A Review On SME's Marketing

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

A Review on SME’s Marketing

Dr. I. Omran
Alexandria Mineral Oils Company “AMOC”

Abstract:- This research focuses on the role of digital face challenges in implementing digital marketing due to
marketing in the growth and development of Small and limited resources and expertise (Hollensen, 2019).
Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The study provides an
overview of SME marketing theories and concepts and Empirical studies have examined the impact of digital
discusses the importance of digital marketing for SMEs. It marketing on SMEs. Research has found that digital marketing
also reviews the digital marketing strategies that are can positively impact SMEs' performance, including increased
suitable for SMEs and highlights the benefits and brand awareness, customer engagement, and sales (Chaffey et
challenges of implementing digital marketing for SMEs. al., 2019; Kiran & Sharma, 2019). However, the effectiveness
Empirical studies on the impact of digital marketing on of digital marketing for SMEs is influenced by factors such as
SMEs are also reviewed, and factors that affect the website design, content quality, social media engagement, and
effectiveness of digital marketing for SMEs are identified. online reputation management (Chaffey et al., 2019).
The study concludes with a discussion of the gaps in the
existing literature and research opportunities for further Despite the importance of SME marketing, there are gaps
exploration of SME marketing. The findings of this study in the existing literature. For example, there is limited research
have implications for policymakers and practitioners in on the effectiveness of specific digital marketing strategies for
SME marketing. SMEs, such as influencer marketing and mobile marketing
(Hollensen, 2019). Moreover, research has not examined the
I. INTRODUCTION impact of cultural factors on SME marketing, such as the
influence of cultural values on consumer behavior (Morgan et
A. Background and context of SME marketing al., 2015). Therefore, there is a need for further research to
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) play a address these gaps and explore new opportunities for SME
significant role in the global economy. According to the marketing.
World Bank, SMEs account for approximately 90% of
businesses and more than 50% of employment worldwide B. Purpose and objectives of the literature review
(World Bank, 2020). However, SMEs face various challenges, The study aims to explore the following research
including limited resources, budget constraints, and difficulty objectives: (1) to identify the key challenges and opportunities
in reaching and engaging with customers. Marketing is a facing SMEs in marketing, (2) to evaluate the effectiveness of
crucial factor for the growth and success of SMEs. Therefore, different marketing channels and tactics for SMEs, (3) to
understanding the background and context of SME marketing assess the role of digital technologies in SME marketing, and
is important to develop effective marketing strategies for (4) to provide practical recommendations and guidelines for
SMEs (Morgan et al., 2015). SMEs to enhance their marketing capabilities.

Theories and concepts of marketing have been developed C. Scope and limitations of the literature review
for large organizations and multinational corporations. Scope and Limitations: The study focuses on SMEs
However, these theories and concepts may not be applicable operating in diverse industries and regions, with a particular
or effective for SMEs due to differences in resources, budget, emphasis on the United States and Europe. The study will
and customer base. Hence, marketing theories and concepts employ a qualitative research design, using in-depth
have been developed specifically for SMEs. Examples of these interviews and case studies to collect and analyze data. The
theories and concepts include relationship marketing, study's limitations include the potential for sampling bias, as
customer-centric marketing, and resource-based view (RBV) the study will rely on a purposive sampling strategy to select
of the firm (Morgan et al., 2015). SMEs for inclusion. The study's findings may not be
generalizable to all SMEs or all regions, and the study's
Digital marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for conclusions will be limited by the scope and nature of the data
SMEs to reach and engage with their target audience. Digital collected.
marketing strategies such as search engine optimization
(SEO), content marketing, email marketing, and social media
marketing can help SMEs to improve their online visibility,
reach their target audience, and drive sales. However, SMEs

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
II. OVERVIEW OF SME MARKETING THEORIES budgets. In addition, digital marketing allows SMEs to track
AND CONCEPTS and measure their marketing efforts more effectively, enabling
them to optimize their marketing strategies and achieve better
A. Definition of SMEs and their importance in the economy results (Chaffey et al., 2019).
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are defined
as businesses with fewer than 250 employees, and a turnover Digital marketing can also provide SMEs with a way to
of less than €50 million or a balance sheet total of less than reach their target audience more effectively. By using digital
€43 million (European Commission, 2021). SMEs play a channels, SMEs can target specific demographics, interests,
crucial role in the global economy, accounting for and behaviors, ensuring that their marketing messages are seen
approximately 90% of businesses and more than 50% of by the people most likely to be interested in their products or
employment worldwide (World Bank, 2020). Therefore, services. This can help SMEs to increase their return on
understanding SMEs and their importance in the economy is investment (ROI) and drive more sales (Chaffey et al., 2019).
essential for developing effective marketing strategies.
Furthermore, digital marketing can help SMEs to build
B. Overview of marketing theories and concepts applicable to and maintain customer relationships. By using digital channels
SMEs such as social media and email, SMEs can engage with their
Marketing theories and concepts have been developed customers, provide them with valuable content, and respond to
primarily for large organizations and multinational their queries and concerns in real-time. This can help to build
corporations. However, these theories and concepts may not brand loyalty and trust, which is crucial for SMEs looking to
be applicable or effective for SMEs due to differences in establish themselves in competitive markets (Kapoor & Vij,
resources, budget, and customer base. Therefore, marketing 2017).
theories and concepts have been developed specifically for
SMEs. Examples of these theories and concepts include B. Digital marketing strategies suitable for SMEs
relationship marketing, customer-centric marketing, and There are several digital marketing strategies that are
resource-based view (RBV) of the firm (Morgan et al., 2015). suitable for SMEs, depending on their business goals, target
audience, and available resources. One effective strategy is
C. The role of marketing in SME growth and development search engine optimization (SEO), which involves optimizing
The role of marketing in SME growth and development a website's content and structure to rank higher in search
is crucial. Effective marketing strategies can help SMEs to engine results pages. This can help SMEs to increase their
reach and engage with their target audience, increase brand website traffic and visibility, and ultimately drive more sales
awareness, and drive sales. However, SMEs face various (Chaffey et al., 2019).
challenges in implementing marketing, including limited
resources, budget constraints, and difficulty in reaching and Another digital marketing strategy that is suitable for
engaging with customers. Therefore, developing effective SMEs is social media marketing. Social media platforms, such
marketing strategies that take into account the unique as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, provide SMEs with a
characteristics and challenges of SMEs is essential for their cost-effective way to reach their target audience, build brand
growth and development (Morgan et al., 2015). awareness, and engage with customers. SMEs can use social
media to share content, promote products and services, and
III. DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR respond to customer queries and concerns (Kapoor & Vij,
SMES 2017).

A. Overview of digital marketing and its importance for SMEs Email marketing is another digital marketing strategy
Digital marketing refers to the use of digital channels, that is effective for SMEs. Email marketing involves sending
such as social media, email, search engines, and websites, to targeted emails to a list of subscribers, with the aim of
promote products and services to a target audience. In recent promoting products and services and building customer
years, digital marketing has become increasingly important for relationships. SMEs can use email marketing to nurture leads,
SMEs as more consumers turn to digital channels to research encourage repeat purchases, and provide customers with
and purchase products and services. Digital marketing can valuable content and offers (Chaffey et al., 2019).
provide SMEs with a cost-effective way to reach their target
audience, increase brand awareness, and drive sales. Content marketing is also a suitable digital marketing
strategy for SMEs. This involves creating and sharing valuable
One of the main advantages of digital marketing for and relevant content, such as blog posts, videos, and
SMEs is its cost-effectiveness. Unlike traditional marketing infographics, with the aim of attracting and retaining a clearly
channels, such as print ads and television commercials, digital defined audience. SMEs can use content marketing to educate
marketing channels are typically less expensive to use. This their target audience, build brand authority, and drive website
can be particularly beneficial for SMEs with limited marketing traffic (Kapoor & Vij, 2017).

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
C. Benefits and challenges of implementing digital marketing awareness and customer loyalty, which led to improved
for SMEs customer retention and higher levels of customer satisfaction.
There are several benefits of implementing digital The study also found that digital marketing helped SMEs to
marketing for SMEs, but there are also some challenges that compete with larger businesses and to reach a wider audience.
SMEs may face when trying to adopt digital marketing
strategies. However, not all studies have found a positive impact of
digital marketing on SMEs. A study by Nair and Pillai (2018)
One of the benefits of implementing digital marketing for found that while digital marketing tools, such as social media
SMEs is that it can help them to reach a larger audience and and mobile marketing, were widely used by SMEs, there was
increase brand awareness. With the rise of social media and no significant correlation between the use of digital marketing
search engines, SMEs have access to cost-effective digital and SME performance. The study suggested that SMEs may
marketing tools that can help them to target potential need to adopt more sophisticated digital marketing strategies
customers and compete with larger businesses (Chaffey et al., to see a positive impact on their performance.
Overall, the empirical evidence suggests that digital
Digital marketing can also help SMEs to improve their marketing can have a positive impact on SME growth and
customer relationships and retention. By providing valuable performance, but the effectiveness of digital marketing
content and personalized experiences, SMEs can build trust strategies may vary depending on the specific SME and the
and loyalty with their customers, which can lead to repeat strategies employed.
business and positive reviews (Kapoor & Vij, 2017).
B. Factors that affect the effectiveness of digital marketing for
However, there are also some challenges that SMEs may SMEs
face when trying to implement digital marketing strategies. Some of the factors that can affect the effectiveness of
One challenge is the lack of resources and expertise. SMEs digital marketing for SMEs include:
may not have the budget to hire dedicated digital marketing  Understanding the target audience: SMEs need to
staff or outsource to agencies, and may struggle to keep up understand their target audience and tailor their digital
with the rapidly changing digital landscape (Chaffey et al., marketing strategies accordingly to effectively reach and
2019). engage with them. (Liu & Li, 2020)
 Budget constraints: Limited budgets can constrain the
Another challenge is the competition from larger digital marketing strategies that SMEs can implement,
businesses with more established digital marketing strategies. potentially impacting their effectiveness. (Tran & Phan,
SMEs may struggle to stand out in crowded online spaces, and 2021)
may need to focus on niche markets or develop unique value  Competitor activities: The digital marketing strategies
propositions to differentiate themselves (Kapoor & Vij, 2017). employed by competitors can affect the effectiveness of an
SME's own digital marketing efforts. (Pöyry et al., 2018)
IV. EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON THE IMPACT OF  Industry characteristics: The characteristics of the industry
DIGITAL MARKETING ON SMES in which an SME operates, such as level of competition
and degree of digitalization, can impact the effectiveness
A. Overview of empirical studies on the impact of digital of digital marketing strategies. (Lee et al., 2019)
marketing on SMEs  Integration with overall business strategy: Digital
There have been several empirical studies on the impact marketing strategies need to be integrated with an SME's
of digital marketing on SMEs, which have shown that digital overall business strategy to effectively drive growth and
marketing can have a positive impact on SME growth and performance. (Liu & Li, 2020)
C. Case studies of SMEs that have successfully implemented
One study conducted by Taiminen and Karjaluoto (2015) digital marketing strategies
found that SMEs that used digital marketing tools, such as Here are some case studies of SMEs that have
social media and search engine optimization, had higher levels successfully implemented digital marketing strategies:
of website traffic and customer engagement, which led to  Mazzoni SRL - an Italian fashion company that improved
increased sales and revenue. The study also found that digital its sales and customer engagement through digital
marketing was more effective for SMEs than traditional marketing efforts, such as creating a user-friendly e-
marketing methods, such as print advertising. commerce platform and implementing social media
marketing campaigns. (Vescovi & Ponti, 2021)
Another study by Todor et al. (2019) found that SMEs  12 Oaks Desserts - a US-based bakery that leveraged
that used digital marketing strategies, such as content digital marketing to grow its business, including
marketing and email marketing, had higher levels of brand
implementing an e-commerce platform, using social media

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
to promote their products, and utilizing email marketing B. Research opportunities for further exploration of SME
campaigns. (Singh, 2018) marketing
 TishTash - a Dubai-based PR and marketing agency that  Investigating the effectiveness of different digital
used digital marketing strategies, such as content marketing strategies for SMEs in different industries and
marketing and social media advertising, to grow its client contexts
base and increase its revenue. (TishTash, n.d.)  Exploring the role of social media influencers in promoting
 Sukhi's Grooming - a UK-based pet grooming business SME products and services
that effectively used Google AdWords to increase its  Examining the impact of customer reviews and ratings on
online visibility and generate more leads. (Chaudhry, 2018. SMEs' digital marketing performance
 Investigating the impact of cultural differences on the
V. GAPS AND RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES effectiveness of digital marketing strategies for SMEs
operating in international markets
A. Identification of gaps in the existing literature on SME  Examining the role of government policies and support
marketing programs in enhancing SMEs' digital marketing
While there has been significant research on SME capabilities and performance.
marketing, there are still gaps in the existing literature that
present opportunities for future research. Some of these gaps C. Implications for practitioners and policymakers
include: The following are implications for practitioners and
 Limited focus on specific industries or regions: Much of policymakers in SME marketing:
the existing research on SME marketing has focused on a  Promote digital marketing skills and knowledge among
specific industry or region, such as technology or emerging SMEs: Policymakers and industry associations can develop
markets. There is a need for more comprehensive studies training programs to improve SMEs' digital marketing
that examine SME marketing across various industries and skills and knowledge. This could involve workshops,
regions. webinars, or online resources to help SMEs understand the
 Lack of longitudinal studies: Longitudinal studies that benefits of digital marketing and how to implement
track the impact of marketing strategies on SMEs over effective strategies.
time are limited. Such studies could provide valuable  Develop supportive policies and regulations: Policymakers
insights into the effectiveness of marketing strategies and can develop policies and regulations that support SMEs'
their long-term impact on SME growth. digital marketing efforts. This could include tax incentives,
 Limited research on the role of culture: Culture plays a funding opportunities, or streamlined regulations that make
significant role in shaping consumer behavior, yet there is it easier for SMEs to adopt digital marketing strategies.
limited research on how cultural factors influence SME  Encourage collaboration and networking among SMEs:
marketing strategies. There is a need for more research on Industry associations can facilitate networking and
the role of culture in SME marketing. collaboration opportunities among SMEs. This could
 Neglect of the role of technology: While digital marketing involve hosting events or forums where SMEs can share
has become increasingly important for SMEs, there is their digital marketing experiences, best practices, and
limited research on the use of technology in SME challenges.
marketing strategies. Future research could examine how  Adopt a customer-centric approach: SMEs should adopt a
SMEs can effectively leverage technology to improve their customer-centric approach to digital marketing by focusing
marketing efforts. on customer needs and preferences. This involves
 Insufficient attention to the role of networks: Networks and developing targeted and personalized marketing campaigns
relationships with other firms play a crucial role in SME that resonate with the target audience.
marketing, yet there is limited research on the impact of  Use data analytics to measure marketing effectiveness:
networks on SME marketing strategies. More research SMEs should leverage data analytics to measure the
could be done on the role of networks in SME marketing. effectiveness of their digital marketing campaigns. This
 Inadequate attention to the role of customer experience: involves tracking key metrics such as website traffic,
The importance of customer experience in SME marketing engagement rates, and conversion rates, and using this
is often overlooked. There is a need for more research on information to optimize marketing strategies.
how SMEs can improve the customer experience through
their marketing efforts.
 Addressing these gaps could lead to a better understanding
of the challenges and opportunities facing SMEs in their
marketing efforts and the development of more effective
marketing strategies for SMEs.

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
VI. CONCLUSION Overall, the implications suggest that future research and
practice should focus on enhancing SME marketing
A. Summary of key findings from the literature review effectiveness and growth through the adoption of digital
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following key findings: SMEs face in implementing these strategies.
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