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1. INFANCY (from birth to 9 months old)

o This is the shortest of all stages in development.
o It is characterized by 4 important adjustments the infant must accomplish successfully to
ensure future survival:
a. Regulating body temperature
b. Breathing air from the outside
c. Feeding by sucking and swallowing
d. Eliminating body wastes
2. EARLY CHILDHOOD (1 to 3 years old)
o There is marked growth of the muscular and the nervous system.
o The child acquires motor skills that allow exploration of the immediate environment.
o Some important tasks during this stage are:
a. Starting to walk unassisted
b. Beginning to talk with sense
c. Beginning to distinguish right from wrong
d. Learning to control elimination of body wastes
3. MIDDLE CHILDHOOD (3 to 5 years old)
o The child during this stage longs for independence. Once freedom is achieved, the child
now wants to try other possibilities on his/her own.
o Some important tasks at this stage are the following:
a. Playing with other children
b. Learning colors, sizes, and shapes
c. Listening to stories and singing songs
d. Learning modesty and gender difference
4. LATE CHILDHOOD (5 to 12 years old)
o The child gains more physical strength, which he/she can expend to acquire new skills.
o During this stage, the child needs to develop a sense of competence.
a. Building a wholesome attitude toward oneself
b. Trying to get along with children of the same age
c. Developing appropriate gender social roles
d. Mastering skills in reading, writing, and calculating
5. ADOLESCENCE (12 to 20 years old)
o It is at this stage that the adolescent attains puberty – when he/she is now sexually
mature and capable of reproduction. Puberty has a great influence in the adolescent’s
mental, social, and emotional life.
o The following tasks await the adolescent:
a. Gaining a feminine or masculine social role
b. Establishing mature relations with age-mates
c. Preparing to work and establish economic career
d. Attaining emotional freedom from significant adults
e. Accepting and performing responsible social behavior
6. EARLY ADULTHOOD (20 to 30 years old)
oThis stage is characterized by tensions and frustrations brought about by family and
o The adult may now have a spouse and children to care for and support.
o He/she may also have a job that demands equal attention as that of the family.
o The important tasks at this stage include the following:
a. Finding a mate, marrying, and starting a family
b. Caring for children and managing a home
c. Performing civic duties and responsibilities
d. Finding a friendly social group
7. MATURE ADULTHOOD/MIDDLE AGE (30 to 65 years old)
o Physical signs of aging start to appear like wrinkles and gray hair.
o Metabolism is starting to slow down, so it is easier to gain weight.
o Dealing with older children and taking care of aging parents also become stressful for
middle-aged adults.
o The mature adult is uncertain between staying productive or becoming inactive.
o Persons at this stage are challenged to continue performing and proving their worth.
o Failure disappoints the person and causes feeling of stagnation.
o The challenges during this stage are varied.
a. Realizing adult civic and social responsibilities
b. Helping one’s own children become happy adults
c. Living in harmony and relating oneself with the spouse
d. Adjusting to physical changes that come with growing older
e. Achieving and sustaining satisfactory performance in one’s job
8. OLD AGE (65 years old until death)
o The abilities of a person in old age is limited by physical health such that productivity is
o However, it is thought that the person has been productive and successful that leads to
contentment and fulfillment.
o Disease, syndrome, and sickness develop among men and women.
o Also referred to as “senior citizens” or “elders”
o Terms associated with old age:
 Ageing – also called “senescence”
 Gerontology – This is the medical study of the ageing process.
 Geriatrics – This is the study of diseases that afflict the elderly.
o Some challenges facing old age are the following:
a. Addressing needs due to decreasing physical strength and health
b. Choosing where to live comfortably while enjoying old age
c. Adjusting to job retirement and/or death of a spouse

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