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It doesn't make you

weird to be different


People are always scared when they see

something different from normal.

Since everything that is different is

considered strange or strange,

And that's how they treated me, just for

being different.
I'm Ethan and since I was born I

have different colored eyes, this is a

condition known as heterochromia,

And every day at school, even when

I leave the house, is horrible.

People point at me, make fun of me,

and tell me that I have a flaw, that

I'm a freak.

Ethan was suffering from Bullying

from four of his classmates for over

a year. Every day they bothered him

by throwing the notebooks at him and

saying ugly words to him, that's why
he hated going to class since the

same story was always repeated. He

had already been at that school for a

year and decided to put up with

everything they did to him, because

he was tired of being changed

schools because of the bullying.

Today is Monday and my

torture begins again, I have

to see the face of Santiago

and his friends again and

listen to everything they say

about me.
Ethan arrived at the school and only sighed before entering

that place again. He was walking through the halls when he

felt that someone was hanging from his side and he heard the

voice that torments him every day telling him

Hello weirdo, did you miss


Ethan froze at that moment and just

resigned himself to what was

In that Santiago takes the

backpack and throws everything

on the ground and goes with his

As Ethan bent down to pick up all

his stuff off the floor.

At that moment Ethan realizes that

someone bends down and rushes to help

him put his books in his backpack, when he

looks up he finds someone he had not seen

at that school, he was mesmerized by how

pretty she was, she had hair reddish and a

lock of it that was painted white passed

through her hazel eyes, she had a thin nose

and her cheeks were adorned with a faint

reddish color and a few barely visible

freckles, besides the crimson color of her

lips, it was too cute for him, she was telling

him something, but he was too busy

appreciating her beauty until their gazes

connected and that's when he looked away

as fast as he could, because he didn't want

her to be scared by his eyes.

Are you OK? I
in that she says
can't believe what

I'm fine, I'm used to it. that boy did to


He replies quietly
While he was

still avoiding her

gaze and finished

closing the

backpack and


I'm sorry I didn't

introduce myself,

I'm Camille

she tells him while extending her

At that moment my nerves

were on edge, I felt my

heart beating very fast and

even more so when I

greeted him back, I wanted

to talk to him but the

words did not want to come

out of my mouth and I was

not able to look up.

-You're shy right? -Well, I

have to go, see you later.

And she said

goodbye waving her

hand, I just saw how

she ran away and I

felt the impediment

for not having spoken

to her.

When I got to the classroom and sat in my seat, the day

began and the teacher introduced a new student, and that's

when I saw her again, that girl who helped me and stole

my breath.
She introduced herself and the

teacher assigned her the seat

next to me, so now we are

sharing a seat, and I decided to

talk to her, I told her what she

had to do and I offered to

teach her the school, she is the

only one who has not told me

treated indifferently, I think

that perhaps it is because he

has not noticed my eyes.

It was time for the break, so when I was going to go to Camille to ask her if she wanted to go to the

cafeteria together, I realized that Santiago was already talking to her -and it doesn't surprise me since

she's very pretty- and surely he was telling her that I am a freak, so I just decided to ignore them and

get out of there quickly, but when I was about to cross the door I feel that someone is holding my arm

and when I direct my gaze towards the grip, I see that it is Camille, I felt that the my stomach turned.
.-hey, Ethan, wait for me and

we'll go to the cafeteria

together, I still don't know

where everything is right-

I was going to answer when

Santiago interrupted me - come on

Camille and I'll take you, I don't

want them to see you next to this

weirdo- and he puts his arm around

her, to which she responds by taking

her arm away - Why do you call him

that? - to which Santiago says -

perhaps you haven't seen his eyes,

hahaha, he's a weirdo- then my

spirits fell right away, and I tried to

hide my face but Santiago holds it

up to me making her see my


But I was surprised that she didn't say anything, but

instead glared at Santiago, only to then be literally

Why do you have to be like that with him? Perhaps he

speechless. made you treat him like that, ahhh, just because he has

different colored eyes he deserves all the mistreatment

you give him,

learn to be a person, how would you

react in his place, that you have to

go through all that-

- then I realized that if he He had paid attention

to my eyes and he never said anything bad to me.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, he was the

first person who defended me.

Santiago remained static because of everything

Camille told him, she was very angry at what he

only said- and Camille calm down, why do you

put so much importance on it-

That only made her angry again - perhaps you don't see the

seriousness and weight of your words, for things like what you do is

that many people lose their lives, and even if it is nothing for you, for

the person who suffers it is exhausting-

In that Camille takes me by the spleen and we leave the classroom

towards the patio,

when we stopped I dared to look

into her eyes and tell her

thanks for defending me, no one had done it,

and also thanks for not making fun of my

eyes, but seriously, don't they seem strange

-Of course not, I find them very beautiful,

to you?
unique and special-

I blushed at his words -I'm only telling the truth, you should keep in

"I had never been told that, thank you," I

mind that these differences are what make

said shyly us who we are, and no one should feel

overwhelmed by that-

You don't deserve to be treated like that

just because of how your eyes look, it's a

part of you that makes you unique, people

must understand that, that not all of us are

-You are a great person

the same and that makes us strange, so

Camille, thanks for letting me

forget about everything that tells you says

know all that- Santiago, that your eyes for me are the most

beautiful thing I have ever seen, I assure

Since then Ethan and

Camille have been great

friends, they spend all the

time together and to the

surprise of many, Santiago

changed completely, now he

no longer bothered others,

and he became one of

Ethan's closest friends.

Thanks for

reading this

little story.

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