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Heart of England and South Wales

The very center of England is a truly amazing and, I dare say, majestic
place: traditional ale, old 12th-century monasteries with a still-preserved pre-
Christian flavor, ale and quiet villages, as if descended from the pages of
Tolkien's hobbit books.

While watching the video, I plunged into the atmosphere of old, timeless
England. The journey begins in the Costwolds, the traditional center of England,
renowned for its quaint villages. This secluded patch of peace and tranquility
was caught up in the boom of the Industrial Revolution and the wool industry in
particular, causing many people to leave their villages and go to live in the
cities. Of course, in this region, sheep's wool was the most important
commodity even before the 19th century.

In the town of Stanton, for example, I was very impressed with the local
church of St Michael, built at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries with money
from the sale of wool. The design of this church, truly unique in the modern
world and most likely built on the remains of an ancient temple, combines both
old pre-Christian elements and familiar Christian icons and images. And also
here is brewed local historically accurate ale, which, according to the owner of
the local brewery, has never caused anyone a fight, and even if he drank a lot,
then you at most go home and peacefully lie down to sleep.

Of course, we would also like to mention Stonehenge, which, in my

opinion, needs no introduction. This truly tourist magnet is considered to be the
most ancient stone structure, built as a proto-solar calendar some 5,000 years
ago. Historians still don't know how or why Stonehenge was built, but one thing
is certain - it does work as a solar calendar, even to this day.
All in all, I would like to say that central England is an amazing place for
those who love history, silence and tranquility to the bone. It has everything you
need to fully experience the true English atmosphere and never be the same

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