Joget Gamelan Terengganu. However, the sky is not always clear. Gamelan Terengganu began to fall at the time of the Japanese Occupation (1941). After her husband, Sultan Sulaiman died (1942), Tengku Ampuan she moved to the Palace pool with dancers and gamelan set. In 1973, the government of Pahang and Terengganu are doing the bargaining offer on the property of the set of gamelan. After that, the gamelan set was awarded to the Museum in the town of Pahang were displayed. Today, Malay gamelan sets have been stored in the Museum figure, Kuantan, Pahang.

Tools Gamelan of Malays Music

Most of the tools in the Malay Gamelan are instruments that knocked idiofon to produce sound. These devices are made of bronze shaped like a bowl and berpencu and mellophones (wind instruments in the brass family. There are also tools like drums, two-page membranofon. Malay Gamelan Ensemble consists of seven main tools: -







Javanese gamelan - History

Javanese gamelan is of the form of Dance Music category Home. Current definition of the gamelan is an orchestra performing the musical bronze dominated the musical kordofon, erofon and membranofon together singers of both sexes. Gamelan music originated in Central Java and in the Javanese when colonization of the Europeans. Javanese gamelan music arts include dance, puppets purwa and horses moving. In the Southern part of Peninsular Malaysia, there are various forms of dance and the Javanese wayang are still presented with the Javanese gamelan accompaniment. Not only that, the Javanese gamelan music to accompany dances such as dance Kifrah, Serimpi Candles, Butterfly and Cakil. Gamelan instruments are available for the purpose of escorting Riog, Barungan and Kuda. Javanese gamelan music is usually performed at weddings, circumcision and so forth. Gamelan this type can be found in Johor, Selangor and Federal Territory. Javanese gamelan music plays an important role in the lives of the people and not as a game limited to offering only the palace. The number of sets of Javanese gamelan instruments is more than set the Malay Gamelan

instruments. Games and presentation is also more complex. Set of Javanese gamelan instruments of drums memgandungi 9 instruments (ketipung, jiblon, bem), Bonang / keromong, demung, Sharon booth, Sharon rectifier / Pekin, xylophone, kenong, kempol and gongs.

Music Equipment Javanese Gamelan

Javanese gamelan tuning using the four ways, namely by slendro, pelog, gamelan (usually used in the district of Sunda, or West Java), and madenda (also known as diatonik), the same as natural minor scale is widely used in Europe.

Slendro has five tones per octave, namely: 1 2 3 5 6 [C-D E + G] - a small interval of difference Pelog has tones per octave, namely: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [C + D E F # G # AB] - a big difference in the interval

Skel Pelog

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